The infrastructure running the workflows is mainly based on a Kubernetes (AWS EKS) cluster and Argo Workflows.
Generally all Kubernetes resources are defined with cdk8s
and anything that needs AWS interactions such as service accounts are defined with aws-cdk
The EKS Cluster base configuration is defined in ./cdk.ts using aws-cdk
The additional components (or Kubernetes resources) running on the EKS cluster are defined in ./cdk8s.ts using cdk8s
Main entry point: app
- ArgoWorkflows - Main Workflow engine
- Karpenter - Autoscale EC2 Nodes
- FluentBit - Forward logs to AWS CloudWatch
Ensure all dependencies are installed
npm install
Login to AWS
AWS CDK is used to manage the AWS EKS cluster creation/update.
To deploy with AWS CDK a few context values need to be set:
: Account ID to deploy into. This can be set withexport CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT="$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)"
: Comma-separated list of AWS Role ARNs for the stack maintainers.
Then a deployment can be made with cdk
ci_role="$(aws iam list-roles | jq --raw-output '.Roles[] | select(.RoleName | contains("CiTopo")) | select(.RoleName | contains("-CiRole")).Arn')"
admin_role="arn:aws:iam::$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text):role/AccountAdminRole"
workflow_maintainer_role="$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name=TopographicSharedResourcesProd | jq --raw-output .Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue)"
npx cdk deploy --context=maintainer-arns="${ci_role},${admin_role},${workflow_maintainer_role}" Workflows
CDK8s is used to manage Kubernetes resources on the cluster previously created.
Generate the kubernetes configuration yaml into dist/
npx cdk8s synth
Apply the generated yaml files
kubectl apply --filename=dist/
To debug use the following as cdk8s synth
swallows the errors
npx tsx infra/cdk8s.ts
The deployment of the K8s config is managed by GithubActions in main.