Asp.Net Project With AngularJS (Based on angular generator) A Fork of AngularJS Generator from the Yeoman team
- Visual Studio with .NET Framework 4.5.2
- Node.js
- Ruby SASS
First, install Yeoman and generator-aspnet-angular using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-aspnet-angular
Then, on Visual Studio, create a new ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) and Select the template as follows:
Then generate your new project from your ASP.NET Project folder:
yo aspnet-angular
This generator is based on official yeoman angular-generator, so the entire front-end structure will be created inside of your ASP.NET project folder.
This generator will also modify some files in your ASP.NET project like 'web.config' and 'RouteConfig.cs' from App_Start folder, and create some others like Views and Controllers.
Before run your application in Visual Studio, remember to include this newly created Views and Controllers files in your project: From Solution explorer sidebar mark 'Show all Files' option:
Then right click on hidden files and choose 'Include In Project' option:
To create and edit the screens of your application, isn't necessary run your project from Visual Studio. To take advantage of all the features of the front-end development process like pre-processing css, javascript lint, livereload and package management you must open project's folder from your command line tool and run:
grunt serve
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