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LiftJS : Libre-Informatique Frontend Tool

A JavaScript frontend starter application developped with popular javascript / html / css libraries

Application preview


Third party libraries


Install liftJs in your web project

# in your web project folder
$ mkdir ./LiftJS/
$ cd ./LiftJS/
$ git clone .

Integrate liftJs to your project

Initialize parameters

Copy LiftJS default parameters.json.dist and rename as parameters.json. You can put this file anywhere you want in your project directory (must be accessible by your web server).

# in your web project folder
$ cp ./LiftJS/data/parameters.json.dist ./parameters.json

Update parameters

// parameters.json
    "liftJsPath":"LiftJs/", // The web path to liftJs install dir
    "applicationName":"LiftJs", // The name that will be set in title and navbar
    "clientSessionName": "liftJs", // storage key (sessionStorage / localStorage)
    "appUriPrefix": "", // Prefix used for applications URLs : e.g : #/ or ?/ or empty
    "debug": true // Set to false for prod env

IMPORTANT: Don't expose sensitive information in this file ! It is publicly accessible as the application fetches it with an ajax call on startup.

Set includes

Include LiftJS stylesheet in your document head

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="LiftJS/dist/liftJs.min.css">

Include LiftJS third party libraries in your document body (if you already use any of this third party libraries in your current application, you won't have to include it again)

<script src="LiftJS/js/libs/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="LiftJS/js/libs/handlebars.min.js"></script>
<script src="LiftJS/js/libs/materialize.min.js"></script>
<script src="LiftJS/js/libs/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>

Include the LiftJS distributed file in your document body after third party libraries

<script type="text/javascript" src="LiftJS/dist/liftJs.min.js"></script>

OPTIONAL : Include LiftJS modules libraries in your document body after Lift core components

<script type="text/javascript" src="LiftJS/dist/modules/featureDiscovery.min.js"></script>

Add starter

Add the LiftJS app starter script

<!-- APP STARTER -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Set your custom host if needed (without trailing slash) = "";
    // Set your custom parameters.json path
    app.config.parametersPath = "/parameters.json"

    // START APP

Declare templates

Include LiftJS core templates in your index.html.

You have 3 options:

  • Let the module include the template automatically.
  • Include a template in div with class .content. The template will be cleared after calling app.core.ctrl.go(templateName,data) and app.core.ctrl.render(templateName,data,true).
  • Include a template in div with id #app. The template won't be cleared after calling app.core.ctrl.go(templateName,data) and app.core.ctrl.render(templateName,data,true).

You can override a template by changing it's src attribute. Targeting your own template will replace the existing one (keep the same id in order to replace existing template).

<div id="app">

    <div class="content">

        <!-- OVERRIDEN HOME VIEW -->
        <handlebars-template name="home" src="views/home.html" override="true"></handlebars-template>


    <!-- OPTIONAL : PUT A SPINNER WITH ID = #contentLoader -->
    <div id="contentLoader"></div>

Configure web server

If you use apache, you can use this rewrite rule in order to allow an empty value of appUriPrefix parameters.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    Options -MultiViews
    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^LiftJS
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^js
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^css
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^img
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^fonts
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^views
    # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^anyDirectoryOrFileYouWantToBeAccessible
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.html [QSA,L]

you can see this example in .htaccess-example in LiftJs root folder

That's done !

For developpers

Add new view

Create your view template in views/myView.html directory.

    My View ! and {{ myData }}

Put the view template in index.html

<div id="app">

    <!-- [...] -->

    <div class="content">
        <handlebars-template name="myView" src="views/myView.html"></handlebars-template>

    <!-- [...] -->


Add action to js/core/controller.js (You should use a custom module instead of editing core's files, see Declare a custom module )

    ctrl: {
        myView: function () {
            app.core.ctrl.render('myView', {myData: 'myData'}, true);

Add a link / button to call your newlly created view

<a href='javascript:;' data-go="myView">
    Go to my new view !

Declare a custom module

Create your module file js/modules/myModule.js

    myModule: {
        aProperty: null,
        aMethod: function() {
            alert('myModule myMethod !');

Include it in index.html between liftJs.min.js and app starter

<!-- APP -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="LiftJS/dist/liftJs.min.js"></script>

<!-- [...] -->


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/modules/myModule.js"></script>

<!-- APP STARTER -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    // START APP

Your module is now available through app.myModule.

Example of usage :;

Custom module events

Modules can register their own events by declaring initEvents method :

    myModule: {
        initEvents: function() {
                .on('click','a',function() {

Custom module plugins

Modules can register their own third party plugins by declaring initPlugins method :

    myModule: {
        initPlugins: function() {
            // Example: init bootstrap tooltips

Your app.myModule.initPlugins() function will be called when all templates will be registered (event templates.registered), a template is applied (event templates.applied) or a popstate is applied (via navigator history, event history.popedstate)

Custom module templates

You can register template with the registerTemplates function. Use ui function app.core.ui.addTemplate(type, name, src); to add a template (src will be prefixed with parameter liftJsPath).

    myModule: {
        registerTemplates: function() {
            // Adds a global view / block
            app.core.ui.addTemplate('app', 'myGlobalView', 'js/modules/myModule/views/myGlobalView.html');
            // Adds a content view (will be cleared when changing page)
            app.core.ui.addTemplate('content', 'myContentView', 'js/modules/myModule/views/myContentView.html');

Module and application override

Modules can override any part of methods / properties / module :

    myModule: {


    ctrl: {
        myAction: function() {
            // Append new method to app.core.ctrl
            alert('Action called with app.ctrl.myAction()');
        homeAction : function() {
            // Override app.ctrl.homeAction() action
            alert('Home Action overriden');