30 September 2023 - 07 October 2023
- Start Block:
- End Block:
- Total supply: 1,031,770,266 JOY
- JOY inflation (since mainnet launch): 3.18%
- Circulating supply: 674,200,904 JOY
- Weekly Tokens Minted: 830,658 JOY
- Weekly Tokens Burned: (32,568) JOY
MEXC exchange wallet:
- Balance: 84,276,627 JOY
- Weekly Balance change: 4,148,228 JOY
DAO Spending:
- Start Issuance: 1,030,939,608 JOY
- End Issuance: 1,031,770,266 JOY
- Total minted (net): 830,658 JOY
- Council rewards: 116,667 JOY
- WG spent: 475,559 JOY
- Funding proposals: 20,000 JOY
- Creator payout: 2,000 JOY
- Validator rewards: 249,000 JOY
- Fees and token burn: (32,568) JOY
- Total Videos, qty: 136,387
- Weekly Videos Growth, qty: 8,683
- Weekly Videos Growth, %: 6.8%
Provided stats below are for non-empty channels only:
- Total Channels, qty: 1,383
- Weekly Channels Growth, qty: 66
- Weekly Channels Growth, 5.0%
- Total Storage Used: 16,200 GB
- Weekly Storage Used Growth: 409 GB
- Weekly Storage Used Growth, %: 2.59%
- Total NFT: 2,379
- Weekly NFT Growth: 86
- Weekly NFT Growth, %: 3.8%
- Weekly NFT sold: 0
- Total Membership Accounts: 12,538
- Weekly Membership Accounts Growth: 275
- Weekly Membership Accounts Growth, %: 2.2%
- Total payouts: 6,288,447 JOY
- Weekly payouts: 39,571 JOY
- Weekly new SignUps: 119
- Weekly new Verified: 20
- Weekly new synced videos: 725
More stats on YPP program is available here
- DAO Daily Standup: Everyday from Monday - Friday at 10:30 CET
- 20th Council Mid-term Meeting - Monday 9th October, 2023
- DAO Daily Standup
- 20th Term Council Handover
- Nara Release Call
Hot topics
Other Topics
- Establishing Roles For Verified DAO Contributors On Telegram
- Using A Cold Wallet Is Imperative For Senior DAO Roles
- Gateway Operator
- Video Production Designer
- Outreach Specialist
- Marketer
- Storage WG Worker New Member Onboarding Program
- Storage WG Worker Needed
@e9orov (Hired as Graphic Designer) E9orov, a founding member, boasts extensive experience in graphic design. Prior to his recent hire, he served as a designer within the marketing working group and made significant contributions to the design of Joystream Founding Members' avatars.
- Election stage: Announcing Period
- DAO Ethereum Wallet Signer List V2
- BWG Term 20 Budget (Update)
- SWG Refill
- Council Plan #20
- Update Builders WG Lead Salary
- Update FWG Budget
- Refill CWG Budget
- Refill HR Working Group Budget
- Update MWG Budget (Term 20)
- Term 19 BWG Lead Bonus
- Storage Lead Reward To 190 MJOY/Block
- Marketing Lead Reward To 190 MJOY/Block|
- Builders Lead Reward To 190 MJOY/Block
- Hire @Crypto4u As Arabic Moderator
- OTC Guide
- SWG/DWG Rewards V1
- BWG Tasks Term 20
- New member, enthusiastic about the Joystream project
- Created and manages a telegram group for the Joystream Arabian community
- Produces informative tutorial guides in Arabic, for Joystream users
- Recently hired in the marketing working group.
- He is highly motivated and has achieved significant progress in outreach efforts.
- Umar has successfully contacted over 50 creators and helped create more than 10 channels on Gleev.
- CryptoModern: Your source for current crypto news and finance insights.
- Features project reviews and in-depth cryptocurrency information.
- Boasts a sizable YouTube audience with 137,000 subscribers.
- Crypto Marg is a popular Indian YouTube channel.
- Founded by Rajeev Anand, it focuses on educating people about Metaverse, crypto, NFTs, and blockchain tech.
- The channel's goal is to raise awareness and provide insights into these emerging technologies.
- Crypto Feuer is a top channel for crypto, Bitcoin, and trading news.
- It provides reviews of various crypto projects.
- Boasts an impressive subscriber base of over 57.6k on YouTube.
Joystream Website | Medium | Twitter | GitHub | Discord | Reddit | YouTube | Our documentation
- How you can earn $JOY as a creator: Join YPP | Sell your videos as NFTs | Set up your creator token
- How you can earn $JOY as a DAO participant: Join a Working Group | Validate and Stake | Opportunities