diff --git a/docker/tap-schema/1008_hscrc2w202030_tap_schema.sql b/docker/tap-schema/1008_hscrc2w202030_tap_schema.sql index d51cd7c..343223a 100644 --- a/docker/tap-schema/1008_hscrc2w202030_tap_schema.sql +++ b/docker/tap-schema/1008_hscrc2w202030_tap_schema.sql @@ -1,601 +1,601 @@ INSERT INTO tap_schema.schemas11 (schema_name, utype, description, schema_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04', null, 'HSC RC2 Reprocessing w_2020_30', 0); INSERT INTO tap_schema.tables11 (schema_name, table_name, table_type, utype, description, table_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04', 'hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'table', null, 'The Object table contains descriptions of the multi-epoch static astronomical objects, in particular their astrophysical properties as derived from analysis of the Sources that are associated with them. Note that fast moving objects are kept in the MovingObject tables. Note that less-frequently used columns are stored in a separate table called Object_Extra.', 0); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'objectId', 'long', null, null, 'Unique id.', null, null, 'meta.id;src', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'parentObjectId', 'long', null, null, 'Id of the parent object this object has been deblended from, if any.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'coord_ra', 'double', null, null, 'RA-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'coord_dec', 'double', null, null, 'Decl-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'tractId', 'long', null, null, 'tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'patchId', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'tract', 'long', null, null, 'Same as Tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'patch', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'Same as Patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'x', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'y', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'xErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'xy_flag', 'boolean', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refBand', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refExtendedness', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'izStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zyStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'grStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'riStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'detect_isPrimary', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'detect_isPatchInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'detect_isTractInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For g filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for g filter.', null, null, 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gPsFlux.', null, null, 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For r filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For i filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For z filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For y filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'objectId', 'long', null, null, 'Unique id.', null, null, 'meta.id;src', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'parentObjectId', 'long', null, null, 'Id of the parent object this object has been deblended from, if any.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'coord_ra', 'double', null, null, 'RA-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'coord_dec', 'double', null, null, 'Decl-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'tractId', 'long', null, null, 'tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'patchId', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'tract', 'long', null, null, 'Same as Tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'patch', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'Same as Patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'x', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'y', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'xErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'xy_flag', 'boolean', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refBand', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'refExtendedness', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'izStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zyStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'grStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'riStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'detect_isPrimary', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'detect_isPatchInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'detect_isTractInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For g filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for g filter.', null, null, 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gPsFlux.', null, null, 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'gShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For r filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'rShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For i filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'iShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For z filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'zShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For y filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_30_04.Object', 'yShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); diff --git a/docker/tap-schema/1009_hscpdr22020deep_tap_schema.sql b/docker/tap-schema/1009_hscpdr22020deep_tap_schema.sql index b6f4896..a6cf520 100644 --- a/docker/tap-schema/1009_hscpdr22020deep_tap_schema.sql +++ b/docker/tap-schema/1009_hscpdr22020deep_tap_schema.sql @@ -1,602 +1,602 @@ INSERT INTO tap_schema.schemas11 (schema_name, utype, description, schema_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01', null, 'HSC PDR2 Reprocessing 2020 Spring. DEEP layer', 0); INSERT INTO tap_schema.tables11 (schema_name, table_name, table_type, utype, description, table_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01', 'hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'table', null, 'The Object table contains descriptions of the multi-epoch static astronomical objects, in particular their astrophysical properties as derived from analysis of the Sources that are associated with them. Note that fast moving objects are kept in the MovingObject tables. Note that less-frequently used columns are stored in a separate table called Object_Extra.', 0); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'objectId', 'long', null, null, 'Unique id.', null, null, 'meta.id;src', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'parentObjectId', 'long', null, null, 'Id of the parent object this object has been deblended from, if any.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'coord_ra', 'double', null, null, 'RA-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'coord_dec', 'double', null, null, 'Decl-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'tractId', 'long', null, null, 'tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'patchId', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'tract', 'long', null, null, 'Same as Tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'patch', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'Same as Patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'x', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'y', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'xErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'xy_flag', 'boolean', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refBand', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refExtendedness', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'izStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zyStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'grStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'riStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'detect_isPrimary', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'detect_isPatchInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'detect_isTractInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'calib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For g filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for g filter.', null, null, 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gPsFlux.', null, null, 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For r filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For i filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For z filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For y filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'objectId', 'long', null, null, 'Unique id.', null, null, 'meta.id;src', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'parentObjectId', 'long', null, null, 'Id of the parent object this object has been deblended from, if any.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'coord_ra', 'double', null, null, 'RA-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'coord_dec', 'double', null, null, 'Decl-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'tractId', 'long', null, null, 'tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'patchId', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'tract', 'long', null, null, 'Same as Tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'patch', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'Same as Patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'x', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'y', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'xErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'xy_flag', 'boolean', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refBand', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'refExtendedness', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'izStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zyStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'grStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'riStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'detect_isPrimary', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'detect_isPatchInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'detect_isTractInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'calib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For g filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for g filter.', null, null, 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gPsFlux.', null, null, 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'gShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For r filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'rShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For i filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'iShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For z filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'zShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For y filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_08_01.Object', 'yShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); diff --git a/docker/tap-schema/1010_hscpdr22020wide_tap_schema.sql b/docker/tap-schema/1010_hscpdr22020wide_tap_schema.sql index a44bfb6..d7e9d43 100644 --- a/docker/tap-schema/1010_hscpdr22020wide_tap_schema.sql +++ b/docker/tap-schema/1010_hscpdr22020wide_tap_schema.sql @@ -1,602 +1,602 @@ INSERT INTO tap_schema.schemas11 (schema_name, utype, description, schema_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00', null, 'HSC PDR2 Reprocessing 2020 Spring. WIDE layer', 0); INSERT INTO tap_schema.tables11 (schema_name, table_name, table_type, utype, description, table_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00', 'hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'table', null, 'The Object table contains descriptions of the multi-epoch static astronomical objects, in particular their astrophysical properties as derived from analysis of the Sources that are associated with them. Note that fast moving objects are kept in the MovingObject tables. Note that less-frequently used columns are stored in a separate table called Object_Extra.', 0); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'objectId', 'long', null, null, 'Unique id.', null, null, 'meta.id;src', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'parentObjectId', 'long', null, null, 'Id of the parent object this object has been deblended from, if any.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'coord_ra', 'double', null, null, 'RA-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'coord_dec', 'double', null, null, 'Decl-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'tractId', 'long', null, null, 'tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'patchId', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'tract', 'long', null, null, 'Same as Tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'patch', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'Same as Patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'x', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'y', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'xErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'xy_flag', 'boolean', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refBand', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refExtendedness', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'izStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zyStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'grStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'riStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'detect_isPrimary', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'detect_isPatchInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'detect_isTractInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'calib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For g filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for g filter.', null, null, 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gPsFlux.', null, null, 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For r filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For i filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For z filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For y filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); -INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, "indexed", principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'objectId', 'long', null, null, 'Unique id.', null, null, 'meta.id;src', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'parentObjectId', 'long', null, null, 'Id of the parent object this object has been deblended from, if any.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'coord_ra', 'double', null, null, 'RA-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'coord_dec', 'double', null, null, 'Decl-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'tractId', 'long', null, null, 'tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'patchId', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'tract', 'long', null, null, 'Same as Tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'patch', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, 'Same as Patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'x', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'y', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'xErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'xy_flag', 'boolean', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refBand', 'unicodeChar', '*', null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'refExtendedness', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'izStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zyStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'grStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'riStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'detect_isPrimary', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'detect_isPatchInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'detect_isTractInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'calib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For g filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for g filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for g filter.', null, null, 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gPsFlux.', null, null, 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'gShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For r filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for r filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'rShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For i filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for i filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'iShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For z filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for z filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'zShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For y filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxB.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxD.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yKronFlux.', null, 'nmgy', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for y filter.', null, 'nmgy', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yPsFlux.', null, 'nmgy', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_pdr2_2020_09_00.Object', 'yShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); diff --git a/docker/tap-schema/1013_hscrc2w202042_tap_schema.sql b/docker/tap-schema/1013_hscrc2w202042_tap_schema.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e398849 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/tap-schema/1013_hscrc2w202042_tap_schema.sql @@ -0,0 +1,595 @@ +INSERT INTO tap_schema.schemas11 (schema_name, utype, description, schema_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05', null, 'HSC RC2 Reprocessing w_2020_42', 10000); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.tables11 (schema_name, table_name, table_type, utype, description, table_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05', 'hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'table', null, 'The Object table contains descriptions of the multi-epoch static astronomical objects, in particular their astrophysical properties as derived from analysis of the Sources that are associated with them. Note that fast moving objects are kept in the MovingObject tables. Note that less-frequently used columns are stored in a separate table called Object_Extra.', 0); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'objectId', 'long', null, null, 'Unique id.', null, null, 'meta.id;src', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'parentObjectId', 'long', null, null, 'Id of the parent object this object has been deblended from, if any.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'coord_ra', 'double', null, null, 'RA-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'coord_dec', 'double', null, null, 'Decl-coordinate', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'tractId', 'long', null, null, 'tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'patchId', 'unicodeChar', 3, null, 'patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'tract', 'long', null, null, 'Same as Tract ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'patch', 'unicodeChar', 3, null, 'Same as Patch ID', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'x', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'y', 'double', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'xErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yErr', 'float', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'xy_flag', 'boolean', null, null, '(not in the DPDD)', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'refFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'refBand', 'unicodeChar', 1, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'refExtendedness', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'izStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zyStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'grStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'riStd', 'double', null, null, 'Color of the object measured in standard seeing. While the exact algorithm is yet to be determined, this color is guaranteed to be seeing-independent and suitable for photo-Z determinations.', null, 'mag', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'detect_isPrimary', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'detect_isPatchInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'detect_isTractInner', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for g filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For g filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For g filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxB.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gBdFluxD.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gKronFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for g filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for g filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for g filter.', null, null, 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of gPsFlux.', null, null, 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'gShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for r filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For r filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For r filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxB.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rBdFluxD.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rKronFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for r filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for r filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for r filter.', null, 'nanojansky', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of rPsFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'rShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for i filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For i filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For i filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxB.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iBdFluxD.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iKronFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for i filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for i filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for i filter.', null, 'nanojansky', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of iPsFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'iShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for z filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For z filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For z filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxB.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zBdFluxD.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zKronFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for z filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of zPsFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for z filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'zShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yRa', 'double', null, null, 'Right Ascension coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.ra', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yDecl', 'double', null, null, 'Declination coordinate for y filter.', null, 'deg', 'pos.eq.dec', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdChi2', 'double', null, null, 'Chi^2 static of the model fit. For y filter.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdE1', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for the Bulge+Disk (e1). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdE2', 'double', null, null, 'Ellipticity for Bulge+Disk model (e2). For y filter.', null, null, 'phys.size.axisRatio', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdFluxB', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the de Vaucouleurs component for the Bulge+Diski model. For y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdFluxBErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxB.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdFluxD', 'double', null, null, 'Integrated flux of the exponential component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdFluxDErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yBdFluxD.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdReB', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the de Vaucouleurs profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBdReD', 'double', null, null, 'Effective radius of the exponential profile component for the Bulge+Disk model. For y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCModelFlux', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCModelFluxErr', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yExtendedness', 'double', null, null, 'A measure of extendedness, computed using a combination of available moments and model fluxes or from a likelihood ratio of point/trailed source models (exact algorithm TBD). extendedness = 1 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is extended. extendedness = 0 implies a high degree of confidence that the source is point-like.', null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yFwhm', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBlendedness', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e1', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_e2', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yHsmShapeRegauss_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yInputCount', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yIxx', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yIxxPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yIxy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yIxyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yIyy', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yIyyPsf', 'double', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Kron flux within a defined multiple of the canonical kronRad for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yKronFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronRad', 'float', null, null, 'Kron radius (computed using elliptical apertures defined by the adaptive moments) for y filter.', null, 'arcsec', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yApFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yApFluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yAp25Flux', 'double', null, null, 'Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yAp25FluxErr', 'float', null, null, 'Error on the Circular Aperture Flux with pixel radius used for calibration (12pix) for y filter. moments) for g filter.', null, 'nanojansky', null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsFlux', 'double', null, null, 'Calibrated flux for Point Source model for y filter.', null, 'nanojansky', 'phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsFluxErr', 'double', null, null, 'Uncertainty of yPsFlux.', null, 'nanojansky', 'stat.error;phot.count', 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yDeblend_nChild', 'int', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yBlendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yExtendedness_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bad', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_object', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_bright_objectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clipped', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_clippedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_cr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_crCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_interpolatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_offimage', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_saturatedCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspect', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPixelFlags_suspectCenter', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yInputCount_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yInputCount_flag_noInputs', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalib_astrometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalib_photometry_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalib_psf_candidate', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalib_psf_reserved', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalib_psf_used', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yApFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yApFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCalibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yCentroid_flag_resetToPeak', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_Flux', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_x', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_xx', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_xy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_y', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShapeRound_yy', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_apCorrErr', 'float', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_apCorr', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_edge', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_small_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yKronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yPsfShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShape_flag', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShape_flag_no_pixels', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShape_flag_not_contained', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null); +INSERT INTO tap_schema.columns11 (table_name, column_name, datatype, arraysize, xtype, description, utype, unit, ucd, indexed, principal, std, column_index) VALUES ('hsc_rc2_w_2020_42_05.Object', 'yShape_flag_parent_source', 'boolean', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null);