Inline Code
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This document intends to demonstrate to a developer how they can add new functions so that they can be called from inside Yarn.
- It is recommended that you follow our programming style so that in the case of bug or patch submission, it makes it easier for us to read. As such, indents should be four spaces and not tab stops.
- We use the Doxygen format for documentation, thus three forward slashes
indicate the head of a documentation comment and details for documentation comments are contained within the/* .... */
structure. Please refer to the Doxygen site for more information. - Other comments should use two forward slashes. This will ensure proper code commentary without it appearing in generated API documentation.
Creating a custom command is a simple two step procedure.i
- We need to get the dialogue object that's in use, then regiser a new function for it.
// get the Dialogue object
// varstorage_implementation is the object that handles variable storage - it's not important in this example
var dialogue = new Dialogue(varstorage_implementation);
- Next, register your new function. For example, let's make a function that takes 1 parameter, which is a number, and returns
if it's even:
// RegisterFunction(name, parameterCount, implementation)
dialogue.library.RegisterFunction ("is_even", 1, delegate(Value[] parameters) {
return (int)parameters[0].AsNumber % 2 == 0;
When the function is called, the delegate you provide will be run.
Some notes:
You don't have to return a value from your function.
The parameters passed to your function are of type Yarn.Value. You can get their value as numbers, bools or strings by using the
properties. -
You can only return values of the following types:
- String
- Float
- Double
- Integer
- Yarn.Value
Yarn Spinner will make sure that the correct number of parameters is passed to your method. If you specify
as your parameter count, the function may have any number of parameters.