The file header should contain copyright information, a list of all the authors who have worked on the file, and a description of the contents.
Use 100 columns.
When using unicode, do not use an extra space after exists, forall, or fun:
theorem example : ∀X : Type, ∀x : X, ∃y, (λu, u) x = y
Use spaces around ":" and ":=".
Use the macros take, assume, have, and show. These need to be imported:
import macros.lua
With these macros the code
theorem example2 : ∀x : ℕ, 0 < x → 0 < x + x
take x,
assume H : 0 < x,
have H1 : 0 + 0 < x + x, from add_lt H H,
have H2 : 0 + 0 = 0, from add_zero_left _,
show 0 < x + x, from subst H1 H2
is syntactic sugar for
theorem example2: ∀x : ℕ, 0 < x → 0 < x + x
fun x,
fun H : 0 < x,
let H1 : 0 + 0 < x + x := add_lt H H in
let H2 : 0 + 0 = 0 := add_zero_left 0 in
let H_show : 0 < x + x := subst H1 H2 in
(This example assumes that you have imported nat.) The second proof of example2 succeeds even if the type annotatations in the "let" statements are ommitted. But using "have" and "show" to structure proofs generally makes the proofs easier to read and maintain.
When universally quantified variables and hypotheses are introduced right away, it is better to name them as parameters to the theorem:
theorem example2 (x : ℕ) (H : 0 < x) : 0 < x + x
have H1 : 0 + 0 < x + x, from add_lt H H,
have H2 : 0 + 0 = 0, from add_zero_left _,
show 0 < x + x, from subst H1 H2
Use two spaces to indent. Use an extra indent when a long line forces a break, as in the statement of the theorem here:
theorem two_step_induction_on {P : nat → Bool} (a : nat) (H1 : P 0) (H2 : P (succ 0))
(H3 : ∀ (n : nat) (IH1 : P n) (IH2 : P (succ n)), P (succ (succ n))) : P a
After the statement of a theorem, put the ":=" on its own line, and start the proof two spaces indented.
theorem zero_or_succ (n : nat) : n = zero ∨ n = succ (pred n)
induction_on n
(or_intro_left _ (refl zero))
(take m IH, or_intro_right _
(show succ m = succ (pred (succ m)), from congr2 succ (symm (pred_succ m))))
One-line proofs can be put on the same line as ":=".
theorem nat_case {P : nat → Bool} (n : nat) (H1: P 0) (H2 : ∀m, P (succ m)) : P n
:= induction_on n H1 (take m IH, H2 m)
A short definition can be written on a single line:
definition square (x : nat) := x * x
For longer definitions, use conventions like those for theorems.
A "have" / "from" pair can be put on the same line.
have H2 : n ≠ succ k, from subst (ne_symm (succ_ne_zero k)) (symm H),
For clarify, you can also put it on the next line, if the justification is long.
have H2 : n ≠ succ k,
from subst (ne_symm (succ_ne_zero k)) (symm H),
If the justification takes more than a single line, keep the "from" on the same line as the "have", and then begin the justification indented on the next line.
have n ≠ succ k, from
(take H4 : n = succ k,
have H5 : succ l = succ k, from trans (symm H) H4,
have H6 : l = k, from succ_inj H5,
absurd H6 H2)))),
When a proof rule takes multiple arguments, it is sometimes clearer, and often necessary, to put some of the arguments on subsequent lines. In that case, indent each argument.
theorem nat_discriminate {B : Bool} {n : nat} (H1: n = 0 → B)
(H2 : ∀m, n = succ m → B) : B
or_elim (zero_or_succ n)
(take H3 : n = zero, H1 H3)
(take H3 : n = succ (pred n), H2 (pred n) H3)
When the arguments themselves are long enough to require line breaks, use an additional indent for every line after the first, as in the following example:
theorem add_right_inj {n m k : nat} : n + m = n + k → m = k
induction_on n
(take H : 0 + m = 0 + k,
m = 0 + m : symm (add_zero_left m)
... = 0 + k : H
... = k : add_zero_left k)
(take (n : nat) (IH : n + m = n + k → m = k) (H : succ n + m = succ n + k),
have H2 : succ (n + m) = succ (n + k), from
succ (n + m) = succ n + m : symm (add_succ_left n m)
... = succ n + k : H
... = succ (n + k) : add_succ_left n k,
have H3 : n + m = n + k, from succ_inj H2,
IH H3)
Note that handling of "calc". The first line of the calculation is indented two spaces, and each subsequent line is indented an additional two spaces.