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How to obtain access token for authenticated API using OAuth 2.0



LikeCoin API uses OAuth2.0 flow for API authorization, through the following steps.

  1. Users authorize your app through web UI For details and params, please refer to OAuth page section below
  2. Users are redirected back to a redirect_uri you own with a code, this code is used to exchange for a user access_token and refresh_token.
  3. Call APIs using access_token with proper scope. e.g. APIs in Like->info sections requires or grants.


Scope Description
profile Basic user public information
email Access to user's email address

The following scope should be prepended with read: or write:

Scope Description
(read|write):like Access to all like related read/write scope
read:like.button Access to read user like history and suggestions
write:like.button Permission to like content for user Access to read user liked authors, content suggestions, etc


Access tokens expire in 1 hour. Refresh tokens do not expire, unless:

  1. Another new refresh token was issued for the same oauth client & user combination
  2. User revoked access
  3. OAuth client revoked the token via API

1. Format OAuth parameters{{CLIENT_ID}}&scope={{scope}}&redirect_uri={{redirectURI}}&state={{state}}

User will navigate to this page to authorize oauth, redirects back to redirect_uri with query paramauth_code and state if success

Param Description
client_id OAuth client id
scope list of scope seperated by space, must be whitelisted, e.g. profile email
redirect_uri redirect uri in URI compoenent encoded form, must be whitelisted
state optional state provided by the service, that get passed back after authetication is success. Highly recommended for security reason.

2. Redirect users to the formatted OAuth page

The page will prompt user to either login or register a Liker ID if they are not logged in. Users logged in will then be shown the OAuth client's info and permissions asked. authorization_code and other response will be sent in query string to redirect_uri should users accept the permission, or error denied will be returned instead.\

3. Exchange authorization_code for access_token

{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/oauth/access_token" method="post" summary="" %} {% swagger-description %} After user oauth login in client, exchange authorization_code in callback uri for access_token {% endswagger-description %}

{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Content-Type" type="string" %} application/x-www-form-urlencoded {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="client_id" type="string" %} OAuth client id {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="client_secret" type="string" %} OAuth client secret {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="grant_type" type="string" %} authorization_code {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="code" type="string" %} The authorization code received in redirect_uri {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="redirect_uri" type="string" %} The redirect_uri param in original request {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-response status="200" description="access_token, refresh_token, and user profile in JSON format" %}

  "user": "williamchonggoogle",
  "displayName": "William Chong",
  "avatar": "",
  "refresh_token": "j31UBpMTdt-zaqVrCUJ0Ap8ulbosoPUGS8rVls_QYBg",
  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoid2lsbGlhbWNob25nZ29vZ2xlIiwic2NvcGUiOlsicHJvZmlsZSIsInJlYWQ6bGlrZSIsIndyaXRlOmxpa2UiXSwiYXpwIjoiMmY1NTFkNWZlMWFkNjU3NzNhMTciLCJpYXQiOjE1NTIwNDE3NDYsImV4cCI6MTU1MjA0NTM0NiwiYXVkIjoicmlua2VieS5saWtlLmNvIiwiaXNzIjoicmlua2VieS5saWtlLmNvIiwianRpIjoiMGJjN2Q1NGYtOWViYS00ODczLWFiYWUtMzc1ZTczYzExZTMwIn0.BPNsiQb0fs2fFjiSQWUq8oeE4FL_PLebdTRDpSh7n9k"

{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}

4. Call API with access_token

Call authenticated API with header Authorization valueBearer {{access_token}}