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David Fernández Aldana edited this page Aug 27, 2016 · 14 revisions


Providers suggest to the system how to proceed depending on the OUI (vendor part of the BSSID) of the AP in two ways:

  • Possible WPS pins.
  • Possible tools that can generate the WPS pins.


  • Offline: no internet is required, the whole database is directly builtin in the class file.
  • Online: internet is required
  • Queryable: a single OUI is checked at a time when the generate action is executed.
  • Downloadable: the whole database is downloaded when the update_db action is executed.

Creating a new provider

  1. Create a new Python in the directory showed by the table named where the name is the provider name in lowercase.
  2. Import the libraries as needed (try to not use any external dependency), you may use:
  • requests to do HTTP(S) requests.
  • pyquery to parse (X)HTML responses.
  • netaddr to parse and manipulate BSSID's.
  1. Create a class named ProviderName where the Name is the provider name in StudlyCaps subclassing the class showed by the table.
  2. Implement the function showed by the table.
  3. Create a new var to store the ProviderResults (if it is not a online queryable provider)
  4. For each result fetched create a new ProviderResult using the following constructor:
  def __init__(self, starting_mac: str, tools=None, pins=None)
and add it to the `ProviderResults` (_if it is not a online queryable provider_) using the following method:
   def add(self, provider_result: ProviderResult) -> None
  1. Return ProviderResults or ProviderResult where appropriate.
  2. Add a dictionary key to the file in the subfolder shown by the table, where the key is the provider's name and the value is name.ProviderName where the name is obviously the provider's name.

Cheatsheet table

Type Directory Base class Function signature
Offline offline DumpProviderBase
def load_all() -> ProviderResults
def load(mac: EUI) -> ProviderResult

Sample provider

builtin provider located in offline/

from ..core.base import DumpProviderBase
from ...providers.core.results import ProviderResult, ProviderResults

class ProviderBuiltin(DumpProviderBase):
    def load_all() -> ProviderResults:
        results = ProviderResults()
        results.add(ProviderResult('123456', pins=['12345678']))
        return results

Provider list

Provider listing (in this case the offline ones) located in offline/

from . import *

offline_providers = {
    'builtin': builtin.ProviderBuiltin,
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