Releases: linuxgurugamer/HullcamVDSContinued
Releases · linuxgurugamer/HullcamVDSContinued
Added patch file for BlueDog Design Bureau
Fixed missing texture on the wide angle camera
Thanks to forum user @4x4cheesecake for the following:
Removed FINAL from patches
Added RPM as a dependency for the patch to run at all to prevent warnings about the missing partmodule if RPM is not installed.
Split aerocam into two files
added missing bulkheadProfiles to aerocam180
Added missing bulkheadProfiles
Fixed resetting the control point when using the Alt (on Windows) when cycling past the last camera
Reverted change to line 317 in MuMechModuleHullCamera, caused issues with cameras
Fixed cameras for the inline docking ports to match the navball when the docking port is the active control point
New feature, holding down Alt (on Windows) when hitting + or - will change the control point to the docking port with the camera, only works on docking ports and the original controlling part
Fixed nullref when using the equals sign and at the end of the list of cameras.
Added code to allow a docking node to be a target and have the docking info displayed on the docking camera
Fixed the KSC Launchpad Camera so it now is there
Removed the obsolete impactTolerance variable
Thanks to @Gordon Dry for this: patch to avoid the EVA cam to be added when the mod ThroughTheEyes is already installed.
Simplified the kerbalEVA patch
Removed code which was adding the eva camera at runtime and replaced it with a MM script
Moved all MM scripts into new folder