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File metadata and controls

60 lines (44 loc) · 2.12 KB


The phpipam_addresses data source allows you to search for IP addresses, much in the same way as you can in the single-form phpipam_address data source. However, multiple addresses are returned from this data source as a single list of address IDs as they are found in the PHPIPAM database. You can then use the single-form phpipam_address data source to extract the IP data for each matched address in the database.


⚠️ NOTE: The below example requires Terraform v0.12.0 or later!

data "phpipam_addresses" "address_search" {
  subnet_id = 3

  custom_field_filter {
    custom_CustomTestAddresses = ".*terraform.*"

data "phpipam_address" "addresses" {
  count      = length(data.phpipam_addresses.address_search.address_ids)
  address_id = element(data.phpipam_addresses.address_search.address_ids, count.index)

output "ip_addresses" {
  value = [data.phpipam_address.addresses.*.ip_address]

Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • subnet_id (Required) - The ID of the subnet that the address resides in. This is required to search on the description or hostname fields.

One of the following fields is required alongside subnet_id:

  • description - The description of the IP address. subnet_id is required when using this field.
  • hostname - The host name of the IP address. subnet_id is required when using this field.
  • custom_field_filter - A map of custom fields to search for. The filter values are regular expressions that follow the RE2 syntax for which you can find documentation here. All fields need to match for the match to succeed.

⚠️ NOTE: An empty or unspecified custom_field_filter value is the equivalent to a regular expression that matches everything, and hence will return all addresses that contain the referenced custom field key! Custom fileds must contain mandatory prefix custom_.

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • address_ids - A list of discovered IP address IDs.