Client package for Lasair
NAME lasair - Lasair API
DESCRIPTION This class enables programmatic access to the Lasair database and Sherlock service, as described at
token (string): The Calls are throttled by the lasair server, by use of an
'authorization token', as described in the api documentation above.
There is a free token listed there, but it is throttled at 10 calls per hour.
Once a user has an account at the Lasair webserver, they can get their own token
allowing 100 calls per hour, or request to be a power user, with infinite usage.
cache (string): Results can be cached on a local filesystem, by providing
the name of a writable directory. If the same calls are made repeatedly,
this will be much more efficient.
CLASSES class lasair_client(builtins.object) Methods defined here:
__init__(self, token, cache=None, endpoint='')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
cache: name of a directory where results can be cached
endpoint: endpoint of the Lasair API service
cone(self, ra, dec, radius=5, requestType='all')
Run a cone search on the Lasair database.
ra (float): Right Ascension in decimal degrees
dec (float): Declination in decimal degrees
radius (float): cone radius in arcseconds (default is 5)
requestType: Can be 'all' to return all objects in the cone
Can be 'nearest', only the nearest object within the cone
Can be 'count', the number of objects within the cone
Returns a dictionary with:
objectId: The ID of the nearest object
separation: the separation in arcseconds
lightcurves(self, objectIds)
Get simple lightcurves in machine-readable form
objectIds: list of objectIds, maximum 10
list of dictionaries, one for each objectId. Each of these
is a list of dictionaries, each having attributes
candid, fid, magpsf, sigmapsf, isdiffpos, mjd
objects(self, objectIds)
Get object pages in machine-readable form
objectIds: list of objectIds, maximum 10
list of dictionaries, each being all the information presented
on the Lasair object page.
query(self, selected, tables, conditions, limit=1000, offset=0)
Run a database query on the Lasair server.
selected (string): The attributes to be returned by the query
tables (string): Comma-separated list of tables to be joined
conditions (string): the "WHERE" criteria to restrict what is returned
limit: (int) (default 1000) the maximum number of records to return
offset: (int) (default 0) offset of record number
a list of dictionaries, each representing a row
sherlock_objects(self, objectIds, lite=True)
Query the Sherlock database for context information about objects
in the database.
objectsIds: list of objectIds, maximum 10
lite (boolean): If true, get extended information including a
list of possible crossmatches.
list of dictionaries, one for each objectId.
sherlock_position(self, ra, dec, lite=True)
Query the Sherlock database for context information about a position
in the sky.
ra (float): Right Ascension in decimal degrees
dec (float): Declination in decimal degrees
lite (boolean): If true, get extended information including a
list of possible crossmatches.
dictionary of contect information
streams(self, topic, limit=1000)
Get records from a given stream
topic (string): Name of stream to be returned.
list of dictionaries, each representing a row
streams_topics(self, regex='.*', limit=1000)
Get a list of available streams that match a given expression.
regex (string, default .*): Search for stream names that match a pattern
limit: (int, default 1000): Maximum number of stream names to return.
List of stream names
annotate(self, topic, objectId, classification, \
version='0.1', explanation='', classdict={}, url='')
Send an annotation to Lasair
Note: Only the registered owner of this topic can send annotations to it
topic : the topic for which this user is authenticated
objectId : the object that this annotation should be attached to
classification: short string for the classification
version : the version of the annotation engine
explanation : natural language explanation
classdict : dictionary with further information
url : url with further information about this classification
Status message
class lasair_consumer(builtins.object)
Consume a Kafka stream from Lasair
__init__(self, host, group_id, topic_in):
Consume a Kafka stream from Lasair
host: Host name:port for consuming Kafka
group_id: a string. If used before, the server will start from last message
topic_in: The topic to be consumed. Example 'lasair_2SN-likecandidates'
Imports confluent_kafka.
Connects to Lasair public kafka to get the chosen topic.
Once you have the returned consumer object, run it with poll() like this:
msg = consumer.poll(timeout=20)
if msg is None: break # no messages to fetch
if msg.error():
jmsg = json.loads(msg.value()) # msg will be in json format
poll(self, timeout = 10):
Polls for a message on the consumer with timeout is seconds
Closes the consumer
class lasair_producer():
Creates a Kafka producer for Lasair annotations
def __init__(self, host, username, password, topic_out):
Tell the Lasair client that you will be producing annotations
host: Host name:port for producing Kafka
username: as given to you by Lasair staff
password: as given to you by Lasair staff
topic_out: as given to you by Lasair staff
Imports confluent_kafka.
def produce(self, objectId, classification, \
version=None, explanation=None, classdict=None, url=None):
Send an annotation to Lasair
objectId : the object that this annotation should be attached to
classification: short string for the classification
version : the version of the annotation engine
explanation : natural language explanation
classdict : dictionary with further information
def flush(self):
Finish an annotation session and close the producer
If not called, your annotations will not go through!
Copyright 2022 The University of Edinburgh and Queen's University Belfast
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this code except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.