diff --git a/applications/squareone/values-roe.yaml b/applications/squareone/values-roe.yaml
index 43079580c6..4a420e12cd 100644
--- a/applications/squareone/values-roe.yaml
+++ b/applications/squareone/values-roe.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,116 @@
- siteName: "Rubin Science Platform"
+ siteName: "Rubin Science Platform @ ROE"
semaphoreUrl: "https://rsp.lsst.ac.uk/semaphore"
+ apiAspectPageMdx: |
+ # Rubin Science Platform APIs
+ Integrate Rubin data into your analysis tools with APIs.
+ To access most APIs you need an [*access token*](/auth/tokens).
+ See Rubin's guide [Creating user tokens](https://rsp.lsst.io/guides/auth/creating-user-tokens.html) to learn more.
+ ## Table Access Protocol
+ You can access catalog data using the Table Access Protocol (TAP)
+ service with popular tools such as
+ [TOPCAT](http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat) (GUI) and
+ (pyvo)[https://pyvo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html]
+ (Python package). The TAP endpoint is:
+ ```
+ https://rsp.lsst.ac.uk/api/tap
+ ```
+ See Rubin's tutorial [Authenticating from TOPCat outside the Science Platform](https://rsp.lsst.io/guides/auth/using-topcat-outside-rsp.html)
+ to learn more about accessing TAP datasets from your own computer.
+ docsPageMdx: |
+ # Rubin Science Platform documentation
+ Find documentation for Rubin Observatory data, science platform
+ services, and software.
+ ## Data documentation
+ ### GaiaXCatwise
+ Table of counterpart associations between Gaia DR3 and CatWISE2020. Uses probabilistic
+ cross-match algorithms as described by Wilson & Naylor (MNRAS, 2017, 2018a,b) and Wilson (RNAAS, 2022). Sources are returned either as a pairing, in which the Gaia and WISE objects are the same astrophysical source detected twice, or as non-matches, with that particular object in one of the catalogues having a corresponding flux upper limits in the opposing catalogue, and entries include various pieces of metadata such as the probability of the match/non-match, likelihood of match on purely position or brightness grounds, and information on the level to which objects suffer contamination due to hidden and unresolved background sources."
+ ## Have more questions?
+ Learn how to get support or report issues.
+ Want to dive deeper into the Rubin Observatory and Legacy Survey of
+ Space and Time? [Search in our technical documentation
+ portal.](https://www.lsst.io)
+ supportPageMdx: |
+ # Get help with the Rubin Science Platform on rsp.lsst.ac.uk
+ For user-oriented questions, contact us on the LSST:UK Slack in the
+ [#help-desk](https://lsstuk.slack.com).
+ Don't forget to check the documentation.
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