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04.07.2018 Meeting Notes

goens edited this page Jul 5, 2018 · 1 revision
  1. Discussion about implicit vs explicit
    1. Two different questions: framework (topology) vs ports inside components
    2. Current status: the clean, concise code that comes from implicit definitions is desirable, yet not clear if it is as expressive.
    3. Challenge: come up with intuitive ways to replace and delete components implicitly.
  2. flow-runtime:
    1. Project is not very healthy (development stalled), not up to date with flow
    2. Principles very nice for our project: Babel plugin that does src2src transformations using a library
    3. Decision: Fork flow-runtime or start from scratch? Deferred until we have a more concrete idea of requirements (i.e. specification)
    4. Proposed alternative tool: sweeten/sweet.js (for defining macros)
  3. Action plan
    1. Focus on specification for now: most design choices depend on this
    2. Make things concrete with an elaborated example
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