This is a live timing map application for f1 championship races made using javascript and google maps markers. The live timing data is supplied by
It’s interactive, you can press over a driver to track him or press into an empty map zone to untrack and have a general view. It has also been made with a responsive design to adapt it to mobile browsers using jquerymobile framework.
It uses a Django app for the web page and the static race data (circuit, laps, driver names) is put into the html using the django template system.
Until the race start date a countdown and a demo race is showed.
When the countdown finishes it will connect to server (using ajax) to get the live timing data from server (every five seconds) and the interface will be updated using this data.
There are two programs to run the backend (see readme.txt in backend folder):
- live-f1: It's a C linux shell program called live-f1 modified to generate a json with the drivers data
- nodejs: It's a websocket server to serve the json file generated by the above program