Stacks are list-based data structures.
The main idea
Stacks are like a stack fo objects in real life. You keep putting elements on top and you have easy access to remove or inspect the element on the top.
The element at the bottom is harder to access. You must make your way through everything above it, to reach it.
The element at the bottom is the earliest thing put in the stack.
Stacks are useful when to commonly want to access the most recent element and/or want to maintain the integrity in which you added things to the list.
In a newsfeed for example, you will what the most recent element first, and provide additional elements as the user works through the feed.
Stacks are a LIFO
data structure -> last-in, first-out.
A stack is optimised for (1) adding items, (2) removing the most recently added item first.
Stacks have specific terminology.
When you add to a stack you push
, when you remove from a stack you pop
As we only look at the top element of the stack, both operations will be performed in constant time
Performance-wise, a proper stack implementation is expected to take
A stack is abstract and can be implemented with other data types, it does not have to be implemented using a list.
The type of each element and how they're connected is not specified. Only the methods for adding and removing elements are specified.
You could use a LinkedList to implement a stack. Keeping track of the front or head of the list and keep adding elements on top as you go.
In both stacks and arrays, we have a collection of elements and these elements have an order to them.
However, in an array we can access any element using its index.
In order to implement a stack using an array, we can think of stacks as a container, where we can only access it from one end. Therefore we need to restrict the ways in which we can interact with the array.
Our goal will be to implement a Stack
class that has the following functionality:
- adds an item to the top of the stackpop
- removes an item from the top of the stack (and returns the value of that item)size
- returns the size of the stacktop
- returns the value of the item at the top of stack (without removing that item)is_empty
- returnsTrue
if the stack is empty andFalse
<!-- no toc -->
class Stack:
# initialise a number of attributes
def __init__(self, initial_size = 6):
self.arr = [None for _ in range(initial_size)] # think of this as creating an empty container we'll put the stack in
self.next_index = 0 # keeps track of the top of the stack
self.num_elements = 0
def push(self, item):
if self.next_index == len(self.arr):
self._handle_stack_capacity_full() # we have the call the method on its self
self.arr[self.next_index] = item # assign the item to the head of the stack
self.next_index += 1 # increment where the index where the next item will go
self.num_elements += 1
def _handle_stack_capacity_full(self):
old_arr = self.arr
self.arr = old_arr + [None for _ in range(len(old_arr))]
# cannot do old_arr.extend([new list])
def size(self):
return self.num_elements
def is_empty(self):
return True if self.num_elements == 0 else False
# return self.num_elements == 0
def pop(self):
if self.is_empty():
self.next_index = 0 # should already be true but good practice
return None
self.next_index -= 1
self.num_elements -= 1
return self.arr[self.next_index] # we've removed one from the index ref so it now returns last element in the array
foo = Stack()
assert foo.arr == ['test', 42, 'fish', None, None, None]
Using a linked list should reduce our time complexity, because we don't need to worry about checking the empty capacity of the array that acts as a container for our stack.
With our linked list implementation, pop
and push
have a time complexity of
With an array, we had to specify some initial size (in other words, we had to set aside a contiguous block of memory in advance). But with a linked list, the nodes do not need to be contiguous. They can be scattered in different locations of memory, an that works just fine. This means that with a linked list, we can simply append as many nodes as we like. Using that as the underlying data structure for our stack means that we never run out of capacity, so pushing and popping items will always have a time complexity of
class Node():
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value = None
# we don't need to worry about an index,
# we reference elements through their relation with other nodes
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.num_elements = 0
def push(self, value):
new_node = Node(value) # create a new Node with the value passed in
if self.head is None: # if empty
self.head = new_node
else: = self.head # point our new node to the head node
self.head = new_node # reassign the head variable of the LinkedList to the new node
# we could add to the tail of the list
# however, we have to traverse the whole list to get to the top of the stack
# else:
# current_node = head # set our starting point
# while # loop through the whole list
# current_node =
# = new_node # set our new node to the end
self.num_elements += 1
def size(self):
return self.num_elements
def is_empty(self):
return self.head is None
# self.num_elements == 0
def pop(self):
if self.is_empty():
return None
to_pop = self.head
self.head =
self.num_elements -= 1
return to_pop
Python comes with "batteries included". It's easy for us to implement a stack using existing list()
The dequeue
class can also be used to perform stack operations, more on that later.
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def size(self):
return len(self.items)
def push(self, item):
def pop(self):
if self.size()==0:
return None
return self.items.pop()
We don't have to keep track of the index because Python's lists are implemented as dynamic arrays.
The list over-allocates its backing storage so that not every push or pop requires resizing. As a result, you get an amortized O(1) time complexity for these operations.
To get the amortized O(1) performance for inserts and deletes, new items must be added to the end of the list with the append() method and removed again from the end using pop().
Adding and removing from the front is much slower and takes O(n) time, as the existing elements must be shifted around to make room for the new element. This is a performance anti-pattern that you should avoid as much as possible
: has a built-in Stack
: the Array prototype, supports the push
and pop
methods that replicate the behaviour of a stack.
: stacks are part of the std::stack
library. Also supporting the standard methods of push
and pop
Queues, are the flip of stacks, there are a FIFO
first-in, first-out data structure.
Queues are optimised for adding new objects to the collection and removing the oldest object from the collection.
The first, or oldest element in a queue is the head
. The last, or newest element in a queue is the tail
Like stacks, queues have specific terminology and methods associated with them.
Adding an element to the queue is to enqueue
, removing an element is to dequeue
. We can only add data to the back/tail of the queue, we can only remove data from the front/head of the queue.
This is in contrast to a stack
where the entry and exit point is the same.
You can also peek
, to see what value is contained at the head, without removing it.
Unlike lists or arrays, queues typically don’t allow for random access to the objects they contain.
Performance-wise, a proper queue implementation is expected to take
There are two special types of queues that show up often;
(1) Deck - a double ended queue, you can enqueue or queue from either end.
Really a deck is a generalised view of both stacks and queues as you could represent either of them with it.
(2) Priority Queue - you assign each element a numerical priority when you insert it into the queue, when you dequeue, you remove the element with the highest priority. However, where elements have the same priority, the oldest element is dequeued first.
In a priority queue the the priority is stored as a key. Instead of retrieving the next element by insertion time, it retrieves the highest-priority element. The priority of individual elements is decided by the order applied to their keys.
The array will act as a a container or wrapper for our queue.
We must define the head and tail of the queue in order to ensure the array behaves like a queue.
When we add (enqueue), we want to the next free index, so we need to keep track of this.
When we dequeue data, the front of the queue is going to move. Rather than re-index everything in the array, we'll want to "wrap around". For example, say we dequeued two elements from index 2 is now the head of our queue, rather than set the head to 0 and shuffle all element down, we'll want index 1 to represent the tail. We could continuously expand the memory used by the queue but this becomes extremely wasteful.
Our goal will be to implement a Queue
class that has the following functionality:
- adds data to the back of the queuedequeue
- removes data from the front of the queuefront
- returns the element at the front of the queuesize
- returns the number of elements present in the queueis_empty
- returnsTrue
if there are no elements in the queue, andFalse
- increases the capacity of the array, for cases in which the queue would otherwise overflow
Also, if the queue is empty, dequeue
and front
operations should return None
class Queue:
def __init__(self, initial_size = 10):
self.arr =[None for _ in range(initial_size)]
self.next_index = 0 # where the item will be added when we enqueue
self.front_index = -1 # where the item will be removed from when we dequeue
# set to -1 because our queue is empty, there is nothing at index 0
# there is nothing that can be removed, -1 denotes this
self.queue_size = 0
def enqueue(self, value):
if self.queue_size == len(self.arr): # check to see if we can wrap or need to extend the size
# enqueue new element
self.arr[self.next_index] = value
self.queue_size += 1
# we increment the index but have to divide but the len
# because we will wrap the index
# if we have an array of 10, and the next index would be 11
# but the early elements of the index are free as elements have been dequeued
# then 11 % 10 = 1, and we can use that index
# we are recycling the slots
self.next_index = (self.next_index + 1) % len(self.arr)
if self.front_index = -1:
self.front_index = 0
def dequeue(self):
if self.is_empty():
# reset pointers
self.front_index = -1
self.next_index = 0
return None
value = self.arr[front_index]
# allows us to recycle indices
# advance the front index to point at the next item
self.front_index = (self.front_index + 1) % len(self.arr)
self.queue_size -= 1
return value
def size(self):
return self.queue_size
def is_empty(self):
return queue_size == 0
def front(self):
if self.is_empty():
return None
return self.arr[front_index]
def _handle_queue_capacity(self):
old_arr = self.arr # take a copy of the existing array
self.arr = [None for _ in range(2 * len(old_arr))] # create an array twice that of the old array
index = 0
# we're going from the front of the queue, to the end of the array
# we cannot just add the old and new array together
# we may have dequeued items we want only insert remaining items into the new array
# this may be halfway through the old array
for i in range(self.front_index, len(old_arr)):
self.arr[index] = old_arr[i]
index += 1 # continuously track the furtherest index
# this along may not copy all the index as the index is wrapped
# if the front-index is ahead of the next-index we need to grab these items as well
if i in range(0, self.front_index):
self.arr[index] = old[i]
index += 1
# reset pointers
self.front_index = 0
self.next_index = index
We'll use the head of the linked list as the front of the queue, and the tail as the back of the queue.
To enqueue a new item, we'll create a new node and attach it to the tail.
To dequeue an item, we'll take the head node and shift the head reference to the next node.
class Node():
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value = None
class Queue():
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.tail = None
self.num_elements = 0
def enqueue(self, value):
new_node = Node(value)
if self.head is None:
self.head = new_node
self.tail = self.head
else: = new_node # add the new item to the tail
self.tail = # change the ref of tail
self.num_elements += 1
def dequeue(self):
if self.is_empty():
return None
value = self.head.value # return the value attribute of the head node
self.head =
self.num_elements -= 1
return value
def size(self):
return self.num_elements
def is_empty(self):
return self.num_elements == 0
When we use enqueue
, we simply create a new node and add it to the tail of the list. And when we dequeue
an item, we simply get the value from the head of the list and then shift the head
variable so that it refers to the next node over.
Both of these operations happen in constant time—that is, they have a time-complexity of
Python has a built-in deque
object that is implemented as a doubly-linked list. This allows you to add and remove elements from both the head and the tail.
The deque
object can therefore be implemented as either a queue or as a stack.
Python’s deque objects are implemented as doubly-linked lists, which gives them excellent and consistent performance for inserting and deleting elements but poor O(n) performance for randomly accessing elements in the middle of a stack.
from collections import deque
# stack
s = deque()
s.pop() # output: 'code'
# queue
q = deque()
q.popleft() # output: 'eat'
Python also as a LifoQueue
object. The object supports multiple concurrent producers and consumers interacting with the stack (parallel processing).
from queue import LifoQueue
s = LifoQueue()
s # output: <queue.LifoQueue object at 0x108298dd8>
s.get() # output: 'code'
For queue module also contains Queue
, again useful in parallel computing.
The methods are the same as the LifoQueue
from queue import Queue
# insert method is put()
# removal method is get()
: There is no Queue class. The LinkedList
class allows you to use the list as a queue.
: There is no Queue prototype. The Array prototype supports the push
and shift
methods that emulate the behaviour of a queue.
: Queues are part of the std::queue library, using push
and pop
[] Create an
file in the folders array
, linked_list
, stack
and queue
which holds the base class
[] Example can be found here
Stacks have a wide range of uses in algorithms. For example, they’re used in language parsing as well as runtime memory management, which relies on a call stack. A short and beautiful algorithm using a stack is depth-first search (DFS) on a tree or graph data structure.
Queues have a wide range of applications in algorithms and often help solve scheduling and parallel programming problems. A short and beautiful algorithm using a queue is breadth-first search (BFS) on a tree or graph data structure.
Scheduling algorithms often use priority queues internally. These are specialized queues. Instead of retrieving the next element by insertion time, a priority queue retrieves the highest-priority element. The priority of individual elements is decided by the queue based on the ordering applied to their keys.
Priority queues are commonly used for dealing with scheduling problems. By organizing pending tasks in a priority queue that uses task urgency as the key, the task scheduler can quickly select the highest-priority tasks and allow them to run first.
When we use functions in our code, the computer makes use of a data structure called a call stack
A call stack is a type of stack - it is a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) data structure.
A call stack is a stack of frames that are used for the functions that we are calling.
When we call a function, say print_integers(5)
- a frame is created in memory
- all the variables local to the function are created in this memory frame
- as soon as this frame is created, it's pushed onto the call stack
- the frame that lies at the top of the call stack is executed first
- as soon as the function finishes executing, this frame is discarded from the call stack
def add(num_one, num_two):
output = num_one + num_two
return output
result = add(5, 7) # 12
Note; it is important to remind ourselves that;
Whenever an expression such as product = 5 * 7 is evaluated, the right hand side of the = sign is evaluated first the result is then stored in the variable name mentioned in the left-hand side.
When Python executes result = add(5, 7)
the following things happen in memory:
(1) A frame is created for the add function.
This frame is then pushed onto the call stack. We do not have to worry about this because Python takes care of this for us.
(2) The parameters num_one
and num_two
get the values 5 and 7, respectively.
(3) Python then moves on to the first line of the function. output = num_one + num_two
(4) Once the right-hand side is completely evaluated, then the assignment operation happens.
i.e. now the result of 5 + 7 will be stored in the variable output
(5) Python returns output
Now the last line of the function has been executed.
Therefore, this function can now be discarded from the stack frame.
This flow is akin to a stack as the last element inserted in the stack is the first to be removed. is a great resource to visualise code being executed.
Lets take a second example, with two functions.
def add(num_one, num_two):
output = num_one + num_two
custom_print(output, num_one, num_two)
return output
def custom_print(output, num_one, num_two):
print(f"The sum of {num_one} and {num_two} is: {output}")
result = add(5, 7)
When the add
function is called using result = add(5, 7)
, a frame is created in the memory for the add()
This frame is then pushed onto the call stack.
Next, the two numbers are added and their result is stored in the variable output
On the next line we have a new function call - custom_print(output, num_one, num_two)
A new frame is created for this function call as well. This new frame is now pushed into the call stack.
The custom_print()
function sits at the top of the call stack, and will be executed first.
The frame for custom_print(output, num_one, num_two)
is then discarded.
Now, again the frame for add()
function is at the top of the call stack.
Python resumes the operation after the line where it had left and returns the output