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This module depends on librespot-player and, in addition, provides an API to interact with the Spotify client.

Available endpoints

All the endpoints will respond with 200 if successful or:

  • 204 If there isn't any active session (Zeroconf only)
  • 500 If the session is invalid
  • 503 If the session is reconnecting (Retry-After is always 10 seconds)


  • POST /player/load Load a track from a given URI uri, can specify to start playing with play and to shuffle with shuffle.
  • POST /player/play-pause Toggle play/pause status. Useful when using a remote.
  • POST /player/pause Pause playback.
  • POST /player/resume Resume playback.
  • POST /player/next Skip to next track.
  • POST /player/prev Skip to previous track.
  • POST /player/seek Seek to a given position in ms specified by pos.
  • POST /player/shuffle Set shuffle enabled or disabled accordingly to val.
  • POST /player/repeat Set repeating mode as specified by val (modes are none, track, context).
  • POST /player/set-volume Either set volume to a given volume value (from 0 to 65536), or change it by a step count (positive or negative).
  • POST /player/volume-up Up the volume a little bit.
  • POST /player/volume-down Lower the volume a little bit.
  • POST /player/current Retrieve information about the current track (metadata and time).
  • POST /player/tracks Retrieve all the tracks in the player state with metadata, you can specify withQueue.
  • POST /player/addToQueue Add a track to the queue, specified by uri.
  • POST /player/removeFromQueue Remove a track from the queue, specified by uri.


  • POST /metadata/{type}/{uri} Retrieve metadata. type can be one of episode, track, album, show, artist or playlist, uri is the standard Spotify uri.
  • POST /metadata/{uri} Retrieve metadata. uri is the standard Spotify uri, the type will be guessed based on the provided uri.


  • POST /search/{query} Make a search.


  • POST /token/{scope} Request an access token for a specific scope (or a comma separated list of scopes).


  • GET /profile/{user_id}/followers Retrieve a list of profiles that are followers of the specified user
  • GET /profile/{user_id}/following Retrieve a list of profiles that the specified user is following


  • GET /instance Returns a json model that contains basic information about the current session; device_id, device_name,device_type, country_code, and preferred_locale
  • POST /instance/terminate Terminates the API server.
  • POST /instance/close Closes the current session (and player).

Discovery (Spotify Connect)

  • POST /discovery/list List all Spotify Connect devices on the network.


You can subscribe for players events by creating a WebSocket connection to /events. The currently available events are:

  • contextChanged The Spotify context URI changed
  • trackChanged The Spotify track URI changed
  • playbackEnded Playback has ended
  • playbackPaused Playback has been paused
  • playbackResumed Playback has been resumed
  • volumeChanged Playback volume changed
  • trackSeeked Track has been seeked
  • metadataAvailable Metadata for the current track is available
  • playbackHaltStateChanged Playback halted or resumed from halt
  • sessionCleared Current session went away (Zeroconf only)
  • sessionChanged Current session changed (Zeroconf only)
  • inactiveSession Current session is now inactive (no audio)
  • connectionDropped A network error occurred and we're trying to reconnect
  • connectionEstablished Successfully reconnected
  • panic Entered the panic state, playback is stopped. This is usually recoverable.

Web API pass through

Use any endpoint from the public Web API by appending it to /web-api/, the request will be made to the API with the correct Authorization header and the result will be returned. The method, body, and content type headers will pass through. Additionally, you can specify an X-Spotify-Scope header to override the requested scope, by default all will be requested.


curl -X POST -d "uri=spotify:track:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&play=true&shuffle=true" http://localhost:24879/player/load

curl -X POST http://localhost:24879/metadata/track/spotify:track:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

curl -X POST http://localhost:24879/metadata/spotify:track:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

curl -X GET http://localhost:24879/web-api/v1/me/top/artists