This document describes the op and the data format used for training DeMoN.
To build the op, create a build
directory inside the demon root directory.
The location of the build
directory is important, because the python package
will search this path for the data reader library.
Then run cmake inside the build folder to configure and generate the build files. If you use a virtualenv make sure to activate it before running cmake.
Assuming the virtualenv is managed with pew
and named demon_venv
and the demon root directory is stored in the variable DEMON_DIR
we can
build the data reader op with:
cd $DEMON_DIR # change to the demon root directory
mkdir build
cd build
pew in demon_venv
cmake ..
The op depends on the following libraries:
cmake 3.5.1
tensorflow 1.0.0
hdf5 1.8.16
OpenCV 3.2.0
The versions match the configuration we have tested on an ubuntu 16.04 system.
In addition, the cmake build script will download and build lz4
, webp
, json
and half
multi_vi_h5_data_reader(num_outputs, param_json)
Reads data in the multi view h5 format.
This op reads one or more hdf5 files and generates data samples. The data is returned in NCHW format.
num_outputs: The number of data tensors to return. This number depends on the
values passed in param_json
param_json: The parameters passed to the reader in JSON format as a string. It is recommended to create a python dict with all parameters first and then convert the dict to str with json.dumps(). Here is an example python dict with comments and good values for training:
'batch_size': 32, # the batch size
'test_phase': False, # If True enables testing mode which disables randomization.
# the number of threads used for building batches. For testing set this to 1.
'builder_threads': 4,
'inverse_depth': True, # return depth with inverse depth values (1/z)
# return the motion as one of 'ANGLEAXIS6', 'ANGLEAXIS7' 'QUATERNION', 'FMATRIX'.
# The translation is stored always in the last 3 elements.
# ANGLEAXIS6: uses 3 elements for the rotation as angle axis [aa0, aa1, aa2, tx, ty, tz]
# ANGLEAXIS7: uses 4 elements for the rotation as angle axis [angle, ax, ay, az, tx, ty, tz]
# QUATERNION: uses 4 elements for the rotation as quaternion [qw, qx, qy, qz, tx, ty, tz]
# FMATRIX: returns a fundamental matrix in column major order without the last element
# which is defined as 1. [f11, f21, f31, f12, f22, f32, f13, f23]
'motion_format': 'ANGLEAXIS6',
# if True normalized the translation ||t||=1 and scales the depth values accordingly.
'norm_trans_scale_depth': True,
# the output image/depth height and width.
# Downsampling is supported.
'scaled_height': 192,
'scaled_width': 256,
# the number of scenes to keep in memory. A bigger pool improves variance when
# generating a new batch item, but requires more main memory.
# For testing a small value like 5 is sufficient.
'scene_pool_size': 500,
# The requested output tensors.
'top_output': ('IMAGE_PAIR', 'MOTION', 'DEPTH', 'INTRINSICS'),
# probabilities for geometric augmentations.
# There is a 50% change of rotating the image and cameras by 180 deg followed
# by a 50% change of mirroring the x-axis.
# Set this to 0 for testing.
'augment_rot180': 0.5,
'augment_mirror_x': 0.5,
# source is a list of dicts, which define the paths to the hdf5 files and the
# importance of each file.
# In the example below the reader will sample from data2.h5 twice as often as
# from data1.h5.
'source': [
{'path': '/path/to/data1.h5', 'weight': [{'t': 0, 'v': 1.0}]},
{'path': '/path/to/data2.h5', 'weight': [{'t': 0, 'v': 2.0}]},
# for testing only 1 source must be used. Multiple files can be concatenated with ';'.
#'source': [ {'path': '/path/to/test1.h5;/path/to/test2.h5'}, ],
info: The info tensor stores information about the internal buffers. It stores the following information:
- required number of test iterations
- current batch buffer size
- maximum batch buffer size
- current reader buffer size
- maximum reader buffer size
sample_id: A tensor storing a string with the id for each batch item. A newline symbol is used to separate the individual id strings.
output: A list of tensors with the requested data.
The order of tensors is always: ['IMAGE_PAIR', 'MOTION', 'FLOW', 'DEPTH', 'INTRINSICS', 'DEPTHMASKS','SAMPLE_IDS']. Depending on the 'top_output' parameter in 'param_json' not all tensors may be present.
The 'IMAGE_PAIR' tensor stores the image pair as 6 channel RGBRGB image.
The 'MOTION' tensor stores the motion from the first to the second camera in the requested format specified by the 'motion_format' parameter in 'param_json'.
The 'FLOW' tensor stores the optical flow from the first to the second image with 2 channels. The first channel stores the x component of the flow vector.
The 'DEPTH' tensor stores the depth map for the first image.
The 'INTRINSICS' tensor stores the normalized intrinsics as [fx fy cx cy]. fx,fy is the x and y component of the normalized focal length. cx,cy is the x and y component of the normalized principal point.
The 'DEPTHMASKS' tensor masks point where it is possible to compute a depth value.
See also the example examples/
for using this op in the examples folder.
Datasets are stored as objects in HDF5 files. To minimize data IO, we group images that show the same scene. A valid group with a unique name "group" stores the following datasets:
means viewpoint 0 at time 0. The time is always t0
. The number of
viewpoints must always be >= 2.
For test datasets the number of viewpoints is always 2.
All groups starting with a '.' e.g. /.config
are reserved and are not treated as data samples.
Images are stored in webp format as 1D char arrays.
- format : scalar string attribute with value
Depth maps are stored as half precision floats (16-bit) with LZ4 compression.
- format : scalar string attribute with value
- depth_metric : scalar string attribute with value
- extents : 1D int array with [height, width]
The camera dataset stores the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for the viewpoint. Camera parameters are stored as 1D double data sets.
- format : scalar string attribute with value
[fx fy skew cx cy r11 r21 r31 r12 r22 r32 r13 r23 r33 tx ty tz]
The internal parameters fx, fy, cx, cy are compatible with the image dimensions of the image data set
The time group t0
stores an attribute viewpoint_pairs
which enumerates all
valid image pair combinations.
- viewpoint_pairs : 1D int vector. Used by the multiviewh5datareader to generate image pairs.
Two subsequent values describe a pair. E.g. the vector
[0 1 0 2]
describes the pairs (0,1) and (0,2).
For test datasets the value of the viewpoint_pairs
attribute must be [0 1]
See also the examples/
in the examples folder.