Proof documents are generated from .lean files automatically, in the following way:
Lines beginning with "---" are omitted.
Blocks between lines beginning with "--(" and "--)" are omitted.
Otherwise, lines beginning with "--" are rendered as markdown (the two dashes, and a single space if it exists, are dropped).
Lines of code between comments are rendered as markdown code blocks.
Definitions starting with a ":=" at the beginning of a line are omitted, until the next blank line.
To facilitate nice proof documents, use "---", "--(", and "--)" to indicate things that should be omitted, such as the copyright notice or "to do" items.
After the copyright notice, start the file with a header like this:
-- Theory nat
-- ==========
-- The natural numbers, with addition, multiplication, ordering, and subtraction.
Begin sections with a second-level header:
-- Addition
-- --------
Capitalize only the first word.
Begin subsections with a third-level header:
-- ### commutativity and associativity
Use lower case.
If you want to add comments to code without breaking up the code block, simply start the comment two spaces in:
-- for fixed y, recursive call for x div y
definition div_aux_rec (y : ℕ) (x : ℕ) (div_aux' : ℕ → ℕ) : ℕ