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a .NET interface based rpc framework, process command using http protocol under the hood. the interface/implementation and its method is like the mvc controller+action style but more simple to client use.
- interface based. makes you focus on the business.
- async support by providing Task/Task<T> as a method return type.
- provide ioc container both in server and client.
- control authroization, serialization by your self or framework default.
- serialize data using the built-in protobuf serializer and serialize rpc header using json serializer as default.
- server exception wrapping, client will throw a RpcException when received a server side error.
- support self host and iis intergration.
- .net event supported (required Windows8 and Server2012 when using iis-intergration).
- support https, provide https certificate auto generation when self host mode.
- auto dispose the method arguments and return value after user code when using Stream or other objects inherited from Idisposible.
public interface IRpcServiceSample
string GetUserName();
bool IsUserAuthenticated();
void TestAccessDeniend();
void TestAccessOk();
Task TestRemoteTask();
Task<string> TestRemoteTaskWithResult();
Task<string> TestRemoteAsyncTaskWithResult();
void UploadStream(Stream stream, string fileName);
Stream DownloadStream(string fileName);
RpcService is only for access user info here. can be removed if do not accss User object
public class RpcServiceSample : RpcService, IRpcServiceSample
public RpcServiceSample()
public string GetUserName()
return this.User.Identity.Name;
public bool IsUserAuthenticated()
return this.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
public void TestAccessOk() { }
public void TestAccessDeniend() { }
public Task TestRemoteTask()
return Task.Delay(5000);
public Task<string> TestRemoteTaskWithResult()
return Task.Delay(5000)
.ContinueWith(x => ("remote task completed."));
public async Task<string> TestRemoteAsyncTaskWithResult()
return await new StringReader("abc").ReadLineAsync();
public void UploadStream(Stream stream, string fileName)
var fs = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create);
public Stream DownloadStream(string fileName)
var fs = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open);
return fs;
public static void Main(string[] args)
var url = "";
RpcServer server = new RpcServer();
server.Register<IRpcServiceSample, RpcServiceSample>();
static void Main(string[] args)
var client = RpcClient.Initialize("http://localhost:8970/");
var sample = client.Rpc<IRpcServiceSample>();
var username = sample.GetUserName();
Console.WriteLine("GetUserName ok");
var isAuthenticated = sample.IsUserAuthenticated();
Console.WriteLine("IsUserAuthenticated ok");
Console.WriteLine("TestAccessOk ok");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("TestAccessDeniend ok");
var x = sample.TestRemoteTaskWithResult().Result;
Debug.Assert(x.Equals("remote task completed."));
Console.WriteLine("TestRemoteTaskWithResult ok");
Task.Run(async () =>
var y = await sample.TestRemoteAsyncTaskWithResult();
Console.WriteLine("TestRemoteAsyncTaskWithResult ok");
var fsup = File.Open("testupload.bin", FileMode.Create);
int lines = 100;
var sw = new StreamWriter(fsup);
while (lines-- > 0)
sw.WriteLine(string.Concat(Enumerable.Range(0, 10000)));
fsup.Position = 0;
Console.WriteLine("uploading a file, size=" + new ByteSize(fsup.Length));
sample.UploadStream(fsup, "testfile.temp");
Console.WriteLine("UploadStream ok");
Console.WriteLine("downloading the file...");
var ms = sample.DownloadStream("testfile.temp");
Console.WriteLine("DownloadStream ok");
var fsdown = File.Open("testdownload.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
Console.WriteLine("UploadStream.Length is equal to DownloadStream.length? ok");
- .NET primitive types and String, Array, List<T>, Enum
- Stream
- classes that only using the types mentioned above.
- see #argument types supported
- nested Task as return type is not supported.
yes, it supports https with a simple way. self host mode:
- at server side, if you use a https url, when server starting, framework will auto generate a cert file pair(private key will install to system(LocalMachine->Personal) and the public key is exported as a cert file under working dir for client use)
- at client side, find the exported cert file by server and feed it to the initialize method.
public static RpcClient Initialize(string url, string cerFilePath, WebProxy proxy = null)
to regenerate cert file pair, delete the cert from system(LocalMachine->Personal). the cert name is "RpcOverHttp"
iis-intergration mode:
- at server side, select the cert file by using iis manager as usual.
- at client side, when ssl server certificate checking error, RpcClient.ServerCertificateValidationCallback will be called. just handle it like using HttpWebReqeust.ServerCertificateValidationCallback.
we provided a http module for host rpc server on iis since version 3.3.0. selfhost sample:
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["urlPrefix"];
RpcServer server = new RpcServer();
server.Register<IRpcServiceSample, RpcServiceSample>();
and the iis module sample:
//dll name is RpcHost, namespace is RpcHost
public class RpcWebHostHttpModule : RpcServerHttpModule
public override void InitRpcServer(IRpcServer server)
server.Register<IRpcServiceSample, RpcServiceSample>();
you should build your server project as a dll instead of an application(exe). when using iis-intergration
then copy all the output dlls into site’s bin folder(create one if non exists).
then register the http module in web.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
<add name="RpcWebHostHttpModule" type="RpcHost.RpcWebHostHttpModule" />
<remove name="X-Powered-By" />