26 August 2023 - 2 September 2023
- Start Block:
- End Block:
- Total supply: 1,027,700,812 JOY
- JOY inflation (since mainnet launch): 2.77%
- Circulating supply: 664,486,459 JOY
- Weekly Tokens Minted: 880,309 JOY
- Weekly Tokens Burned: 0 JOY
MEXC exchange wallet:
- Balance: 78,858,942 JOY
- Weekly Balance change: -1,323,626 JOY
DAO Spending:
- Start Issuance: 1,026,820,503 JOY
- End Issuance: 1,027,700,812 JOY
- Total minted (net): 880,309 JOY
- Council rewards: 116,667 JOY
- WG spent: 639,337 JOY
- Funding proposals: 0 JOY
- Creator payout: 0 JOY
- Validator rewards: 124,305 JOY
- Total Videos, qty: 95,409
- Weekly Videos Growth, qty: 10,231
- Weekly Videos Growth, %: 12.0%
Provided stats below are for non-empty channels only:
- Total Channels, qty: 932
- Weekly Channels Growth, qty: 79
- Weekly Channels Growth, 9.3%
- Total Storage Used: 14,403 GB
- Weekly Storage Used Growth: 620 GB
- Weekly Storage Used Growth, %: 4.5%
- Total NFT: 2,142
- Weekly NFT Growth: 59
- Weekly NFT Growth, %: 2.8%
- Weekly NFT sold: 2
Notice: An issue was discovered in our approach to calculations, affecting the overall total number. This error has been corrected. Please be assured that the growth figures in prior reports remain accurate.
- Total Membership Accounts: 10,272
- Weekly Membership Accounts Growth: 482
- Weekly Membership Accounts Growth, %: 4.9%
- Total payouts: 5,799,405 JOY
- Weekly payouts: 235,916 JOY
- Weekly new synced videos: 464
- Weekly new SignUps: 52 (+12%)
More stats on YPP program is available here
- Pioneer 1.6.0 was just released:
Added Multiple recipient funding request proposal creation.
Fixed Forum category page reloading multiple time on opening. Broken links to members on forum posts. Reduce the amount of queries from the forum category page.
Changed Display amount staked by voting for a council candidate instead of their candidacy stake when applicable.`
- Council #19 Announcing Period: Happening now
- DAO Daily Standup: Everyday from Monday - Friday at 10:30 CET
- 18th Council Mid-term Meeting - Sept. 7th at 11:00 CET
Hot topics
- Bounty Process
- NFT Reward Scheme
- Developer Marketing Initiative
- Treasury: Wallet Owners Election - Nomination Period
- DAO Stablecoin Treasury Refill
- Pause App Working Group
- Properly Populated Membership Data
- Q3 2023 OKR - September Review
Other discussions
- Gateway Operator – APP WG
- Content Writer
- Video Production Designer
- Marketer
- Storage Worker (Position 1, Position 2)
- Human Resource WG Lead
@spat_sochi hired as HR DAO Coordinator
He is a founding member with previous experience in the content working group during Testnet.
- Election stage: Announcing Period
- Candidates number: 1
- Reward For Content Rewards Policy Term16
- Update FWG Budget
- HR Lead Resigns
- DAO Stablecoins Treasury
- Revoke/Cancel Proposal 468
- NFT Reward Scheme
Not passed
- Reward For Content Rewards Policy
- Storage Work Group Scaling
- NFT Reward Scheme
- SWG Scaling Plan
- Set BWG Lead Reward To Default Value
Tomato keeps proving to be a commited member to the Joystream project. Some of his contributions in the past week includes creating a pre-proposal for channel rewards, reviewing a Ledger wallet app proposal, updating the Joystream Handbook with wallet info, participating in working group discussions, addressing GitHub issues related to improvements and bugs, and working on Q3 OKRs review, also assisting members with questions on the Discord channels.
A founding member and a proactive participant in the Human Resources working group, Genius has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the onboarding process and addressing member inquiries over the past week. This dedication has significantly contributed to the upswing in community support and engagement.
As a founding member deeply engaged in both the distribution and builder's working groups, Klaudiusz recently unveiled an innovative method that involves employing offline mobile devices as cold wallets through QR code-signed transactions. This groundbreaking approach leverages the capabilities of Parity Signer, which presently extends support to Substrate chain tokens.
Joystream Website | Medium | Twitter | GitHub | Discord | Reddit | YouTube | Our documentation
- How you can earn JOY as a creator: Join YPP | Sell your videos as NFTs | Set up your creator token
- How you can earn JOY as a DAO participant: Join a Working Group | Validate and Stake
- Opportunities