- commands appear to be form options sent as key and value pairs, key being the command and value being a parameter request
- command options (as far as i have found)
Returns printer state, no form valuePRINT=FILENAME.gcode
starts printing a file sent over networkCANCEL=FILENAME.gcode
stops printing the file provided
- Digilab seems to just be posting normal gcode files here
- basic multipart form data sending
g3drem files only seem to be for usb transfers
can accept gcode files
- marlin flavor
Below is from server state via
"buildPlate_target_temperature": 0,
"chamber_temperature": 0,
"door_open": 0,
"elaspedtime": 0,
"error_code": 200,
"extruder_target_temperature": 0,
"fanSpeed": 0,
"filament_type ": "PLA",
"firmware_version": "v1.0_R03.06.06",
"jobname": "D3_3DBenchy.gcode",
"jobstatus": "preparing",
"layer": 50,
"message": "success",
"networkBuild": 1,
"platform_temperature": 0,
"progress": 0,
"remaining": 3072,
"status": "busy",
"temperature": 61,
"totalTime": 3072