Matrix Multiplication is defined as follows
Derive a formula for how many basic operations are required for a matrix multiplication
Implement an non-fancy algorithm (just use python loops) that multiplies to matrices and returns
- The resulting matrix R
- A count of the number of additions and multiplications (i.e. floating point operations) required for the computation
- Check that your code works by comparing the result with
using the functionnp.allclose
and using random matrices (from a standard normal) - Check your formula for the full number of floating point operations (FLOPS)
Consider this decreasing set of matrices
- A = Matrix with shape (100,200)
- B = Matrix with shape (50,100)
- C = Matrix with shape (2,50)
We are interested in computing
The "forward" way
$C(BA)$ -
The "backward" way
$(CB)A$ -
Use your matrix multiply to compute the computational cost of these two options
cross-check with your formula that this matches expectations
Which one is more advantagous for a linear map from 200 → 2 dimensions? What's the ratio of the reuqired FLOPs?
Repeat the same Exercise for an increasing set of matrices
- A = Matrix with shape (300,2)
- B = Matrix with shape (500,300)
- C = Matrix with shape (1000,500)
Which direction is more advantages now?
Take the function
- Install the library JAX
pip install jax jaxlib
and consider the following function
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
def func(x):
x1,x2,x3 = x
z1 = 2*x1*x2
z2 = x3**2
return jnp.stack([z1,z2])
- What is the Jacobian of this function
$\frac{\partial z_i}{\partial x_i}$ ? - What does the Jacobian look like at the input
x = [2.,3.,2.]
allows us to extract the Jacobian via Jacobian Vector Products of Vector Jacobian products
To compute value, jac_column = jax.jvp(function, (x,), (v,))
This will give us value
corresponding to jac_column
corresponding to
- Use this API to extract the 3 columns of the Jacobian via 3 special choices of
also allows us to to VJPs. As we know these are the ones that are most important for Deep Learning
Here the API is slighly different. We can call value, vjp_func = jax.vjp(function,x)
The variable value
will correspond as usual to jvp_func
is a function that we can call
with vjp_func(v)
to compute
Congratulations - you've now used your first automatic differentiation system!
To celebrate let's calculate the gradient of some fun functions
In JAX we can do this like this
def myfunction(x):
return x**2
value_and_gradient_func = jax.vmap(jax.value_and_grad(myfunction))
now is a function in which we an pass an array of x values and it will return an array
of y values and the gradient value
values, gradients = value_and_gradient_func(xarray)
Use this to compute the function value and gradients for x^2
, \sin(x^2)\cos(x)
, or whatever function you can thing of on the interval (-5,5)