"Telegram secure chat" is a simple ncurses based telegram client called in short telesecure
- 11 conurent chats allocated and key F2 - F12 for quick access
- At F1 is a command console for telegram client, and it supports:
- Send quick message to the user without console allocation
- Create and delete new chat
- List channels and users
- Display messages from all users and chats non allocated on buffers
- All opened chats are displayed in the top status bar with initials
- Current active chat is higlighted with text underline
- When the user is online on the chat initial on the status bar is yellow
- When the user is typing message on the chat initial on status bar is blue
- When the new message arrives from the user * char is added on the status bar
- F1-F12: Switch between chat buffers
- CTRL+ArrowRight: (FN+ArrowRight (OSX)): Switch to next chat buffer
- CTRL+ArrowLeft: (FN+ArrowLeft (OSX)): Switch to previous chat buffer
- CTRL+C: Exit telegram
- CTRL+P: run command PS on the last buffer
- CTRL+ArrowUp (FN+ArrowUP (OSX)): Rewind history buffer up
- CTRL+ArrowDown (FN+ArrowDown (OSX)): Rewind history buffer up
- CTRL+A: Clear edit window
- msg chat_id message: Send message to the user
- authpass password: Send authentication password when required
- delchat chat_id: Delete chat with particular chat identifier
- authphoneno phone_number: Send phone number for authentication
- authcode code: Pass authentication code
- userlist: List all user in address book
- chatlist: List all chats
- help: List all commands
- authname name: Send user authentication name
- newchat chat_id: Open chat with particular id
- chatlist: List all opened chats
- quit , exit: Close application
- C++ compiler with C++17 support (clang,g++)
- Linux or OSX operating system
- CMake
- readline library (libreadline)
- telegram client library (tdlib)
- boost libraries
- ncurses (libncurses)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
- Support for last seen time on users
- Maybe unlimited number of buffers with intelligent status bar
- Uploading and downloading media files
- Managing address book (add, remove, edit users)