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File metadata and controls

198 lines (156 loc) · 10.8 KB
ISCN AR web widget API Reference

ISCN-AR Widget Reference

Base URL



Since postMessage() would be needed for operating this widget, caller is expected to use on the above urls.

Input Params

language Force UI display locale, options are zh, cn, en
redirect_uri Act as a whitelist host for postMessage, actual redirect is not implemented, please use with opener below
opener default 0. If set, would fire a postMessage back to window.opener with redirect_uri host as target, then close current window
mint set to 1 to skip the success window after ISCN registration and skip to Writing NFT minting screen directly
iscn_id (optional) For updating existing ISCN record, the encoded ISCN ID for update. Note that the record would be completely overwritten with the new metadata

Query strings are also passed into NFT Portal if user choose to mint NFT after ISCN is registered. Please refer to NFT Portal Reference for the supported query string.

PostMessage input format

Mark widget as ready

Send this action to switch widget to ready to accept mode.

{ action: 'INIT_WIDGET' }

Send ISCN Data

Submit ISCN data to widget

    action: 'SUBMIT_ISCN_DATA',
    data: {
      files: [
          filename: 'index.html',
          mimeType: 'text/html',
          data: 'PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+PGh0bWw+Ci...',
          filename: 'wp-content/uploads/image.png',
          mimeType: 'image/png',
          data: 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABAAAAA...',
      metadata: {
        name: 'LikeCoin Update | Launching $LIKE Airdrop and Civic Likers Web3',
        tags: ['Airdrop', 'Civic Liker', 'Depub', 'LikeCoin', 'Progress Update'],
        author: 'likecoin',
        description: 'Launch of LikeCoin Airdrop The long-awaited 50 million...',
Key Description
data ISCN Data for submission
data.files Array of files to be uploaded to Arweave, must contain an index.html if more than one file. Please refer to the tables below for file formats
data.metadata ISCN metadata. Please refer to the tables below for metadata formats

Supported field for ISCN metadata

Metadata keysRequiredDescriptionSample
nameRequiredName for the ISCN content"Computing recursive function with matrix multiplication"
descriptionRecommendedDescription for the ISCN content"An article on computing recursive function with matrix multiplication."
tagsOptionalTags for the ISCN content["matrix", "recursion"]
authorRecommendedName of the author"Chung Wu"
authorDescriptionOptionalDescription of the author"Developer"
urlRecommendedURL of the content​""
stakeholdersOptionalStakeholder list as defined in ISCN specification. If author or publisher is defined, they will be automatically appended into stakeholders by the widget{ "rewardProportion": 5, "contributionType": "", "footprint": "", "description": "The blog post referred the matrix form of computing Fibonacci numbers." }
fingerprintsOptionalFingerprint of the content, e.g. SHA hash, IPFS hash and Arweave ID. If files are defined, resulting Arweave ID and IPFS hash will be automatically appended into fingerprints["hash://sha256/9564b85669d5e96ac969dd0161b8475bbced9e5999c6ec598da718a3045d6f2e"]
publisherOptionalOne of matters, depub , an arbitrary string representing ID of a publisher, or a stakeholder object . Publisher object allow platforms to add itself into stakeholders and define rewardProportion{"entity":{"description":"Matters is a decentralized, cryptocurrency driven content creation and discussion platform.","@id":"","name":"Matters"},"rewardProportion":0}
licenseOptionalURL of the license of the ISCN content""
recordNotesOptionalArbitrary string that will be recorded in ISCN as note"This record is created by ISCN widget"
memoOptionalArbitrary string that will be recorded in the create ISCN Transaction as memo"This tx is sent by ISCN widget"

Required fields for data.files:

File Keys Description
filename Name of the file, can be a full path containing directory
mimetype mime type of the file, needed for proper display in IPFS/Arweave gateways
data Base64 encoded file data

File data should be encoded in base64, with proper mimeType defined. filename can either be the actual filename, or include a directory path as prefix.

If multiple files are to be uploaded, an index.html must be included which would be shown as the default page when the files are accessed through Arweave or IPFS.

Emit event format


Fired when widget is ready to receive message

  action: 'ISCN_WIDGET_READY',


Fired when files are uploaded to Arweave and IPFS

  data: {


Fired when content is submitted to ISCN

  action: 'ISCN_SUBMITTED',
  data: {

Example Code

const w ='');


function onPostMessage(event) {
  if (event.origin !== ISCN_WIDGET_ORIGIN) {
  try {
    const { action, data } = JSON.parse(;
    if (action === 'ISCN_WIDGET_READY') {
      w.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ action: 'INIT_WIDGET' }), ISCN_WIDGET_ORIGIN);
    } else if (action === 'ARWEAVE_SUBMITTED') {
      const {
        ipfsHash, arweaveId,
      } = data;
      console.log(ipfsHash, arweaveId);
    } else if (action === 'ISCN_SUBMITTED') {
      const {
        tx_hash: txHash, iscnId,
      } = data;
      console.log(txHash, iscnId);
    } else {
      console.log(`Unknown event: ${action}`);
  } catch (err) {
window.addEventListener('message', onPostMessage, false);

function sendISCNPayload() {
    action: 'SUBMIT_ISCN_DATA',
    data: {
      files: [
          filename: 'index.html',
          mimeType: 'text/html',
          data: 'PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+PGh0bWw+Ci...',
          // bytes encoded in base64
          filename: 'wp-content/uploads/image.png',
          mimeType: 'image/png',
          data: 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABAAAAA...',
      metadata: {
        name: 'LikeCoin Update | Launching $LIKE Airdrop and Civic Likers Web3',
        tags: ['Airdrop', 'Civic Liker', 'Depub', 'LikeCoin', 'Progress Update'],
        author: 'likecoin',
        description: 'Launch of LikeCoin Airdrop The long-awaited 50 million...',


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