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File metadata and controls

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Checks your application health.


Add :heartcheck to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:heartcheck, "~> 0.4"}

Add :jason to deps too if you do not have it already:

  {:jason, "~> 1.0"},

If you wish to use :poison or other compatible JSON library, add the dependency in mix.exs and to your config.exs:

config :heartcheck, json_encoder: Poison

If you are using elixir < 1.5, ensure heartcheck is started before your application:

def application do
    applications: [:heartcheck]


Defining your checks

Define your checks in module by using the HeartCheck macro module and invoking the HeartCheck.add/2 macro:

defmodule MyApp.HeartCheck do
  use HeartCheck

  add :some_check do
    # TODO: perform some actual check here

  add :another_check do
    # TODO: perform some actual check here
    {:error, "something went wrong"}

The checks can return one of the following terms:

  • :ok
  • {:error, term}
  • :error

In the {error, term} case, a representation of term will be used as the error message.

Mounting in your web app

Then you can mount HeartCheck.Plug using the module defined above in your app router (phoenix example below):

def MyApp.Router
  use MyApp.Web, :router

  # (...)

  scope "/" do
    pipe_through :browser

    # (...)

    forward "/monitoring", HeartCheck.Plug, heartcheck: MyApp.HeartCheck

Then your checks will be available at the /monitoring endpoint.

You can define a another module using HeartCheck and use it as your functional monitoring in the router:

  forward "/monitoring", HeartCheck.Plug, heartcheck: MyApp.HeartCheck,
    functional: MyApp.FunctionalHeartCheck

This will be available in the /monitoring/funcional endpoint.

Other checks

Firewall Check

Use firewall check inside your heartcheck file to ensure your application is able to connect to an external service. This will only open a TCP connection to the defined host/port in the url and assert it can connect.

Timeout argument is optional and default is 1000 (1 second).

defmodule MyApp.HeartCheck do
  use HeartCheck

  firewall(service: "",
    another_service: Application.get_env(:my_app, :service_url))

  firewall(my_domain: Application.get_env(:my_app, :url), timeout: 2000)

Extra HTTP Routes

Very basic health check

Returns a simple ok if the app is running. It does not execute any configured checks:


General info and dependencies

Returns general of the environment. OS, dependencies names and versions, elixir version etc.


Running tests and metrics:

To easily start a docker container with the currently supported version of Elixir, you can use this command:

$ docker-compose run heartcheck bash

To install dependencies, execute:

$ mix deps.get

To run the tests, simply execute:

$ mix test

To run coverage metrics and generate a html report in cover/excoveralls.html:

$ mix coveralls.html