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LeoFS v1.2.20 (March 23, 2016)

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@yosukehara yosukehara released this 23 Mar 07:06
· 899 commits to v1 since this release



  • #389 erlang To be able to build LeoFS with Erlang 18
  • #442 leo_storage When removing a large size object, a high-latency issue can be happened
  • #445 leo_backend_db May take too much time when restarting leo_storage
  • #446 leo_object_storage Unnecessary a file:position call when opening a AVS file
  • #447 There are some possibilities that some supervisours don't restart their child as we expect
  • #448 leo_storage,leo_mq Reduce queue messages
  • Improve the LeoStorage's read performance
    • #450 leo_object_storage Improve concurrency
    • #467 leo_object_storage Improve concurrency of read operations
  • leo_manager Implement the command history feature to be able to confirm command histories with it
    • It is stored under log/app directory
## command history file:
$ tree -vhD /path/to/leofs/leofs-1.2.20/leo_manager_0/log/app/
├── [ 103 Mar 17 16:40]  cmd_history -> /path/to/leofs/leofs-1.2.20/leo_manager_0/log/app/cmd_history.20160317.16.1
├── [ 230 Mar 17 16:41]  cmd_history.20160317.16.1
├── [  97 Mar 17 16:40]  error -> /path/to/leofs/leofs-1.2.20/leo_manager_0/log/app/error.20160317.16.1
├── [ 256 Mar 17 16:41]  error.20160317.16.1
├── [  96 Mar 17 16:40]  info -> /path/to/leofs/leofs-1.2.20/leo_manager_0/log/app/info.20160317.16.1
└── [1.6K Mar 17 16:40]  info.20160317.16.1

## command history format:
## | <datetime> | <unixtime> | <command> |
$ tail -f /path/to/leofs/leofs-1.2.20/leo_manager_0/log/app/cmd_history
2016-03-17 16:40:42.685451 +0900    1452670842685495    start
2016-03-17 16:41:22.732225 +0900    1452670882732267    update-log-level [email protected] debug
2016-03-17 16:41:36.745973 +0900    1452670896746008    update-consistency-level 1 1 1

Fixed Bugs

  • #443 leo_storage Node stopped with many small write requests
  • #452 leo_gateway Cannot handle http requests when cache.http_cache is set to true also protocol=rest
  • #453 leo_manager LeoManager may crash when # of histories is pretty large
  • #455 leo_storage Compaction is not executed when some nodes are empty
  • #458 leo_statistics,snmpa Value of a number of requests cannot clear
  • #463 leo_gateway,snmpa Can not retrieve the object-cache statistics
  • $468 leo_storage,leo_redundant_manager Incorrect ring after executing the takeover

Used libraries

leo project

