diff --git a/.formatter.exs b/.formatter.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8840c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.formatter.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import_deps: [:ecto, :ecto_sql, :phoenix],
+ subdirectories: ["priv/*/migrations"],
+ plugins: [Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter],
+ inputs: ["*.{heex,ex,exs}", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{heex,ex,exs}", "priv/*/seeds.exs"]
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab6e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# The directory Mix will write compiled artifacts to.
+# If you run "mix test --cover", coverage assets end up here.
+# The directory Mix downloads your dependencies sources to.
+# Where 3rd-party dependencies like ExDoc output generated docs.
+# Ignore .fetch files in case you like to edit your project deps locally.
+# If the VM crashes, it generates a dump, let's ignore it too.
+# Also ignore archive artifacts (built via "mix archive.build").
+# Temporary files, for example, from tests.
+# Ignore package tarball (built via "mix hex.build").
+# Ignore assets that are produced by build tools.
+# Ignore digested assets cache.
+# In case you use Node.js/npm, you want to ignore these.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6733ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Munch
+To start your Phoenix server:
+ * Run `mix setup` to install and setup dependencies
+ * Start Phoenix endpoint with `mix phx.server` or inside IEx with `iex -S mix phx.server`
+Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser.
+Ready to run in production? Please [check our deployment guides](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/deployment.html).
+## Learn more
+ * Official website: https://www.phoenixframework.org/
+ * Guides: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/overview.html
+ * Docs: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix
+ * Forum: https://elixirforum.com/c/phoenix-forum
+ * Source: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix
diff --git a/assets/css/app.css b/assets/css/app.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..378c8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/css/app.css
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@import "tailwindcss/base";
+@import "tailwindcss/components";
+@import "tailwindcss/utilities";
+/* This file is for your main application CSS */
diff --git a/assets/js/app.js b/assets/js/app.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9489fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/app.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// If you want to use Phoenix channels, run `mix help phx.gen.channel`
+// to get started and then uncomment the line below.
+// import "./user_socket.js"
+// You can include dependencies in two ways.
+// The simplest option is to put them in assets/vendor and
+// import them using relative paths:
+// import "../vendor/some-package.js"
+// Alternatively, you can `npm install some-package --prefix assets` and import
+// them using a path starting with the package name:
+// import "some-package"
+// Include phoenix_html to handle method=PUT/DELETE in forms and buttons.
+import "phoenix_html"
+// Establish Phoenix Socket and LiveView configuration.
+import { Socket } from "../../../../"
+import { LiveSocket } from "phoenix_live_view"
+import topbar from "../vendor/topbar"
+import Sortable from "../vendor/Sortable.min"
+let Hooks = {
+ SortableInputs: {
+ mounted() {
+ // SortableJS triggers change events on the parent element, but LiveView errors if a
+ // change event is triggered on a non-input element, so we suppress the change event
+ // and use a proxy input element to send the change event to LiveView.
+ this.el.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ e.preventDefault()
+ });
+ let proxy = document.createElement('input');
+ proxy.type = 'hidden';
+ proxy.name = 'sortable-change-proxy';
+ this.el.appendChild(proxy);
+ Sortable.create(this.el, {
+ animation: 150,
+ onEnd: (e) => {
+ proxy.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true }))
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content")
+let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
+ longPollFallbackMs: 2500,
+ params: { _csrf_token: csrfToken },
+ hooks: Hooks
+// Show progress bar on live navigation and form submits
+topbar.config({ barColors: { 0: "#29d" }, shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)" })
+window.addEventListener("phx:page-loading-start", _info => topbar.show(300))
+window.addEventListener("phx:page-loading-stop", _info => topbar.hide())
+// connect if there are any LiveViews on the page
+// expose liveSocket on window for web console debug logs and latency simulation:
+// >> liveSocket.enableDebug()
+// >> liveSocket.enableLatencySim(1000) // enabled for duration of browser session
+// >> liveSocket.disableLatencySim()
+window.liveSocket = liveSocket
diff --git a/assets/tailwind.config.js b/assets/tailwind.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef27be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/tailwind.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// See the Tailwind configuration guide for advanced usage
+// https://tailwindcss.com/docs/configuration
+const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin")
+const fs = require("fs")
+const path = require("path")
+module.exports = {
+ content: [
+ "./js/**/*.js",
+ "../lib/munch_web.ex",
+ "../lib/munch_web/**/*.*ex"
+ ],
+ theme: {
+ extend: {
+ colors: {
+ brand: "#FD4F00",
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ require("@tailwindcss/forms"),
+ // Allows prefixing tailwind classes with LiveView classes to add rules
+ // only when LiveView classes are applied, for example:
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ plugin(({addVariant}) => addVariant("phx-click-loading", [".phx-click-loading&", ".phx-click-loading &"])),
+ plugin(({addVariant}) => addVariant("phx-submit-loading", [".phx-submit-loading&", ".phx-submit-loading &"])),
+ plugin(({addVariant}) => addVariant("phx-change-loading", [".phx-change-loading&", ".phx-change-loading &"])),
+ // Embeds Heroicons (https://heroicons.com) into your app.css bundle
+ // See your `CoreComponents.icon/1` for more information.
+ //
+ plugin(function({matchComponents, theme}) {
+ let iconsDir = path.join(__dirname, "../deps/heroicons/optimized")
+ let values = {}
+ let icons = [
+ ["", "/24/outline"],
+ ["-solid", "/24/solid"],
+ ["-mini", "/20/solid"],
+ ["-micro", "/16/solid"]
+ ]
+ icons.forEach(([suffix, dir]) => {
+ fs.readdirSync(path.join(iconsDir, dir)).forEach(file => {
+ let name = path.basename(file, ".svg") + suffix
+ values[name] = {name, fullPath: path.join(iconsDir, dir, file)}
+ })
+ })
+ matchComponents({
+ "hero": ({name, fullPath}) => {
+ let content = fs.readFileSync(fullPath).toString().replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, "")
+ let size = theme("spacing.6")
+ if (name.endsWith("-mini")) {
+ size = theme("spacing.5")
+ } else if (name.endsWith("-micro")) {
+ size = theme("spacing.4")
+ }
+ return {
+ [`--hero-${name}`]: `url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${content}')`,
+ "-webkit-mask": `var(--hero-${name})`,
+ "mask": `var(--hero-${name})`,
+ "mask-repeat": "no-repeat",
+ "background-color": "currentColor",
+ "vertical-align": "middle",
+ "display": "inline-block",
+ "width": size,
+ "height": size
+ }
+ }
+ }, {values})
+ })
+ ]
diff --git a/assets/vendor/Sortable.min.js b/assets/vendor/Sortable.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85edf5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/vendor/Sortable.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3364 @@
+ * Sortable 1.15.3
+ * @author RubaXa
+ * @author owenm
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+(function (global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+ (global = global || self, global.Sortable = factory());
+}(this, (function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
+ var keys = Object.keys(object);
+ if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
+ if (enumerableOnly) {
+ symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;
+ });
+ }
+ keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }
+ function _objectSpread2(target) {
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};
+ if (i % 2) {
+ ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) {
+ _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
+ });
+ } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) {
+ Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source));
+ } else {
+ ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) {
+ Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
+ }
+ function _typeof(obj) {
+ "@babel/helpers - typeof";
+ if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
+ _typeof = function (obj) {
+ return typeof obj;
+ };
+ } else {
+ _typeof = function (obj) {
+ return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
+ };
+ }
+ return _typeof(obj);
+ }
+ function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
+ if (key in obj) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
+ value: value,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ obj[key] = value;
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ function _extends() {
+ _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var source = arguments[i];
+ for (var key in source) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
+ target[key] = source[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
+ };
+ return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {
+ if (source == null) return {};
+ var target = {};
+ var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
+ var key, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {
+ key = sourceKeys[i];
+ if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
+ target[key] = source[key];
+ }
+ return target;
+ }
+ function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) {
+ if (source == null) return {};
+ var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded);
+ var key, i;
+ if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);
+ for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) {
+ key = sourceSymbolKeys[i];
+ if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
+ if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue;
+ target[key] = source[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
+ }
+ function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
+ return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
+ }
+ function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
+ if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr);
+ }
+ function _iterableToArray(iter) {
+ if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter);
+ }
+ function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
+ if (!o) return;
+ if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
+ var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);
+ if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name;
+ if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o);
+ if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
+ }
+ function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
+ if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;
+ for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
+ return arr2;
+ }
+ function _nonIterableSpread() {
+ throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
+ }
+ var version = "1.15.3";
+ function userAgent(pattern) {
+ if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator) {
+ return !! /*@__PURE__*/navigator.userAgent.match(pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ var IE11OrLess = userAgent(/(?:Trident.*rv[ :]?11\.|msie|iemobile|Windows Phone)/i);
+ var Edge = userAgent(/Edge/i);
+ var FireFox = userAgent(/firefox/i);
+ var Safari = userAgent(/safari/i) && !userAgent(/chrome/i) && !userAgent(/android/i);
+ var IOS = userAgent(/iP(ad|od|hone)/i);
+ var ChromeForAndroid = userAgent(/chrome/i) && userAgent(/android/i);
+ var captureMode = {
+ capture: false,
+ passive: false
+ };
+ function on(el, event, fn) {
+ el.addEventListener(event, fn, !IE11OrLess && captureMode);
+ }
+ function off(el, event, fn) {
+ el.removeEventListener(event, fn, !IE11OrLess && captureMode);
+ }
+ function matches( /**HTMLElement*/el, /**String*/selector) {
+ if (!selector) return;
+ selector[0] === '>' && (selector = selector.substring(1));
+ if (el) {
+ try {
+ if (el.matches) {
+ return el.matches(selector);
+ } else if (el.msMatchesSelector) {
+ return el.msMatchesSelector(selector);
+ } else if (el.webkitMatchesSelector) {
+ return el.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);
+ }
+ } catch (_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function getParentOrHost(el) {
+ return el.host && el !== document && el.host.nodeType ? el.host : el.parentNode;
+ }
+ function closest( /**HTMLElement*/el, /**String*/selector, /**HTMLElement*/ctx, includeCTX) {
+ if (el) {
+ ctx = ctx || document;
+ do {
+ if (selector != null && (selector[0] === '>' ? el.parentNode === ctx && matches(el, selector) : matches(el, selector)) || includeCTX && el === ctx) {
+ return el;
+ }
+ if (el === ctx) break;
+ /* jshint boss:true */
+ } while (el = getParentOrHost(el));
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ var R_SPACE = /\s+/g;
+ function toggleClass(el, name, state) {
+ if (el && name) {
+ if (el.classList) {
+ el.classList[state ? 'add' : 'remove'](name);
+ } else {
+ var className = (' ' + el.className + ' ').replace(R_SPACE, ' ').replace(' ' + name + ' ', ' ');
+ el.className = (className + (state ? ' ' + name : '')).replace(R_SPACE, ' ');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function css(el, prop, val) {
+ var style = el && el.style;
+ if (style) {
+ if (val === void 0) {
+ if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
+ val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, '');
+ } else if (el.currentStyle) {
+ val = el.currentStyle;
+ }
+ return prop === void 0 ? val : val[prop];
+ } else {
+ if (!(prop in style) && prop.indexOf('webkit') === -1) {
+ prop = '-webkit-' + prop;
+ }
+ style[prop] = val + (typeof val === 'string' ? '' : 'px');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function matrix(el, selfOnly) {
+ var appliedTransforms = '';
+ if (typeof el === 'string') {
+ appliedTransforms = el;
+ } else {
+ do {
+ var transform = css(el, 'transform');
+ if (transform && transform !== 'none') {
+ appliedTransforms = transform + ' ' + appliedTransforms;
+ }
+ /* jshint boss:true */
+ } while (!selfOnly && (el = el.parentNode));
+ }
+ var matrixFn = window.DOMMatrix || window.WebKitCSSMatrix || window.CSSMatrix || window.MSCSSMatrix;
+ /*jshint -W056 */
+ return matrixFn && new matrixFn(appliedTransforms);
+ }
+ function find(ctx, tagName, iterator) {
+ if (ctx) {
+ var list = ctx.getElementsByTagName(tagName),
+ i = 0,
+ n = list.length;
+ if (iterator) {
+ for (; i < n; i++) {
+ iterator(list[i], i);
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
+ function getWindowScrollingElement() {
+ var scrollingElement = document.scrollingElement;
+ if (scrollingElement) {
+ return scrollingElement;
+ } else {
+ return document.documentElement;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the "bounding client rect" of given element
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el The element whose boundingClientRect is wanted
+ * @param {[Boolean]} relativeToContainingBlock Whether the rect should be relative to the containing block of (including) the container
+ * @param {[Boolean]} relativeToNonStaticParent Whether the rect should be relative to the relative parent of (including) the contaienr
+ * @param {[Boolean]} undoScale Whether the container's scale() should be undone
+ * @param {[HTMLElement]} container The parent the element will be placed in
+ * @return {Object} The boundingClientRect of el, with specified adjustments
+ */
+ function getRect(el, relativeToContainingBlock, relativeToNonStaticParent, undoScale, container) {
+ if (!el.getBoundingClientRect && el !== window) return;
+ var elRect, top, left, bottom, right, height, width;
+ if (el !== window && el.parentNode && el !== getWindowScrollingElement()) {
+ elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ top = elRect.top;
+ left = elRect.left;
+ bottom = elRect.bottom;
+ right = elRect.right;
+ height = elRect.height;
+ width = elRect.width;
+ } else {
+ top = 0;
+ left = 0;
+ bottom = window.innerHeight;
+ right = window.innerWidth;
+ height = window.innerHeight;
+ width = window.innerWidth;
+ }
+ if ((relativeToContainingBlock || relativeToNonStaticParent) && el !== window) {
+ // Adjust for translate()
+ container = container || el.parentNode;
+ // solves #1123 (see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37953806/6088312)
+ // Not needed on <= IE11
+ if (!IE11OrLess) {
+ do {
+ if (container && container.getBoundingClientRect && (css(container, 'transform') !== 'none' || relativeToNonStaticParent && css(container, 'position') !== 'static')) {
+ var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
+ // Set relative to edges of padding box of container
+ top -= containerRect.top + parseInt(css(container, 'border-top-width'));
+ left -= containerRect.left + parseInt(css(container, 'border-left-width'));
+ bottom = top + elRect.height;
+ right = left + elRect.width;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* jshint boss:true */
+ } while (container = container.parentNode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (undoScale && el !== window) {
+ // Adjust for scale()
+ var elMatrix = matrix(container || el),
+ scaleX = elMatrix && elMatrix.a,
+ scaleY = elMatrix && elMatrix.d;
+ if (elMatrix) {
+ top /= scaleY;
+ left /= scaleX;
+ width /= scaleX;
+ height /= scaleY;
+ bottom = top + height;
+ right = left + width;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ top: top,
+ left: left,
+ bottom: bottom,
+ right: right,
+ width: width,
+ height: height
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if a side of an element is scrolled past a side of its parents
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el The element who's side being scrolled out of view is in question
+ * @param {String} elSide Side of the element in question ('top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom')
+ * @param {String} parentSide Side of the parent in question ('top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom')
+ * @return {HTMLElement} The parent scroll element that the el's side is scrolled past, or null if there is no such element
+ */
+ function isScrolledPast(el, elSide, parentSide) {
+ var parent = getParentAutoScrollElement(el, true),
+ elSideVal = getRect(el)[elSide];
+ /* jshint boss:true */
+ while (parent) {
+ var parentSideVal = getRect(parent)[parentSide],
+ visible = void 0;
+ if (parentSide === 'top' || parentSide === 'left') {
+ visible = elSideVal >= parentSideVal;
+ } else {
+ visible = elSideVal <= parentSideVal;
+ }
+ if (!visible) return parent;
+ if (parent === getWindowScrollingElement()) break;
+ parent = getParentAutoScrollElement(parent, false);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets nth child of el, ignoring hidden children, sortable's elements (does not ignore clone if it's visible)
+ * and non-draggable elements
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el The parent element
+ * @param {Number} childNum The index of the child
+ * @param {Object} options Parent Sortable's options
+ * @return {HTMLElement} The child at index childNum, or null if not found
+ */
+ function getChild(el, childNum, options, includeDragEl) {
+ var currentChild = 0,
+ i = 0,
+ children = el.children;
+ while (i < children.length) {
+ if (children[i].style.display !== 'none' && children[i] !== Sortable.ghost && (includeDragEl || children[i] !== Sortable.dragged) && closest(children[i], options.draggable, el, false)) {
+ if (currentChild === childNum) {
+ return children[i];
+ }
+ currentChild++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the last child in the el, ignoring ghostEl or invisible elements (clones)
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el Parent element
+ * @param {selector} selector Any other elements that should be ignored
+ * @return {HTMLElement} The last child, ignoring ghostEl
+ */
+ function lastChild(el, selector) {
+ var last = el.lastElementChild;
+ while (last && (last === Sortable.ghost || css(last, 'display') === 'none' || selector && !matches(last, selector))) {
+ last = last.previousElementSibling;
+ }
+ return last || null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the index of an element within its parent for a selected set of
+ * elements
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el
+ * @param {selector} selector
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ function index(el, selector) {
+ var index = 0;
+ if (!el || !el.parentNode) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* jshint boss:true */
+ while (el = el.previousElementSibling) {
+ if (el.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== 'TEMPLATE' && el !== Sortable.clone && (!selector || matches(el, selector))) {
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the scroll offset of the given element, added with all the scroll offsets of parent elements.
+ * The value is returned in real pixels.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el
+ * @return {Array} Offsets in the format of [left, top]
+ */
+ function getRelativeScrollOffset(el) {
+ var offsetLeft = 0,
+ offsetTop = 0,
+ winScroller = getWindowScrollingElement();
+ if (el) {
+ do {
+ var elMatrix = matrix(el),
+ scaleX = elMatrix.a,
+ scaleY = elMatrix.d;
+ offsetLeft += el.scrollLeft * scaleX;
+ offsetTop += el.scrollTop * scaleY;
+ } while (el !== winScroller && (el = el.parentNode));
+ }
+ return [offsetLeft, offsetTop];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the index of the object within the given array
+ * @param {Array} arr Array that may or may not hold the object
+ * @param {Object} obj An object that has a key-value pair unique to and identical to a key-value pair in the object you want to find
+ * @return {Number} The index of the object in the array, or -1
+ */
+ function indexOfObject(arr, obj) {
+ for (var i in arr) {
+ if (!arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj[key] === arr[i][key]) return Number(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ function getParentAutoScrollElement(el, includeSelf) {
+ // skip to window
+ if (!el || !el.getBoundingClientRect) return getWindowScrollingElement();
+ var elem = el;
+ var gotSelf = false;
+ do {
+ // we don't need to get elem css if it isn't even overflowing in the first place (performance)
+ if (elem.clientWidth < elem.scrollWidth || elem.clientHeight < elem.scrollHeight) {
+ var elemCSS = css(elem);
+ if (elem.clientWidth < elem.scrollWidth && (elemCSS.overflowX == 'auto' || elemCSS.overflowX == 'scroll') || elem.clientHeight < elem.scrollHeight && (elemCSS.overflowY == 'auto' || elemCSS.overflowY == 'scroll')) {
+ if (!elem.getBoundingClientRect || elem === document.body) return getWindowScrollingElement();
+ if (gotSelf || includeSelf) return elem;
+ gotSelf = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* jshint boss:true */
+ } while (elem = elem.parentNode);
+ return getWindowScrollingElement();
+ }
+ function extend(dst, src) {
+ if (dst && src) {
+ for (var key in src) {
+ if (src.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ dst[key] = src[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dst;
+ }
+ function isRectEqual(rect1, rect2) {
+ return Math.round(rect1.top) === Math.round(rect2.top) && Math.round(rect1.left) === Math.round(rect2.left) && Math.round(rect1.height) === Math.round(rect2.height) && Math.round(rect1.width) === Math.round(rect2.width);
+ }
+ var _throttleTimeout;
+ function throttle(callback, ms) {
+ return function () {
+ if (!_throttleTimeout) {
+ var args = arguments,
+ _this = this;
+ if (args.length === 1) {
+ callback.call(_this, args[0]);
+ } else {
+ callback.apply(_this, args);
+ }
+ _throttleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
+ _throttleTimeout = void 0;
+ }, ms);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function cancelThrottle() {
+ clearTimeout(_throttleTimeout);
+ _throttleTimeout = void 0;
+ }
+ function scrollBy(el, x, y) {
+ el.scrollLeft += x;
+ el.scrollTop += y;
+ }
+ function clone(el) {
+ var Polymer = window.Polymer;
+ var $ = window.jQuery || window.Zepto;
+ if (Polymer && Polymer.dom) {
+ return Polymer.dom(el).cloneNode(true);
+ } else if ($) {
+ return $(el).clone(true)[0];
+ } else {
+ return el.cloneNode(true);
+ }
+ }
+ function setRect(el, rect) {
+ css(el, 'position', 'absolute');
+ css(el, 'top', rect.top);
+ css(el, 'left', rect.left);
+ css(el, 'width', rect.width);
+ css(el, 'height', rect.height);
+ }
+ function unsetRect(el) {
+ css(el, 'position', '');
+ css(el, 'top', '');
+ css(el, 'left', '');
+ css(el, 'width', '');
+ css(el, 'height', '');
+ }
+ function getChildContainingRectFromElement(container, options, ghostEl) {
+ var rect = {};
+ Array.from(container.children).forEach(function (child) {
+ var _rect$left, _rect$top, _rect$right, _rect$bottom;
+ if (!closest(child, options.draggable, container, false) || child.animated || child === ghostEl) return;
+ var childRect = getRect(child);
+ rect.left = Math.min((_rect$left = rect.left) !== null && _rect$left !== void 0 ? _rect$left : Infinity, childRect.left);
+ rect.top = Math.min((_rect$top = rect.top) !== null && _rect$top !== void 0 ? _rect$top : Infinity, childRect.top);
+ rect.right = Math.max((_rect$right = rect.right) !== null && _rect$right !== void 0 ? _rect$right : -Infinity, childRect.right);
+ rect.bottom = Math.max((_rect$bottom = rect.bottom) !== null && _rect$bottom !== void 0 ? _rect$bottom : -Infinity, childRect.bottom);
+ });
+ rect.width = rect.right - rect.left;
+ rect.height = rect.bottom - rect.top;
+ rect.x = rect.left;
+ rect.y = rect.top;
+ return rect;
+ }
+ var expando = 'Sortable' + new Date().getTime();
+ function AnimationStateManager() {
+ var animationStates = [],
+ animationCallbackId;
+ return {
+ captureAnimationState: function captureAnimationState() {
+ animationStates = [];
+ if (!this.options.animation) return;
+ var children = [].slice.call(this.el.children);
+ children.forEach(function (child) {
+ if (css(child, 'display') === 'none' || child === Sortable.ghost) return;
+ animationStates.push({
+ target: child,
+ rect: getRect(child)
+ });
+ var fromRect = _objectSpread2({}, animationStates[animationStates.length - 1].rect);
+ // If animating: compensate for current animation
+ if (child.thisAnimationDuration) {
+ var childMatrix = matrix(child, true);
+ if (childMatrix) {
+ fromRect.top -= childMatrix.f;
+ fromRect.left -= childMatrix.e;
+ }
+ }
+ child.fromRect = fromRect;
+ });
+ },
+ addAnimationState: function addAnimationState(state) {
+ animationStates.push(state);
+ },
+ removeAnimationState: function removeAnimationState(target) {
+ animationStates.splice(indexOfObject(animationStates, {
+ target: target
+ }), 1);
+ },
+ animateAll: function animateAll(callback) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (!this.options.animation) {
+ clearTimeout(animationCallbackId);
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
+ return;
+ }
+ var animating = false,
+ animationTime = 0;
+ animationStates.forEach(function (state) {
+ var time = 0,
+ target = state.target,
+ fromRect = target.fromRect,
+ toRect = getRect(target),
+ prevFromRect = target.prevFromRect,
+ prevToRect = target.prevToRect,
+ animatingRect = state.rect,
+ targetMatrix = matrix(target, true);
+ if (targetMatrix) {
+ // Compensate for current animation
+ toRect.top -= targetMatrix.f;
+ toRect.left -= targetMatrix.e;
+ }
+ target.toRect = toRect;
+ if (target.thisAnimationDuration) {
+ // Could also check if animatingRect is between fromRect and toRect
+ if (isRectEqual(prevFromRect, toRect) && !isRectEqual(fromRect, toRect) &&
+ // Make sure animatingRect is on line between toRect & fromRect
+ (animatingRect.top - toRect.top) / (animatingRect.left - toRect.left) === (fromRect.top - toRect.top) / (fromRect.left - toRect.left)) {
+ // If returning to same place as started from animation and on same axis
+ time = calculateRealTime(animatingRect, prevFromRect, prevToRect, _this.options);
+ }
+ }
+ // if fromRect != toRect: animate
+ if (!isRectEqual(toRect, fromRect)) {
+ target.prevFromRect = fromRect;
+ target.prevToRect = toRect;
+ if (!time) {
+ time = _this.options.animation;
+ }
+ _this.animate(target, animatingRect, toRect, time);
+ }
+ if (time) {
+ animating = true;
+ animationTime = Math.max(animationTime, time);
+ clearTimeout(target.animationResetTimer);
+ target.animationResetTimer = setTimeout(function () {
+ target.animationTime = 0;
+ target.prevFromRect = null;
+ target.fromRect = null;
+ target.prevToRect = null;
+ target.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ }, time);
+ target.thisAnimationDuration = time;
+ }
+ });
+ clearTimeout(animationCallbackId);
+ if (!animating) {
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
+ } else {
+ animationCallbackId = setTimeout(function () {
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
+ }, animationTime);
+ }
+ animationStates = [];
+ },
+ animate: function animate(target, currentRect, toRect, duration) {
+ if (duration) {
+ css(target, 'transition', '');
+ css(target, 'transform', '');
+ var elMatrix = matrix(this.el),
+ scaleX = elMatrix && elMatrix.a,
+ scaleY = elMatrix && elMatrix.d,
+ translateX = (currentRect.left - toRect.left) / (scaleX || 1),
+ translateY = (currentRect.top - toRect.top) / (scaleY || 1);
+ target.animatingX = !!translateX;
+ target.animatingY = !!translateY;
+ css(target, 'transform', 'translate3d(' + translateX + 'px,' + translateY + 'px,0)');
+ this.forRepaintDummy = repaint(target); // repaint
+ css(target, 'transition', 'transform ' + duration + 'ms' + (this.options.easing ? ' ' + this.options.easing : ''));
+ css(target, 'transform', 'translate3d(0,0,0)');
+ typeof target.animated === 'number' && clearTimeout(target.animated);
+ target.animated = setTimeout(function () {
+ css(target, 'transition', '');
+ css(target, 'transform', '');
+ target.animated = false;
+ target.animatingX = false;
+ target.animatingY = false;
+ }, duration);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function repaint(target) {
+ return target.offsetWidth;
+ }
+ function calculateRealTime(animatingRect, fromRect, toRect, options) {
+ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(fromRect.top - animatingRect.top, 2) + Math.pow(fromRect.left - animatingRect.left, 2)) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(fromRect.top - toRect.top, 2) + Math.pow(fromRect.left - toRect.left, 2)) * options.animation;
+ }
+ var plugins = [];
+ var defaults = {
+ initializeByDefault: true
+ };
+ var PluginManager = {
+ mount: function mount(plugin) {
+ // Set default static properties
+ for (var option in defaults) {
+ if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(option) && !(option in plugin)) {
+ plugin[option] = defaults[option];
+ }
+ }
+ plugins.forEach(function (p) {
+ if (p.pluginName === plugin.pluginName) {
+ throw "Sortable: Cannot mount plugin ".concat(plugin.pluginName, " more than once");
+ }
+ });
+ plugins.push(plugin);
+ },
+ pluginEvent: function pluginEvent(eventName, sortable, evt) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.eventCanceled = false;
+ evt.cancel = function () {
+ _this.eventCanceled = true;
+ };
+ var eventNameGlobal = eventName + 'Global';
+ plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
+ if (!sortable[plugin.pluginName]) return;
+ // Fire global events if it exists in this sortable
+ if (sortable[plugin.pluginName][eventNameGlobal]) {
+ sortable[plugin.pluginName][eventNameGlobal](_objectSpread2({
+ sortable: sortable
+ }, evt));
+ }
+ // Only fire plugin event if plugin is enabled in this sortable,
+ // and plugin has event defined
+ if (sortable.options[plugin.pluginName] && sortable[plugin.pluginName][eventName]) {
+ sortable[plugin.pluginName][eventName](_objectSpread2({
+ sortable: sortable
+ }, evt));
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ initializePlugins: function initializePlugins(sortable, el, defaults, options) {
+ plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
+ var pluginName = plugin.pluginName;
+ if (!sortable.options[pluginName] && !plugin.initializeByDefault) return;
+ var initialized = new plugin(sortable, el, sortable.options);
+ initialized.sortable = sortable;
+ initialized.options = sortable.options;
+ sortable[pluginName] = initialized;
+ // Add default options from plugin
+ _extends(defaults, initialized.defaults);
+ });
+ for (var option in sortable.options) {
+ if (!sortable.options.hasOwnProperty(option)) continue;
+ var modified = this.modifyOption(sortable, option, sortable.options[option]);
+ if (typeof modified !== 'undefined') {
+ sortable.options[option] = modified;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getEventProperties: function getEventProperties(name, sortable) {
+ var eventProperties = {};
+ plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
+ if (typeof plugin.eventProperties !== 'function') return;
+ _extends(eventProperties, plugin.eventProperties.call(sortable[plugin.pluginName], name));
+ });
+ return eventProperties;
+ },
+ modifyOption: function modifyOption(sortable, name, value) {
+ var modifiedValue;
+ plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
+ // Plugin must exist on the Sortable
+ if (!sortable[plugin.pluginName]) return;
+ // If static option listener exists for this option, call in the context of the Sortable's instance of this plugin
+ if (plugin.optionListeners && typeof plugin.optionListeners[name] === 'function') {
+ modifiedValue = plugin.optionListeners[name].call(sortable[plugin.pluginName], value);
+ }
+ });
+ return modifiedValue;
+ }
+ };
+ function dispatchEvent(_ref) {
+ var sortable = _ref.sortable,
+ rootEl = _ref.rootEl,
+ name = _ref.name,
+ targetEl = _ref.targetEl,
+ cloneEl = _ref.cloneEl,
+ toEl = _ref.toEl,
+ fromEl = _ref.fromEl,
+ oldIndex = _ref.oldIndex,
+ newIndex = _ref.newIndex,
+ oldDraggableIndex = _ref.oldDraggableIndex,
+ newDraggableIndex = _ref.newDraggableIndex,
+ originalEvent = _ref.originalEvent,
+ putSortable = _ref.putSortable,
+ extraEventProperties = _ref.extraEventProperties;
+ sortable = sortable || rootEl && rootEl[expando];
+ if (!sortable) return;
+ var evt,
+ options = sortable.options,
+ onName = 'on' + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1);
+ // Support for new CustomEvent feature
+ if (window.CustomEvent && !IE11OrLess && !Edge) {
+ evt = new CustomEvent(name, {
+ bubbles: true,
+ cancelable: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ evt = document.createEvent('Event');
+ evt.initEvent(name, true, true);
+ }
+ evt.to = toEl || rootEl;
+ evt.from = fromEl || rootEl;
+ evt.item = targetEl || rootEl;
+ evt.clone = cloneEl;
+ evt.oldIndex = oldIndex;
+ evt.newIndex = newIndex;
+ evt.oldDraggableIndex = oldDraggableIndex;
+ evt.newDraggableIndex = newDraggableIndex;
+ evt.originalEvent = originalEvent;
+ evt.pullMode = putSortable ? putSortable.lastPutMode : undefined;
+ var allEventProperties = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, extraEventProperties), PluginManager.getEventProperties(name, sortable));
+ for (var option in allEventProperties) {
+ evt[option] = allEventProperties[option];
+ }
+ if (rootEl) {
+ rootEl.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ }
+ if (options[onName]) {
+ options[onName].call(sortable, evt);
+ }
+ }
+ var _excluded = ["evt"];
+ var pluginEvent = function pluginEvent(eventName, sortable) {
+ var _ref = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {},
+ originalEvent = _ref.evt,
+ data = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
+ PluginManager.pluginEvent.bind(Sortable)(eventName, sortable, _objectSpread2({
+ dragEl: dragEl,
+ parentEl: parentEl,
+ ghostEl: ghostEl,
+ rootEl: rootEl,
+ nextEl: nextEl,
+ lastDownEl: lastDownEl,
+ cloneEl: cloneEl,
+ cloneHidden: cloneHidden,
+ dragStarted: moved,
+ putSortable: putSortable,
+ activeSortable: Sortable.active,
+ originalEvent: originalEvent,
+ oldIndex: oldIndex,
+ oldDraggableIndex: oldDraggableIndex,
+ newIndex: newIndex,
+ newDraggableIndex: newDraggableIndex,
+ hideGhostForTarget: _hideGhostForTarget,
+ unhideGhostForTarget: _unhideGhostForTarget,
+ cloneNowHidden: function cloneNowHidden() {
+ cloneHidden = true;
+ },
+ cloneNowShown: function cloneNowShown() {
+ cloneHidden = false;
+ },
+ dispatchSortableEvent: function dispatchSortableEvent(name) {
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: sortable,
+ name: name,
+ originalEvent: originalEvent
+ });
+ }
+ }, data));
+ };
+ function _dispatchEvent(info) {
+ dispatchEvent(_objectSpread2({
+ putSortable: putSortable,
+ cloneEl: cloneEl,
+ targetEl: dragEl,
+ rootEl: rootEl,
+ oldIndex: oldIndex,
+ oldDraggableIndex: oldDraggableIndex,
+ newIndex: newIndex,
+ newDraggableIndex: newDraggableIndex
+ }, info));
+ }
+ var dragEl,
+ parentEl,
+ ghostEl,
+ rootEl,
+ nextEl,
+ lastDownEl,
+ cloneEl,
+ cloneHidden,
+ oldIndex,
+ newIndex,
+ oldDraggableIndex,
+ newDraggableIndex,
+ activeGroup,
+ putSortable,
+ awaitingDragStarted = false,
+ ignoreNextClick = false,
+ sortables = [],
+ tapEvt,
+ touchEvt,
+ lastDx,
+ lastDy,
+ tapDistanceLeft,
+ tapDistanceTop,
+ moved,
+ lastTarget,
+ lastDirection,
+ pastFirstInvertThresh = false,
+ isCircumstantialInvert = false,
+ targetMoveDistance,
+ // For positioning ghost absolutely
+ ghostRelativeParent,
+ ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll = [],
+ // (left, top)
+ _silent = false,
+ savedInputChecked = [];
+ /** @const */
+ var documentExists = typeof document !== 'undefined',
+ PositionGhostAbsolutely = IOS,
+ CSSFloatProperty = Edge || IE11OrLess ? 'cssFloat' : 'float',
+ // This will not pass for IE9, because IE9 DnD only works on anchors
+ supportDraggable = documentExists && !ChromeForAndroid && !IOS && 'draggable' in document.createElement('div'),
+ supportCssPointerEvents = function () {
+ if (!documentExists) return;
+ // false when <= IE11
+ if (IE11OrLess) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var el = document.createElement('x');
+ el.style.cssText = 'pointer-events:auto';
+ return el.style.pointerEvents === 'auto';
+ }(),
+ _detectDirection = function _detectDirection(el, options) {
+ var elCSS = css(el),
+ elWidth = parseInt(elCSS.width) - parseInt(elCSS.paddingLeft) - parseInt(elCSS.paddingRight) - parseInt(elCSS.borderLeftWidth) - parseInt(elCSS.borderRightWidth),
+ child1 = getChild(el, 0, options),
+ child2 = getChild(el, 1, options),
+ firstChildCSS = child1 && css(child1),
+ secondChildCSS = child2 && css(child2),
+ firstChildWidth = firstChildCSS && parseInt(firstChildCSS.marginLeft) + parseInt(firstChildCSS.marginRight) + getRect(child1).width,
+ secondChildWidth = secondChildCSS && parseInt(secondChildCSS.marginLeft) + parseInt(secondChildCSS.marginRight) + getRect(child2).width;
+ if (elCSS.display === 'flex') {
+ return elCSS.flexDirection === 'column' || elCSS.flexDirection === 'column-reverse' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
+ }
+ if (elCSS.display === 'grid') {
+ return elCSS.gridTemplateColumns.split(' ').length <= 1 ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
+ }
+ if (child1 && firstChildCSS["float"] && firstChildCSS["float"] !== 'none') {
+ var touchingSideChild2 = firstChildCSS["float"] === 'left' ? 'left' : 'right';
+ return child2 && (secondChildCSS.clear === 'both' || secondChildCSS.clear === touchingSideChild2) ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
+ }
+ return child1 && (firstChildCSS.display === 'block' || firstChildCSS.display === 'flex' || firstChildCSS.display === 'table' || firstChildCSS.display === 'grid' || firstChildWidth >= elWidth && elCSS[CSSFloatProperty] === 'none' || child2 && elCSS[CSSFloatProperty] === 'none' && firstChildWidth + secondChildWidth > elWidth) ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
+ },
+ _dragElInRowColumn = function _dragElInRowColumn(dragRect, targetRect, vertical) {
+ var dragElS1Opp = vertical ? dragRect.left : dragRect.top,
+ dragElS2Opp = vertical ? dragRect.right : dragRect.bottom,
+ dragElOppLength = vertical ? dragRect.width : dragRect.height,
+ targetS1Opp = vertical ? targetRect.left : targetRect.top,
+ targetS2Opp = vertical ? targetRect.right : targetRect.bottom,
+ targetOppLength = vertical ? targetRect.width : targetRect.height;
+ return dragElS1Opp === targetS1Opp || dragElS2Opp === targetS2Opp || dragElS1Opp + dragElOppLength / 2 === targetS1Opp + targetOppLength / 2;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Detects first nearest empty sortable to X and Y position using emptyInsertThreshold.
+ * @param {Number} x X position
+ * @param {Number} y Y position
+ * @return {HTMLElement} Element of the first found nearest Sortable
+ */
+ _detectNearestEmptySortable = function _detectNearestEmptySortable(x, y) {
+ var ret;
+ sortables.some(function (sortable) {
+ var threshold = sortable[expando].options.emptyInsertThreshold;
+ if (!threshold || lastChild(sortable)) return;
+ var rect = getRect(sortable),
+ insideHorizontally = x >= rect.left - threshold && x <= rect.right + threshold,
+ insideVertically = y >= rect.top - threshold && y <= rect.bottom + threshold;
+ if (insideHorizontally && insideVertically) {
+ return ret = sortable;
+ }
+ });
+ return ret;
+ },
+ _prepareGroup = function _prepareGroup(options) {
+ function toFn(value, pull) {
+ return function (to, from, dragEl, evt) {
+ var sameGroup = to.options.group.name && from.options.group.name && to.options.group.name === from.options.group.name;
+ if (value == null && (pull || sameGroup)) {
+ // Default pull value
+ // Default pull and put value if same group
+ return true;
+ } else if (value == null || value === false) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (pull && value === 'clone') {
+ return value;
+ } else if (typeof value === 'function') {
+ return toFn(value(to, from, dragEl, evt), pull)(to, from, dragEl, evt);
+ } else {
+ var otherGroup = (pull ? to : from).options.group.name;
+ return value === true || typeof value === 'string' && value === otherGroup || value.join && value.indexOf(otherGroup) > -1;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ var group = {};
+ var originalGroup = options.group;
+ if (!originalGroup || _typeof(originalGroup) != 'object') {
+ originalGroup = {
+ name: originalGroup
+ };
+ }
+ group.name = originalGroup.name;
+ group.checkPull = toFn(originalGroup.pull, true);
+ group.checkPut = toFn(originalGroup.put);
+ group.revertClone = originalGroup.revertClone;
+ options.group = group;
+ },
+ _hideGhostForTarget = function _hideGhostForTarget() {
+ if (!supportCssPointerEvents && ghostEl) {
+ css(ghostEl, 'display', 'none');
+ }
+ },
+ _unhideGhostForTarget = function _unhideGhostForTarget() {
+ if (!supportCssPointerEvents && ghostEl) {
+ css(ghostEl, 'display', '');
+ }
+ };
+ // #1184 fix - Prevent click event on fallback if dragged but item not changed position
+ if (documentExists && !ChromeForAndroid) {
+ document.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
+ if (ignoreNextClick) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ evt.stopPropagation && evt.stopPropagation();
+ evt.stopImmediatePropagation && evt.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ ignoreNextClick = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ }
+ var nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent = function nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent(evt) {
+ if (dragEl) {
+ evt = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt;
+ var nearest = _detectNearestEmptySortable(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
+ if (nearest) {
+ // Create imitation event
+ var event = {};
+ for (var i in evt) {
+ if (evt.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ event[i] = evt[i];
+ }
+ }
+ event.target = event.rootEl = nearest;
+ event.preventDefault = void 0;
+ event.stopPropagation = void 0;
+ nearest[expando]._onDragOver(event);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var _checkOutsideTargetEl = function _checkOutsideTargetEl(evt) {
+ if (dragEl) {
+ dragEl.parentNode[expando]._isOutsideThisEl(evt.target);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @class Sortable
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el
+ * @param {Object} [options]
+ */
+ function Sortable(el, options) {
+ if (!(el && el.nodeType && el.nodeType === 1)) {
+ throw "Sortable: `el` must be an HTMLElement, not ".concat({}.toString.call(el));
+ }
+ this.el = el; // root element
+ this.options = options = _extends({}, options);
+ // Export instance
+ el[expando] = this;
+ var defaults = {
+ group: null,
+ sort: true,
+ disabled: false,
+ store: null,
+ handle: null,
+ draggable: /^[uo]l$/i.test(el.nodeName) ? '>li' : '>*',
+ swapThreshold: 1,
+ // percentage; 0 <= x <= 1
+ invertSwap: false,
+ // invert always
+ invertedSwapThreshold: null,
+ // will be set to same as swapThreshold if default
+ removeCloneOnHide: true,
+ direction: function direction() {
+ return _detectDirection(el, this.options);
+ },
+ ghostClass: 'sortable-ghost',
+ chosenClass: 'sortable-chosen',
+ dragClass: 'sortable-drag',
+ ignore: 'a, img',
+ filter: null,
+ preventOnFilter: true,
+ animation: 0,
+ easing: null,
+ setData: function setData(dataTransfer, dragEl) {
+ dataTransfer.setData('Text', dragEl.textContent);
+ },
+ dropBubble: false,
+ dragoverBubble: false,
+ dataIdAttr: 'data-id',
+ delay: 0,
+ delayOnTouchOnly: false,
+ touchStartThreshold: (Number.parseInt ? Number : window).parseInt(window.devicePixelRatio, 10) || 1,
+ forceFallback: false,
+ fallbackClass: 'sortable-fallback',
+ fallbackOnBody: false,
+ fallbackTolerance: 0,
+ fallbackOffset: {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ },
+ supportPointer: Sortable.supportPointer !== false && 'PointerEvent' in window && !Safari,
+ emptyInsertThreshold: 5
+ };
+ PluginManager.initializePlugins(this, el, defaults);
+ // Set default options
+ for (var name in defaults) {
+ !(name in options) && (options[name] = defaults[name]);
+ }
+ _prepareGroup(options);
+ // Bind all private methods
+ for (var fn in this) {
+ if (fn.charAt(0) === '_' && typeof this[fn] === 'function') {
+ this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this);
+ }
+ }
+ // Setup drag mode
+ this.nativeDraggable = options.forceFallback ? false : supportDraggable;
+ if (this.nativeDraggable) {
+ // Touch start threshold cannot be greater than the native dragstart threshold
+ this.options.touchStartThreshold = 1;
+ }
+ // Bind events
+ if (options.supportPointer) {
+ on(el, 'pointerdown', this._onTapStart);
+ } else {
+ on(el, 'mousedown', this._onTapStart);
+ on(el, 'touchstart', this._onTapStart);
+ }
+ if (this.nativeDraggable) {
+ on(el, 'dragover', this);
+ on(el, 'dragenter', this);
+ }
+ sortables.push(this.el);
+ // Restore sorting
+ options.store && options.store.get && this.sort(options.store.get(this) || []);
+ // Add animation state manager
+ _extends(this, AnimationStateManager());
+ }
+ Sortable.prototype = /** @lends Sortable.prototype */{
+ constructor: Sortable,
+ _isOutsideThisEl: function _isOutsideThisEl(target) {
+ if (!this.el.contains(target) && target !== this.el) {
+ lastTarget = null;
+ }
+ },
+ _getDirection: function _getDirection(evt, target) {
+ return typeof this.options.direction === 'function' ? this.options.direction.call(this, evt, target, dragEl) : this.options.direction;
+ },
+ _onTapStart: function _onTapStart( /** Event|TouchEvent */evt) {
+ if (!evt.cancelable) return;
+ var _this = this,
+ el = this.el,
+ options = this.options,
+ preventOnFilter = options.preventOnFilter,
+ type = evt.type,
+ touch = evt.touches && evt.touches[0] || evt.pointerType && evt.pointerType === 'touch' && evt,
+ target = (touch || evt).target,
+ originalTarget = evt.target.shadowRoot && (evt.path && evt.path[0] || evt.composedPath && evt.composedPath()[0]) || target,
+ filter = options.filter;
+ _saveInputCheckedState(el);
+ // Don't trigger start event when an element is been dragged, otherwise the evt.oldindex always wrong when set option.group.
+ if (dragEl) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (/mousedown|pointerdown/.test(type) && evt.button !== 0 || options.disabled) {
+ return; // only left button and enabled
+ }
+ // cancel dnd if original target is content editable
+ if (originalTarget.isContentEditable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Safari ignores further event handling after mousedown
+ if (!this.nativeDraggable && Safari && target && target.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SELECT') {
+ return;
+ }
+ target = closest(target, options.draggable, el, false);
+ if (target && target.animated) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lastDownEl === target) {
+ // Ignoring duplicate `down`
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the index of the dragged element within its parent
+ oldIndex = index(target);
+ oldDraggableIndex = index(target, options.draggable);
+ // Check filter
+ if (typeof filter === 'function') {
+ if (filter.call(this, evt, target, this)) {
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: _this,
+ rootEl: originalTarget,
+ name: 'filter',
+ targetEl: target,
+ toEl: el,
+ fromEl: el
+ });
+ pluginEvent('filter', _this, {
+ evt: evt
+ });
+ preventOnFilter && evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
+ return; // cancel dnd
+ }
+ } else if (filter) {
+ filter = filter.split(',').some(function (criteria) {
+ criteria = closest(originalTarget, criteria.trim(), el, false);
+ if (criteria) {
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: _this,
+ rootEl: criteria,
+ name: 'filter',
+ targetEl: target,
+ fromEl: el,
+ toEl: el
+ });
+ pluginEvent('filter', _this, {
+ evt: evt
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (filter) {
+ preventOnFilter && evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
+ return; // cancel dnd
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.handle && !closest(originalTarget, options.handle, el, false)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Prepare `dragstart`
+ this._prepareDragStart(evt, touch, target);
+ },
+ _prepareDragStart: function _prepareDragStart( /** Event */evt, /** Touch */touch, /** HTMLElement */target) {
+ var _this = this,
+ el = _this.el,
+ options = _this.options,
+ ownerDocument = el.ownerDocument,
+ dragStartFn;
+ if (target && !dragEl && target.parentNode === el) {
+ var dragRect = getRect(target);
+ rootEl = el;
+ dragEl = target;
+ parentEl = dragEl.parentNode;
+ nextEl = dragEl.nextSibling;
+ lastDownEl = target;
+ activeGroup = options.group;
+ Sortable.dragged = dragEl;
+ tapEvt = {
+ target: dragEl,
+ clientX: (touch || evt).clientX,
+ clientY: (touch || evt).clientY
+ };
+ tapDistanceLeft = tapEvt.clientX - dragRect.left;
+ tapDistanceTop = tapEvt.clientY - dragRect.top;
+ this._lastX = (touch || evt).clientX;
+ this._lastY = (touch || evt).clientY;
+ dragEl.style['will-change'] = 'all';
+ dragStartFn = function dragStartFn() {
+ pluginEvent('delayEnded', _this, {
+ evt: evt
+ });
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) {
+ _this._onDrop();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Delayed drag has been triggered
+ // we can re-enable the events: touchmove/mousemove
+ _this._disableDelayedDragEvents();
+ if (!FireFox && _this.nativeDraggable) {
+ dragEl.draggable = true;
+ }
+ // Bind the events: dragstart/dragend
+ _this._triggerDragStart(evt, touch);
+ // Drag start event
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: _this,
+ name: 'choose',
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ // Chosen item
+ toggleClass(dragEl, options.chosenClass, true);
+ };
+ // Disable "draggable"
+ options.ignore.split(',').forEach(function (criteria) {
+ find(dragEl, criteria.trim(), _disableDraggable);
+ });
+ on(ownerDocument, 'dragover', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'mousemove', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'touchmove', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', _this._onDrop);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'touchend', _this._onDrop);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', _this._onDrop);
+ // Make dragEl draggable (must be before delay for FireFox)
+ if (FireFox && this.nativeDraggable) {
+ this.options.touchStartThreshold = 4;
+ dragEl.draggable = true;
+ }
+ pluginEvent('delayStart', this, {
+ evt: evt
+ });
+ // Delay is impossible for native DnD in Edge or IE
+ if (options.delay && (!options.delayOnTouchOnly || touch) && (!this.nativeDraggable || !(Edge || IE11OrLess))) {
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) {
+ this._onDrop();
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the user moves the pointer or let go the click or touch
+ // before the delay has been reached:
+ // disable the delayed drag
+ on(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', _this._disableDelayedDrag);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'touchend', _this._disableDelayedDrag);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', _this._disableDelayedDrag);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'mousemove', _this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
+ on(ownerDocument, 'touchmove', _this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
+ options.supportPointer && on(ownerDocument, 'pointermove', _this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
+ _this._dragStartTimer = setTimeout(dragStartFn, options.delay);
+ } else {
+ dragStartFn();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler: function _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler( /** TouchEvent|PointerEvent **/e) {
+ var touch = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e;
+ if (Math.max(Math.abs(touch.clientX - this._lastX), Math.abs(touch.clientY - this._lastY)) >= Math.floor(this.options.touchStartThreshold / (this.nativeDraggable && window.devicePixelRatio || 1))) {
+ this._disableDelayedDrag();
+ }
+ },
+ _disableDelayedDrag: function _disableDelayedDrag() {
+ dragEl && _disableDraggable(dragEl);
+ clearTimeout(this._dragStartTimer);
+ this._disableDelayedDragEvents();
+ },
+ _disableDelayedDragEvents: function _disableDelayedDragEvents() {
+ var ownerDocument = this.el.ownerDocument;
+ off(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', this._disableDelayedDrag);
+ off(ownerDocument, 'touchend', this._disableDelayedDrag);
+ off(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', this._disableDelayedDrag);
+ off(ownerDocument, 'mousemove', this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
+ off(ownerDocument, 'touchmove', this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
+ off(ownerDocument, 'pointermove', this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
+ },
+ _triggerDragStart: function _triggerDragStart( /** Event */evt, /** Touch */touch) {
+ touch = touch || evt.pointerType == 'touch' && evt;
+ if (!this.nativeDraggable || touch) {
+ if (this.options.supportPointer) {
+ on(document, 'pointermove', this._onTouchMove);
+ } else if (touch) {
+ on(document, 'touchmove', this._onTouchMove);
+ } else {
+ on(document, 'mousemove', this._onTouchMove);
+ }
+ } else {
+ on(dragEl, 'dragend', this);
+ on(rootEl, 'dragstart', this._onDragStart);
+ }
+ try {
+ if (document.selection) {
+ // Timeout neccessary for IE9
+ _nextTick(function () {
+ document.selection.empty();
+ });
+ } else {
+ window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ }
+ } catch (err) { }
+ },
+ _dragStarted: function _dragStarted(fallback, evt) {
+ awaitingDragStarted = false;
+ if (rootEl && dragEl) {
+ pluginEvent('dragStarted', this, {
+ evt: evt
+ });
+ if (this.nativeDraggable) {
+ on(document, 'dragover', _checkOutsideTargetEl);
+ }
+ var options = this.options;
+ // Apply effect
+ !fallback && toggleClass(dragEl, options.dragClass, false);
+ toggleClass(dragEl, options.ghostClass, true);
+ Sortable.active = this;
+ fallback && this._appendGhost();
+ // Drag start event
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this,
+ name: 'start',
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._nulling();
+ }
+ },
+ _emulateDragOver: function _emulateDragOver() {
+ if (touchEvt) {
+ this._lastX = touchEvt.clientX;
+ this._lastY = touchEvt.clientY;
+ _hideGhostForTarget();
+ var target = document.elementFromPoint(touchEvt.clientX, touchEvt.clientY);
+ var parent = target;
+ while (target && target.shadowRoot) {
+ target = target.shadowRoot.elementFromPoint(touchEvt.clientX, touchEvt.clientY);
+ if (target === parent) break;
+ parent = target;
+ }
+ dragEl.parentNode[expando]._isOutsideThisEl(target);
+ if (parent) {
+ do {
+ if (parent[expando]) {
+ var inserted = void 0;
+ inserted = parent[expando]._onDragOver({
+ clientX: touchEvt.clientX,
+ clientY: touchEvt.clientY,
+ target: target,
+ rootEl: parent
+ });
+ if (inserted && !this.options.dragoverBubble) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ target = parent; // store last element
+ }
+ /* jshint boss:true */ while (parent = getParentOrHost(parent));
+ }
+ _unhideGhostForTarget();
+ }
+ },
+ _onTouchMove: function _onTouchMove( /**TouchEvent*/evt) {
+ if (tapEvt) {
+ var options = this.options,
+ fallbackTolerance = options.fallbackTolerance,
+ fallbackOffset = options.fallbackOffset,
+ touch = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt,
+ ghostMatrix = ghostEl && matrix(ghostEl, true),
+ scaleX = ghostEl && ghostMatrix && ghostMatrix.a,
+ scaleY = ghostEl && ghostMatrix && ghostMatrix.d,
+ relativeScrollOffset = PositionGhostAbsolutely && ghostRelativeParent && getRelativeScrollOffset(ghostRelativeParent),
+ dx = (touch.clientX - tapEvt.clientX + fallbackOffset.x) / (scaleX || 1) + (relativeScrollOffset ? relativeScrollOffset[0] - ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll[0] : 0) / (scaleX || 1),
+ dy = (touch.clientY - tapEvt.clientY + fallbackOffset.y) / (scaleY || 1) + (relativeScrollOffset ? relativeScrollOffset[1] - ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll[1] : 0) / (scaleY || 1);
+ // only set the status to dragging, when we are actually dragging
+ if (!Sortable.active && !awaitingDragStarted) {
+ if (fallbackTolerance && Math.max(Math.abs(touch.clientX - this._lastX), Math.abs(touch.clientY - this._lastY)) < fallbackTolerance) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._onDragStart(evt, true);
+ }
+ if (ghostEl) {
+ if (ghostMatrix) {
+ ghostMatrix.e += dx - (lastDx || 0);
+ ghostMatrix.f += dy - (lastDy || 0);
+ } else {
+ ghostMatrix = {
+ a: 1,
+ b: 0,
+ c: 0,
+ d: 1,
+ e: dx,
+ f: dy
+ };
+ }
+ var cssMatrix = "matrix(".concat(ghostMatrix.a, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.b, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.c, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.d, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.e, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.f, ")");
+ css(ghostEl, 'webkitTransform', cssMatrix);
+ css(ghostEl, 'mozTransform', cssMatrix);
+ css(ghostEl, 'msTransform', cssMatrix);
+ css(ghostEl, 'transform', cssMatrix);
+ lastDx = dx;
+ lastDy = dy;
+ touchEvt = touch;
+ }
+ evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ },
+ _appendGhost: function _appendGhost() {
+ // Bug if using scale(): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2637058
+ // Not being adjusted for
+ if (!ghostEl) {
+ var container = this.options.fallbackOnBody ? document.body : rootEl,
+ rect = getRect(dragEl, true, PositionGhostAbsolutely, true, container),
+ options = this.options;
+ // Position absolutely
+ if (PositionGhostAbsolutely) {
+ // Get relatively positioned parent
+ ghostRelativeParent = container;
+ while (css(ghostRelativeParent, 'position') === 'static' && css(ghostRelativeParent, 'transform') === 'none' && ghostRelativeParent !== document) {
+ ghostRelativeParent = ghostRelativeParent.parentNode;
+ }
+ if (ghostRelativeParent !== document.body && ghostRelativeParent !== document.documentElement) {
+ if (ghostRelativeParent === document) ghostRelativeParent = getWindowScrollingElement();
+ rect.top += ghostRelativeParent.scrollTop;
+ rect.left += ghostRelativeParent.scrollLeft;
+ } else {
+ ghostRelativeParent = getWindowScrollingElement();
+ }
+ ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll = getRelativeScrollOffset(ghostRelativeParent);
+ }
+ ghostEl = dragEl.cloneNode(true);
+ toggleClass(ghostEl, options.ghostClass, false);
+ toggleClass(ghostEl, options.fallbackClass, true);
+ toggleClass(ghostEl, options.dragClass, true);
+ css(ghostEl, 'transition', '');
+ css(ghostEl, 'transform', '');
+ css(ghostEl, 'box-sizing', 'border-box');
+ css(ghostEl, 'margin', 0);
+ css(ghostEl, 'top', rect.top);
+ css(ghostEl, 'left', rect.left);
+ css(ghostEl, 'width', rect.width);
+ css(ghostEl, 'height', rect.height);
+ css(ghostEl, 'opacity', '0.8');
+ css(ghostEl, 'position', PositionGhostAbsolutely ? 'absolute' : 'fixed');
+ css(ghostEl, 'zIndex', '100000');
+ css(ghostEl, 'pointerEvents', 'none');
+ Sortable.ghost = ghostEl;
+ container.appendChild(ghostEl);
+ // Set transform-origin
+ css(ghostEl, 'transform-origin', tapDistanceLeft / parseInt(ghostEl.style.width) * 100 + '% ' + tapDistanceTop / parseInt(ghostEl.style.height) * 100 + '%');
+ }
+ },
+ _onDragStart: function _onDragStart( /**Event*/evt, /**boolean*/fallback) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var dataTransfer = evt.dataTransfer;
+ var options = _this.options;
+ pluginEvent('dragStart', this, {
+ evt: evt
+ });
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) {
+ this._onDrop();
+ return;
+ }
+ pluginEvent('setupClone', this);
+ if (!Sortable.eventCanceled) {
+ cloneEl = clone(dragEl);
+ cloneEl.removeAttribute("id");
+ cloneEl.draggable = false;
+ cloneEl.style['will-change'] = '';
+ this._hideClone();
+ toggleClass(cloneEl, this.options.chosenClass, false);
+ Sortable.clone = cloneEl;
+ }
+ // #1143: IFrame support workaround
+ _this.cloneId = _nextTick(function () {
+ pluginEvent('clone', _this);
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return;
+ if (!_this.options.removeCloneOnHide) {
+ rootEl.insertBefore(cloneEl, dragEl);
+ }
+ _this._hideClone();
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: _this,
+ name: 'clone'
+ });
+ });
+ !fallback && toggleClass(dragEl, options.dragClass, true);
+ // Set proper drop events
+ if (fallback) {
+ ignoreNextClick = true;
+ _this._loopId = setInterval(_this._emulateDragOver, 50);
+ } else {
+ // Undo what was set in _prepareDragStart before drag started
+ off(document, 'mouseup', _this._onDrop);
+ off(document, 'touchend', _this._onDrop);
+ off(document, 'touchcancel', _this._onDrop);
+ if (dataTransfer) {
+ dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
+ options.setData && options.setData.call(_this, dataTransfer, dragEl);
+ }
+ on(document, 'drop', _this);
+ // #1276 fix:
+ css(dragEl, 'transform', 'translateZ(0)');
+ }
+ awaitingDragStarted = true;
+ _this._dragStartId = _nextTick(_this._dragStarted.bind(_this, fallback, evt));
+ on(document, 'selectstart', _this);
+ moved = true;
+ if (Safari) {
+ css(document.body, 'user-select', 'none');
+ }
+ },
+ // Returns true - if no further action is needed (either inserted or another condition)
+ _onDragOver: function _onDragOver( /**Event*/evt) {
+ var el = this.el,
+ target = evt.target,
+ dragRect,
+ targetRect,
+ revert,
+ options = this.options,
+ group = options.group,
+ activeSortable = Sortable.active,
+ isOwner = activeGroup === group,
+ canSort = options.sort,
+ fromSortable = putSortable || activeSortable,
+ vertical,
+ _this = this,
+ completedFired = false;
+ if (_silent) return;
+ function dragOverEvent(name, extra) {
+ pluginEvent(name, _this, _objectSpread2({
+ evt: evt,
+ isOwner: isOwner,
+ axis: vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal',
+ revert: revert,
+ dragRect: dragRect,
+ targetRect: targetRect,
+ canSort: canSort,
+ fromSortable: fromSortable,
+ target: target,
+ completed: completed,
+ onMove: function onMove(target, after) {
+ return _onMove(rootEl, el, dragEl, dragRect, target, getRect(target), evt, after);
+ },
+ changed: changed
+ }, extra));
+ }
+ // Capture animation state
+ function capture() {
+ dragOverEvent('dragOverAnimationCapture');
+ _this.captureAnimationState();
+ if (_this !== fromSortable) {
+ fromSortable.captureAnimationState();
+ }
+ }
+ // Return invocation when dragEl is inserted (or completed)
+ function completed(insertion) {
+ dragOverEvent('dragOverCompleted', {
+ insertion: insertion
+ });
+ if (insertion) {
+ // Clones must be hidden before folding animation to capture dragRectAbsolute properly
+ if (isOwner) {
+ activeSortable._hideClone();
+ } else {
+ activeSortable._showClone(_this);
+ }
+ if (_this !== fromSortable) {
+ // Set ghost class to new sortable's ghost class
+ toggleClass(dragEl, putSortable ? putSortable.options.ghostClass : activeSortable.options.ghostClass, false);
+ toggleClass(dragEl, options.ghostClass, true);
+ }
+ if (putSortable !== _this && _this !== Sortable.active) {
+ putSortable = _this;
+ } else if (_this === Sortable.active && putSortable) {
+ putSortable = null;
+ }
+ // Animation
+ if (fromSortable === _this) {
+ _this._ignoreWhileAnimating = target;
+ }
+ _this.animateAll(function () {
+ dragOverEvent('dragOverAnimationComplete');
+ _this._ignoreWhileAnimating = null;
+ });
+ if (_this !== fromSortable) {
+ fromSortable.animateAll();
+ fromSortable._ignoreWhileAnimating = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Null lastTarget if it is not inside a previously swapped element
+ if (target === dragEl && !dragEl.animated || target === el && !target.animated) {
+ lastTarget = null;
+ }
+ // no bubbling and not fallback
+ if (!options.dragoverBubble && !evt.rootEl && target !== document) {
+ dragEl.parentNode[expando]._isOutsideThisEl(evt.target);
+ // Do not detect for empty insert if already inserted
+ !insertion && nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent(evt);
+ }
+ !options.dragoverBubble && evt.stopPropagation && evt.stopPropagation();
+ return completedFired = true;
+ }
+ // Call when dragEl has been inserted
+ function changed() {
+ newIndex = index(dragEl);
+ newDraggableIndex = index(dragEl, options.draggable);
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: _this,
+ name: 'change',
+ toEl: el,
+ newIndex: newIndex,
+ newDraggableIndex: newDraggableIndex,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ }
+ if (evt.preventDefault !== void 0) {
+ evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ target = closest(target, options.draggable, el, true);
+ dragOverEvent('dragOver');
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return completedFired;
+ if (dragEl.contains(evt.target) || target.animated && target.animatingX && target.animatingY || _this._ignoreWhileAnimating === target) {
+ return completed(false);
+ }
+ ignoreNextClick = false;
+ if (activeSortable && !options.disabled && (isOwner ? canSort || (revert = parentEl !== rootEl) // Reverting item into the original list
+ : putSortable === this || (this.lastPutMode = activeGroup.checkPull(this, activeSortable, dragEl, evt)) && group.checkPut(this, activeSortable, dragEl, evt))) {
+ vertical = this._getDirection(evt, target) === 'vertical';
+ dragRect = getRect(dragEl);
+ dragOverEvent('dragOverValid');
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return completedFired;
+ if (revert) {
+ parentEl = rootEl; // actualization
+ capture();
+ this._hideClone();
+ dragOverEvent('revert');
+ if (!Sortable.eventCanceled) {
+ if (nextEl) {
+ rootEl.insertBefore(dragEl, nextEl);
+ } else {
+ rootEl.appendChild(dragEl);
+ }
+ }
+ return completed(true);
+ }
+ var elLastChild = lastChild(el, options.draggable);
+ if (!elLastChild || _ghostIsLast(evt, vertical, this) && !elLastChild.animated) {
+ // Insert to end of list
+ // If already at end of list: Do not insert
+ if (elLastChild === dragEl) {
+ return completed(false);
+ }
+ // if there is a last element, it is the target
+ if (elLastChild && el === evt.target) {
+ target = elLastChild;
+ }
+ if (target) {
+ targetRect = getRect(target);
+ }
+ if (_onMove(rootEl, el, dragEl, dragRect, target, targetRect, evt, !!target) !== false) {
+ capture();
+ if (elLastChild && elLastChild.nextSibling) {
+ // the last draggable element is not the last node
+ el.insertBefore(dragEl, elLastChild.nextSibling);
+ } else {
+ el.appendChild(dragEl);
+ }
+ parentEl = el; // actualization
+ changed();
+ return completed(true);
+ }
+ } else if (elLastChild && _ghostIsFirst(evt, vertical, this)) {
+ // Insert to start of list
+ var firstChild = getChild(el, 0, options, true);
+ if (firstChild === dragEl) {
+ return completed(false);
+ }
+ target = firstChild;
+ targetRect = getRect(target);
+ if (_onMove(rootEl, el, dragEl, dragRect, target, targetRect, evt, false) !== false) {
+ capture();
+ el.insertBefore(dragEl, firstChild);
+ parentEl = el; // actualization
+ changed();
+ return completed(true);
+ }
+ } else if (target.parentNode === el) {
+ targetRect = getRect(target);
+ var direction = 0,
+ targetBeforeFirstSwap,
+ differentLevel = dragEl.parentNode !== el,
+ differentRowCol = !_dragElInRowColumn(dragEl.animated && dragEl.toRect || dragRect, target.animated && target.toRect || targetRect, vertical),
+ side1 = vertical ? 'top' : 'left',
+ scrolledPastTop = isScrolledPast(target, 'top', 'top') || isScrolledPast(dragEl, 'top', 'top'),
+ scrollBefore = scrolledPastTop ? scrolledPastTop.scrollTop : void 0;
+ if (lastTarget !== target) {
+ targetBeforeFirstSwap = targetRect[side1];
+ pastFirstInvertThresh = false;
+ isCircumstantialInvert = !differentRowCol && options.invertSwap || differentLevel;
+ }
+ direction = _getSwapDirection(evt, target, targetRect, vertical, differentRowCol ? 1 : options.swapThreshold, options.invertedSwapThreshold == null ? options.swapThreshold : options.invertedSwapThreshold, isCircumstantialInvert, lastTarget === target);
+ var sibling;
+ if (direction !== 0) {
+ // Check if target is beside dragEl in respective direction (ignoring hidden elements)
+ var dragIndex = index(dragEl);
+ do {
+ dragIndex -= direction;
+ sibling = parentEl.children[dragIndex];
+ } while (sibling && (css(sibling, 'display') === 'none' || sibling === ghostEl));
+ }
+ // If dragEl is already beside target: Do not insert
+ if (direction === 0 || sibling === target) {
+ return completed(false);
+ }
+ lastTarget = target;
+ lastDirection = direction;
+ var nextSibling = target.nextElementSibling,
+ after = false;
+ after = direction === 1;
+ var moveVector = _onMove(rootEl, el, dragEl, dragRect, target, targetRect, evt, after);
+ if (moveVector !== false) {
+ if (moveVector === 1 || moveVector === -1) {
+ after = moveVector === 1;
+ }
+ _silent = true;
+ setTimeout(_unsilent, 30);
+ capture();
+ if (after && !nextSibling) {
+ el.appendChild(dragEl);
+ } else {
+ target.parentNode.insertBefore(dragEl, after ? nextSibling : target);
+ }
+ // Undo chrome's scroll adjustment (has no effect on other browsers)
+ if (scrolledPastTop) {
+ scrollBy(scrolledPastTop, 0, scrollBefore - scrolledPastTop.scrollTop);
+ }
+ parentEl = dragEl.parentNode; // actualization
+ // must be done before animation
+ if (targetBeforeFirstSwap !== undefined && !isCircumstantialInvert) {
+ targetMoveDistance = Math.abs(targetBeforeFirstSwap - getRect(target)[side1]);
+ }
+ changed();
+ return completed(true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (el.contains(dragEl)) {
+ return completed(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ _ignoreWhileAnimating: null,
+ _offMoveEvents: function _offMoveEvents() {
+ off(document, 'mousemove', this._onTouchMove);
+ off(document, 'touchmove', this._onTouchMove);
+ off(document, 'pointermove', this._onTouchMove);
+ off(document, 'dragover', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
+ off(document, 'mousemove', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
+ off(document, 'touchmove', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
+ },
+ _offUpEvents: function _offUpEvents() {
+ var ownerDocument = this.el.ownerDocument;
+ off(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', this._onDrop);
+ off(ownerDocument, 'touchend', this._onDrop);
+ off(ownerDocument, 'pointerup', this._onDrop);
+ off(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', this._onDrop);
+ off(document, 'selectstart', this);
+ },
+ _onDrop: function _onDrop( /**Event*/evt) {
+ var el = this.el,
+ options = this.options;
+ // Get the index of the dragged element within its parent
+ newIndex = index(dragEl);
+ newDraggableIndex = index(dragEl, options.draggable);
+ pluginEvent('drop', this, {
+ evt: evt
+ });
+ parentEl = dragEl && dragEl.parentNode;
+ // Get again after plugin event
+ newIndex = index(dragEl);
+ newDraggableIndex = index(dragEl, options.draggable);
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) {
+ this._nulling();
+ return;
+ }
+ awaitingDragStarted = false;
+ isCircumstantialInvert = false;
+ pastFirstInvertThresh = false;
+ clearInterval(this._loopId);
+ clearTimeout(this._dragStartTimer);
+ _cancelNextTick(this.cloneId);
+ _cancelNextTick(this._dragStartId);
+ // Unbind events
+ if (this.nativeDraggable) {
+ off(document, 'drop', this);
+ off(el, 'dragstart', this._onDragStart);
+ }
+ this._offMoveEvents();
+ this._offUpEvents();
+ if (Safari) {
+ css(document.body, 'user-select', '');
+ }
+ css(dragEl, 'transform', '');
+ if (evt) {
+ if (moved) {
+ evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
+ !options.dropBubble && evt.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ ghostEl && ghostEl.parentNode && ghostEl.parentNode.removeChild(ghostEl);
+ if (rootEl === parentEl || putSortable && putSortable.lastPutMode !== 'clone') {
+ // Remove clone(s)
+ cloneEl && cloneEl.parentNode && cloneEl.parentNode.removeChild(cloneEl);
+ }
+ if (dragEl) {
+ if (this.nativeDraggable) {
+ off(dragEl, 'dragend', this);
+ }
+ _disableDraggable(dragEl);
+ dragEl.style['will-change'] = '';
+ // Remove classes
+ // ghostClass is added in dragStarted
+ if (moved && !awaitingDragStarted) {
+ toggleClass(dragEl, putSortable ? putSortable.options.ghostClass : this.options.ghostClass, false);
+ }
+ toggleClass(dragEl, this.options.chosenClass, false);
+ // Drag stop event
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this,
+ name: 'unchoose',
+ toEl: parentEl,
+ newIndex: null,
+ newDraggableIndex: null,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ if (rootEl !== parentEl) {
+ if (newIndex >= 0) {
+ // Add event
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ rootEl: parentEl,
+ name: 'add',
+ toEl: parentEl,
+ fromEl: rootEl,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ // Remove event
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this,
+ name: 'remove',
+ toEl: parentEl,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ // drag from one list and drop into another
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ rootEl: parentEl,
+ name: 'sort',
+ toEl: parentEl,
+ fromEl: rootEl,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this,
+ name: 'sort',
+ toEl: parentEl,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ }
+ putSortable && putSortable.save();
+ } else {
+ if (newIndex !== oldIndex) {
+ if (newIndex >= 0) {
+ // drag & drop within the same list
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this,
+ name: 'update',
+ toEl: parentEl,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this,
+ name: 'sort',
+ toEl: parentEl,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (Sortable.active) {
+ /* jshint eqnull:true */
+ if (newIndex == null || newIndex === -1) {
+ newIndex = oldIndex;
+ newDraggableIndex = oldDraggableIndex;
+ }
+ _dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this,
+ name: 'end',
+ toEl: parentEl,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ // Save sorting
+ this.save();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._nulling();
+ },
+ _nulling: function _nulling() {
+ pluginEvent('nulling', this);
+ rootEl = dragEl = parentEl = ghostEl = nextEl = cloneEl = lastDownEl = cloneHidden = tapEvt = touchEvt = moved = newIndex = newDraggableIndex = oldIndex = oldDraggableIndex = lastTarget = lastDirection = putSortable = activeGroup = Sortable.dragged = Sortable.ghost = Sortable.clone = Sortable.active = null;
+ savedInputChecked.forEach(function (el) {
+ el.checked = true;
+ });
+ savedInputChecked.length = lastDx = lastDy = 0;
+ },
+ handleEvent: function handleEvent( /**Event*/evt) {
+ switch (evt.type) {
+ case 'drop':
+ case 'dragend':
+ this._onDrop(evt);
+ break;
+ case 'dragenter':
+ case 'dragover':
+ if (dragEl) {
+ this._onDragOver(evt);
+ _globalDragOver(evt);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'selectstart':
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Serializes the item into an array of string.
+ * @returns {String[]}
+ */
+ toArray: function toArray() {
+ var order = [],
+ el,
+ children = this.el.children,
+ i = 0,
+ n = children.length,
+ options = this.options;
+ for (; i < n; i++) {
+ el = children[i];
+ if (closest(el, options.draggable, this.el, false)) {
+ order.push(el.getAttribute(options.dataIdAttr) || _generateId(el));
+ }
+ }
+ return order;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sorts the elements according to the array.
+ * @param {String[]} order order of the items
+ */
+ sort: function sort(order, useAnimation) {
+ var items = {},
+ rootEl = this.el;
+ this.toArray().forEach(function (id, i) {
+ var el = rootEl.children[i];
+ if (closest(el, this.options.draggable, rootEl, false)) {
+ items[id] = el;
+ }
+ }, this);
+ useAnimation && this.captureAnimationState();
+ order.forEach(function (id) {
+ if (items[id]) {
+ rootEl.removeChild(items[id]);
+ rootEl.appendChild(items[id]);
+ }
+ });
+ useAnimation && this.animateAll();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Save the current sorting
+ */
+ save: function save() {
+ var store = this.options.store;
+ store && store.set && store.set(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el
+ * @param {String} [selector] default: `options.draggable`
+ * @returns {HTMLElement|null}
+ */
+ closest: function closest$1(el, selector) {
+ return closest(el, selector || this.options.draggable, this.el, false);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set/get option
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {*} [value]
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+ option: function option(name, value) {
+ var options = this.options;
+ if (value === void 0) {
+ return options[name];
+ } else {
+ var modifiedValue = PluginManager.modifyOption(this, name, value);
+ if (typeof modifiedValue !== 'undefined') {
+ options[name] = modifiedValue;
+ } else {
+ options[name] = value;
+ }
+ if (name === 'group') {
+ _prepareGroup(options);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ pluginEvent('destroy', this);
+ var el = this.el;
+ el[expando] = null;
+ off(el, 'mousedown', this._onTapStart);
+ off(el, 'touchstart', this._onTapStart);
+ off(el, 'pointerdown', this._onTapStart);
+ if (this.nativeDraggable) {
+ off(el, 'dragover', this);
+ off(el, 'dragenter', this);
+ }
+ // Remove draggable attributes
+ Array.prototype.forEach.call(el.querySelectorAll('[draggable]'), function (el) {
+ el.removeAttribute('draggable');
+ });
+ this._onDrop();
+ this._disableDelayedDragEvents();
+ sortables.splice(sortables.indexOf(this.el), 1);
+ this.el = el = null;
+ },
+ _hideClone: function _hideClone() {
+ if (!cloneHidden) {
+ pluginEvent('hideClone', this);
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return;
+ css(cloneEl, 'display', 'none');
+ if (this.options.removeCloneOnHide && cloneEl.parentNode) {
+ cloneEl.parentNode.removeChild(cloneEl);
+ }
+ cloneHidden = true;
+ }
+ },
+ _showClone: function _showClone(putSortable) {
+ if (putSortable.lastPutMode !== 'clone') {
+ this._hideClone();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cloneHidden) {
+ pluginEvent('showClone', this);
+ if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return;
+ // show clone at dragEl or original position
+ if (dragEl.parentNode == rootEl && !this.options.group.revertClone) {
+ rootEl.insertBefore(cloneEl, dragEl);
+ } else if (nextEl) {
+ rootEl.insertBefore(cloneEl, nextEl);
+ } else {
+ rootEl.appendChild(cloneEl);
+ }
+ if (this.options.group.revertClone) {
+ this.animate(dragEl, cloneEl);
+ }
+ css(cloneEl, 'display', '');
+ cloneHidden = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function _globalDragOver( /**Event*/evt) {
+ if (evt.dataTransfer) {
+ evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
+ }
+ evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function _onMove(fromEl, toEl, dragEl, dragRect, targetEl, targetRect, originalEvent, willInsertAfter) {
+ var evt,
+ sortable = fromEl[expando],
+ onMoveFn = sortable.options.onMove,
+ retVal;
+ // Support for new CustomEvent feature
+ if (window.CustomEvent && !IE11OrLess && !Edge) {
+ evt = new CustomEvent('move', {
+ bubbles: true,
+ cancelable: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ evt = document.createEvent('Event');
+ evt.initEvent('move', true, true);
+ }
+ evt.to = toEl;
+ evt.from = fromEl;
+ evt.dragged = dragEl;
+ evt.draggedRect = dragRect;
+ evt.related = targetEl || toEl;
+ evt.relatedRect = targetRect || getRect(toEl);
+ evt.willInsertAfter = willInsertAfter;
+ evt.originalEvent = originalEvent;
+ fromEl.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ if (onMoveFn) {
+ retVal = onMoveFn.call(sortable, evt, originalEvent);
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ function _disableDraggable(el) {
+ el.draggable = false;
+ }
+ function _unsilent() {
+ _silent = false;
+ }
+ function _ghostIsFirst(evt, vertical, sortable) {
+ var firstElRect = getRect(getChild(sortable.el, 0, sortable.options, true));
+ var childContainingRect = getChildContainingRectFromElement(sortable.el, sortable.options, ghostEl);
+ var spacer = 10;
+ return vertical ? evt.clientX < childContainingRect.left - spacer || evt.clientY < firstElRect.top && evt.clientX < firstElRect.right : evt.clientY < childContainingRect.top - spacer || evt.clientY < firstElRect.bottom && evt.clientX < firstElRect.left;
+ }
+ function _ghostIsLast(evt, vertical, sortable) {
+ var lastElRect = getRect(lastChild(sortable.el, sortable.options.draggable));
+ var childContainingRect = getChildContainingRectFromElement(sortable.el, sortable.options, ghostEl);
+ var spacer = 10;
+ return vertical ? evt.clientX > childContainingRect.right + spacer || evt.clientY > lastElRect.bottom && evt.clientX > lastElRect.left : evt.clientY > childContainingRect.bottom + spacer || evt.clientX > lastElRect.right && evt.clientY > lastElRect.top;
+ }
+ function _getSwapDirection(evt, target, targetRect, vertical, swapThreshold, invertedSwapThreshold, invertSwap, isLastTarget) {
+ var mouseOnAxis = vertical ? evt.clientY : evt.clientX,
+ targetLength = vertical ? targetRect.height : targetRect.width,
+ targetS1 = vertical ? targetRect.top : targetRect.left,
+ targetS2 = vertical ? targetRect.bottom : targetRect.right,
+ invert = false;
+ if (!invertSwap) {
+ // Never invert or create dragEl shadow when target movemenet causes mouse to move past the end of regular swapThreshold
+ if (isLastTarget && targetMoveDistance < targetLength * swapThreshold) {
+ // multiplied only by swapThreshold because mouse will already be inside target by (1 - threshold) * targetLength / 2
+ // check if past first invert threshold on side opposite of lastDirection
+ if (!pastFirstInvertThresh && (lastDirection === 1 ? mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2 : mouseOnAxis < targetS2 - targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2)) {
+ // past first invert threshold, do not restrict inverted threshold to dragEl shadow
+ pastFirstInvertThresh = true;
+ }
+ if (!pastFirstInvertThresh) {
+ // dragEl shadow (target move distance shadow)
+ if (lastDirection === 1 ? mouseOnAxis < targetS1 + targetMoveDistance // over dragEl shadow
+ : mouseOnAxis > targetS2 - targetMoveDistance) {
+ return -lastDirection;
+ }
+ } else {
+ invert = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Regular
+ if (mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength * (1 - swapThreshold) / 2 && mouseOnAxis < targetS2 - targetLength * (1 - swapThreshold) / 2) {
+ return _getInsertDirection(target);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ invert = invert || invertSwap;
+ if (invert) {
+ // Invert of regular
+ if (mouseOnAxis < targetS1 + targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2 || mouseOnAxis > targetS2 - targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2) {
+ return mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength / 2 ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the direction dragEl must be swapped relative to target in order to make it
+ * seem that dragEl has been "inserted" into that element's position
+ * @param {HTMLElement} target The target whose position dragEl is being inserted at
+ * @return {Number} Direction dragEl must be swapped
+ */
+ function _getInsertDirection(target) {
+ if (index(dragEl) < index(target)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate id
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el
+ * @returns {String}
+ * @private
+ */
+ function _generateId(el) {
+ var str = el.tagName + el.className + el.src + el.href + el.textContent,
+ i = str.length,
+ sum = 0;
+ while (i--) {
+ sum += str.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return sum.toString(36);
+ }
+ function _saveInputCheckedState(root) {
+ savedInputChecked.length = 0;
+ var inputs = root.getElementsByTagName('input');
+ var idx = inputs.length;
+ while (idx--) {
+ var el = inputs[idx];
+ el.checked && savedInputChecked.push(el);
+ }
+ }
+ function _nextTick(fn) {
+ return setTimeout(fn, 0);
+ }
+ function _cancelNextTick(id) {
+ return clearTimeout(id);
+ }
+ // Fixed #973:
+ if (documentExists) {
+ on(document, 'touchmove', function (evt) {
+ if ((Sortable.active || awaitingDragStarted) && evt.cancelable) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Export utils
+ Sortable.utils = {
+ on: on,
+ off: off,
+ css: css,
+ find: find,
+ is: function is(el, selector) {
+ return !!closest(el, selector, el, false);
+ },
+ extend: extend,
+ throttle: throttle,
+ closest: closest,
+ toggleClass: toggleClass,
+ clone: clone,
+ index: index,
+ nextTick: _nextTick,
+ cancelNextTick: _cancelNextTick,
+ detectDirection: _detectDirection,
+ getChild: getChild,
+ expando: expando
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the Sortable instance of an element
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element The element
+ * @return {Sortable|undefined} The instance of Sortable
+ */
+ Sortable.get = function (element) {
+ return element[expando];
+ };
+ /**
+ * Mount a plugin to Sortable
+ * @param {...SortablePlugin|SortablePlugin[]} plugins Plugins being mounted
+ */
+ Sortable.mount = function () {
+ for (var _len = arguments.length, plugins = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
+ plugins[_key] = arguments[_key];
+ }
+ if (plugins[0].constructor === Array) plugins = plugins[0];
+ plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
+ if (!plugin.prototype || !plugin.prototype.constructor) {
+ throw "Sortable: Mounted plugin must be a constructor function, not ".concat({}.toString.call(plugin));
+ }
+ if (plugin.utils) Sortable.utils = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, Sortable.utils), plugin.utils);
+ PluginManager.mount(plugin);
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Create sortable instance
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el
+ * @param {Object} [options]
+ */
+ Sortable.create = function (el, options) {
+ return new Sortable(el, options);
+ };
+ // Export
+ Sortable.version = version;
+ var autoScrolls = [],
+ scrollEl,
+ scrollRootEl,
+ scrolling = false,
+ lastAutoScrollX,
+ lastAutoScrollY,
+ touchEvt$1,
+ pointerElemChangedInterval;
+ function AutoScrollPlugin() {
+ function AutoScroll() {
+ this.defaults = {
+ scroll: true,
+ forceAutoScrollFallback: false,
+ scrollSensitivity: 30,
+ scrollSpeed: 10,
+ bubbleScroll: true
+ };
+ // Bind all private methods
+ for (var fn in this) {
+ if (fn.charAt(0) === '_' && typeof this[fn] === 'function') {
+ this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AutoScroll.prototype = {
+ dragStarted: function dragStarted(_ref) {
+ var originalEvent = _ref.originalEvent;
+ if (this.sortable.nativeDraggable) {
+ on(document, 'dragover', this._handleAutoScroll);
+ } else {
+ if (this.options.supportPointer) {
+ on(document, 'pointermove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
+ } else if (originalEvent.touches) {
+ on(document, 'touchmove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
+ } else {
+ on(document, 'mousemove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ dragOverCompleted: function dragOverCompleted(_ref2) {
+ var originalEvent = _ref2.originalEvent;
+ // For when bubbling is canceled and using fallback (fallback 'touchmove' always reached)
+ if (!this.options.dragOverBubble && !originalEvent.rootEl) {
+ this._handleAutoScroll(originalEvent);
+ }
+ },
+ drop: function drop() {
+ if (this.sortable.nativeDraggable) {
+ off(document, 'dragover', this._handleAutoScroll);
+ } else {
+ off(document, 'pointermove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
+ off(document, 'touchmove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
+ off(document, 'mousemove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
+ }
+ clearPointerElemChangedInterval();
+ clearAutoScrolls();
+ cancelThrottle();
+ },
+ nulling: function nulling() {
+ touchEvt$1 = scrollRootEl = scrollEl = scrolling = pointerElemChangedInterval = lastAutoScrollX = lastAutoScrollY = null;
+ autoScrolls.length = 0;
+ },
+ _handleFallbackAutoScroll: function _handleFallbackAutoScroll(evt) {
+ this._handleAutoScroll(evt, true);
+ },
+ _handleAutoScroll: function _handleAutoScroll(evt, fallback) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var x = (evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt).clientX,
+ y = (evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt).clientY,
+ elem = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
+ touchEvt$1 = evt;
+ // IE does not seem to have native autoscroll,
+ // Edge's autoscroll seems too conditional,
+ // MACOS Safari does not have autoscroll,
+ // Firefox and Chrome are good
+ if (fallback || this.options.forceAutoScrollFallback || Edge || IE11OrLess || Safari) {
+ autoScroll(evt, this.options, elem, fallback);
+ // Listener for pointer element change
+ var ogElemScroller = getParentAutoScrollElement(elem, true);
+ if (scrolling && (!pointerElemChangedInterval || x !== lastAutoScrollX || y !== lastAutoScrollY)) {
+ pointerElemChangedInterval && clearPointerElemChangedInterval();
+ // Detect for pointer elem change, emulating native DnD behaviour
+ pointerElemChangedInterval = setInterval(function () {
+ var newElem = getParentAutoScrollElement(document.elementFromPoint(x, y), true);
+ if (newElem !== ogElemScroller) {
+ ogElemScroller = newElem;
+ clearAutoScrolls();
+ }
+ autoScroll(evt, _this.options, newElem, fallback);
+ }, 10);
+ lastAutoScrollX = x;
+ lastAutoScrollY = y;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if DnD is enabled (and browser has good autoscrolling), first autoscroll will already scroll, so get parent autoscroll of first autoscroll
+ if (!this.options.bubbleScroll || getParentAutoScrollElement(elem, true) === getWindowScrollingElement()) {
+ clearAutoScrolls();
+ return;
+ }
+ autoScroll(evt, this.options, getParentAutoScrollElement(elem, false), false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return _extends(AutoScroll, {
+ pluginName: 'scroll',
+ initializeByDefault: true
+ });
+ }
+ function clearAutoScrolls() {
+ autoScrolls.forEach(function (autoScroll) {
+ clearInterval(autoScroll.pid);
+ });
+ autoScrolls = [];
+ }
+ function clearPointerElemChangedInterval() {
+ clearInterval(pointerElemChangedInterval);
+ }
+ var autoScroll = throttle(function (evt, options, rootEl, isFallback) {
+ // Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505521
+ if (!options.scroll) return;
+ var x = (evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt).clientX,
+ y = (evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt).clientY,
+ sens = options.scrollSensitivity,
+ speed = options.scrollSpeed,
+ winScroller = getWindowScrollingElement();
+ var scrollThisInstance = false,
+ scrollCustomFn;
+ // New scroll root, set scrollEl
+ if (scrollRootEl !== rootEl) {
+ scrollRootEl = rootEl;
+ clearAutoScrolls();
+ scrollEl = options.scroll;
+ scrollCustomFn = options.scrollFn;
+ if (scrollEl === true) {
+ scrollEl = getParentAutoScrollElement(rootEl, true);
+ }
+ }
+ var layersOut = 0;
+ var currentParent = scrollEl;
+ do {
+ var el = currentParent,
+ rect = getRect(el),
+ top = rect.top,
+ bottom = rect.bottom,
+ left = rect.left,
+ right = rect.right,
+ width = rect.width,
+ height = rect.height,
+ canScrollX = void 0,
+ canScrollY = void 0,
+ scrollWidth = el.scrollWidth,
+ scrollHeight = el.scrollHeight,
+ elCSS = css(el),
+ scrollPosX = el.scrollLeft,
+ scrollPosY = el.scrollTop;
+ if (el === winScroller) {
+ canScrollX = width < scrollWidth && (elCSS.overflowX === 'auto' || elCSS.overflowX === 'scroll' || elCSS.overflowX === 'visible');
+ canScrollY = height < scrollHeight && (elCSS.overflowY === 'auto' || elCSS.overflowY === 'scroll' || elCSS.overflowY === 'visible');
+ } else {
+ canScrollX = width < scrollWidth && (elCSS.overflowX === 'auto' || elCSS.overflowX === 'scroll');
+ canScrollY = height < scrollHeight && (elCSS.overflowY === 'auto' || elCSS.overflowY === 'scroll');
+ }
+ var vx = canScrollX && (Math.abs(right - x) <= sens && scrollPosX + width < scrollWidth) - (Math.abs(left - x) <= sens && !!scrollPosX);
+ var vy = canScrollY && (Math.abs(bottom - y) <= sens && scrollPosY + height < scrollHeight) - (Math.abs(top - y) <= sens && !!scrollPosY);
+ if (!autoScrolls[layersOut]) {
+ for (var i = 0; i <= layersOut; i++) {
+ if (!autoScrolls[i]) {
+ autoScrolls[i] = {};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (autoScrolls[layersOut].vx != vx || autoScrolls[layersOut].vy != vy || autoScrolls[layersOut].el !== el) {
+ autoScrolls[layersOut].el = el;
+ autoScrolls[layersOut].vx = vx;
+ autoScrolls[layersOut].vy = vy;
+ clearInterval(autoScrolls[layersOut].pid);
+ if (vx != 0 || vy != 0) {
+ scrollThisInstance = true;
+ /* jshint loopfunc:true */
+ autoScrolls[layersOut].pid = setInterval(function () {
+ // emulate drag over during autoscroll (fallback), emulating native DnD behaviour
+ if (isFallback && this.layer === 0) {
+ Sortable.active._onTouchMove(touchEvt$1); // To move ghost if it is positioned absolutely
+ }
+ var scrollOffsetY = autoScrolls[this.layer].vy ? autoScrolls[this.layer].vy * speed : 0;
+ var scrollOffsetX = autoScrolls[this.layer].vx ? autoScrolls[this.layer].vx * speed : 0;
+ if (typeof scrollCustomFn === 'function') {
+ if (scrollCustomFn.call(Sortable.dragged.parentNode[expando], scrollOffsetX, scrollOffsetY, evt, touchEvt$1, autoScrolls[this.layer].el) !== 'continue') {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ scrollBy(autoScrolls[this.layer].el, scrollOffsetX, scrollOffsetY);
+ }.bind({
+ layer: layersOut
+ }), 24);
+ }
+ }
+ layersOut++;
+ } while (options.bubbleScroll && currentParent !== winScroller && (currentParent = getParentAutoScrollElement(currentParent, false)));
+ scrolling = scrollThisInstance; // in case another function catches scrolling as false in between when it is not
+ }, 30);
+ var drop = function drop(_ref) {
+ var originalEvent = _ref.originalEvent,
+ putSortable = _ref.putSortable,
+ dragEl = _ref.dragEl,
+ activeSortable = _ref.activeSortable,
+ dispatchSortableEvent = _ref.dispatchSortableEvent,
+ hideGhostForTarget = _ref.hideGhostForTarget,
+ unhideGhostForTarget = _ref.unhideGhostForTarget;
+ if (!originalEvent) return;
+ var toSortable = putSortable || activeSortable;
+ hideGhostForTarget();
+ var touch = originalEvent.changedTouches && originalEvent.changedTouches.length ? originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : originalEvent;
+ var target = document.elementFromPoint(touch.clientX, touch.clientY);
+ unhideGhostForTarget();
+ if (toSortable && !toSortable.el.contains(target)) {
+ dispatchSortableEvent('spill');
+ this.onSpill({
+ dragEl: dragEl,
+ putSortable: putSortable
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function Revert() { }
+ Revert.prototype = {
+ startIndex: null,
+ dragStart: function dragStart(_ref2) {
+ var oldDraggableIndex = _ref2.oldDraggableIndex;
+ this.startIndex = oldDraggableIndex;
+ },
+ onSpill: function onSpill(_ref3) {
+ var dragEl = _ref3.dragEl,
+ putSortable = _ref3.putSortable;
+ this.sortable.captureAnimationState();
+ if (putSortable) {
+ putSortable.captureAnimationState();
+ }
+ var nextSibling = getChild(this.sortable.el, this.startIndex, this.options);
+ if (nextSibling) {
+ this.sortable.el.insertBefore(dragEl, nextSibling);
+ } else {
+ this.sortable.el.appendChild(dragEl);
+ }
+ this.sortable.animateAll();
+ if (putSortable) {
+ putSortable.animateAll();
+ }
+ },
+ drop: drop
+ };
+ _extends(Revert, {
+ pluginName: 'revertOnSpill'
+ });
+ function Remove() { }
+ Remove.prototype = {
+ onSpill: function onSpill(_ref4) {
+ var dragEl = _ref4.dragEl,
+ putSortable = _ref4.putSortable;
+ var parentSortable = putSortable || this.sortable;
+ parentSortable.captureAnimationState();
+ dragEl.parentNode && dragEl.parentNode.removeChild(dragEl);
+ parentSortable.animateAll();
+ },
+ drop: drop
+ };
+ _extends(Remove, {
+ pluginName: 'removeOnSpill'
+ });
+ var lastSwapEl;
+ function SwapPlugin() {
+ function Swap() {
+ this.defaults = {
+ swapClass: 'sortable-swap-highlight'
+ };
+ }
+ Swap.prototype = {
+ dragStart: function dragStart(_ref) {
+ var dragEl = _ref.dragEl;
+ lastSwapEl = dragEl;
+ },
+ dragOverValid: function dragOverValid(_ref2) {
+ var completed = _ref2.completed,
+ target = _ref2.target,
+ onMove = _ref2.onMove,
+ activeSortable = _ref2.activeSortable,
+ changed = _ref2.changed,
+ cancel = _ref2.cancel;
+ if (!activeSortable.options.swap) return;
+ var el = this.sortable.el,
+ options = this.options;
+ if (target && target !== el) {
+ var prevSwapEl = lastSwapEl;
+ if (onMove(target) !== false) {
+ toggleClass(target, options.swapClass, true);
+ lastSwapEl = target;
+ } else {
+ lastSwapEl = null;
+ }
+ if (prevSwapEl && prevSwapEl !== lastSwapEl) {
+ toggleClass(prevSwapEl, options.swapClass, false);
+ }
+ }
+ changed();
+ completed(true);
+ cancel();
+ },
+ drop: function drop(_ref3) {
+ var activeSortable = _ref3.activeSortable,
+ putSortable = _ref3.putSortable,
+ dragEl = _ref3.dragEl;
+ var toSortable = putSortable || this.sortable;
+ var options = this.options;
+ lastSwapEl && toggleClass(lastSwapEl, options.swapClass, false);
+ if (lastSwapEl && (options.swap || putSortable && putSortable.options.swap)) {
+ if (dragEl !== lastSwapEl) {
+ toSortable.captureAnimationState();
+ if (toSortable !== activeSortable) activeSortable.captureAnimationState();
+ swapNodes(dragEl, lastSwapEl);
+ toSortable.animateAll();
+ if (toSortable !== activeSortable) activeSortable.animateAll();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nulling: function nulling() {
+ lastSwapEl = null;
+ }
+ };
+ return _extends(Swap, {
+ pluginName: 'swap',
+ eventProperties: function eventProperties() {
+ return {
+ swapItem: lastSwapEl
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function swapNodes(n1, n2) {
+ var p1 = n1.parentNode,
+ p2 = n2.parentNode,
+ i1,
+ i2;
+ if (!p1 || !p2 || p1.isEqualNode(n2) || p2.isEqualNode(n1)) return;
+ i1 = index(n1);
+ i2 = index(n2);
+ if (p1.isEqualNode(p2) && i1 < i2) {
+ i2++;
+ }
+ p1.insertBefore(n2, p1.children[i1]);
+ p2.insertBefore(n1, p2.children[i2]);
+ }
+ var multiDragElements = [],
+ multiDragClones = [],
+ lastMultiDragSelect,
+ // for selection with modifier key down (SHIFT)
+ multiDragSortable,
+ initialFolding = false,
+ // Initial multi-drag fold when drag started
+ folding = false,
+ // Folding any other time
+ dragStarted = false,
+ dragEl$1,
+ clonesFromRect,
+ clonesHidden;
+ function MultiDragPlugin() {
+ function MultiDrag(sortable) {
+ // Bind all private methods
+ for (var fn in this) {
+ if (fn.charAt(0) === '_' && typeof this[fn] === 'function') {
+ this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!sortable.options.avoidImplicitDeselect) {
+ if (sortable.options.supportPointer) {
+ on(document, 'pointerup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ } else {
+ on(document, 'mouseup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ on(document, 'touchend', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ }
+ }
+ on(document, 'keydown', this._checkKeyDown);
+ on(document, 'keyup', this._checkKeyUp);
+ this.defaults = {
+ selectedClass: 'sortable-selected',
+ multiDragKey: null,
+ avoidImplicitDeselect: false,
+ setData: function setData(dataTransfer, dragEl) {
+ var data = '';
+ if (multiDragElements.length && multiDragSortable === sortable) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement, i) {
+ data += (!i ? '' : ', ') + multiDragElement.textContent;
+ });
+ } else {
+ data = dragEl.textContent;
+ }
+ dataTransfer.setData('Text', data);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ MultiDrag.prototype = {
+ multiDragKeyDown: false,
+ isMultiDrag: false,
+ delayStartGlobal: function delayStartGlobal(_ref) {
+ var dragged = _ref.dragEl;
+ dragEl$1 = dragged;
+ },
+ delayEnded: function delayEnded() {
+ this.isMultiDrag = ~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl$1);
+ },
+ setupClone: function setupClone(_ref2) {
+ var sortable = _ref2.sortable,
+ cancel = _ref2.cancel;
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < multiDragElements.length; i++) {
+ multiDragClones.push(clone(multiDragElements[i]));
+ multiDragClones[i].sortableIndex = multiDragElements[i].sortableIndex;
+ multiDragClones[i].draggable = false;
+ multiDragClones[i].style['will-change'] = '';
+ toggleClass(multiDragClones[i], this.options.selectedClass, false);
+ multiDragElements[i] === dragEl$1 && toggleClass(multiDragClones[i], this.options.chosenClass, false);
+ }
+ sortable._hideClone();
+ cancel();
+ },
+ clone: function clone(_ref3) {
+ var sortable = _ref3.sortable,
+ rootEl = _ref3.rootEl,
+ dispatchSortableEvent = _ref3.dispatchSortableEvent,
+ cancel = _ref3.cancel;
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ if (!this.options.removeCloneOnHide) {
+ if (multiDragElements.length && multiDragSortable === sortable) {
+ insertMultiDragClones(true, rootEl);
+ dispatchSortableEvent('clone');
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ showClone: function showClone(_ref4) {
+ var cloneNowShown = _ref4.cloneNowShown,
+ rootEl = _ref4.rootEl,
+ cancel = _ref4.cancel;
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ insertMultiDragClones(false, rootEl);
+ multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone) {
+ css(clone, 'display', '');
+ });
+ cloneNowShown();
+ clonesHidden = false;
+ cancel();
+ },
+ hideClone: function hideClone(_ref5) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var sortable = _ref5.sortable,
+ cloneNowHidden = _ref5.cloneNowHidden,
+ cancel = _ref5.cancel;
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone) {
+ css(clone, 'display', 'none');
+ if (_this.options.removeCloneOnHide && clone.parentNode) {
+ clone.parentNode.removeChild(clone);
+ }
+ });
+ cloneNowHidden();
+ clonesHidden = true;
+ cancel();
+ },
+ dragStartGlobal: function dragStartGlobal(_ref6) {
+ var sortable = _ref6.sortable;
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag && multiDragSortable) {
+ multiDragSortable.multiDrag._deselectMultiDrag();
+ }
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ multiDragElement.sortableIndex = index(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ // Sort multi-drag elements
+ multiDragElements = multiDragElements.sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a.sortableIndex - b.sortableIndex;
+ });
+ dragStarted = true;
+ },
+ dragStarted: function dragStarted(_ref7) {
+ var _this2 = this;
+ var sortable = _ref7.sortable;
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ if (this.options.sort) {
+ // Capture rects,
+ // hide multi drag elements (by positioning them absolute),
+ // set multi drag elements rects to dragRect,
+ // show multi drag elements,
+ // animate to rects,
+ // unset rects & remove from DOM
+ sortable.captureAnimationState();
+ if (this.options.animation) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ if (multiDragElement === dragEl$1) return;
+ css(multiDragElement, 'position', 'absolute');
+ });
+ var dragRect = getRect(dragEl$1, false, true, true);
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ if (multiDragElement === dragEl$1) return;
+ setRect(multiDragElement, dragRect);
+ });
+ folding = true;
+ initialFolding = true;
+ }
+ }
+ sortable.animateAll(function () {
+ folding = false;
+ initialFolding = false;
+ if (_this2.options.animation) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ unsetRect(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ }
+ // Remove all auxiliary multidrag items from el, if sorting enabled
+ if (_this2.options.sort) {
+ removeMultiDragElements();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ dragOver: function dragOver(_ref8) {
+ var target = _ref8.target,
+ completed = _ref8.completed,
+ cancel = _ref8.cancel;
+ if (folding && ~multiDragElements.indexOf(target)) {
+ completed(false);
+ cancel();
+ }
+ },
+ revert: function revert(_ref9) {
+ var fromSortable = _ref9.fromSortable,
+ rootEl = _ref9.rootEl,
+ sortable = _ref9.sortable,
+ dragRect = _ref9.dragRect;
+ if (multiDragElements.length > 1) {
+ // Setup unfold animation
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ sortable.addAnimationState({
+ target: multiDragElement,
+ rect: folding ? getRect(multiDragElement) : dragRect
+ });
+ unsetRect(multiDragElement);
+ multiDragElement.fromRect = dragRect;
+ fromSortable.removeAnimationState(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ folding = false;
+ insertMultiDragElements(!this.options.removeCloneOnHide, rootEl);
+ }
+ },
+ dragOverCompleted: function dragOverCompleted(_ref10) {
+ var sortable = _ref10.sortable,
+ isOwner = _ref10.isOwner,
+ insertion = _ref10.insertion,
+ activeSortable = _ref10.activeSortable,
+ parentEl = _ref10.parentEl,
+ putSortable = _ref10.putSortable;
+ var options = this.options;
+ if (insertion) {
+ // Clones must be hidden before folding animation to capture dragRectAbsolute properly
+ if (isOwner) {
+ activeSortable._hideClone();
+ }
+ initialFolding = false;
+ // If leaving sort:false root, or already folding - Fold to new location
+ if (options.animation && multiDragElements.length > 1 && (folding || !isOwner && !activeSortable.options.sort && !putSortable)) {
+ // Fold: Set all multi drag elements's rects to dragEl's rect when multi-drag elements are invisible
+ var dragRectAbsolute = getRect(dragEl$1, false, true, true);
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ if (multiDragElement === dragEl$1) return;
+ setRect(multiDragElement, dragRectAbsolute);
+ // Move element(s) to end of parentEl so that it does not interfere with multi-drag clones insertion if they are inserted
+ // while folding, and so that we can capture them again because old sortable will no longer be fromSortable
+ parentEl.appendChild(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ folding = true;
+ }
+ // Clones must be shown (and check to remove multi drags) after folding when interfering multiDragElements are moved out
+ if (!isOwner) {
+ // Only remove if not folding (folding will remove them anyways)
+ if (!folding) {
+ removeMultiDragElements();
+ }
+ if (multiDragElements.length > 1) {
+ var clonesHiddenBefore = clonesHidden;
+ activeSortable._showClone(sortable);
+ // Unfold animation for clones if showing from hidden
+ if (activeSortable.options.animation && !clonesHidden && clonesHiddenBefore) {
+ multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone) {
+ activeSortable.addAnimationState({
+ target: clone,
+ rect: clonesFromRect
+ });
+ clone.fromRect = clonesFromRect;
+ clone.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ activeSortable._showClone(sortable);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ dragOverAnimationCapture: function dragOverAnimationCapture(_ref11) {
+ var dragRect = _ref11.dragRect,
+ isOwner = _ref11.isOwner,
+ activeSortable = _ref11.activeSortable;
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ multiDragElement.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ });
+ if (activeSortable.options.animation && !isOwner && activeSortable.multiDrag.isMultiDrag) {
+ clonesFromRect = _extends({}, dragRect);
+ var dragMatrix = matrix(dragEl$1, true);
+ clonesFromRect.top -= dragMatrix.f;
+ clonesFromRect.left -= dragMatrix.e;
+ }
+ },
+ dragOverAnimationComplete: function dragOverAnimationComplete() {
+ if (folding) {
+ folding = false;
+ removeMultiDragElements();
+ }
+ },
+ drop: function drop(_ref12) {
+ var evt = _ref12.originalEvent,
+ rootEl = _ref12.rootEl,
+ parentEl = _ref12.parentEl,
+ sortable = _ref12.sortable,
+ dispatchSortableEvent = _ref12.dispatchSortableEvent,
+ oldIndex = _ref12.oldIndex,
+ putSortable = _ref12.putSortable;
+ var toSortable = putSortable || this.sortable;
+ if (!evt) return;
+ var options = this.options,
+ children = parentEl.children;
+ // Multi-drag selection
+ if (!dragStarted) {
+ if (options.multiDragKey && !this.multiDragKeyDown) {
+ this._deselectMultiDrag();
+ }
+ toggleClass(dragEl$1, options.selectedClass, !~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl$1));
+ if (!~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl$1)) {
+ multiDragElements.push(dragEl$1);
+ dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: sortable,
+ rootEl: rootEl,
+ name: 'select',
+ targetEl: dragEl$1,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ // Modifier activated, select from last to dragEl
+ if (evt.shiftKey && lastMultiDragSelect && sortable.el.contains(lastMultiDragSelect)) {
+ var lastIndex = index(lastMultiDragSelect),
+ currentIndex = index(dragEl$1);
+ if (~lastIndex && ~currentIndex && lastIndex !== currentIndex) {
+ // Must include lastMultiDragSelect (select it), in case modified selection from no selection
+ // (but previous selection existed)
+ var n, i;
+ if (currentIndex > lastIndex) {
+ i = lastIndex;
+ n = currentIndex;
+ } else {
+ i = currentIndex;
+ n = lastIndex + 1;
+ }
+ for (; i < n; i++) {
+ if (~multiDragElements.indexOf(children[i])) continue;
+ toggleClass(children[i], options.selectedClass, true);
+ multiDragElements.push(children[i]);
+ dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: sortable,
+ rootEl: rootEl,
+ name: 'select',
+ targetEl: children[i],
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ lastMultiDragSelect = dragEl$1;
+ }
+ multiDragSortable = toSortable;
+ } else {
+ multiDragElements.splice(multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl$1), 1);
+ lastMultiDragSelect = null;
+ dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: sortable,
+ rootEl: rootEl,
+ name: 'deselect',
+ targetEl: dragEl$1,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Multi-drag drop
+ if (dragStarted && this.isMultiDrag) {
+ folding = false;
+ // Do not "unfold" after around dragEl if reverted
+ if ((parentEl[expando].options.sort || parentEl !== rootEl) && multiDragElements.length > 1) {
+ var dragRect = getRect(dragEl$1),
+ multiDragIndex = index(dragEl$1, ':not(.' + this.options.selectedClass + ')');
+ if (!initialFolding && options.animation) dragEl$1.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ toSortable.captureAnimationState();
+ if (!initialFolding) {
+ if (options.animation) {
+ dragEl$1.fromRect = dragRect;
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ multiDragElement.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ if (multiDragElement !== dragEl$1) {
+ var rect = folding ? getRect(multiDragElement) : dragRect;
+ multiDragElement.fromRect = rect;
+ // Prepare unfold animation
+ toSortable.addAnimationState({
+ target: multiDragElement,
+ rect: rect
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Multi drag elements are not necessarily removed from the DOM on drop, so to reinsert
+ // properly they must all be removed
+ removeMultiDragElements();
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ if (children[multiDragIndex]) {
+ parentEl.insertBefore(multiDragElement, children[multiDragIndex]);
+ } else {
+ parentEl.appendChild(multiDragElement);
+ }
+ multiDragIndex++;
+ });
+ // If initial folding is done, the elements may have changed position because they are now
+ // unfolding around dragEl, even though dragEl may not have his index changed, so update event
+ // must be fired here as Sortable will not.
+ if (oldIndex === index(dragEl$1)) {
+ var update = false;
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ if (multiDragElement.sortableIndex !== index(multiDragElement)) {
+ update = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ if (update) {
+ dispatchSortableEvent('update');
+ dispatchSortableEvent('sort');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Must be done after capturing individual rects (scroll bar)
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ unsetRect(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ toSortable.animateAll();
+ }
+ multiDragSortable = toSortable;
+ }
+ // Remove clones if necessary
+ if (rootEl === parentEl || putSortable && putSortable.lastPutMode !== 'clone') {
+ multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone) {
+ clone.parentNode && clone.parentNode.removeChild(clone);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ nullingGlobal: function nullingGlobal() {
+ this.isMultiDrag = dragStarted = false;
+ multiDragClones.length = 0;
+ },
+ destroyGlobal: function destroyGlobal() {
+ this._deselectMultiDrag();
+ off(document, 'pointerup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ off(document, 'mouseup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ off(document, 'touchend', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ off(document, 'keydown', this._checkKeyDown);
+ off(document, 'keyup', this._checkKeyUp);
+ },
+ _deselectMultiDrag: function _deselectMultiDrag(evt) {
+ if (typeof dragStarted !== "undefined" && dragStarted) return;
+ // Only deselect if selection is in this sortable
+ if (multiDragSortable !== this.sortable) return;
+ // Only deselect if target is not item in this sortable
+ if (evt && closest(evt.target, this.options.draggable, this.sortable.el, false)) return;
+ // Only deselect if left click
+ if (evt && evt.button !== 0) return;
+ while (multiDragElements.length) {
+ var el = multiDragElements[0];
+ toggleClass(el, this.options.selectedClass, false);
+ multiDragElements.shift();
+ dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this.sortable,
+ rootEl: this.sortable.el,
+ name: 'deselect',
+ targetEl: el,
+ originalEvent: evt
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _checkKeyDown: function _checkKeyDown(evt) {
+ if (evt.key === this.options.multiDragKey) {
+ this.multiDragKeyDown = true;
+ }
+ },
+ _checkKeyUp: function _checkKeyUp(evt) {
+ if (evt.key === this.options.multiDragKey) {
+ this.multiDragKeyDown = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return _extends(MultiDrag, {
+ // Static methods & properties
+ pluginName: 'multiDrag',
+ utils: {
+ /**
+ * Selects the provided multi-drag item
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to be selected
+ */
+ select: function select(el) {
+ var sortable = el.parentNode[expando];
+ if (!sortable || !sortable.options.multiDrag || ~multiDragElements.indexOf(el)) return;
+ if (multiDragSortable && multiDragSortable !== sortable) {
+ multiDragSortable.multiDrag._deselectMultiDrag();
+ multiDragSortable = sortable;
+ }
+ toggleClass(el, sortable.options.selectedClass, true);
+ multiDragElements.push(el);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Deselects the provided multi-drag item
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to be deselected
+ */
+ deselect: function deselect(el) {
+ var sortable = el.parentNode[expando],
+ index = multiDragElements.indexOf(el);
+ if (!sortable || !sortable.options.multiDrag || !~index) return;
+ toggleClass(el, sortable.options.selectedClass, false);
+ multiDragElements.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ },
+ eventProperties: function eventProperties() {
+ var _this3 = this;
+ var oldIndicies = [],
+ newIndicies = [];
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ oldIndicies.push({
+ multiDragElement: multiDragElement,
+ index: multiDragElement.sortableIndex
+ });
+ // multiDragElements will already be sorted if folding
+ var newIndex;
+ if (folding && multiDragElement !== dragEl$1) {
+ newIndex = -1;
+ } else if (folding) {
+ newIndex = index(multiDragElement, ':not(.' + _this3.options.selectedClass + ')');
+ } else {
+ newIndex = index(multiDragElement);
+ }
+ newIndicies.push({
+ multiDragElement: multiDragElement,
+ index: newIndex
+ });
+ });
+ return {
+ items: _toConsumableArray(multiDragElements),
+ clones: [].concat(multiDragClones),
+ oldIndicies: oldIndicies,
+ newIndicies: newIndicies
+ };
+ },
+ optionListeners: {
+ multiDragKey: function multiDragKey(key) {
+ key = key.toLowerCase();
+ if (key === 'ctrl') {
+ key = 'Control';
+ } else if (key.length > 1) {
+ key = key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substr(1);
+ }
+ return key;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function insertMultiDragElements(clonesInserted, rootEl) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement, i) {
+ var target = rootEl.children[multiDragElement.sortableIndex + (clonesInserted ? Number(i) : 0)];
+ if (target) {
+ rootEl.insertBefore(multiDragElement, target);
+ } else {
+ rootEl.appendChild(multiDragElement);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert multi-drag clones
+ * @param {[Boolean]} elementsInserted Whether the multi-drag elements are inserted
+ * @param {HTMLElement} rootEl
+ */
+ function insertMultiDragClones(elementsInserted, rootEl) {
+ multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone, i) {
+ var target = rootEl.children[clone.sortableIndex + (elementsInserted ? Number(i) : 0)];
+ if (target) {
+ rootEl.insertBefore(clone, target);
+ } else {
+ rootEl.appendChild(clone);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function removeMultiDragElements() {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
+ if (multiDragElement === dragEl$1) return;
+ multiDragElement.parentNode && multiDragElement.parentNode.removeChild(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ }
+ Sortable.mount(new AutoScrollPlugin());
+ Sortable.mount(Remove, Revert);
+ Sortable.mount(new SwapPlugin());
+ Sortable.mount(new MultiDragPlugin());
+ return Sortable;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/vendor/topbar.js b/assets/vendor/topbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4195727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/vendor/topbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ * @license MIT
+ * topbar 2.0.0, 2023-02-04
+ * https://buunguyen.github.io/topbar
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Buu Nguyen
+ */
+(function (window, document) {
+ "use strict";
+ // https://gist.github.com/paulirish/1579671
+ (function () {
+ var lastTime = 0;
+ var vendors = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"];
+ for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
+ window.requestAnimationFrame =
+ window[vendors[x] + "RequestAnimationFrame"];
+ window.cancelAnimationFrame =
+ window[vendors[x] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] ||
+ window[vendors[x] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
+ }
+ if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
+ window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback, element) {
+ var currTime = new Date().getTime();
+ var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
+ var id = window.setTimeout(function () {
+ callback(currTime + timeToCall);
+ }, timeToCall);
+ lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
+ return id;
+ };
+ if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
+ window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (id) {
+ clearTimeout(id);
+ };
+ })();
+ var canvas,
+ currentProgress,
+ showing,
+ progressTimerId = null,
+ fadeTimerId = null,
+ delayTimerId = null,
+ addEvent = function (elem, type, handler) {
+ if (elem.addEventListener) elem.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
+ else if (elem.attachEvent) elem.attachEvent("on" + type, handler);
+ else elem["on" + type] = handler;
+ },
+ options = {
+ autoRun: true,
+ barThickness: 3,
+ barColors: {
+ 0: "rgba(26, 188, 156, .9)",
+ ".25": "rgba(52, 152, 219, .9)",
+ ".50": "rgba(241, 196, 15, .9)",
+ ".75": "rgba(230, 126, 34, .9)",
+ "1.0": "rgba(211, 84, 0, .9)",
+ },
+ shadowBlur: 10,
+ shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)",
+ className: null,
+ },
+ repaint = function () {
+ canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
+ canvas.height = options.barThickness * 5; // need space for shadow
+ var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
+ ctx.shadowBlur = options.shadowBlur;
+ ctx.shadowColor = options.shadowColor;
+ var lineGradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, canvas.width, 0);
+ for (var stop in options.barColors)
+ lineGradient.addColorStop(stop, options.barColors[stop]);
+ ctx.lineWidth = options.barThickness;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(0, options.barThickness / 2);
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ Math.ceil(currentProgress * canvas.width),
+ options.barThickness / 2
+ );
+ ctx.strokeStyle = lineGradient;
+ ctx.stroke();
+ },
+ createCanvas = function () {
+ canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
+ var style = canvas.style;
+ style.position = "fixed";
+ style.top = style.left = style.right = style.margin = style.padding = 0;
+ style.zIndex = 100001;
+ style.display = "none";
+ if (options.className) canvas.classList.add(options.className);
+ document.body.appendChild(canvas);
+ addEvent(window, "resize", repaint);
+ },
+ topbar = {
+ config: function (opts) {
+ for (var key in opts)
+ if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) options[key] = opts[key];
+ },
+ show: function (delay) {
+ if (showing) return;
+ if (delay) {
+ if (delayTimerId) return;
+ delayTimerId = setTimeout(() => topbar.show(), delay);
+ } else {
+ showing = true;
+ if (fadeTimerId !== null) window.cancelAnimationFrame(fadeTimerId);
+ if (!canvas) createCanvas();
+ canvas.style.opacity = 1;
+ canvas.style.display = "block";
+ topbar.progress(0);
+ if (options.autoRun) {
+ (function loop() {
+ progressTimerId = window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);
+ topbar.progress(
+ "+" + 0.05 * Math.pow(1 - Math.sqrt(currentProgress), 2)
+ );
+ })();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ progress: function (to) {
+ if (typeof to === "undefined") return currentProgress;
+ if (typeof to === "string") {
+ to =
+ (to.indexOf("+") >= 0 || to.indexOf("-") >= 0
+ ? currentProgress
+ : 0) + parseFloat(to);
+ }
+ currentProgress = to > 1 ? 1 : to;
+ repaint();
+ return currentProgress;
+ },
+ hide: function () {
+ clearTimeout(delayTimerId);
+ delayTimerId = null;
+ if (!showing) return;
+ showing = false;
+ if (progressTimerId != null) {
+ window.cancelAnimationFrame(progressTimerId);
+ progressTimerId = null;
+ }
+ (function loop() {
+ if (topbar.progress("+.1") >= 1) {
+ canvas.style.opacity -= 0.05;
+ if (canvas.style.opacity <= 0.05) {
+ canvas.style.display = "none";
+ fadeTimerId = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ fadeTimerId = window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);
+ })();
+ },
+ };
+ if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
+ module.exports = topbar;
+ } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
+ define(function () {
+ return topbar;
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.topbar = topbar;
+ }
+}.call(this, window, document));
diff --git a/config/config.exs b/config/config.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab19505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/config.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This file is responsible for configuring your application
+# and its dependencies with the aid of the Config module.
+# This configuration file is loaded before any dependency and
+# is restricted to this project.
+# General application configuration
+import Config
+config :munch,
+ ecto_repos: [Munch.Repo],
+ generators: [timestamp_type: :utc_datetime]
+# Configures the endpoint
+config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint,
+ url: [host: "localhost"],
+ adapter: Bandit.PhoenixAdapter,
+ render_errors: [
+ formats: [html: MunchWeb.ErrorHTML, json: MunchWeb.ErrorJSON],
+ layout: false
+ ],
+ pubsub_server: Munch.PubSub,
+ live_view: [signing_salt: "bkctUheI"]
+# Configures the mailer
+# By default it uses the "Local" adapter which stores the emails
+# locally. You can see the emails in your browser, at "/dev/mailbox".
+# For production it's recommended to configure a different adapter
+# at the `config/runtime.exs`.
+config :munch, Munch.Mailer, adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Local
+# Configure esbuild (the version is required)
+config :esbuild,
+ version: "0.17.11",
+ munch: [
+ args:
+ ~w(js/app.js --bundle --target=es2017 --outdir=../priv/static/assets --external:/fonts/* --external:/images/*),
+ cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__),
+ env: %{"NODE_PATH" => Path.expand("../deps", __DIR__)}
+ ]
+# Configure tailwind (the version is required)
+config :tailwind,
+ version: "3.4.3",
+ munch: [
+ args: ~w(
+ --config=tailwind.config.js
+ --input=css/app.css
+ --output=../priv/static/assets/app.css
+ ),
+ cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__)
+ ]
+# Configures Elixir's Logger
+config :logger, :console,
+ format: "$time $metadata[$level] $message\n",
+ metadata: [:request_id]
+# Use Jason for JSON parsing in Phoenix
+config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason
+# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
+# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
+import_config "#{config_env()}.exs"
diff --git a/config/dev.exs b/config/dev.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..942b78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/dev.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import Config
+# Configure your database
+config :munch, Munch.Repo,
+ username: "postgres",
+ password: "postgres",
+ hostname: "localhost",
+ database: "munch_dev",
+ stacktrace: true,
+ show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
+ pool_size: 10
+# For development, we disable any cache and enable
+# debugging and code reloading.
+# The watchers configuration can be used to run external
+# watchers to your application. For example, we can use it
+# to bundle .js and .css sources.
+config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint,
+ # Binding to loopback ipv4 address prevents access from other machines.
+ # Change to `ip: {0, 0, 0, 0}` to allow access from other machines.
+ http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 4000],
+ check_origin: false,
+ code_reloader: true,
+ debug_errors: true,
+ secret_key_base: "TQA468kb/A9IZWQ9DcqHJI2VBmkYCGQkHabmsGQBsxZ0tauCSAIU4YvgQb/ZHMnk",
+ watchers: [
+ esbuild: {Esbuild, :install_and_run, [:munch, ~w(--sourcemap=inline --watch)]},
+ tailwind: {Tailwind, :install_and_run, [:munch, ~w(--watch)]}
+ ]
+# ## SSL Support
+# In order to use HTTPS in development, a self-signed
+# certificate can be generated by running the following
+# Mix task:
+# mix phx.gen.cert
+# Run `mix help phx.gen.cert` for more information.
+# The `http:` config above can be replaced with:
+# https: [
+# port: 4001,
+# cipher_suite: :strong,
+# keyfile: "priv/cert/selfsigned_key.pem",
+# certfile: "priv/cert/selfsigned.pem"
+# ],
+# If desired, both `http:` and `https:` keys can be
+# configured to run both http and https servers on
+# different ports.
+# Watch static and templates for browser reloading.
+config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint,
+ live_reload: [
+ patterns: [
+ ~r"priv/static/(?!uploads/).*(js|css|png|jpeg|jpg|gif|svg)$",
+ ~r"priv/gettext/.*(po)$",
+ ~r"lib/munch_web/(controllers|live|components)/.*(ex|heex)$"
+ ]
+ ]
+# Enable dev routes for dashboard and mailbox
+config :munch, dev_routes: true
+# Do not include metadata nor timestamps in development logs
+config :logger, :console, format: "[$level] $message\n"
+# Set a higher stacktrace during development. Avoid configuring such
+# in production as building large stacktraces may be expensive.
+config :phoenix, :stacktrace_depth, 20
+# Initialize plugs at runtime for faster development compilation
+config :phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :runtime
+config :phoenix_live_view,
+ # Include HEEx debug annotations as HTML comments in rendered markup
+ debug_heex_annotations: true,
+ # Enable helpful, but potentially expensive runtime checks
+ enable_expensive_runtime_checks: true
+# Disable swoosh api client as it is only required for production adapters.
+config :swoosh, :api_client, false
diff --git a/config/prod.exs b/config/prod.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78dd086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/prod.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import Config
+# Note we also include the path to a cache manifest
+# containing the digested version of static files. This
+# manifest is generated by the `mix assets.deploy` task,
+# which you should run after static files are built and
+# before starting your production server.
+config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint, cache_static_manifest: "priv/static/cache_manifest.json"
+# Configures Swoosh API Client
+config :swoosh, api_client: Swoosh.ApiClient.Req
+# Disable Swoosh Local Memory Storage
+config :swoosh, local: false
+# Do not print debug messages in production
+config :logger, level: :info
+# Runtime production configuration, including reading
+# of environment variables, is done on config/runtime.exs.
diff --git a/config/runtime.exs b/config/runtime.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3a867d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/runtime.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import Config
+# config/runtime.exs is executed for all environments, including
+# during releases. It is executed after compilation and before the
+# system starts, so it is typically used to load production configuration
+# and secrets from environment variables or elsewhere. Do not define
+# any compile-time configuration in here, as it won't be applied.
+# The block below contains prod specific runtime configuration.
+# ## Using releases
+# If you use `mix release`, you need to explicitly enable the server
+# by passing the PHX_SERVER=true when you start it:
+# PHX_SERVER=true bin/munch start
+# Alternatively, you can use `mix phx.gen.release` to generate a `bin/server`
+# script that automatically sets the env var above.
+if System.get_env("PHX_SERVER") do
+ config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint, server: true
+if config_env() == :prod do
+ database_url =
+ System.get_env("DATABASE_URL") ||
+ raise """
+ environment variable DATABASE_URL is missing.
+ For example: ecto://USER:PASS@HOST/DATABASE
+ """
+ maybe_ipv6 = if System.get_env("ECTO_IPV6") in ~w(true 1), do: [:inet6], else: []
+ config :munch, Munch.Repo,
+ # ssl: true,
+ url: database_url,
+ pool_size: String.to_integer(System.get_env("POOL_SIZE") || "10"),
+ socket_options: maybe_ipv6
+ # The secret key base is used to sign/encrypt cookies and other secrets.
+ # A default value is used in config/dev.exs and config/test.exs but you
+ # want to use a different value for prod and you most likely don't want
+ # to check this value into version control, so we use an environment
+ # variable instead.
+ secret_key_base =
+ System.get_env("SECRET_KEY_BASE") ||
+ raise """
+ environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE is missing.
+ You can generate one by calling: mix phx.gen.secret
+ """
+ host = System.get_env("PHX_HOST") || "example.com"
+ port = String.to_integer(System.get_env("PORT") || "4000")
+ config :munch, :dns_cluster_query, System.get_env("DNS_CLUSTER_QUERY")
+ config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint,
+ url: [host: host, port: 443, scheme: "https"],
+ http: [
+ # Enable IPv6 and bind on all interfaces.
+ # Set it to {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1} for local network only access.
+ # See the documentation on https://hexdocs.pm/bandit/Bandit.html#t:options/0
+ # for details about using IPv6 vs IPv4 and loopback vs public addresses.
+ ip: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ port: port
+ ],
+ secret_key_base: secret_key_base
+ # ## SSL Support
+ #
+ # To get SSL working, you will need to add the `https` key
+ # to your endpoint configuration:
+ #
+ # config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint,
+ # https: [
+ # ...,
+ # port: 443,
+ # cipher_suite: :strong,
+ # keyfile: System.get_env("SOME_APP_SSL_KEY_PATH"),
+ # certfile: System.get_env("SOME_APP_SSL_CERT_PATH")
+ # ]
+ #
+ # The `cipher_suite` is set to `:strong` to support only the
+ # latest and more secure SSL ciphers. This means old browsers
+ # and clients may not be supported. You can set it to
+ # `:compatible` for wider support.
+ #
+ # `:keyfile` and `:certfile` expect an absolute path to the key
+ # and cert in disk or a relative path inside priv, for example
+ # "priv/ssl/server.key". For all supported SSL configuration
+ # options, see https://hexdocs.pm/plug/Plug.SSL.html#configure/1
+ #
+ # We also recommend setting `force_ssl` in your config/prod.exs,
+ # ensuring no data is ever sent via http, always redirecting to https:
+ #
+ # config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint,
+ # force_ssl: [hsts: true]
+ #
+ # Check `Plug.SSL` for all available options in `force_ssl`.
+ # ## Configuring the mailer
+ #
+ # In production you need to configure the mailer to use a different adapter.
+ # Also, you may need to configure the Swoosh API client of your choice if you
+ # are not using SMTP. Here is an example of the configuration:
+ #
+ # config :munch, Munch.Mailer,
+ # adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Mailgun,
+ # api_key: System.get_env("MAILGUN_API_KEY"),
+ # domain: System.get_env("MAILGUN_DOMAIN")
+ #
+ # For this example you need include a HTTP client required by Swoosh API client.
+ # Swoosh supports Hackney, Req and Finch out of the box:
+ #
+ # config :swoosh, :api_client, Swoosh.ApiClient.Hackney
+ #
+ # See https://hexdocs.pm/swoosh/Swoosh.html#module-installation for details.
diff --git a/config/test.exs b/config/test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc8c08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import Config
+# Only in tests, remove the complexity from the password hashing algorithm
+config :argon2_elixir, t_cost: 1, m_cost: 8
+# Configure your database
+# The MIX_TEST_PARTITION environment variable can be used
+# to provide built-in test partitioning in CI environment.
+# Run `mix help test` for more information.
+config :munch, Munch.Repo,
+ username: "postgres",
+ password: "postgres",
+ hostname: "localhost",
+ database: "munch_test#{System.get_env("MIX_TEST_PARTITION")}",
+ pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox,
+ pool_size: System.schedulers_online() * 2
+# We don't run a server during test. If one is required,
+# you can enable the server option below.
+config :munch, MunchWeb.Endpoint,
+ http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 4002],
+ secret_key_base: "MYy+OJnJr2BEEcECI1i2F5IlyAlYqwOasZjFUEem0Rpk02q+Xs3HszPr7E3ch11M",
+ server: false
+# In test we don't send emails
+config :munch, Munch.Mailer, adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Test
+# Disable swoosh api client as it is only required for production adapters
+config :swoosh, :api_client, false
+# Print only warnings and errors during test
+config :logger, level: :warning
+# Initialize plugs at runtime for faster test compilation
+config :phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :runtime
+# Enable helpful, but potentially expensive runtime checks
+config :phoenix_live_view,
+ enable_expensive_runtime_checks: true
diff --git a/lib/munch.ex b/lib/munch.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6fd085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+defmodule Munch do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Munch keeps the contexts that define your domain
+ and business logic.
+ Contexts are also responsible for managing your data, regardless
+ if it comes from the database, an external API or others.
+ """
diff --git a/lib/munch/accounts.ex b/lib/munch/accounts.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d2f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/accounts.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+defmodule Munch.Accounts do
+ @moduledoc """
+ The Accounts context.
+ """
+ import Ecto.Query, warn: false
+ alias Munch.Repo
+ alias Munch.Accounts.{User, UserToken, UserNotifier}
+ ## Database getters
+ @doc """
+ Gets a user by email.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> get_user_by_email("foo@example.com")
+ %User{}
+ iex> get_user_by_email("unknown@example.com")
+ nil
+ """
+ def get_user_by_email(email) when is_binary(email) do
+ Repo.get_by(User, email: email)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Gets a user by email and password.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> get_user_by_email_and_password("foo@example.com", "correct_password")
+ %User{}
+ iex> get_user_by_email_and_password("foo@example.com", "invalid_password")
+ nil
+ """
+ def get_user_by_email_and_password(email, password)
+ when is_binary(email) and is_binary(password) do
+ user = Repo.get_by(User, email: email)
+ if User.valid_password?(user, password), do: user
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Gets a single user.
+ Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the User does not exist.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> get_user!(123)
+ %User{}
+ iex> get_user!(456)
+ ** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
+ """
+ def get_user!(id), do: Repo.get!(User, id)
+ ## User registration
+ @doc """
+ Registers a user.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> register_user(%{field: value})
+ {:ok, %User{}}
+ iex> register_user(%{field: bad_value})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def register_user(attrs) do
+ %User{}
+ |> User.registration_changeset(attrs)
+ |> Repo.insert()
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking user changes.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> change_user_registration(user)
+ %Ecto.Changeset{data: %User{}}
+ """
+ def change_user_registration(%User{} = user, attrs \\ %{}) do
+ User.registration_changeset(user, attrs, hash_password: false, validate_email: false)
+ end
+ ## Settings
+ @doc """
+ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for changing the user email.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> change_user_email(user)
+ %Ecto.Changeset{data: %User{}}
+ """
+ def change_user_email(user, attrs \\ %{}) do
+ User.email_changeset(user, attrs, validate_email: false)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Emulates that the email will change without actually changing
+ it in the database.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> apply_user_email(user, "valid password", %{email: ...})
+ {:ok, %User{}}
+ iex> apply_user_email(user, "invalid password", %{email: ...})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def apply_user_email(user, password, attrs) do
+ user
+ |> User.email_changeset(attrs)
+ |> User.validate_current_password(password)
+ |> Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(:update)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Updates the user email using the given token.
+ If the token matches, the user email is updated and the token is deleted.
+ The confirmed_at date is also updated to the current time.
+ """
+ def update_user_email(user, token) do
+ context = "change:#{user.email}"
+ with {:ok, query} <- UserToken.verify_change_email_token_query(token, context),
+ %UserToken{sent_to: email} <- Repo.one(query),
+ {:ok, _} <- Repo.transaction(user_email_multi(user, email, context)) do
+ :ok
+ else
+ _ -> :error
+ end
+ end
+ defp user_email_multi(user, email, context) do
+ changeset =
+ user
+ |> User.email_changeset(%{email: email})
+ |> User.confirm_changeset()
+ Ecto.Multi.new()
+ |> Ecto.Multi.update(:user, changeset)
+ |> Ecto.Multi.delete_all(:tokens, UserToken.by_user_and_contexts_query(user, [context]))
+ end
+ @doc ~S"""
+ Delivers the update email instructions to the given user.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> deliver_user_update_email_instructions(user, current_email, &url(~p"/users/settings/confirm_email/#{&1}"))
+ {:ok, %{to: ..., body: ...}}
+ """
+ def deliver_user_update_email_instructions(%User{} = user, current_email, update_email_url_fun)
+ when is_function(update_email_url_fun, 1) do
+ {encoded_token, user_token} = UserToken.build_email_token(user, "change:#{current_email}")
+ Repo.insert!(user_token)
+ UserNotifier.deliver_update_email_instructions(user, update_email_url_fun.(encoded_token))
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for changing the user password.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> change_user_password(user)
+ %Ecto.Changeset{data: %User{}}
+ """
+ def change_user_password(user, attrs \\ %{}) do
+ User.password_changeset(user, attrs, hash_password: false)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Updates the user password.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> update_user_password(user, "valid password", %{password: ...})
+ {:ok, %User{}}
+ iex> update_user_password(user, "invalid password", %{password: ...})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def update_user_password(user, password, attrs) do
+ changeset =
+ user
+ |> User.password_changeset(attrs)
+ |> User.validate_current_password(password)
+ Ecto.Multi.new()
+ |> Ecto.Multi.update(:user, changeset)
+ |> Ecto.Multi.delete_all(:tokens, UserToken.by_user_and_contexts_query(user, :all))
+ |> Repo.transaction()
+ |> case do
+ {:ok, %{user: user}} -> {:ok, user}
+ {:error, :user, changeset, _} -> {:error, changeset}
+ end
+ end
+ ## Session
+ @doc """
+ Generates a session token.
+ """
+ def generate_user_session_token(user) do
+ {token, user_token} = UserToken.build_session_token(user)
+ Repo.insert!(user_token)
+ token
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Gets the user with the given signed token.
+ """
+ def get_user_by_session_token(token) do
+ {:ok, query} = UserToken.verify_session_token_query(token)
+ Repo.one(query)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Deletes the signed token with the given context.
+ """
+ def delete_user_session_token(token) do
+ Repo.delete_all(UserToken.by_token_and_context_query(token, "session"))
+ :ok
+ end
+ ## Confirmation
+ @doc ~S"""
+ Delivers the confirmation email instructions to the given user.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> deliver_user_confirmation_instructions(user, &url(~p"/users/confirm/#{&1}"))
+ {:ok, %{to: ..., body: ...}}
+ iex> deliver_user_confirmation_instructions(confirmed_user, &url(~p"/users/confirm/#{&1}"))
+ {:error, :already_confirmed}
+ """
+ def deliver_user_confirmation_instructions(%User{} = user, confirmation_url_fun)
+ when is_function(confirmation_url_fun, 1) do
+ if user.confirmed_at do
+ {:error, :already_confirmed}
+ else
+ {encoded_token, user_token} = UserToken.build_email_token(user, "confirm")
+ Repo.insert!(user_token)
+ UserNotifier.deliver_confirmation_instructions(user, confirmation_url_fun.(encoded_token))
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Confirms a user by the given token.
+ If the token matches, the user account is marked as confirmed
+ and the token is deleted.
+ """
+ def confirm_user(token) do
+ with {:ok, query} <- UserToken.verify_email_token_query(token, "confirm"),
+ %User{} = user <- Repo.one(query),
+ {:ok, %{user: user}} <- Repo.transaction(confirm_user_multi(user)) do
+ {:ok, user}
+ else
+ _ -> :error
+ end
+ end
+ defp confirm_user_multi(user) do
+ Ecto.Multi.new()
+ |> Ecto.Multi.update(:user, User.confirm_changeset(user))
+ |> Ecto.Multi.delete_all(:tokens, UserToken.by_user_and_contexts_query(user, ["confirm"]))
+ end
+ ## Reset password
+ @doc ~S"""
+ Delivers the reset password email to the given user.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> deliver_user_reset_password_instructions(user, &url(~p"/users/reset_password/#{&1}"))
+ {:ok, %{to: ..., body: ...}}
+ """
+ def deliver_user_reset_password_instructions(%User{} = user, reset_password_url_fun)
+ when is_function(reset_password_url_fun, 1) do
+ {encoded_token, user_token} = UserToken.build_email_token(user, "reset_password")
+ Repo.insert!(user_token)
+ UserNotifier.deliver_reset_password_instructions(user, reset_password_url_fun.(encoded_token))
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Gets the user by reset password token.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> get_user_by_reset_password_token("validtoken")
+ %User{}
+ iex> get_user_by_reset_password_token("invalidtoken")
+ nil
+ """
+ def get_user_by_reset_password_token(token) do
+ with {:ok, query} <- UserToken.verify_email_token_query(token, "reset_password"),
+ %User{} = user <- Repo.one(query) do
+ user
+ else
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Resets the user password.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> reset_user_password(user, %{password: "new long password", password_confirmation: "new long password"})
+ {:ok, %User{}}
+ iex> reset_user_password(user, %{password: "valid", password_confirmation: "not the same"})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def reset_user_password(user, attrs) do
+ Ecto.Multi.new()
+ |> Ecto.Multi.update(:user, User.password_changeset(user, attrs))
+ |> Ecto.Multi.delete_all(:tokens, UserToken.by_user_and_contexts_query(user, :all))
+ |> Repo.transaction()
+ |> case do
+ {:ok, %{user: user}} -> {:ok, user}
+ {:error, :user, changeset, _} -> {:error, changeset}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/accounts/user.ex b/lib/munch/accounts/user.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db9141f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/accounts/user.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+defmodule Munch.Accounts.User do
+ use Ecto.Schema
+ import Ecto.Changeset
+ @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
+ @foreign_key_type :binary_id
+ schema "users" do
+ field :email, :string
+ field :password, :string, virtual: true, redact: true
+ field :hashed_password, :string, redact: true
+ field :current_password, :string, virtual: true, redact: true
+ field :confirmed_at, :utc_datetime
+ timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ A user changeset for registration.
+ It is important to validate the length of both email and password.
+ Otherwise databases may truncate the email without warnings, which
+ could lead to unpredictable or insecure behaviour. Long passwords may
+ also be very expensive to hash for certain algorithms.
+ ## Options
+ * `:hash_password` - Hashes the password so it can be stored securely
+ in the database and ensures the password field is cleared to prevent
+ leaks in the logs. If password hashing is not needed and clearing the
+ password field is not desired (like when using this changeset for
+ validations on a LiveView form), this option can be set to `false`.
+ Defaults to `true`.
+ * `:validate_email` - Validates the uniqueness of the email, in case
+ you don't want to validate the uniqueness of the email (like when
+ using this changeset for validations on a LiveView form before
+ submitting the form), this option can be set to `false`.
+ Defaults to `true`.
+ """
+ def registration_changeset(user, attrs, opts \\ []) do
+ user
+ |> cast(attrs, [:email, :password])
+ |> validate_email(opts)
+ |> validate_password(opts)
+ end
+ defp validate_email(changeset, opts) do
+ changeset
+ |> validate_required([:email])
+ |> validate_format(:email, ~r/^[^\s]+@[^\s]+$/, message: "must have the @ sign and no spaces")
+ |> validate_length(:email, max: 160)
+ |> maybe_validate_unique_email(opts)
+ end
+ defp validate_password(changeset, opts) do
+ changeset
+ |> validate_required([:password])
+ |> validate_length(:password, min: 12, max: 72)
+ # Examples of additional password validation:
+ # |> validate_format(:password, ~r/[a-z]/, message: "at least one lower case character")
+ # |> validate_format(:password, ~r/[A-Z]/, message: "at least one upper case character")
+ # |> validate_format(:password, ~r/[!?@#$%^&*_0-9]/, message: "at least one digit or punctuation character")
+ |> maybe_hash_password(opts)
+ end
+ defp maybe_hash_password(changeset, opts) do
+ hash_password? = Keyword.get(opts, :hash_password, true)
+ password = get_change(changeset, :password)
+ if hash_password? && password && changeset.valid? do
+ changeset
+ # Hashing could be done with `Ecto.Changeset.prepare_changes/2`, but that
+ # would keep the database transaction open longer and hurt performance.
+ |> put_change(:hashed_password, Argon2.hash_pwd_salt(password))
+ |> delete_change(:password)
+ else
+ changeset
+ end
+ end
+ defp maybe_validate_unique_email(changeset, opts) do
+ if Keyword.get(opts, :validate_email, true) do
+ changeset
+ |> unsafe_validate_unique(:email, Munch.Repo)
+ |> unique_constraint(:email)
+ else
+ changeset
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ A user changeset for changing the email.
+ It requires the email to change otherwise an error is added.
+ """
+ def email_changeset(user, attrs, opts \\ []) do
+ user
+ |> cast(attrs, [:email])
+ |> validate_email(opts)
+ |> case do
+ %{changes: %{email: _}} = changeset -> changeset
+ %{} = changeset -> add_error(changeset, :email, "did not change")
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ A user changeset for changing the password.
+ ## Options
+ * `:hash_password` - Hashes the password so it can be stored securely
+ in the database and ensures the password field is cleared to prevent
+ leaks in the logs. If password hashing is not needed and clearing the
+ password field is not desired (like when using this changeset for
+ validations on a LiveView form), this option can be set to `false`.
+ Defaults to `true`.
+ """
+ def password_changeset(user, attrs, opts \\ []) do
+ user
+ |> cast(attrs, [:password])
+ |> validate_confirmation(:password, message: "does not match password")
+ |> validate_password(opts)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Confirms the account by setting `confirmed_at`.
+ """
+ def confirm_changeset(user) do
+ now = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.truncate(:second)
+ change(user, confirmed_at: now)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Verifies the password.
+ If there is no user or the user doesn't have a password, we call
+ `Argon2.no_user_verify/0` to avoid timing attacks.
+ """
+ def valid_password?(%Munch.Accounts.User{hashed_password: hashed_password}, password)
+ when is_binary(hashed_password) and byte_size(password) > 0 do
+ Argon2.verify_pass(password, hashed_password)
+ end
+ def valid_password?(_, _) do
+ Argon2.no_user_verify()
+ false
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Validates the current password otherwise adds an error to the changeset.
+ """
+ def validate_current_password(changeset, password) do
+ changeset = cast(changeset, %{current_password: password}, [:current_password])
+ if valid_password?(changeset.data, password) do
+ changeset
+ else
+ add_error(changeset, :current_password, "is not valid")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/accounts/user_notifier.ex b/lib/munch/accounts/user_notifier.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f7e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/accounts/user_notifier.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+defmodule Munch.Accounts.UserNotifier do
+ import Swoosh.Email
+ alias Munch.Mailer
+ # Delivers the email using the application mailer.
+ defp deliver(recipient, subject, body) do
+ email =
+ new()
+ |> to(recipient)
+ |> from({"Munch", "contact@example.com"})
+ |> subject(subject)
+ |> text_body(body)
+ with {:ok, _metadata} <- Mailer.deliver(email) do
+ {:ok, email}
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Deliver instructions to confirm account.
+ """
+ def deliver_confirmation_instructions(user, url) do
+ deliver(user.email, "Confirmation instructions", """
+ ==============================
+ Hi #{user.email},
+ You can confirm your account by visiting the URL below:
+ #{url}
+ If you didn't create an account with us, please ignore this.
+ ==============================
+ """)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Deliver instructions to reset a user password.
+ """
+ def deliver_reset_password_instructions(user, url) do
+ deliver(user.email, "Reset password instructions", """
+ ==============================
+ Hi #{user.email},
+ You can reset your password by visiting the URL below:
+ #{url}
+ If you didn't request this change, please ignore this.
+ ==============================
+ """)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Deliver instructions to update a user email.
+ """
+ def deliver_update_email_instructions(user, url) do
+ deliver(user.email, "Update email instructions", """
+ ==============================
+ Hi #{user.email},
+ You can change your email by visiting the URL below:
+ #{url}
+ If you didn't request this change, please ignore this.
+ ==============================
+ """)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/accounts/user_token.ex b/lib/munch/accounts/user_token.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b46760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/accounts/user_token.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+defmodule Munch.Accounts.UserToken do
+ use Ecto.Schema
+ import Ecto.Query
+ alias Munch.Accounts.UserToken
+ @hash_algorithm :sha256
+ @rand_size 32
+ # It is very important to keep the reset password token expiry short,
+ # since someone with access to the email may take over the account.
+ @reset_password_validity_in_days 1
+ @confirm_validity_in_days 7
+ @change_email_validity_in_days 7
+ @session_validity_in_days 60
+ @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
+ @foreign_key_type :binary_id
+ schema "users_tokens" do
+ field :token, :binary
+ field :context, :string
+ field :sent_to, :string
+ belongs_to :user, Munch.Accounts.User
+ timestamps(type: :utc_datetime, updated_at: false)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Generates a token that will be stored in a signed place,
+ such as session or cookie. As they are signed, those
+ tokens do not need to be hashed.
+ The reason why we store session tokens in the database, even
+ though Phoenix already provides a session cookie, is because
+ Phoenix' default session cookies are not persisted, they are
+ simply signed and potentially encrypted. This means they are
+ valid indefinitely, unless you change the signing/encryption
+ salt.
+ Therefore, storing them allows individual user
+ sessions to be expired. The token system can also be extended
+ to store additional data, such as the device used for logging in.
+ You could then use this information to display all valid sessions
+ and devices in the UI and allow users to explicitly expire any
+ session they deem invalid.
+ """
+ def build_session_token(user) do
+ token = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(@rand_size)
+ {token, %UserToken{token: token, context: "session", user_id: user.id}}
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Checks if the token is valid and returns its underlying lookup query.
+ The query returns the user found by the token, if any.
+ The token is valid if it matches the value in the database and it has
+ not expired (after @session_validity_in_days).
+ """
+ def verify_session_token_query(token) do
+ query =
+ from token in by_token_and_context_query(token, "session"),
+ join: user in assoc(token, :user),
+ where: token.inserted_at > ago(@session_validity_in_days, "day"),
+ select: user
+ {:ok, query}
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Builds a token and its hash to be delivered to the user's email.
+ The non-hashed token is sent to the user email while the
+ hashed part is stored in the database. The original token cannot be reconstructed,
+ which means anyone with read-only access to the database cannot directly use
+ the token in the application to gain access. Furthermore, if the user changes
+ their email in the system, the tokens sent to the previous email are no longer
+ valid.
+ Users can easily adapt the existing code to provide other types of delivery methods,
+ for example, by phone numbers.
+ """
+ def build_email_token(user, context) do
+ build_hashed_token(user, context, user.email)
+ end
+ defp build_hashed_token(user, context, sent_to) do
+ token = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(@rand_size)
+ hashed_token = :crypto.hash(@hash_algorithm, token)
+ {Base.url_encode64(token, padding: false),
+ %UserToken{
+ token: hashed_token,
+ context: context,
+ sent_to: sent_to,
+ user_id: user.id
+ }}
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Checks if the token is valid and returns its underlying lookup query.
+ The query returns the user found by the token, if any.
+ The given token is valid if it matches its hashed counterpart in the
+ database and the user email has not changed. This function also checks
+ if the token is being used within a certain period, depending on the
+ context. The default contexts supported by this function are either
+ "confirm", for account confirmation emails, and "reset_password",
+ for resetting the password. For verifying requests to change the email,
+ see `verify_change_email_token_query/2`.
+ """
+ def verify_email_token_query(token, context) do
+ case Base.url_decode64(token, padding: false) do
+ {:ok, decoded_token} ->
+ hashed_token = :crypto.hash(@hash_algorithm, decoded_token)
+ days = days_for_context(context)
+ query =
+ from token in by_token_and_context_query(hashed_token, context),
+ join: user in assoc(token, :user),
+ where: token.inserted_at > ago(^days, "day") and token.sent_to == user.email,
+ select: user
+ {:ok, query}
+ :error ->
+ :error
+ end
+ end
+ defp days_for_context("confirm"), do: @confirm_validity_in_days
+ defp days_for_context("reset_password"), do: @reset_password_validity_in_days
+ @doc """
+ Checks if the token is valid and returns its underlying lookup query.
+ The query returns the user found by the token, if any.
+ This is used to validate requests to change the user
+ email. It is different from `verify_email_token_query/2` precisely because
+ `verify_email_token_query/2` validates the email has not changed, which is
+ the starting point by this function.
+ The given token is valid if it matches its hashed counterpart in the
+ database and if it has not expired (after @change_email_validity_in_days).
+ The context must always start with "change:".
+ """
+ def verify_change_email_token_query(token, "change:" <> _ = context) do
+ case Base.url_decode64(token, padding: false) do
+ {:ok, decoded_token} ->
+ hashed_token = :crypto.hash(@hash_algorithm, decoded_token)
+ query =
+ from token in by_token_and_context_query(hashed_token, context),
+ where: token.inserted_at > ago(@change_email_validity_in_days, "day")
+ {:ok, query}
+ :error ->
+ :error
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Returns the token struct for the given token value and context.
+ """
+ def by_token_and_context_query(token, context) do
+ from UserToken, where: [token: ^token, context: ^context]
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Gets all tokens for the given user for the given contexts.
+ """
+ def by_user_and_contexts_query(user, :all) do
+ from t in UserToken, where: t.user_id == ^user.id
+ end
+ def by_user_and_contexts_query(user, [_ | _] = contexts) do
+ from t in UserToken, where: t.user_id == ^user.id and t.context in ^contexts
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/application.ex b/lib/munch/application.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c27b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/application.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+defmodule Munch.Application do
+ # See https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Application.html
+ # for more information on OTP Applications
+ @moduledoc false
+ use Application
+ @impl true
+ def start(_type, _args) do
+ children = [
+ MunchWeb.Telemetry,
+ Munch.Repo,
+ {DNSCluster, query: Application.get_env(:munch, :dns_cluster_query) || :ignore},
+ {Phoenix.PubSub, name: Munch.PubSub},
+ # Start a worker by calling: Munch.Worker.start_link(arg)
+ # {Munch.Worker, arg},
+ # Start to serve requests, typically the last entry
+ MunchWeb.Endpoint
+ ]
+ # See https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Supervisor.html
+ # for other strategies and supported options
+ opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Munch.Supervisor]
+ Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
+ end
+ # Tell Phoenix to update the endpoint configuration
+ # whenever the application is updated.
+ @impl true
+ def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do
+ MunchWeb.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed)
+ :ok
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/lists.ex b/lib/munch/lists.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14c6889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/lists.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+defmodule Munch.Lists do
+ @moduledoc """
+ The Lists context.
+ """
+ import Ecto.Query, warn: false
+ alias Munch.Repo
+ alias Munch.Lists.List
+ alias Munch.Lists.Item
+ @doc """
+ Returns the list of lists.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> list_lists()
+ [%List{}, ...]
+ """
+ def list_lists do
+ Repo.all(List)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Gets a single list.
+ Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the List does not exist.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> get_list!(123)
+ %List{}
+ iex> get_list!(456)
+ ** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
+ """
+ def get_list!(id) do
+ Repo.get!(List, id)
+ |> Repo.preload(items: [:restaurant])
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Creates a list.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> create_list(%{field: value})
+ {:ok, %List{}}
+ iex> create_list(%{field: bad_value})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def create_list(attrs \\ %{}) do
+ %List{}
+ |> List.changeset(attrs)
+ |> Repo.insert()
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Updates a list.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> update_list(list, %{field: new_value})
+ {:ok, %List{}}
+ iex> update_list(list, %{field: bad_value})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def update_list(%List{} = list, attrs) do
+ list
+ |> List.changeset(attrs)
+ |> Repo.update()
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Deletes a list.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> delete_list(list)
+ {:ok, %List{}}
+ iex> delete_list(list)
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def delete_list(%List{} = list) do
+ Repo.delete(list)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking list changes.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> change_list(list)
+ %Ecto.Changeset{data: %List{}}
+ """
+ def change_list(%List{} = list, attrs \\ %{}) do
+ List.changeset(list, attrs)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Creates a changeset and prepends a restaurant to the list items.
+ """
+ def change_list_prepend_restaurant(restaurant_id, %List{} = list, attrs \\ %{}) do
+ List.prepend_restaurant_changeset(list, attrs, restaurant_id)
+ end
+ alias Munch.Lists.Item
+ @doc """
+ Returns the list of list_items.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> list_list_items()
+ [%Item{}, ...]
+ """
+ def list_list_items do
+ Repo.all(Item)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Gets a single item.
+ Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Item does not exist.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> get_item!(123)
+ %Item{}
+ iex> get_item!(456)
+ ** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
+ """
+ def get_item!(id) do
+ Repo.get!(Item, id) |> Repo.preload(:restaurant)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Creates a item.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> create_item(%{field: value})
+ {:ok, %Item{}}
+ iex> create_item(%{field: bad_value})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def create_item(attrs \\ %{}) do
+ %Item{}
+ |> Item.changeset(attrs)
+ |> Repo.insert()
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Updates a item.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> update_item(item, %{field: new_value})
+ {:ok, %Item{}}
+ iex> update_item(item, %{field: bad_value})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def update_item(%Item{} = item, attrs) do
+ item
+ |> Item.changeset(attrs)
+ |> Repo.update()
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Deletes a item.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> delete_item(item)
+ {:ok, %Item{}}
+ iex> delete_item(item)
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def delete_item(%Item{} = item) do
+ Repo.delete(item)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking item changes.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> change_item(item)
+ %Ecto.Changeset{data: %Item{}}
+ """
+ def change_item(%Item{} = item, attrs \\ %{}) do
+ Item.changeset(item, attrs)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/lists/item.ex b/lib/munch/lists/item.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a96e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/lists/item.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+defmodule Munch.Lists.Item do
+ use Ecto.Schema
+ import Ecto.Changeset
+ @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
+ @foreign_key_type :binary_id
+ schema "list_items" do
+ field :position, :integer
+ belongs_to :list, Munch.Lists.List, on_replace: :delete
+ belongs_to :restaurant, Munch.Restaurants.Restaurant
+ timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def changeset(item, attrs) do
+ item
+ |> cast(attrs, [:position, :list_id, :restaurant_id])
+ |> validate_required([:position, :list_id, :restaurant_id])
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def changeset(item, attrs, position) do
+ item
+ |> cast(attrs, [:list_id, :restaurant_id])
+ |> validate_required([:restaurant_id])
+ |> assoc_constraint(:restaurant)
+ |> put_change(:position, position)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/lists/list.ex b/lib/munch/lists/list.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca4687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/lists/list.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+defmodule Munch.Lists.List do
+ use Ecto.Schema
+ import Ecto.Changeset
+ @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
+ @foreign_key_type :binary_id
+ schema "lists" do
+ field :name, :string
+ belongs_to :user, Munch.Accounts.User
+ has_many :items, Munch.Lists.Item, preload_order: [asc: :position], on_replace: :delete
+ timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def changeset(list, attrs) do
+ list
+ |> cast(attrs, [:name])
+ |> validate_required([:name])
+ |> cast_assoc(:items,
+ sort_param: :items_sort,
+ drop_param: :items_drop,
+ with: &Munch.Lists.Item.changeset/3
+ )
+ end
+ def prepend_restaurant_changeset(list, attrs, restaurant_id) do
+ changeset = changeset(list, attrs)
+ changeset
+ |> put_assoc(:items, [
+ %Munch.Lists.Item{restaurant_id: restaurant_id}
+ | get_field(changeset, :items)
+ ])
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/mailer.ex b/lib/munch/mailer.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faa69dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/mailer.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+defmodule Munch.Mailer do
+ use Swoosh.Mailer, otp_app: :munch
diff --git a/lib/munch/repo.ex b/lib/munch/repo.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a8dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/repo.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+defmodule Munch.Repo do
+ use Ecto.Repo,
+ otp_app: :munch,
+ adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
diff --git a/lib/munch/restaurants.ex b/lib/munch/restaurants.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0bd84d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/restaurants.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+defmodule Munch.Restaurants do
+ @moduledoc """
+ The Restaurants context.
+ """
+ import Ecto.Query, warn: false
+ alias Munch.Repo
+ alias Munch.Restaurants.Restaurant
+ @doc """
+ Returns the list of restaurants.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> list_restaurants()
+ [%Restaurant{}, ...]
+ """
+ def list_restaurants do
+ Repo.all(Restaurant)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Search restaurants by name or address. Words are aggregated with AND.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> search_restaurants("Ma")
+ [%Restaurant{}, ...]
+ """
+ def search_restaurants(search) do
+ words = String.split(search)
+ Repo.all(
+ from r in Restaurant,
+ where:
+ ^Enum.reduce(words, dynamic(true), fn word, acc ->
+ dynamic([r], ^acc and (ilike(r.name, ^"%#{word}%") or ilike(r.address, ^"%#{word}%")))
+ end)
+ )
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Gets a single restaurant.
+ Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Restaurant does not exist.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> get_restaurant!(123)
+ %Restaurant{}
+ iex> get_restaurant!(456)
+ ** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
+ """
+ def get_restaurant!(id), do: Repo.get!(Restaurant, id)
+ @doc """
+ Creates a restaurant.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> create_restaurant(%{field: value})
+ {:ok, %Restaurant{}}
+ iex> create_restaurant(%{field: bad_value})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def create_restaurant(attrs \\ %{}) do
+ %Restaurant{}
+ |> Restaurant.changeset(attrs)
+ |> Repo.insert()
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Updates a restaurant.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> update_restaurant(restaurant, %{field: new_value})
+ {:ok, %Restaurant{}}
+ iex> update_restaurant(restaurant, %{field: bad_value})
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def update_restaurant(%Restaurant{} = restaurant, attrs) do
+ restaurant
+ |> Restaurant.changeset(attrs)
+ |> Repo.update()
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Deletes a restaurant.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> delete_restaurant(restaurant)
+ {:ok, %Restaurant{}}
+ iex> delete_restaurant(restaurant)
+ {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
+ """
+ def delete_restaurant(%Restaurant{} = restaurant) do
+ Repo.delete(restaurant)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking restaurant changes.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> change_restaurant(restaurant)
+ %Ecto.Changeset{data: %Restaurant{}}
+ """
+ def change_restaurant(%Restaurant{} = restaurant, attrs \\ %{}) do
+ Restaurant.changeset(restaurant, attrs)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch/restaurants/restaurant.ex b/lib/munch/restaurants/restaurant.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b56b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch/restaurants/restaurant.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+defmodule Munch.Restaurants.Restaurant do
+ use Ecto.Schema
+ import Ecto.Changeset
+ @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
+ @foreign_key_type :binary_id
+ schema "restaurants" do
+ field :name, :string
+ field :address, :string
+ timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def changeset(restaurant, attrs) do
+ restaurant
+ |> cast(attrs, [:name, :address])
+ |> validate_required([:name, :address])
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch_web.ex b/lib/munch_web.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c3fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch_web.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+defmodule MunchWeb do
+ @moduledoc """
+ The entrypoint for defining your web interface, such
+ as controllers, components, channels, and so on.
+ This can be used in your application as:
+ use MunchWeb, :controller
+ use MunchWeb, :html
+ The definitions below will be executed for every controller,
+ component, etc, so keep them short and clean, focused
+ on imports, uses and aliases.
+ Do NOT define functions inside the quoted expressions
+ below. Instead, define additional modules and import
+ those modules here.
+ """
+ def static_paths, do: ~w(assets fonts images favicon.ico robots.txt)
+ def router do
+ quote do
+ use Phoenix.Router, helpers: false
+ # Import common connection and controller functions to use in pipelines
+ import Plug.Conn
+ import Phoenix.Controller
+ import Phoenix.LiveView.Router
+ end
+ end
+ def channel do
+ quote do
+ use Phoenix.Channel
+ end
+ end
+ def controller do
+ quote do
+ use Phoenix.Controller,
+ formats: [:html, :json],
+ layouts: [html: MunchWeb.Layouts]
+ use Gettext, backend: MunchWeb.Gettext
+ import Plug.Conn
+ unquote(verified_routes())
+ end
+ end
+ def live_view do
+ quote do
+ use Phoenix.LiveView,
+ layout: {MunchWeb.Layouts, :app}
+ unquote(html_helpers())
+ end
+ end
+ def live_component do
+ quote do
+ use Phoenix.LiveComponent
+ unquote(html_helpers())
+ end
+ end
+ def html do
+ quote do
+ use Phoenix.Component
+ # Import convenience functions from controllers
+ import Phoenix.Controller,
+ only: [get_csrf_token: 0, view_module: 1, view_template: 1]
+ # Include general helpers for rendering HTML
+ unquote(html_helpers())
+ end
+ end
+ defp html_helpers do
+ quote do
+ # Translation
+ use Gettext, backend: MunchWeb.Gettext
+ # HTML escaping functionality
+ import Phoenix.HTML
+ # Core UI components
+ import MunchWeb.CoreComponents
+ # Shortcut for generating JS commands
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS
+ # Routes generation with the ~p sigil
+ unquote(verified_routes())
+ end
+ end
+ def verified_routes do
+ quote do
+ use Phoenix.VerifiedRoutes,
+ endpoint: MunchWeb.Endpoint,
+ router: MunchWeb.Router,
+ statics: MunchWeb.static_paths()
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ When used, dispatch to the appropriate controller/live_view/etc.
+ """
+ defmacro __using__(which) when is_atom(which) do
+ apply(__MODULE__, which, [])
+ end
diff --git a/lib/munch_web/components/core_components.ex b/lib/munch_web/components/core_components.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdbac47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/munch_web/components/core_components.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+defmodule MunchWeb.CoreComponents do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Provides core UI components.
+ At first glance, this module may seem daunting, but its goal is to provide
+ core building blocks for your application, such as tables, forms, and
+ inputs. The components consist mostly of markup and are well-documented
+ with doc strings and declarative assigns. You may customize and style
+ them in any way you want, based on your application growth and needs.
+ The default components use Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework.
+ See the [Tailwind CSS documentation](https://tailwindcss.com) to learn
+ how to customize them or feel free to swap in another framework altogether.
+ Icons are provided by [heroicons](https://heroicons.com). See `icon/1` for usage.
+ """
+ use Phoenix.Component
+ use Gettext, backend: MunchWeb.Gettext
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS
+ @doc """
+ Renders flash notices.
+ ## Examples
+ <.flash kind={:info} flash={@flash} />
+ <.flash kind={:info} phx-mounted={show("#flash")}>Welcome Back!
+ """
+ attr :id, :string, doc: "the optional id of flash container"
+ attr :flash, :map, default: %{}, doc: "the map of flash messages to display"
+ attr :title, :string, default: nil
+ attr :kind, :atom, values: [:info, :error], doc: "used for styling and flash lookup"
+ attr :rest, :global, doc: "the arbitrary HTML attributes to add to the flash container"
+ slot :inner_block, doc: "the optional inner block that renders the flash message"
+ def flash(assigns) do
+ assigns = assign_new(assigns, :id, fn -> "flash-#{assigns.kind}" end)
+ ~H"""
+ """
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Shows the flash group with standard titles and content.
+ ## Examples
+ <.flash_group flash={@flash} />
+ """
+ attr :flash, :map, required: true, doc: "the map of flash messages"
+ attr :id, :string, default: "flash-group", doc: "the optional id of flash container"
+ def flash_group(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ <.flash kind={:info} title={gettext("Success!")} flash={@flash} />
+ <.flash kind={:error} title={gettext("Error!")} flash={@flash} />
+ <.flash
+ id="client-error"
+ kind={:error}
+ title={gettext("We can't find the internet")}
+ phx-disconnected={show(".phx-client-error #client-error")}
+ phx-connected={hide("#client-error")}
+ hidden
+ >
+ <%= gettext("Attempting to reconnect") %>
+ <.icon name="hero-arrow-path" class="ml-1 h-3 w-3 motion-safe:animate-spin" />
+ <.flash
+ id="server-error"
+ kind={:error}
+ title={gettext("Something went wrong!")}
+ phx-disconnected={show(".phx-server-error #server-error")}
+ phx-connected={hide("#server-error")}
+ hidden
+ >
+ <%= gettext("Hang in there while we get back on track") %>
+ <.icon name="hero-arrow-path" class="ml-1 h-3 w-3 motion-safe:animate-spin" />
+ """
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Renders a simple form.
+ ## Examples
+ <.simple_form for={@form} phx-change="validate" phx-submit="save">
+ <.input field={@form[:email]} label="Email"/>
+ <.input field={@form[:username]} label="Username" />
+ <:actions>
+ <.button>Save
+ """
+ attr :for, :any, required: true, doc: "the data structure for the form"
+ attr :as, :any, default: nil, doc: "the server side parameter to collect all input under"
+ attr :rest, :global,
+ include: ~w(autocomplete name rel action enctype method novalidate target multipart),
+ doc: "the arbitrary HTML attributes to apply to the form tag"
+ slot :inner_block, required: true
+ slot :actions, doc: "the slot for form actions, such as a submit button"
+ def simple_form(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ <.form :let={f} for={@for} as={@as} {@rest}>
+ <%= render_slot(@inner_block, f) %>
+ <%= render_slot(action, f) %>
+ """
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Renders a button.
+ ## Examples
+ <.button>Send!
+ <.button phx-click="go" class="ml-2">Send!
+ """
+ attr :type, :string, default: nil
+ attr :class, :string, default: nil
+ attr :rest, :global, include: ~w(disabled form name value)
+ slot :inner_block, required: true
+ def button(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ """
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Renders an input with label and error messages.
+ A `Phoenix.HTML.FormField` may be passed as argument,
+ which is used to retrieve the input name, id, and values.
+ Otherwise all attributes may be passed explicitly.
+ ## Types
+ This function accepts all HTML input types, considering that:
+ * You may also set `type="select"` to render a `