This document provides a summary of the tests included in the Cloud Native Telecom Initiative (CNTi) v2.0-beta Certification. Each test lists a general overview of what the test does, a link to the test code for that test, and links to additional information when relevant/available.
To learn how to run these tests, see the "Instructions." For further details see the USAGE guide.
To learn why these tests were written, see the
- Essential: 19 total
V2.0-beta certification requires passing at least 15 of the 19 total Essential tests.
- latest_tag
- selinux_options
- single_process_type
- sig_term_handled
- specialized_init_system
- zombie_handled
- node_drain
- liveness
- readiness
- log_output
- container_sock_mounts
- privileged_containers
- non_root_containers
- cpu_limits
- memory_limits
- hostpath_mounts
- hostport_not_used
- hardcoded_ip_addresses_in_k8s_runtime_configuration
- increase_decrease_capacity