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Welcome to the Java Viper Framework wiki!

Kushan Amarasiri edited this page Jan 2, 2019 · 6 revisions

This framework is developed in Java and uses both awesomeness in Kiwi Selenium Framework and Raccoon Rest Assured Framework done in Java. Both frameworks used hand in hand to bring the best of web UI and web services test automation as one. Usage ======

  • Any one can Jump Start test automation with Viper by cloning the project.
  • After cloning and open it using a Java IDE like eclipse.
  • Next right click on the project folder and then do a maven update. All the maven dependencies used in the project will get updated here.
  • To run the sample BDD test case you can right click the TestNG runner and select run as a test NG.
  • If you want to run individual test scenarios please right click each test scenario and run as test NG.

The test automation framework has the following benefits

  1. Excel data driven support
  2. BDD and NON Bdd support
  3. Allure reporting
  4. Page Factory support
  5. Bar code Online verification support
  6. Image comparison support
  7. Voice based reporting
  8. Extent reporting 9 . Selenium Grid execution support
  9. Chrome and Firefox headless support
  10. WebDriver manager support (No need to download drivers)
  11. Accessibility testing of web sites
  12. Shutter bug screenshot
  13. Reusable request objects for Get/Post/Put and Delete
  14. Allure test reporting
  15. JSON data driven test support
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