This is my first Github project. \o/
In this simple alarm clock repository you find:
- my source code to the program
- solution to the program
- an alarm buzzer sound clip
This program just simulate a simple alarm clock. The default program will only store 3 times, but this
can be changed manually in the program.
- The full alarm buzzer sound clip is from
- The website for coverting sound from mp3 to wav and clipping is from
- Install Visual Studio, if you haven't already
- If you don't have Visual Studio, please download Visual Studio at and install it.
- Clone repository
git clone --depth 1
- Open up visual studio There two ways you can open this:
- You can open .sln file from simple_alarm/Alarm/Alarm.sln
or - Open visual studio then File > Open > Open Project > find the Alarm.sln file
- Changing location of where you play sound The current program the location of alarm buzzer sound is located in my directory, but you have to change it to yours. Inside of simple_alarm/Code/Source code/alarm.cpp on line 284, please change this line
#orginal line in simple_alarm/Code/Source code/alarm.cpp on line 284
PlaySound("$(SolutionDir)/Alarm_v1/Loud_Alarm_Clock_Buzzer.mp3", 0, 0);
#change it to
PlaySound(/* location of location */, 0, 0);
- Build and use