normalized using median of gene expression ratio, same idea than DESeq2, for viz purpose
add length enrichment function
implement bayes function to decide which sequences go where
sequence in the cluster - text
create modules to save sqlite3 results
add doc about web servers with downstream analysis: ** http://compbio.uthsc.edu/miR2GO/home.php
create small stats: # of sequences, # in seqs.ma, # in alignment, # in clusters
counts of aligned reads
load matrix ma after alignment parsed
NOW html to connect to sqlite3 db to viz results
implement tRNA-scan
NOW implement small rna prediction: CoRaL is an option for everything http://wanglab.pcbi.upenn.edu/coral/ or
change to python alignment tool
[-] implement mirna prediction http://evryrna.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/miRBoost/index.html (move inside bcbio)
implement submire target prediction module http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/software/SubmiRine/user_guide.shtml
Add to report: https://github.com/pkerpedjiev/forna/
- QC:
- figures 5' positions by # unique sequences, this by class: mirna, trna ...
- report:
- add (R file) mirna path enrichment to report
- limit number of sequences in html, like 1000 top
Future implementation at http://mirtop.github.io
inputs will be fastq or bam file. Will need to download the mirbase annotation (and hairpin.fa) if not given (need version). Species is required (for now).
- create data set to test module
- align with razer3 if option on
- fix alignement error: get correct positions and guess additions
- decide best hits
- compare to mirbase ref: t5 t3 add mism
- ouput in SAM/BAM with custom flag for isomiRs
- make it compatible with old miraligner output and isomiRs
- isomirViz: html code to browse miraligner results for a project: preparation with miraligner module
- seqclusteR: will be an object that make easier to retrieve information like counts, rownames, annotations ... tidy tables, and figures
- add install subcommand for mirbase installation/genomes
- add html report link to documentation
- figure showing general pipeline steps: bcbio-nextgen
- add documentation for seqclusterViz html reader