diff --git a/_pages/about.md b/_pages/about.md index ac456014bced..7adf7fc2a5ca 100644 --- a/_pages/about.md +++ b/_pages/about.md @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ social: true # includes social icons at the bottom of the page 🚧 This page is under construction 🚧 -Hi there! My name is Luiz and I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the [Biomechanics Research Unit](http://www.biomech.ulg.ac.be/) at the [GIGA Institute - In Silico Medicine](https://www.giga.uliege.be/cms/c_4113263/fr/giga), part of the [University of Liège](https://www.uliege.be/cms/c_8699436/en/uliege), in Belgium, since 2021, under the supervision of [Prof. Liesbet Geris](http://www.biomech.ulg.ac.be/team/liesbet-geris/). I'm currently working on the [ONTOX project](https://ontox-project.eu/), designing molecular interaction pathway maps, which we call Physiological Maps. But I also collaborate in various other systems biology and toxicology projects and you can find some of them in the [Projects](https://luiz-ladeira.github.io/projects/) tab here. +Hi there! My name is Luiz and I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the [Biomechanics Research Unit](http://www.biomech.ulg.ac.be/) at the [GIGA Institute - In Silico Medicine](https://www.giga.uliege.be/cms/c_4113263/fr/giga), part of the [University of Liège](https://www.uliege.be/cms/c_8699436/en/uliege), in Belgium, since 2021, under the supervision of [Prof. Liesbet Geris](http://www.biomech.ulg.ac.be/team/liesbet-geris/). I'm currently working on the [ONTOX project](https://ontox-project.eu/), designing molecular interaction pathway maps, which we call Physiological Maps. But I also collaborate on various other systems biology and toxicology projects. -Before I joined the Biomechanics Research Unit, I graduated with PhD and MSc in [Cell and Structural Biology](http://www.biocel.ufv.br/) from the [Federal University of Viçosa](https://www.ufv.br/) (UFV), in Brazil. During that period, my research was focused on toxicological and pharmacological effects of phytochemicals from native and exotic plant species in different *in vivo* models of metabolic diseases, such as liver steatosis and type 1 diabetes nephropathy and cardiomyopathy. I worked on the Laboratory of Structural Biology under the supervision of [Prof. Izabel Maldonado](http://lattes.cnpq.br/2912503249825088). I also collaborated on different environmental and reproductive toxicology projects and food and nutrition projects in different *in vivo* models and human patients. +Before I joined the Biomechanics Research Unit, I graduated with PhD and MSc in [Cell and Structural Biology](http://www.biocel.ufv.br/) from the [Federal University of Viçosa](https://www.ufv.br/) (UFV), in Brazil. During that period, my research was focused on toxicological and pharmacological effects of phytochemicals from native and exotic plant species in different *in vivo* models of metabolic diseases, such as liver steatosis and type 1 diabetes nephropathy and cardiomyopathy. I worked in the Laboratory of Structural Biology under the supervision of [Prof. Izabel Maldonado](http://lattes.cnpq.br/2912503249825088). I also collaborated on different environmental and reproductive toxicology projects and food and nutrition projects in different *in vivo* models and human patients. I am a positive, flexible and resilient person, passionate about learning new things and applying them to solve problems. I also like to share what I learn, and because of that, I engaged as a Volunteer Professor at [Ludic Course of Cell Biology and Histology](https://orbi.uliege.be/bitstream/2268/297626/1/MARRIEL%20et%20al.%20-%202021%20-%20O%20l%C3%BAdico%20no%20ensino%20de%20biologia%20celular%20possibilidades%20no%20ensino%20superior%20-%20Revista%20ELO%20%E2%80%93%20Di%C3%A1logos%20em%20Extens%C3%A3o.pdf), utilizing active methods in education to help more than 300 students from various undergrad courses during the 2 years I was there. As a postgrad student, I served as a representative for my colleagues in the Coordination Committee of my program from 2017 to 2019. With my colleagues, I created the first [Summer School in Cell and Structural Biology](https://www2.dti.ufv.br/noticias/scripts/exibeNoticiaMulti.php?codNot=38980) from UFV in 2017 and helped in the organization of the other 2 following editions.