We use a testing docker image ledongthuc/liveness-probe-api
to simulate the case readiness isn't ready to serve request of service.
- 1st -> 5th requests to
, they return status code 500, requests to service will be failed. So the pod's network isn't list to service - from 5th request,
returns status code 200, requests to service will be success and its network is attached, we can reach to this pod
Docker Image: https://hub.docker.com/r/ledongthuc/liveness-probe-api
- Apply deployment and service
kubectl apply -f./
- Watch pod status
$ kubectl get pod --watch
http-app-xxx 0/1 Running 0 52s
http-app-xxx 1/1 Running 0 61s
- Check application logs:
$ kubectl logs http-app-xxx
Start with port 8080
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 0 , Status: 500
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 1 , Status: 500
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 2 , Status: 500
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 3 , Status: 500
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 4 , Status: 500
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 5 , Status: 200
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 6 , Status: 200
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 7 , Status: 200
/readiness_probe_status, Counter: 8 , Status: 200
- Describe pod
$ kubectl logs http-app-xxx
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled <unknown> default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/http-app-xxx to minikube
Normal Pulling 2m kubelet, minikube Pulling image "ledongthuc/liveness-probe-api:latest"
Normal Pulled 119s kubelet, minikube Successfully pulled image "ledongthuc/liveness-probe-api:latest"
Normal Created 119s kubelet, minikube Created container http-server
Normal Started 119s kubelet, minikube Started container http-server
Warning Unhealthy 70s (x5 over 110s) kubelet, minikube Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 500