, for creating a de-novois.genalex()
-able data.frame. This requires a createGenalexLocus or some generalisation of the current locus-handling functions, to add a new locus to the "end".- functions for converting from/to some other genetic formats
- create an S3 class "genalex" based on data.frame and modify is.genalex to check for that (or could we then use the generic?)
- Implementing class "genalex" needs to bump version to 1.0, since there would be API changes.
- When I do the dispersalDiversity package, since that will require readGenalex, should that be based on a 1.0-type readGenalex?
- For 1.0, recognise pre-1.0 genalex data frames and convert automatically (on option of course) to 1.0 class.
- check on any implicit version dependencies (e.g., do need to use paste0() which was introduced in R 2.15.0)
- document version dependencies
- drawing on writeGenalex documentation about differences when writing, be more explicit about what happens with extra columns and with extra column names on input
- implement
- read from and write to Excel files
- add more tests
- implement makefile rule for building RData in data/
- exchange fake data for real data from DataDryad