Learn x in y: Python Quick Study
The HitchHiker's Guide to Python
1: Working with variables - Band Name Generator
2: Data Types, input, manipulate Strings, f-strings - Tip Calculator
3: Control Flow and Logical Operators - Treasure Island Decision Game
4: Randomisation, Python Lists, Importing Modules - Rock, Paper, Scissors
5: Python Loops, FizzBuzz - Random Password Generator
6: Basic Python Functions & Reeborgs World
7: Randomisation, Importing Modules, Loops (enumerate) - Hangman
8: Function Parameters - Caesar Cipher
9: Dictionaries, Array of Dictionaries, Dictionary Nesting - Secret Auction
10: Functions with Outputs - Calculator
11: Functions, Randomisation - Blackjack
12: Scope - Number Guessing Game
13/14: Array of Dictionaries - Higher/Lower Instagram Followers Game
18: Tuples, Colorgram, Turtle - Random Walk, Hirst Painting
19: Instances, State & Higher Order Functions - Turtle Etch-A-Sketch, Turtle Racing Game
20/21: OOP, Writing to file - Snake Game
23: OOP - Crossy Road Game using Turtle
24: Files/Directories/Paths, Writing to file - Mail Merge Project
25: Working with CSV Data, Pandas Library - Squirrel Census, US States Game
26: List Comprehension - NATO Alphabet
27: Tkinter, *args, **kwargs and Creating GUI Programs
28: Tkinter, Dynamic Typing - Pomodoro Productivity App
30: Errors, Exceptions, JSON Data - improved Password Manager
31: Tkinter - Flash Card app for learning languages
32: Email SMTP, datetime module - automated Happy B'Day email
33: APIs - International Space Station tracker with email alert
34: Trivia API - Quiz App with GUI
35: Keys, Environment Variables - send weather SMS by Twilio
36: Alpha-Vantage API, News API, Twilio API - Stock Trading SMS
37: Pixela API - Habit Tracking
38: Nutritionix API (NLP), Sheety API - NLP Workout Tracking with Google Sheets backend
39/40: Tequila API, Sheety API - Flight Deal Finder
41-44: HTML/CSS - Sample Personal Portfolio Website
45: Web Scraping, Beautiful Soup - '100 best movies' via scraping
46: Spotify API, Spotipy - Create Spotify Playlist Top 100 songs of a given date
47: Beautiful Soup - Amazon Price Tracker
48: ChromeDriver, Selenium - Automated Form fill-out, Cookie Clicker Cheat
49: Selenium - Automated LinkedIn applications
50: Selenium - Automated Tinder Swipe-Right bot
51: Selenium - Automated Twit-Bot for poor internet speed
52: Selenium - Automated Instagram follower
53: Selenium, Beautiful Soup - Automated Data Entry
54: Python Decorators - Web Dev with Flask
55: Advanced Decorators, Rendering, Parsing URLS, Flask - Guess the number
56: Static Files, Rendering Files, Flask - Portfolio via html5up template
57: n:point API, Jinja, Flask - Blog using n:Point API
58/59: n:point API, Jinja, Flask - same Blog from #57, but Bootstrapped. Working HTML form
60/61: WTForm, inheriting templates, Flask-Bootstrap - Logging In
62: WTForm, Tables, Flask - Coffee and Wifi (adding data to csv)
63: SQLAlchemy, SQLite - Book Library with CRUD
64: TMDB API, SQLAlchemy, WTForms, Flask - Top 10 Movies app with data parsed from TMDB API
65-66: Postman - Create an API for a cafe website, GET/POST/PATCH/DELETE
67: SQLite, REST, CKEditor - CRUD Blog site
68: LoginManager, Werkzeug.security, UserMixin, SQLAlchemy - Flask Authentication template
69: flask_gravatar, LoginManager, functools, werkzeug.security - Blog Site, user login, commenting