First, ensure you are a member of the ip005 RDS Managers group (rds-rPTGgs6He74-managers
Refer to CSD3 Docs.
Login to CSD3 via:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<private key> <user>
Add LSST:UK environment variables to your .bashrc
cat $HOME/rds/rds-iris-ip005/lsst_env >> $HOME/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
Clone this repo (note: the repo is private, so you must have Github creds and be a member of the lsst-uk Organization):
git clone
git clone [email protected]:lsst-uk/csd3_setup.git
Edit the following lines in install_lsst_stack.sbatch
# set tag
# for available tags, see
# set true if this is the latest vXX_X_X or w_XXXX_XX tag to be installed on CSD3
so that tag
is the tag you wish to install - either a vXX_X_X
or a w_XXXX_XX
tag. If this tag is the latest to be installed on CSD3, i.e., not necessarily the latest on, set is_latest
to true
Run the installation via the SLURM scheduler:
sbatch install_lsst_stack.sbatch
This should take around 30-40 minutes.
The LSST Pipeline installations can be found under $RDS/lsst_stack/<tag>
. If is_latest
was set to true
, $RDS/lsst_stack/v_latest
or $RDS/lsst_stack/w_latest
will link to the tag, depending on whether you installed a version or a weekly build.
For full instructions on obs_vista
installation, see obs_vista. These instructions have been adapted for the setup on CSD3 and added to install_obs_vista.sbatch.
To install, edit the following lines in install_obs_vista.sbatch
# set tag
# for available tags, `ls $RDS/lsst_stack`
# if $tag is a weekly build, $_tag should be the version before that build
# note: $tag uses underscores as separators and $_tag uses dots.
so that tag
is the LSST Pipeline tag into which you'd like to install obs_vista
(this can be a version or a weekly build that exists in $RDS/lsst_stack
) and _tag
is the version separated by dots (for weekly builds this is the latest version before that build).
This should run in less than 5 minutes.
The install_lsst_stack.sbatch
and install_obs_vista.sbatch
scripts can be submitted through sbatch commands:
sbatch install_lsst_stack.sbatch
sbatch install_obs_vista.sbatch
If both scripts are prepared at the same time, the installation of obs-vista may fail as installation of LSST Stack is a prerequisite.
This can be prevented with job dependency, e.g., if the job_id of the LSST Stack installation, here 61923482, is used as a dependency of the obs-vista installation:
sbatch install_lsst_stack.sbatch
# Output: Submitted batch job 61923482
sbatch -d afterok:61923482 install_obs_vista.sbatch