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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 21, 2024. It is now read-only.

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123 lines (74 loc) · 5.83 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (74 loc) · 5.83 KB



It’s important to note that this project was a significant part of my learning process, mainly because it includes many things I shouldn’t have done. When I coded this website, I had to learn Symfony on the fly, making numerous mistakes. Many aspects of programming and web development were completely unfamiliar to me at the time. My errors range from the architecture to the code itself, and even to the minimal use of JavaScript, which makes the site quite static. I spent a lot of time reinventing the wheel instead of using existing tools. If the goal had been to address a specific problem, that might have been justified (first problem principle), but that wasn’t the case here.

Nonetheless, it’s a lesson worth keeping, which is why I’m archiving this repository. After all, it was a lot of fun to work on back then!

If you wish to reuse this project: This project is deprecated. I no longer have the time or motivation to maintain it, as I am now focused on the latest versions of Symfony, PHP, many JavaScript projects and many other technologies. Please be aware that there are likely security issues and deprecations, potentially numerous. I was still a novice when I worked on this project.



Quai Antique is a Savoyard restaurant website built with the Symfony web framework and Tailwind CSS. The website was developed and hosted on Laragon. This website is my final exam for my school. If you have any opinion/advice or other to give me, contact me by email: [email protected]

Technologies Used:

  • Symfony 6.2.* (A PHP framework for building web applications.)
  • TailwindCSS 3.2.4 (A utility-first CSS framework for building responsive and customizable user interfaces.)
  • Laragon: A local web development environment for Windows.

Builded with:

  • Encore Webpack

Setting up the project on local

  1. Download .zip repository.

Verify composer installation with composer -v. Verify NodeJS installation with node -v.

PHP is installed by default by Laragon. If you are not in PHP 8.1, follow this guide:

  1. When laragon is successfully installed, open your folder explorer. Go at this path: C:/laragon/www/

Drag and drop the .zip file, unzip it inside the folder. After unzip, you can remove .zip.

  1. Run composer install for obtain all the necessary dependencies for Symfony.


  1. Run npm install for obtain all the necessary dependencies for tailwind.


  1. Run your laragon.


  1. In my part, I configured laragon to simply have to write in url: http://quai-antique.local. (Right click, preferences) image

  2. Now you can type this in your browser: http://quai-antique.local/

  3. Done !

How create database?

If the quai_antique is successfully installed on your computer, you can now take care of the database.

  1. In the project, at the root, you must have an .env file. Config it.


  1. Restart laragon (click on "Recharger" or "Refresh").

  2. Now you need to create your database, in Laragon. Follow this:


and follow this (Copy this SQL request) CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS yourDatabase;


  1. Your database is now created. Normally, in migration, you have the latest version of my database. Just simply run: php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

  2. Your database and tables are now created and ready to use !

If you have any problem with the installation, contact me at this email: [email protected]

How create admin user?

  1. First, create a securised password. I recommend this website for that:

  2. Copy your password, paste it on a .txt file for example go in VSCODE and type this:


If you make a right click, nothing happens, don't panic. Your password is simply hidden. Press enter, and you get your hashed password.

  1. Now, return in HeidiSQL, and type this: (replace the fields with the necessary information, for example '[email protected]' -> [email protected])

INSERT INTO customer (email, password, guest_number, allergies, roles) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'hashed_password', 'number_of_guest (max 8)', 'mes_allergies', '["ROLE_ADMIN"]');

  1. Your admin account is now created. Log in, then enter this URL to get started: http://quai_antique.local/admin


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Terms of use

  1. Any Digital Campus Live school learner must notify me in case of reuse of the code provided in this repo. I will not be held responsible for any undesirable use of my code (cheating, hacking, etc.)

  2. Do not use this code for malicious purposes.

  3. Give me a advice, let's not waste our time.