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860 lines (676 loc) · 25.4 KB




Dataset : Array.<Datum>
JSON : Array.<Object>
CSV : string
XML : string


Kind: global class

new Bot([network], [options])

Param Type Description
[network] Network
[options] Object
[options._dataset] Dataset Testing dataset
[options.dataset] Dataset Training dataset

bot.test(options) ⇒ number

Test the bots performance on the test dataset

Kind: instance method of Bot
Returns: number - Returns the average error on the test dataset

Param Type Default Description
options Object
[options.accuracy] boolean false Iff true, returns model accuracy instead of error
[options.round] boolean false Iff true, rounds the output when testing

Bot.fromDataset(dataset, [options]) ⇒ Bot

Kind: static method of Bot

Param Type Default Description
dataset Dataset
[options] Object
[options.train] boolean | number 1 Will train bot for options.train iterations before creating it
[options.test] number 0 Will use options.test ratio (e.g. 0.2 === 20%) of the dataset for testing the bot's accuracy
[options.shuffle] boolean false Iff true, the dataset will be shuffled before splitting the dataset or training the bot.

Bot.fromURL(url, [options])

Kind: static method of Bot

Param Type
url string
[options] Object


const bot = Bot.fromURL(


Kind: static method of Bot

const bot = Bot.fromPath("./data.train.json");

bot.test(dataset); // { error: 0.01457, accuracy: 96.453%, fitness: 34.3412 }


const bot = Bot.fromPath("./data.train.csv", { outputs: ["age", "height"] });

bot.test(dataset); // { error: 0.01457, accuracy: 96.453%, fitness: 34.3412 }


const bot = Bot.fromPath("./data.train.xml");

bot.test(dataset); // { error: 0.01457, accuracy: 96.453%, fitness: 34.3412 }


Kind: static method of Bot

Advanced CSV - White Wine Quality
const dataset = require("data.cjyvyspsy0000l2m932iv07k1");
const bot = Bot.fromString(dataset, {
  type: "csv",
  headers: true,
  outputs: ["quality"],
  delimeter: ";",
  test: 0.2 // 20% of data will used for testing, not training

bot.test(); // { error: 0.01457, accuracy: 96.453%, fitness: 34.3412 }

Bot.fromJSON(json, options)

Kind: static method of Bot

Param Type Description
json Array.<Object>
options Object
options.test number Ratio of dataset to test (e.g. 0.2 is 20%)
options.outputs Array.<string> JSON Keys which hold "outputs" desired outputs - bots will try to mimic or recreate these keys given all the other keys in the objects given


const dataset = require("@liquid-carrot/data.cjyvyspsy0000l2m932iv07k1");
const bot = Bot.fromJSON(dataset, {
  outputs: ["quality"],
  test: 0.2 // 20% of data will used for testing, not training


Kind: global class

Name Type Description
id string Unique connection ID
a Neuron | Group Side "A" of connection(s)
b Neuron | Group Side "B" of connection(s)
[weight] number | Array.<number> Weight of connection(s)

new Connection(a, b, [weight], [options])

Connections help: * a) control the flow information inside of a neural network * b) describe the shape of a neural network * c) ease the use of Evolutionary Algoriths

To facilitate the use of Evolutionary Algoriths, Connections are given Unique Temporal-Structural IDs using the Cantor Pairing Algorithm.

Temporal-Structural IDs: are not only a method of uniquely identifying a connection, they also allow us to identify a) where in the network the connection exists (i.e. between what neurons), and b) when it was "created-ish".

Connection IDs created using the Cantor Pairing Algorithm enable stronger algorithms, i.e. NEAT/HyperNEAT, to create networks of arbitrary sizes/shapes.

Param Type Description
a Neuron | Group Neuron(s) on one edge of the connection
b Neuron | Group Neruon(s) on another edge of the connection
[weight] number | Array.<number> Weight of connection(s)
[options] Object


const connection = new Connection(neuron, other) // Connection { a: neuron, b: other }

const connection = new Connection(neuron, other, 0.3) // Connection { a: neuron, b: other, weight: 0.3 }

Connection.uid(fromID, toID) ⇒ number

Creates a unique structural ID for connection between two neurons using the Cantor Pairing Algorithm.

The Cantor Pairing Algorithm us to a) mathematically, map any two non-negative integers to a unique positive integer - it even is sensetive to order (i.e. Connection.uid([2,3]) !== Connection.uid([3,2])), and b) "AI-ly" it allows to keep track of unique structural connections across time as a neural network mutates (i.e. changes "shape").

Kind: static method of Connection
Returns: number - A unique integer ID created using the Cantor Pairing Algorithm

Param Type Description
fromID number ID of source neuron
toID number ID of destination neuron


Kind: global class

Name Type
id string
neurons Array.<Neuron>

new Group([size], [bias])

A Group is an abstraction of Neuron and a tool for creating and manipulating a group of neurons - with Group we can create neural network layers and and build networks faster than neuron-by-neuron construction.

Param Type
[size] number
[bias] number

group.connect(target, [weights])

Kind: instance method of Group

Param Type
target Group
[weights] Array.<number>


// 2x2 (No Weights) =============================
const { Group } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const group = new Group(2);
const other = new Group(2);


// 2x2 (Weights) =============================
const { Group } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const group = new Group(2);
const other = new Group(2);

// group[0] -- weights[0] --> other[0]
// group[0] -- weights[1] --> other[1]
// group[1] -- weights[2] --> other[0]
// group[1] -- weights[3] --> other[1]
group.connect(other, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]);

group.activate([inputs]) ⇒ Array.<number>

Kind: instance method of Group

Param Type
[inputs] Array.<number>


// One Group (No Hidden Layers) =================
const { Group } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const group = new Group(2);

neuron.activate([0, 0]); // [0, 0]

// Three Groups (Hidden Layers) =================
const { Group } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const input = new Group(2); // Input Neuron (Layer)
const hidden = new Group(2,0.1); // Hidden Neuron (Layer)
const output = new Group(2,0.15); // Output Neuron (Layer)

input.connect(hidden, [0.2,0.25,0.3,0.35]); // Connects input layer to hidden layer
hidden.connect(output, [0.4,0.45,0.5,0.55]); // Connects hidden layer to output layer

input.activate([0,0]); // [0,0]
hidden.activate(); // [0.###, 0.###]
output.activate(); // [0.###, 0.###]

group.propagate([targets], [rate]) ⇒ Array.<number>

Kind: instance method of Group

Param Type Default
[targets] Array.<number>
[rate] number 0.3


// One Group (No Hidden Layers) =================
const { Group } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const group = new Group(2);

neuron.activate([0, 0]); // [0, 0]
neuron.propagate([0, 1]); // [0, -1]

// Three Groups (Hidden Layers) =================
const { Group } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const input = new Group(2); // Input Neuron (Layer)
const hidden = new Group(2,0.1); // Hidden Neuron (Layer)
const output = new Group(2,0.15); // Output Neuron (Layer)

input.connect(hidden, [0.2,0.25,0.3,0.35]); // Connects input layer to hidden layer
hidden.connect(output, [0.4,0.45,0.5,0.55]); // Connects hidden layer to output layer

input.activate([0,0]); // [0,0]
hidden.activate(); // [0.###, 0.###]
output.activate(); // [0.###, 0.###]

output.propagate([0, 1]); //  [0, -1]
hidden.propagate(); // [0.###, 0.###]
input.propagate(); // [0.###, 0.###]


Kind: global class

Name Type
id string
groups Array.<Group>

new Network(sizes, [biases], [weights])

Each Network is a collective of neurons functioning as an individual and indepent agent (brain).

Param Type
sizes Array.<number>
[biases] Array.<number>
[weights] Array.<Array.<number>>


const { Network } = require("@liquid-carrot/nn");

const network = new Network([2,2,1]);


network.activate(inputs) ⇒ Array.<number>

Activates network

Kind: instance method of Network

Param Type
inputs Array.<number>

network.propagate(targets) ⇒ number

Calculates error & updates network weights

Kind: instance method of Network
Returns: number - Returns Mean-Squared Error (MSE)

Param Type
targets Array.<number>

network.toJSON() ⇒ Object

Returns a JSON representation of the network

Kind: instance method of Network

network.toGraph(element, [options])


Creates a graph of the network using vis-network on the given DOMElement or DOMElement ID.

Kind: instance method of Network

Param Type Description
element string | DOMElement DOMElement, or ID, where graph will ported into
[options] Object vis-network options - learn more

Network.fromSizes(sizes) ⇒ Network

Kind: static method of Network

Param Type Description
sizes Array.<number> Array of layer fromSizes


const network = Network.fromSizes([20, 10, 3]);

Network.fromShape(inputs, outputs) ⇒ Network

Creates a network with the given shape (i.e. INPUTSxOUTPUTS). The created network will not have any hidden neurons.

Kind: static method of Network

Param Type Description
inputs number Size of the network's input layer
outputs number Size of the network's output layer

Network.fromGenome(genome) ⇒ Network

Creates a deep copy of the given genome

Kind: static method of Network

Param Type
genome Genome


Kind: global class

Name Type
id string
bias number
optimizer Object
optimizer.rate number
optimizer.momentum number
optimizer.decay number
optimizer.alpha number
optimizer.beta number
optimizer.gamma number
incoming Object
incoming.targets Object
incoming.weights Object
outgoing Object
outgoing.targets Object
outgoing.weights Object
_output number
output number
error number

new Neuron(options)

Neurons are the engines that process and guide information though a neural network. A neural networks "intelligence" is usually measured by the ability for neurons to effectively process information as a group.

What is a neuron?

A Neuron is a simplified mathematical model of a biological neuron.

In people, a neuron is a cell that collects inputs from synapses (i.e. eyes, ears, etc. or other neurons) and triggers an output signal when the incoming signals pass a certain threshold.

In biological neurons (in animals) or in artificial neurons (i.e. AI, NN, Deep Learning, etc.), one neuron doesn’t do much, but when combined, neural networks allow us to recognize the world around us, solve problems, and interact with our environment.

How do they work?

Neural networks were inspired by the human brain, and like in a human brain the basic building block is called a Neuron. Its functionality is similar to a human neuron, i.e. it takes in some inputs and fires an output. In purely mathematical terms, a neuron in the machine learning world is a placeholder for a mathematical function, and its only job is to provide an output by applying the function on the inputs provided.

The function used in a neuron is generally called an "activation function". There have been 5 major activation functions tried to date, step, sigmoid, tanh, and ReLU. For this neuron we are using a "sigmoid" activation function.

What is a "sigmoid activation function"?

A sigmoid function - or logistic function - is defined mathematically as:

The value of the function tends to zero when z tends to negative infinity and tends to 1 when z tends to infinity. A sigmoid activation function is an approximation of how a "real neuron" would behave; it's an assumption in the field of deep learning.

Param Type
options Object
[] number
[options.bias] number
options.optimizer Object
options.optimizer.rate number
options.optimizer.momentum number
options.optimizer.decay number
options.optimizer.alpha number
options.optimizer.beta number
options.optimizer.gamma number


// One Neuron (No Hidden Layers) ================
const { Neuron } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const neuron = new Neuron();

neuron.activate(0); // 0
neuron.propagate(1); // -1

// Three Neurons (Hidden Layers) ================
const { Neuron } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const input = new Neuron(); // Input Neuron (Layer)
const hidden = new Neuron(0.1); // Hidden Neuron (Layer)
const output = new Neuron(0.2); // Output Neuron (Layer)

input.connect(hidden, 0.3); // Connects input layer to hidden layer
hidden.connect(output, 0.4); // Connects hidden layer to output layer

input.activate(0); // 0
hidden.activate(); // 0.52497918747894
output.activate(); // 0.6010858826658407

output.propagate(1); //  -0.09565228299910712
hidden.propagate(); // -0.009900697661026392
input.propagate(); // -0.0029702092983079176

neuron.connect(neuron, [weight])

Kind: instance method of Neuron

Param Type
neuron Neuron
[weight] number


const { Neuron } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const neuron = new Neuron();
const other = new Neuron();


neuron.activate([input]) ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Neuron
Returns: number - Returns the neuron's output

Param Type
[input] number


// One Neuron ===================================
const { Neuron } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const neuron = new Neuron();


// Two Neurons ==================================
const { Neuron } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const neuron = new Neuron();
const other = new Neuron(0.1);

neuron.connect(other, 0.2);

neuron.activate(3); // 3
other.activate(); // 0.6681877721681662

neuron.propagate(target, [rate]) ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Neuron
Returns: number - Returns neuron's marginal error

Param Type Default
target number
[rate] number 0.3


// One Neuron ===================================
const { Neuron } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const neuron = new Neuron();

neuron.activate(3); // 3
neuron.propagate(0); // 3

// Two Neurons ==================================
const { Neuron } = require("@liquidcarrot/nn")

const neuron = new Neuron();
const other = new Neuron(0.1);

neuron.connect(other, 0.2);

neuron.activate(3); // 3
other.activate(); // 0.6681877721681662

other.propagate(0); // 0.14814583086672545
neuron.propagate(); // 0.009876697690471913

neuron.weights([array]) ⇒ Object | Array.<Array.<Number>>

Kind: instance method of Neuron
Returns: Object | Array.<Array.<Number>> - Returns an Array or Object of incoming and outgoing weights

Param Type Default Description
[array] boolean false Iff true, will return an Array ([[INCOMING_WEIGHTS], [OUTGOING_WEIGHTS]]) - instead of a JSON Object ({ incoming: [INCOMING_WEIGHTS], outgoing: [OUTGOING_WEIGHTS])


Optimizers are initiated with { rate, momentum, decay, alpha, beta, epsilon, gamma }

Kind: static property of Neuron


Kind: global typedef

Name Type
inputs Array.<number>
outputs Array.<number>


  "inputs": [0,1],
  "outputs": [1]

Dataset : Array.<Datum>

Kind: global typedef

  "inputs": [0,0],
  "outputs": [0]
}, {
  "inputs": [0,1],
  "outputs": [1]
}, {
  "inputs": [1,0],
  "outputs": [1]
}, {
  "inputs": [1,1],
  "outputs": [0]

JSON : Array.<Object>

Kind: global typedef

  "a": 0,
  "b": 0,
  "c": 0
}, {
  "a": 0,
  "b": 1,
  "c": 1
}, {
  "a": 1,
  "b": 0,
  "c": 1
}, {
  "a": 1,
  "b": 1,
  "c": 0

CSV : string

Kind: global typedef






XML : string

Kind: global typedef

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>