tempos add DURATION # Add DURATION to the current project
tempos budget # Show current project budget
tempos config # Show current configuration
tempos deadline # Show current project deadline
tempos help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
tempos invoice # Indicate that an invoice has been emitted
tempos project IDENTIFIER # Set current project
tempos projects # List existing projects
tempos remove DURATION # Remove DURATION from the current project
tempos report # Show current project report
tempos report daily # Show current project report, broken down daily
tempos set-budget AMOUNT CURRENCY # Set current project budget
tempos set-deadline DEADLINE # Set current project deadline
tempos set-rate AMOUNT CURRENCY # Set current project rate
tempos start # Start counting time in the current project
tempos status # Display which projects are started
tempos stop # Stop counting time in the current project
tempos which # Display current project