- Instructions in .pre-commit-config.yaml
- When running a commit (and the pre-commit hooks), if files are modified, make sure to restage them, then run commit again to ensure that changes are saved.
- Include execution of tests in pre-commit hooks, example in Specify7
- Create a virtual environment, activate
- Pip install requirements*.txt files
- Install boto3 and botocore for local access
- Ensure AWS key is in ~/.ssh/ directory
- Create ~/.aws/config file
region = <region>
output = json
glue_role_arn = <service_role>
Create ~/.aws/credentials file
aws_access_key_id = <access_key_id>
aws_secret_access_key = <secret_access_key>
In AWS consoles, EC2, Glue, ... :
"... InvalidSignatureException (status: 403): Signature not yet current:... "
- Time is off on local computer.
- KU blocks NTP packages, use time.ku.edu
$ sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com
7 Feb 13:17:37 ntpdate[1351628]: no server suitable for synchronization found
$ sudo ntpdate time.ku.edu
7 Feb 13:14:06 ntpdate[1351650]: step time server offset -308.215932 sec