Terms are imported to GO from other ontologies, but not all terms from external ontologies are imported. Occasionally, you will find that a valid identifier exists in an external ontology, but the identifier is not available in Protege because that term is not yet imported. To import a term from an external ontology:
- Navigate to the imports folder on GitHub, located at https://github.com/geneontology/go-ontology/tree/master/src/ontology/imports.
- Look in the list of ontologies for the ontology that contains the term you wish to import.
- Identify the
file for the target ontology. For example, for the addition of a new taxon, the file can be found at https://github.com/geneontology/go-ontology/blob/master/src/ontology/imports/ncbitaxon_terms.txt. - Click on the icon of a pencil in the upper right corner of the window to edit the file.
- Add the new term on the next available line at the bottom of the file.
- Click preview changes.
- You can now either commit the file directly to master or create a branch and a pull request as described before.