- [MSAplot] - [Plot multiple sequence alignment (MSA)]
- [pyMSAviz] - [Python, v0.5.0, 2024.9] - [2022] - [Shimoyama, Y. (2022). pyMSAviz: MSA visualization python package for sequence analysis [Computer software]. ]
- ggmsa - [R, v1.0.2, 2021.8] - [CRAN移除了] - [Visualizing publication-quality multiple sequence alignment using ggplot2.]
- IGV - [2012.4, Bioinformatics] - [Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV): high-performance genomics data visualization and exploration]
- [pyGenomeViz] - [Python, v1.4.1, 2024.9] - [2024] - [pyGenomeViz: A genome visualization python package for comparative genomics.]
- [pyCircos] - [Python, v0.3.0, 2022.4]
- [pyCirclize] - [Python, v1.7.1, 2024.9] - [Shimoyama, Y. (2022). pyCirclize: Circular visualization in Python [Computer software]]
- [circlize] - [R, v0.4.16, 2024.2] - [2014.6, Bioinformatics] - [circlize implements and enhances circular visualization in R.]
- Bandage - [C++, v0.9.0, 2022.1] - [2015.6, Bioinformatics] - [Bandage: interactive visualization of de novo genome assemblies.]