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How to embed LikeCoin button into |
Thanks to the user 夏 for providing the tutorial.
Before adding the LikeCoin button, please register a Liker ID.
First of all you have to register Pro to use Javascript.
Change the Javascript code's [LikerID] into your Liker ID, and post them into the "Custom Javascript" setting. Add CSS to adjust the fonts and outlook of the LikeCoin button if required.
var topP = document.createElement("p");
topP.innerHTML = '<div class="custom-nav"><a href="#">Back to top ↑</a></div>';
var cont = document.getElementById("wrapper");
if (cont !== null) {
// Add to blog index and tag pages
} else {
// Add to individual blog post page
cont = document.getElementById("post-body");
cont.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", topP.outerHTML);
cont.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "<div class='custom-nav likecoin'><p>-<br><em>如果你喜歡我的文字,請幫忙按 5 下 Like!我將得到 LikeCoin 的回饋。</em></p><p>回饋由 <a rel='nofollow' href=''>LikeCoin</a> 基金會出資,只要註冊/登入帳號,點 5 下 Like 就可以贊助我的文章。化讚為賞,支持創作。謝謝你!</p><iframe scrolling='no' frameborder='0' width='640' height='212' src='[LikerID]/button?referrer="+encodeURIComponent(location.href.split("?")[0].split("#")[0])+"'></iframe></div>");