Let's follow the lecture and build a multilayer perceptron to approximate the function
- 2 input nodes
- 2 internal features computed using ReLu activation
- 1 output feature with sigmoid activation that
From Ex3, we had already the following code ready
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def linear(X,pars):
out = X @ pars[:2].T + pars[2]
grad_pars = np.column_stack([X,np.ones(len(X))])
return out,grad_pars
def sigmoid(x):
out = 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
grad = out*(1-out)
return out,grad.reshape(-1,1)
def theta_perceptron(X,pars):
feature1,grad_linear1 = linear(X,pars[0:3])
activation1,grad_sigmoid1 = sigmoid(feature1)
return activation1, grad_sigmoid1*grad_linear1
- Write a function
that produces the relu activation function and its gradient. - make sure the gradient is returned as a shape (N,1)
- plot it for the range:
x = np.linspace(-5,5,1001)
Write a function multilayer_perceptron(X,pars)
that takes 9 parameters (3 for each artificial neurons: 2 weights and 1 bias) that can compute the
Use this function to plot the contour of the multilayer perceptron
def plot_contour(func,pars):
grid = np.mgrid[-5:5:101j,-5:5:101j]
X = np.swapaxes(grid,0,-1).reshape(-1,2)
out = func(X,pars)
out = np.swapaxes(out.reshape(101,101),0,-1)
Try for example parameter vectors: np.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0])
or what every you like.
Now comes the hard part!
We want to compute gradients for this function
To compute the gradient we need to also have the gradients
- Write a new function that also outputs the partial derivatives with respect to
$\vec{x}$ - Hint: the output shape of
should be (1,2)!
def linear(X,pars):
return out,grad_pars,grad_x
With this in hadn you can now carefully piece back the gradients together.
We can start with the function like this
def multilayer_perceptron(X,pars):
feature1,grad_f1,_ = linear(X,pars[0:3])
feature2,grad_f2,_ = linear(X,pars[3:6])
activation1,grad_r1 = relu(feature1)
activation2,grad_r2 = relu(feature2)
hidden = np.column_stack([activation1,activation2])
output_feature,grad_f3,grad_x = linear(hidden,pars[6:9]) #here is the new gradient!
theta,grad_sig = sigmoid(output_feature)
return theta
- Try to work out what the 9-dimensional gradient vector looks like for
$\nabla_\phi \theta(x,\phi)$ - Hint 1: the gradient should have the shape
- Hint 2: The following would be a correct result
Xtest = np.array([[1.0,2.0]])
pars = np.array([0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9])
value: [0.9552123]
gradient: [[0.02994724 0.05989447 0.02994724 0.03422541 0.06845082 0.03422541
0.03422541 0.08556353 0.04278176]]
We can adapt the learning code from Exercise 3 to learn the multi-layer perceptron.
We can get some interesting datasets from the scikit-learn
- Install scikit-learn via
pip install scikit-learn
- Use the following data-generating function and plot the data
def generate_data(N):
import sklearn.datasets as skld
X,z = skld.make_circles(N, noise = 0.1, factor=0.5)
filt = (X[:,1] > 0)
return X[filt],z[filt]
We can now adapt our training code from Exercise 3 (take some time to go through it, but nothing fundamental changed) and train out multilayer perceptron!
def loss(z,theta):
out = np.where(z==1,-np.log(theta),-np.log(1-theta))
grad = np.where(z==1,-1/theta,-1/(1-theta)*(-1))
return out,grad.reshape(-1,1)
def empirical_risk(X,z,theta_func,pars):
theta,grad_theta = theta_func(X,pars)
loss_val,grad_loss = loss(z,theta)
grad1 = grad_loss*grad_theta
grad = np.concatenate([grad1], axis=-1)
return loss_val.mean(axis=0),grad.mean(axis=0),theta
def plot(X,z,theta_func,pars):
grid = np.mgrid[-5:5:101j,-5:5:101j]
Xi = np.swapaxes(grid,0,-1).reshape(-1,2)
_,_,zi = empirical_risk(Xi,np.zeros(len(Xi)),theta_func,pars)
zi = zi.reshape(101,101).T
plt.contour(grid[0],grid[1],zi, levels = np.linspace(0,1,21))
plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1],c = z)
def learn(data,pars,theta_func, nsteps = 15000):
X,z = data
for i in range(nsteps):
val,grad,_ = empirical_risk(X,z,theta_func,pars)
pars = pars - 0.01*grad
if i % (nsteps//4) == 0:
return pars
Try learning on a dataset of 1000 samples and initialize the parameters with
pars = np.array([-.1,1,0,.1,1,0,-.1,-.1,0])
- The learning itself, depending on the initialization might or might not be super-convincing
- Try executing this multiple times to try out different initializations
- Ultimately, we will need to add more & more neurons, but as you see the gradient calculation is painful!
- Try other initializations and see what happens
- Can you extend this to N hidden neurons?
- If yes, try the following learning problem with e.g. 15 neurons
def generate_data(N):
import sklearn.datasets as skld
X,z = skld.make_circles(N, noise = 0.1, factor=0.5)
return X,z