diff --git a/files/resume/LICENSE.txt b/files/resume/LICENSE.txt
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-# data-science-tech-resume-template
-Resume template for data scientists, a complement to data-science-tech-cover-letter-template:
-### Files:
-- resume.tex: Main file
-- _header.tex: header code
-- TLCresume.sty: style file containing formatting details
-- section/objective: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/resume-objective-examples
-- section/skills: table of skills
-- section/experience: projects or roles
-- section/education: schools and stuff
-- section/activities: optional, could comment out in resume.tex.
-### Editor:
-### Last Updated: March 24th, 2022
diff --git a/files/resume/build.sh b/files/resume/build.sh
index 34f3c11..f0c798b 100755
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@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-pdflatex resume.tex
-bibtex resume
-pdflatex resume.tex
+latexmk -pdf resume.tex
+xdg-open resume.pdf
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- restricted \write18 enabled.
- %&-line parsing enabled.
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-End of file on the terminal!
-Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
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-! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Technical Experience}{1}{section.3}\protected@file@percent }
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+ \field{title}{Machine Learning Metallic Glass Critical Cooling Rates Through Atomistic and Molecular Dynamic Material Properties}
+ \endentry
+ \entry{schultz_kde_2024}{misc}{}
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+ \field{title}{A General Approach for Determining Applicability Domain of Machine Learning Models}
+ \field{year}{2024}
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+ \field{issn}{0927-0256}
+ \field{journaltitle}{Computational Materials Science}
+ \field{title}{Molecular dynamic characteristic temperatures for predicting metallic glass forming ability}
+ \field{volume}{201}
+ \field{year}{2022}
+ \field{pages}{110877}
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+ \keyw{Metallic glasses,Characteristic temperatures,Machine learning,Glass forming ability,Critical casting diameter}
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+ {{hash=615868f2db0f373edcb5efc65dffbace}{%
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+ {{hash=d763ef968eb025451ad77740fc777617}{%
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+ }
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+ \strng{fullhash}{a7eb3d9f98cd2b3f9b6545329d58b58b}
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+ \field{extraname}{4}
+ \field{sortinit}{4}
+ \field{sortinithash}{9381316451d1b9788675a07e972a12a7}
+ \field{labelnamesource}{author}
+ \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
+ \field{issn}{0927-0256}
+ \field{journaltitle}{Computational Materials Science}
+ \field{title}{Exploration of characteristic temperature contributions to metallic glass forming ability}
+ \field{volume}{196}
+ \field{year}{2021}
+ \field{pages}{110494}
+ \range{pages}{1}
+ \verb{doi}
+ \verb https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110494
+ \endverb
+ \verb{urlraw}
+ \verb https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025621002196
+ \endverb
+ \verb{url}
+ \verb https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025621002196
+ \endverb
+ \endentry
+ \entry{schultz_2018}{inbook}{}
+ \name{author}{6}{}{%
+ {{hash=26cb056b27ee88c3de0aeb0c4d2bb553}{%
+ family={Schultz},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Lane\bibnamedelima E.},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim E\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=f2e7454262d7a5be5a96293a70894695}{%
+ family={Cogger},
+ familyi={C\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Thomas\bibnamedelima J.},
+ giveni={T\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=7f0190d7b1ced3d3f3fea8a43639c244}{%
+ family={Good},
+ familyi={G\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Ryan},
+ giveni={R\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=c9ee6b7753952feefa74b1fdb1d155d2}{%
+ family={Schneider},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={James},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=f08bae62ea5e12cac6b4cf3b9de14eca}{%
+ family={Rothschild},
+ familyi={R\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Robert},
+ giveni={R\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=cc6ef3430d77bf1e4bdd1f5408f4b080}{%
+ family={Nollet},
+ familyi={N\bibinitperiod},
+ given={William},
+ giveni={W\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{303896311ea35cd5bd7f3f7e277b5b9a}
+ \strng{fullhash}{b613049a59687fae7b1f2c51de4e8f50}
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+ \field{extraname}{5}
+ \field{sortinit}{5}
+ \field{sortinithash}{20e9b4b0b173788c5dace24730f47d8c}
+ \field{labelnamesource}{author}
+ \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
+ \field{booktitle}{2018 Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference}
+ \field{title}{Design of Torsional Test Stand for Micro-Newton Force Detection}
+ \field{year}{2018}
+ \verb{doi}
+ \verb 10.2514/6.2018-3737
+ \endverb
+ \verb{urlraw}
+ \verb https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2018-3737
+ \endverb
+ \verb{url}
+ \verb https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2018-3737
+ \endverb
+ \endentry
+ \entry{meng_2024}{misc}{}
+ \name{author}{8}{}{%
+ {{hash=c65c35c66755b7ce7c8e39a7bc0ad7a0}{%
+ family={Meng},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Jun},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=5a510a824fbfb73151dc1cc5c24d3c38}{%
+ family={Sheikh},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Md\bibnamedelima Sariful},
+ giveni={M\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim S\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=26cb056b27ee88c3de0aeb0c4d2bb553}{%
+ family={Schultz},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Lane\bibnamedelima E.},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim E\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=d1efd5bf76d309c8ec853029f309fa1e}{%
+ family={Nachlas},
+ familyi={N\bibinitperiod},
+ given={William\bibnamedelima O.},
+ giveni={W\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim O\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=fd903bc507de58459375d974764ab4ea}{%
+ family={Liu},
+ familyi={L\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Jian},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=3eba6f567470558279590fad1b6e224b}{%
+ family={Polak},
+ familyi={P\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Maciej\bibnamedelima P.},
+ giveni={M\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim P\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=b0d6cf07d11ed51e5613f26384aa4619}{%
+ family={Jacobs},
+ familyi={J\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Ryan},
+ giveni={R\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=4d9c96a8604deb9b0ba69f71c5a0d305}{%
+ family={Morgan},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Dane},
+ giveni={D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{0ff2892f40ee68b71882f84a3f780041}
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+ \strng{bibnamehash}{0ff2892f40ee68b71882f84a3f780041}
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+ \strng{authornamehash}{0ff2892f40ee68b71882f84a3f780041}
+ \strng{authorfullhash}{5b1009356c11fc9a285d284952468e62}
+ \field{sortinit}{6}
+ \field{sortinithash}{b33bc299efb3c36abec520a4c896a66d}
+ \field{labelnamesource}{author}
+ \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
+ \field{eprinttype}{arXiv}
+ \field{title}{Ultra-fast Oxygen Conduction in Sillén Oxychlorides}
+ \field{year}{2024}
+ \verb{eprint}
+ \verb 2406.07723
+ \endverb
+ \endentry
+ \entry{jacobs_2024}{article}{}
+ \name{author}{8}{}{%
+ {{hash=b0d6cf07d11ed51e5613f26384aa4619}{%
+ family={Jacobs},
+ familyi={J\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Ryan},
+ giveni={R\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=26cb056b27ee88c3de0aeb0c4d2bb553}{%
+ family={Schultz},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Lane\bibnamedelima E.},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim E\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=b75c61a0d365a779ba8e69d79e936716}{%
+ family={Scourtas},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Aristana},
+ giveni={A\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=abbf1248f3251e780f3a60bf32fde01c}{%
+ family={Schmidt},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={KJ},
+ giveni={K\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=e8a08ed06db1b0cab16c19c1b48a8353}{%
+ family={Price},
+ familyi={P\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Owen},
+ giveni={O\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=95975c20e2aa653178cd54d5501a0b55}{%
+ family={Engler},
+ familyi={E\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Will},
+ giveni={W\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=9b3e57daccbdfbd9465e35f5e752a607}{%
+ family={Blaiszik},
+ familyi={B\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Ben},
+ giveni={B\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=1088902467cad9c1b47f8b9beb2bdaef}{%
+ family={Morgan1},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Dane},
+ giveni={D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ }
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+ \field{sortinit}{7}
+ \field{sortinithash}{108d0be1b1bee9773a1173443802c0a3}
+ \field{labelnamesource}{author}
+ \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
+ \field{journaltitle}{Pending Publication}
+ \field{title}{Machine Learning Materials Properties with Accurate Predictions, Uncertainty Estimates,” Domain Guidance, and Persistent Online Accessibility}
+ \endentry
+ \entry{huang_2024}{article}{}
+ \name{author}{10}{}{%
+ {{hash=149a0d4f6ae00ff686fc81fd4be55deb}{%
+ family={Huang},
+ familyi={H\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Shuoyuan},
+ giveni={S\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=6412755cb88efb10efdae1619330eae6}{%
+ family={Annamareddy},
+ familyi={A\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Ajay},
+ giveni={A\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=d763ef968eb025451ad77740fc777617}{%
+ family={Francis},
+ familyi={F\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Carter},
+ giveni={C\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=26cb056b27ee88c3de0aeb0c4d2bb553}{%
+ family={Schultz},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Lane\bibnamedelima E.},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim E\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=d50a4356f5a638283e6bbd0075499c7c}{%
+ family={Ketkaew},
+ familyi={K\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Jittisa},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=df52a74ba88f795ac2f5d1c56335e5cd}{%
+ family={Ediger},
+ familyi={E\bibinitperiod},
+ given={M.\bibnamedelimi D.},
+ giveni={M\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=0b6460bfe5dec0c997c66f1a7fda5a3f}{%
+ family={Yu},
+ familyi={Y\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Lian},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=9f0edc9f31d67ad6e1a15ede8b0c75e1}{%
+ family={Schroers},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Jan},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=4d9c96a8604deb9b0ba69f71c5a0d305}{%
+ family={Morgan},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Dane},
+ giveni={D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=bc08f5c4a7275ddab419671356254445}{%
+ family={Voyles1},
+ familyi={V\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Paul\bibnamedelima M.},
+ giveni={P\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim M\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{c721ca14c1a08164038ab27bdd13adaf}
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+ \field{labelnamesource}{author}
+ \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
+ \field{journaltitle}{Pending Publication}
+ \field{title}{Composition-Resolved Dynamics in Metallic Supercooled Liquids from Momentum-Resolved Electron Correlation Microscopy}
+ \endentry
+ \entry{agrawal_2024}{misc}{}
+ \name{author}{4}{}{%
+ {{hash=fa5ae1ba4dfe7dedef96b61077e4d1a6}{%
+ family={Agrawal},
+ familyi={A\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Vidit},
+ giveni={V\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=882c93d1f45816c245831b08495174f6}{%
+ family={Zhang},
+ familyi={Z\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Shixin},
+ giveni={S\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=26cb056b27ee88c3de0aeb0c4d2bb553}{%
+ family={Schultz},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Lane\bibnamedelima E.},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim E\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=4d9c96a8604deb9b0ba69f71c5a0d305}{%
+ family={Morgan},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Dane},
+ giveni={D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ }
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+ \field{sortinit}{9}
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+ \field{labelnamesource}{author}
+ \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
+ \field{eprinttype}{arXiv}
+ \field{title}{Accelerating Ensemble Error Bar Prediction with Single Models Fits}
+ \field{year}{2024}
+ \verb{eprint}
+ \verb 2404.09896
+ \endverb
+ \endentry
+ \entry{afflerbach_2022}{article}{}
+ \name{author}{12}{}{%
+ {{hash=3691e207113bc727348237b3bdada5ed}{%
+ family={Afflerbach},
+ familyi={A\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Benjamin\bibnamedelima T.},
+ giveni={B\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim T\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=d763ef968eb025451ad77740fc777617}{%
+ family={Francis},
+ familyi={F\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Carter},
+ giveni={C\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=26cb056b27ee88c3de0aeb0c4d2bb553}{%
+ family={Schultz},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Lane\bibnamedelima E.},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim E\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=1a576de87652a724d886b519722add30}{%
+ family={Spethson},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Janine},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=a8cb0d19572e707ab650c2b1dbc4d49a}{%
+ family={Meschke},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Vanessa},
+ giveni={V\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=cf432a6e70d33240869a7b935d9c7aeb}{%
+ family={Strand},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Elliot},
+ giveni={E\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=bb6ebe91f1eda97f094619be5df0a652}{%
+ family={Ward},
+ familyi={W\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Logan},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=79602500a4e35d3f99354cb1d174e536}{%
+ family={Perepezko},
+ familyi={P\bibinitperiod},
+ given={John\bibnamedelima H.},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim H\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=bf4f92d2fefe3c4067dbafc87e57a49e}{%
+ family={Thoma},
+ familyi={T\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Dan},
+ giveni={D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=a128f717c2d0a0ca23b42da2e4e32b8c}{%
+ family={Voyles},
+ familyi={V\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Paul\bibnamedelima M.},
+ giveni={P\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim M\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=fefd06672d435608b84838049a370c1c}{%
+ family={Szlufarska},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Izabela},
+ giveni={I\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=4d9c96a8604deb9b0ba69f71c5a0d305}{%
+ family={Morgan},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Dane},
+ giveni={D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ }
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+ \strng{authorfullhash}{ce7a23a9b03df9924baab509be15e8fa}
+ \field{extraname}{1}
+ \field{sortinit}{1}
+ \field{sortinithash}{4f6aaa89bab872aa0999fec09ff8e98a}
+ \field{labelnamesource}{author}
+ \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
+ \field{issn}{0897-4756}
+ \field{journaltitle}{Chemistry of Materials}
+ \field{month}{03}
+ \field{title}{{Machine Learning Prediction of the Critical Cooling Rate for Metallic Glasses from Expanded Datasets and Elemental Features}}
+ \field{year}{2022}
+ \field{pages}{acs.chemmater.1c03542}
+ \range{pages}{-1}
+ \verb{doi}
+ \verb 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03542
+ \endverb
+ \verb{urlraw}
+ \verb https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03542
+ \endverb
+ \verb{url}
+ \verb https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03542
+ \endverb
+ \endentry
+ \entry{afflerbach_2021}{article}{}
+ \name{author}{6}{}{%
+ {{hash=3691e207113bc727348237b3bdada5ed}{%
+ family={Afflerbach},
+ familyi={A\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Benjamin\bibnamedelima T.},
+ giveni={B\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim T\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=f1241180a26a0f8139ee59bce382bb0b}{%
+ family={Schultz},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Lane},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=79602500a4e35d3f99354cb1d174e536}{%
+ family={Perepezko},
+ familyi={P\bibinitperiod},
+ given={John\bibnamedelima H.},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim H\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=a128f717c2d0a0ca23b42da2e4e32b8c}{%
+ family={Voyles},
+ familyi={V\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Paul\bibnamedelima M.},
+ giveni={P\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim M\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=fefd06672d435608b84838049a370c1c}{%
+ family={Szlufarska},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Izabela},
+ giveni={I\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=4d9c96a8604deb9b0ba69f71c5a0d305}{%
+ family={Morgan},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Dane},
+ giveni={D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ }
+ \list{publisher}{1}{%
+ {Elsevier B.V.}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{65c72ae3fd6921b2d3585db896c8e65f}
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+ \field{extraname}{2}
+ \field{sortinit}{1}
+ \field{sortinithash}{4f6aaa89bab872aa0999fec09ff8e98a}
+ \field{labelnamesource}{author}
+ \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
+ \field{issn}{09270256}
+ \field{journaltitle}{Computational Materials Science}
+ \field{month}{11}
+ \field{title}{{Molecular simulation-derived features for machine learning predictions of metal glass forming ability}}
+ \field{volume}{199}
+ \field{year}{2021}
+ \verb{doi}
+ \verb 10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110728
+ \endverb
+ \endentry
+ \entry{janqi_2020}{article}{}
+ \name{author}{9}{}{%
+ {{hash=d31900101d3d1360fd0d46e8c39362fa}{%
+ family={Xi},
+ familyi={X\bibinitperiod},
+ given={J.},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=7d78c889fe0394ccf0de808c20dfbd7d}{%
+ family={Bokas},
+ familyi={B\bibinitperiod},
+ given={G.},
+ giveni={G\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=62c7c25dc2546e594546c65daf7659bf}{%
+ family={Schultz},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={L.E.},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=c6ce985ac0295b29b4c8ec512ff32fdc}{%
+ family={Gao},
+ familyi={G\bibinitperiod},
+ given={M.},
+ giveni={M\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=0d4a8cff3cc7aa7cf7a8e2b46e93005e}{%
+ family={Zhao},
+ familyi={Z\bibinitperiod},
+ given={L.},
+ giveni={L\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=c683dca86043405be8fb1d3009bc1604}{%
+ family={Shen},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={Y.},
+ giveni={Y\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=8aaad45531e39908dada04a7089ed746}{%
+ family={Perepezko},
+ familyi={P\bibinitperiod},
+ given={J.H.},
+ giveni={J\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=97dbd7c32b2c6bec5b3e9f0ebdfd35d6}{%
+ family={Morgan},
+ familyi={M\bibinitperiod},
+ given={D.},
+ giveni={D\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ {{hash=6de6fa9f53808571ae81b77631e98c0b}{%
+ family={Szlufarska},
+ familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
+ given={I.},
+ giveni={I\bibinitperiod}}}%
+ }
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+ \field{title}{Development of a portable water quality sensor for river monitoring from small rafts}
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+ \field{pages}{1\bibrangedash 10}
+ \range{pages}{10}
+ \verb{doi}
+ \verb 10.1109/OCEANS.2016.7761392
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\section{Technical Experience}
-\subsection{{Research Assistant \hfill Jun 2018 --- Present}}
+\subsection{{Research Assistant \hfill Jun 2018 --- Aug 2024}}
\subtext{Computational Materials Group, UW-Madison \hfill Madison, WI}
\item[] \textbf{Machine Learning Domain of Applicability for Materials}
diff --git a/files/resume/sections/publications.tex b/files/resume/sections/publications.tex
index 4e4c00b..48a27cc 100644
--- a/files/resume/sections/publications.tex
+++ b/files/resume/sections/publications.tex
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
- \item L. E. Schultz, B. Afflerbach, D. Morgan, \textit{Machine Learning Metallic Glass Critical Cooling Rates Through Atomistic and Molecular Dynamic Material Properties}, Pending publication
- \item L. E. Schultz, Y. Wang, R. Jacobs, D. Morgan, \textit{Assessing Machine Learning Model Domains using Kernel Density Estimates}, Pending publication
- \item R. Jacobs et al., \textit{Machine Learning Materials Properties with Accurate Predictions, Uncertainty Estimates, Domain Guidance, and Persistent Online Accessibility}, Pending Publication
- \item V. Agrawal et al., \textit{Accelerating Ensemble Error Bar Prediction with Single Model Fits, Computational Materials Science}, Pending Publication
- \item J. Meng et al., \textit{Ultra-fast oxygen conduction through vacancy-mediated mechanism in Sillén Oxychlorides}, Pending Publication
- \item S. Huang et al., \textit{Composition-Resolved Dynamics in Metallic Supercooled Liquids from Momentum-Resolved Electron Correlation Microscopy}, Pending Publication
- \item B. Afflerbach et al., \textit{Machine Learning Prediction of the Critical Cooling Rate for Metallic Glasses from Expanded Datasets and Elemental Features}, Chemistry of Materials, March 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03542
- \item L. E. Schultz, B. Afflerbach, D. Morgan, I. Szlufarska, \textit{Molecular Dynamics Characteristic Temperatures for Predicting Metallic Glass Forming Ability}, Computational Materials Science, January 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110877
- \item L. E. Schultz, B. Afflerbach, C. Francis, D. Morgan, I. Szlufarska, P. Voyles, \textit{Exploration of Characteristic Temperature Contributions to Metallic Glass Forming Ability}, Computational Materials Science, August 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110494
- \item B. Afflerbach et al., \textit{Molecular simulation-derived features for machine learning predictions of metal glass forming ability}, Computational Materials Science, November 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110728
- \item J. Xi et al., \textit{Microalloying effect in ternary Al-Sm-X (X = Ag, Au, Cu) metallic glasses studied by ab initio molecular dynamics}, Computational Materials Science, December 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109958
- \item L. E. Schultz, T. J. Cogger, J. Schneider, R. Good, R. Rothschild, and W. Nollet, \textit{Design of torsional test stand for micro-newton force detection}, Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, June 2018, DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-3737
- \item J. Schneider, L. E. Schultz, S. Mancha, E. Hicks, and R. N. Smith, \textit{Development of a portable water quality sensor for river monitoring from small rafts}, OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, September 2016, DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS.2016.7761392
+ % Chronological first author
+ \item \fullcite{schultz_potentials_2024}
+ \item \fullcite{schultz_kde_2024}
+ \item \fullcite{schultz_2022}
+ \item \fullcite{schultz_2021}
+ \item \fullcite{schultz_2018}
+ % Chronological
+ \item \fullcite{meng_2024}
+ \item \fullcite{jacobs_2024}
+ \item \fullcite{huang_2024}
+ \item \fullcite{agrawal_2024}
+ \item \fullcite{afflerbach_2022}
+ \item \fullcite{afflerbach_2021}
+ \item \fullcite{janqi_2020}
+ \item \fullcite{schneider_2016}
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+ author = {Schneider, James and Schultz, Lane E. and Mancha, Sophie and Hicks, Eric and Smith, Ryan N.},
+ booktitle = {OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey},
+ title = {Development of a portable water quality sensor for river monitoring from small rafts},
+ year = {2016},
+ pages = {1-10},
+ doi = {10.1109/OCEANS.2016.7761392},
+ author = {Afflerbach, Benjamin T. and Francis, Carter and Schultz, Lane E. and Spethson, Janine and Meschke, Vanessa and Strand, Elliot and Ward, Logan and Perepezko, John H. and Thoma, Dan and Voyles, Paul M. and Szlufarska, Izabela and Morgan, Dane},
+ doi = {10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03542},
+ issn = {0897-4756},
+ journal = {Chemistry of Materials},
+ month = {03},
+ pages = {acs.chemmater.1c03542},
+ title = {{Machine Learning Prediction of the Critical Cooling Rate for Metallic Glasses from Expanded Datasets and Elemental Features}},
+ url = {https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03542},
+ year = {2022}
+ author = {Afflerbach, Benjamin T. and Schultz, Lane and Perepezko, John H. and Voyles, Paul M. and Szlufarska, Izabela and Morgan, Dane},
+ doi = {10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110728},
+ issn = {09270256},
+ journal = {Computational Materials Science},
+ month = {11},
+ publisher = {Elsevier B.V.},
+ title = {{Molecular simulation-derived features for machine learning predictions of metal glass forming ability}},
+ volume = {199},
+ year = {2021}
+ title = {Exploration of characteristic temperature contributions to metallic glass forming ability},
+ journal = {Computational Materials Science},
+ volume = {196},
+ pages = {110494},
+ year = {2021},
+ issn = {0927-0256},
+ doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110494},
+ url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025621002196},
+ author = {Lane E. Schultz and Benjamin Afflerbach and Carter Francis and Paul M. Voyles and Izabela Szlufarska and Dane Morgan},
+ title = {Molecular dynamic characteristic temperatures for predicting metallic glass forming ability},
+ journal = {Computational Materials Science},
+ volume = {201},
+ pages = {110877},
+ year = {2022},
+ issn = {0927-0256},
+ doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110877},
+ url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025621005899},
+ author = {Lane E. Schultz and Benjamin Afflerbach and Izabela Szlufarska and Dane Morgan},
+ keywords = {Metallic glasses, Characteristic temperatures, Machine learning, Glass forming ability, Critical casting diameter},
+ title = {Microalloying effect in ternary Al-Sm-X (X=Ag, Au, Cu) metallic glasses studied by ab initio molecular dynamics},
+ journal = {Computational Materials Science},
+ volume = {185},
+ pages = {109958},
+ year = {2020},
+ issn = {0927-0256},
+ doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109958},
+ url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025620304493},
+ author = {J. Xi and G. Bokas and L.E. Schultz and M. Gao and L. Zhao and Y. Shen and J.H. Perepezko and D. Morgan and I. Szlufarska},
+ title = {Accelerating Ensemble Error Bar Prediction with Single Models Fits},
+ author = {Vidit Agrawal and Shixin Zhang and Lane E. Schultz and Dane Morgan},
+ year = {2024},
+ eprint = {2404.09896},
+ archivePrefix = {arXiv},
+ title = {Ultra-fast Oxygen Conduction in Sill\'en Oxychlorides},
+ author = {Jun Meng and Md Sariful Sheikh and Lane E. Schultz and William O. Nachlas and Jian Liu and Maciej P. Polak and Ryan Jacobs and Dane Morgan},
+ year = {2024},
+ eprint = {2406.07723},
+ archivePrefix = {arXiv},
+ title = {Machine Learning Materials Properties with Accurate Predictions, Uncertainty Estimates,” Domain Guidance, and Persistent Online Accessibility},
+ author = {Ryan Jacobs and Lane E. Schultz and Aristana Scourtas and KJ Schmidt and Owen Price and Will Engler and Ben Blaiszik and Dane Morgan1},
+ journal = {Pending Publication},
+ title = {Composition-Resolved Dynamics in Metallic Supercooled Liquids from Momentum-Resolved Electron Correlation Microscopy},
+ author = {Shuoyuan Huang and Ajay Annamareddy and Carter Francis and Lane E. Schultz and Jittisa Ketkaew and M. D. Ediger and Lian Yu and Jan Schroers and Dane Morgan and Paul M. Voyles1},
+ journal = {Pending Publication},
+ author = {Lane E. Schultz and Thomas J. Cogger and Ryan Good and James Schneider and Robert Rothschild and William Nollet},
+ title = {Design of Torsional Test Stand for Micro-Newton Force Detection},
+ booktitle = {2018 Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference},
+ year = {2018},
+ doi = {10.2514/6.2018-3737},
+ URL = {https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2018-3737},
+ title = {Machine Learning Metallic Glass Critical Cooling Rates Through Atomistic and Molecular Dynamic Material Properties},
+ author = {L. E. Schultz and B. Afflerbach and D. Morgan},
+ journal = {Pending Publication},
+ title = {A General Approach for Determining Applicability Domain of Machine Learning Models},
+ author = {Lane E. Schultz and Yiqi Wang and Ryan Jacobs and Dane Morgan},
+ year = {2024},
+ eprint = {2406.05143},
+ archivePrefix = {arXiv},