diff --git a/UsersGuideMain.lean b/UsersGuideMain.lean
index d0de972..0154be8 100644
--- a/UsersGuideMain.lean
+++ b/UsersGuideMain.lean
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ import UsersGuide
open Verso.Genre.Manual
-- TODO: metaprogram this away
-def impls := ExtensionImpls.fromLists [] [(``Block.paragraph, paragraph.descr)]
+def impls := ExtensionImpls.fromLists [] [(``Block.paragraph, paragraph.descr), (``Block.docstring, docstring.descr)]
def main := manualMain impls (%doc UsersGuide.Basic)
diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/Basic.lean b/doc/UsersGuide/Basic.lean
index 255f613..5383ded 100644
--- a/doc/UsersGuide/Basic.lean
+++ b/doc/UsersGuide/Basic.lean
@@ -34,3 +34,15 @@ Thus, Lean's documentation system supports multiple _genres_, each of which cons
All genres use the same markup syntax, and they can share extensions to the markup language that don't rely on incompatible document structure additions.
Mixing incompatible features results in an ordinary Lean type error.
+# Docstrings
+Docstrings can be included using the `docstring` directive. For instance,
+{docstring Nat}
+results in
+{docstring Nat}
diff --git a/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual.lean b/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual.lean
index 4980512..42e1c12 100644
--- a/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual.lean
+++ b/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual.lean
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@ import Verso.Output.Html
import Verso.Doc.Lsp
import Verso.Doc.Elab
+import Verso.Genre.Manual.Basic
import Verso.Genre.Manual.Slug
import Verso.Genre.Manual.TeX
import Verso.Genre.Manual.Html
import Verso.Genre.Manual.Html.Style
+import Verso.Genre.Manual.Docstring
open Lean (Name NameMap Json ToJson FromJson)
@@ -28,234 +30,9 @@ namespace Verso.Genre
namespace Manual
-inductive Output where
- | /-- LaTeX -/
- tex
- | /-- HTML - one page per part at the given depth -/
- html (depth : Nat)
-deriving DecidableEq, BEq, Hashable
-abbrev Path := Array String
-Tags are used to refer to parts through tables of contents, cross-references,
-and the like.
-During the traverse pass, the following steps occur:
- 1. user-provided tags are ensured to be globally unique, and saved as xref targets
- 2. internal tags are heuristically assigned to parts based on their section
- names
- 3. internal tags are converted to unique external tags, but not provided for
- user-written xrefs (needed for automatic linking, e.g. in a table of
- contents)
-inductive PartTag where
- | /-- A user-provided tag - respect this if possible -/ provided (name : String)
- | /-- A unique tag, suitable for inclusion in a document -/ private external (name : String)
- | /-- A machine-assigned tag -/ private internal (name : String)
-deriving BEq, Hashable, Repr
-instance : ToString PartTag where
- toString := toString ∘ repr
-instance : Coe String PartTag where
- coe := .provided
-/-- An internal identifier assigned to a part during traversal. Users don't get to have influence
- over these IDs, so they can be used to ensure uniqueness of tags.-/
-structure InternalId where
- private mk ::
- private id : Nat
-deriving BEq, Hashable, Repr
-instance : ToString InternalId where
- toString x := s!"#<{x.id}>"
-structure PartMetadata where
- authors : List String := []
- date : Option String := none
- tag : Option PartTag := none
- id : Option InternalId := none
- number : Bool := true
-deriving BEq, Hashable, Repr
-structure Block where
- name : Name
- data : Json := Json.null
-deriving BEq
def Block.paragraph : Block where
name := `Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.paragraph
-structure Inline where
- name : Name
- data : Json := Json.null
-deriving BEq
-instance : BEq Empty where
- beq := nofun
-structure TraverseState where
- partTags : Lean.HashMap PartTag InternalId := {}
- externalTags : Lean.HashMap InternalId String := {}
- slugs : Lean.HashMap Slug Path := {}
- ids : Lean.HashSet InternalId := {}
- nextId : Nat := 0
- private contents : NameMap Json := {}
-def freshId [Monad m] [MonadStateOf TraverseState m] : m InternalId := do
- let mut next : Nat := (← get).nextId
- repeat
- if (← get).ids.contains ⟨next⟩ then next := next + 1
- else break
- let i := ⟨next⟩
- modify fun st => {st with ids := st.ids.insert i}
- pure i
-def freshTag [Monad m] [MonadStateOf TraverseState m] (hint : String) (id : InternalId) : m PartTag := do
- let mut next : String := s!"--part-{hint.sluggify.toString}-{id.id}"
- repeat
- if (← get).partTags.contains next then next := next ++ "-retry"
- else break
- let tag := PartTag.internal next
- modify fun st => {st with partTags := st.partTags.insert tag id}
- pure tag
-defmethod Lean.HashMap.all [BEq α] [Hashable α] (hm : Lean.HashMap α β) (p : α → β → Bool) : Bool :=
- hm.fold (fun prev k v => prev && p k v) true
-defmethod Lean.HashSet.all [BEq α] [Hashable α] (hm : Lean.HashSet α) (p : α → Bool) : Bool :=
- hm.fold (fun prev v => prev && p v) true
-instance [BEq α] [Hashable α] : BEq (Lean.HashSet α) where
- beq xs ys := xs.size == ys.size && xs.all (ys.contains ·)
-instance : BEq TraverseState where
- beq x y :=
- x.partTags.size == y.partTags.size &&
- (x.partTags.all fun k v =>
- match y.partTags.find? k with
- | none => false
- | some v' => v == v'
- ) &&
- x.slugs.size == y.slugs.size &&
- (x.slugs.all fun k v =>
- match y.slugs.find? k with
- | none => false
- | some v' => v == v'
- ) &&
- x.ids == y.ids &&
- x.contents.size == y.contents.size &&
- x.contents.all fun k v =>
- match y.contents.find? k with
- | none => false
- | some v' => v == v'
-namespace TraverseState
-def set [ToJson α] (state : TraverseState) (name : Name) (value : α) : TraverseState :=
- {state with contents := state.contents.insert name (ToJson.toJson value)}
-/-- Returns `none` if the key is not found, or `some (error e)` if JSON deserialization failed -/
-def get? [FromJson α] (state : TraverseState) (name : Name) : Option (Except String α) :=
- state.contents.find? name |>.map FromJson.fromJson?
-end TraverseState
-structure TraverseContext where
- /-- The current URL path - will be [] for non-HTML output or in the root -/
- path : Path := #[]
- logError : String → IO Unit
-def TraverseContext.inFile (self : TraverseContext) (file : String) : TraverseContext :=
- {self with path := self.path.push file}
-abbrev BlockTraversal genre :=
- Json → Array (Doc.Block genre) →
- ReaderT TraverseContext (StateT TraverseState IO) (Option (Doc.Block genre))
-abbrev BlockToHtml (genre : Genre) (m) :=
- (Doc.Block genre → Html.HtmlT genre m Output.Html) →
- Json → Array (Doc.Block genre) → Html.HtmlT genre m Output.Html
-abbrev BlockToTeX (genre : Genre) (m) :=
- (Doc.Block genre → TeX.TeXT genre m Output.TeX) →
- Json → Array (Doc.Block genre) → TeX.TeXT genre m Output.TeX
-abbrev InlineTraversal genre :=
- Json → Array (Doc.Inline genre) →
- ReaderT TraverseContext (StateT TraverseState IO) (Option (Doc.Inline genre))
-abbrev InlineToHtml (genre : Genre) (m) :=
- (Doc.Inline genre → Html.HtmlT genre m Output.Html) →
- Json → Array (Doc.Inline genre) → Html.HtmlT genre m Output.Html
-abbrev InlineToTeX (genre : Genre) (m) :=
- (Doc.Inline genre → TeX.TeXT genre m Output.TeX) →
- Json → Array (Doc.Inline genre) → TeX.TeXT genre m Output.TeX
-end Manual
-def Manual : Genre where
- PartMetadata := Manual.PartMetadata
- Block := Manual.Block
- Inline := Manual.Inline
- TraverseContext := Manual.TraverseContext
- TraverseState := Manual.TraverseState
-instance : BEq (Genre.PartMetadata Manual) := inferInstanceAs (BEq Manual.PartMetadata)
-instance : BEq (Genre.Block Manual) := inferInstanceAs (BEq Manual.Block)
-instance : BEq (Genre.Inline Manual) := inferInstanceAs (BEq Manual.Inline)
-instance : Repr (Genre.PartMetadata Manual) := inferInstanceAs (Repr Manual.PartMetadata)
-namespace Manual
-structure ExtensionImpls where
- private mk ::
- -- This is to work around recursion restrictions, not for real dynamism
- inlineDescrs : NameMap Dynamic
- blockDescrs : NameMap Dynamic
-structure InlineDescr where
- traverse : InlineTraversal Manual
- toHtml : Option (InlineToHtml Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO))
- toTeX : Option (InlineToTeX Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO))
-deriving TypeName, Inhabited
-structure BlockDescr where
- traverse : BlockTraversal Manual
- toHtml : Option (BlockToHtml Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO))
- toTeX : Option (BlockToTeX Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO))
-deriving TypeName, Inhabited
-private def fromDynamic! (dyn : Dynamic) : BlockDescr :=
- dyn.get? BlockDescr |>.get!
-def ExtensionImpls.empty : ExtensionImpls := ⟨{}, {}⟩
-instance : EmptyCollection ExtensionImpls where
- emptyCollection := .empty
-def ExtensionImpls.getInline? (impls : ExtensionImpls) (name : Name) : Option InlineDescr :=
- impls.blockDescrs.find? name |>.map (·.get? InlineDescr |>.get!)
-def ExtensionImpls.getBlock? (impls : ExtensionImpls) (name : Name) : Option BlockDescr :=
- impls.blockDescrs.find? name |>.map (·.get? BlockDescr |>.get!)
-def ExtensionImpls.insertInline (impls : ExtensionImpls) (name : Name) (desc : InlineDescr) : ExtensionImpls :=
- {impls with
- inlineDescrs := impls.inlineDescrs.insert name (.mk desc)}
-def ExtensionImpls.insertBlock (impls : ExtensionImpls) (name : Name) (desc : BlockDescr) : ExtensionImpls :=
- {impls with
- blockDescrs := impls.blockDescrs.insert name (.mk desc)}
-def ExtensionImpls.fromLists (inlineImpls : List (Name × InlineDescr)) (blockImpls : List (Name × BlockDescr)) : ExtensionImpls :=
- inlineImpls.foldl (fun out (n, impl) => out.insertInline n impl) <| blockImpls.foldl (fun out (n, impl) => out.insertBlock n impl) {}
def paragraph.descr : BlockDescr where
traverse := fun _ _ => pure none
toTeX :=
@@ -267,124 +44,6 @@ def paragraph.descr : BlockDescr where
some <| fun go _ content => do
pure <| {{
{{← content.mapM go}}
-abbrev TraverseM := ReaderT ExtensionImpls (ReaderT Manual.TraverseContext (StateT Manual.TraverseState IO))
-def TraverseM.run
- (impls : ExtensionImpls)
- (ctxt : Manual.TraverseContext)
- (state : Manual.TraverseState)
- (act : TraverseM α) : IO (α × Manual.TraverseState) :=
- act impls ctxt state
-instance : MonadReader Manual.TraverseContext TraverseM where
- read := readThe _
-def logError (err : String) : TraverseM Unit := do
- (← readThe Manual.TraverseContext).logError err
-instance : Traverse Manual TraverseM where
- part p :=
- if p.metadata.isNone then pure (some {}) else pure none
- block _ := pure ()
- inline _ := pure ()
- genrePart startMeta part := do
- let mut meta := startMeta
- -- First, assign a unique ID if there is none
- let id ← if let some i := meta.id then pure i else
- freshId
- meta := {meta with id := some id}
- match meta.tag with
- | none =>
- -- Assign an internal tag - the next round will make it external This is done in two rounds to
- -- give priority to user-provided tags that might otherwise anticipate the name-mangling scheme
- let tag ← freshTag part.titleString id
- meta := {meta with tag := tag}
- | some t =>
- -- Ensure uniqueness
- if let some id' := (← get).partTags.find? t then
- if id != id' then logError s!"Duplicate tag '{t}'"
- else
- modify fun st => {st with partTags := st.partTags.insert t id}
- match t with
- | PartTag.external name =>
- -- These are the actual IDs to use in generated HTML and links and such
- modify fun st => {st with externalTags := st.externalTags.insert id name}
- | PartTag.internal name =>
- let mut attempt := name
- repeat
- if (← get).partTags.contains (PartTag.external attempt) then attempt := attempt ++ "-next"
- else break
- let t' := PartTag.external attempt
- modify fun st => {st with partTags := st.partTags.insert t' id}
- meta := {meta with tag := t'}
- | PartTag.provided n =>
- -- Convert to an external tag, and fail if we can't (users should control their link IDs)
- let external := PartTag.external n
- if let some id' := (← get).partTags.find? external then
- if id != id' then logError s!"Duplicate tag '{t}'"
- else
- modify fun st => {st with partTags := st.partTags.insert external id}
- meta := {meta with tag := external}
- pure <|
- if meta == startMeta then none
- else pure (part.withMetadata meta)
- genreBlock
- | ⟨name, data⟩, content => do
- if let some impl := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getBlock? name then
- impl.traverse data content
- else
- logError s!"No block traversal implementation found for {name}"
- pure none
- genreInline
- | ⟨name, data⟩, content => do
- if let some impl := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getInline? name then
- impl.traverse data content
- else
- logError s!"No inline traversal implementation found for {name}"
- pure none
-open Verso.Output.TeX in
-instance : TeX.GenreTeX Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO) where
- part go _meta txt := go txt
- block go b content := do
- let some descr := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getBlock? b.name
- | panic! s!"Unknown block {b.name} while rendering"
- let some impl := descr.toTeX
- | panic! s!"Block {b.name} doesn't support TeX"
- impl go b.data content
- inline go i content := do
- let some descr := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getInline? i.name
- | panic! s!"Unknown inline {i.name} while rendering"
- let some impl := descr.toTeX
- | panic! s!"Inline {i.name} doesn't support TeX"
- impl go i.data content
-open Verso.Output.Html in
-instance : Html.GenreHtml Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO) where
- part go meta txt := do
- let st ← Verso.Doc.Html.HtmlT.state
- let attrs := match meta.id >>= st.externalTags.find? with
- | none => #[]
- | some t => #[("id", t)]
- go txt attrs
- block go b content := do
- let some descr := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getBlock? b.name
- | panic! "Unknown block {b.name} while rendering"
- let some impl := descr.toHtml
- | panic! "Block {b.name} doesn't support HTML"
- impl go b.data content
- inline go i content := do
- let some descr := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getInline? i.name
- | panic! s!"Unknown inline {i.name} while rendering"
- let some impl := descr.toHtml
- | panic! s!"Inline {i.name} doesn't support HTML"
- impl go i.data content
@[directive_expander paragraph]
def paragraph : DirectiveExpander
diff --git a/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual/Basic.lean b/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual/Basic.lean
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b50c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual/Basic.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO LLC. All rights reserved.
+Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
+Author: David Thrane Christiansen
+import Lean
+import Verso.Doc
+import Verso.Doc.Html
+import Verso.Doc.TeX
+import Verso.Genre.Manual.Slug
+import Verso.Output.Html
+import Verso.Output.TeX
+open Lean (Name Json NameMap ToJson FromJson)
+open Verso.Doc
+open Verso.Output
+namespace Verso.Genre.Manual
+inductive Output where
+ | /-- LaTeX -/
+ tex
+ | /-- HTML - one page per part at the given depth -/
+ html (depth : Nat)
+deriving DecidableEq, BEq, Hashable
+abbrev Path := Array String
+Tags are used to refer to parts through tables of contents, cross-references,
+and the like.
+During the traverse pass, the following steps occur:
+ 1. user-provided tags are ensured to be globally unique, and saved as xref targets
+ 2. internal tags are heuristically assigned to parts based on their section
+ names
+ 3. internal tags are converted to unique external tags, but not provided for
+ user-written xrefs (needed for automatic linking, e.g. in a table of
+ contents)
+inductive PartTag where
+ | /-- A user-provided tag - respect this if possible -/ provided (name : String)
+ | /-- A unique tag, suitable for inclusion in a document -/ private external (name : String)
+ | /-- A machine-assigned tag -/ private internal (name : String)
+deriving BEq, Hashable, Repr
+instance : ToString PartTag where
+ toString := toString ∘ repr
+instance : Coe String PartTag where
+ coe := .provided
+/-- An internal identifier assigned to a part during traversal. Users don't get to have influence
+ over these IDs, so they can be used to ensure uniqueness of tags.-/
+structure InternalId where
+ private mk ::
+ private id : Nat
+deriving BEq, Hashable, Repr
+instance : ToString InternalId where
+ toString x := s!"#<{x.id}>"
+structure PartMetadata where
+ authors : List String := []
+ date : Option String := none
+ tag : Option PartTag := none
+ id : Option InternalId := none
+ number : Bool := true
+deriving BEq, Hashable, Repr
+structure TraverseState where
+ partTags : Lean.HashMap PartTag InternalId := {}
+ externalTags : Lean.HashMap InternalId String := {}
+ slugs : Lean.HashMap Slug Path := {}
+ ids : Lean.HashSet InternalId := {}
+ nextId : Nat := 0
+ private contents : NameMap Json := {}
+def freshId [Monad m] [MonadStateOf TraverseState m] : m InternalId := do
+ let mut next : Nat := (← get).nextId
+ repeat
+ if (← get).ids.contains ⟨next⟩ then next := next + 1
+ else break
+ let i := ⟨next⟩
+ modify fun st => {st with ids := st.ids.insert i}
+ pure i
+def freshTag [Monad m] [MonadStateOf TraverseState m] (hint : String) (id : InternalId) : m PartTag := do
+ let mut next : String := s!"--part-{hint.sluggify.toString}-{id.id}"
+ repeat
+ if (← get).partTags.contains next then next := next ++ "-retry"
+ else break
+ let tag := PartTag.internal next
+ modify fun st => {st with partTags := st.partTags.insert tag id}
+ pure tag
+defmethod Lean.HashMap.all [BEq α] [Hashable α] (hm : Lean.HashMap α β) (p : α → β → Bool) : Bool :=
+ hm.fold (fun prev k v => prev && p k v) true
+defmethod Lean.HashSet.all [BEq α] [Hashable α] (hm : Lean.HashSet α) (p : α → Bool) : Bool :=
+ hm.fold (fun prev v => prev && p v) true
+instance [BEq α] [Hashable α] : BEq (Lean.HashSet α) where
+ beq xs ys := xs.size == ys.size && xs.all (ys.contains ·)
+instance : BEq TraverseState where
+ beq x y :=
+ x.partTags.size == y.partTags.size &&
+ (x.partTags.all fun k v =>
+ match y.partTags.find? k with
+ | none => false
+ | some v' => v == v'
+ ) &&
+ x.slugs.size == y.slugs.size &&
+ (x.slugs.all fun k v =>
+ match y.slugs.find? k with
+ | none => false
+ | some v' => v == v'
+ ) &&
+ x.ids == y.ids &&
+ x.contents.size == y.contents.size &&
+ x.contents.all fun k v =>
+ match y.contents.find? k with
+ | none => false
+ | some v' => v == v'
+namespace TraverseState
+def set [ToJson α] (state : TraverseState) (name : Name) (value : α) : TraverseState :=
+ {state with contents := state.contents.insert name (ToJson.toJson value)}
+/-- Returns `none` if the key is not found, or `some (error e)` if JSON deserialization failed -/
+def get? [FromJson α] (state : TraverseState) (name : Name) : Option (Except String α) :=
+ state.contents.find? name |>.map FromJson.fromJson?
+end TraverseState
+structure TraverseContext where
+ /-- The current URL path - will be [] for non-HTML output or in the root -/
+ path : Path := #[]
+ logError : String → IO Unit
+def TraverseContext.inFile (self : TraverseContext) (file : String) : TraverseContext :=
+ {self with path := self.path.push file}
+structure Block where
+ name : Name
+ data : Json := Json.null
+deriving BEq
+structure Inline where
+ name : Name
+ data : Json := Json.null
+deriving BEq
+abbrev BlockTraversal genre :=
+ Json → Array (Doc.Block genre) →
+ ReaderT TraverseContext (StateT TraverseState IO) (Option (Doc.Block genre))
+abbrev BlockToHtml (genre : Genre) (m) :=
+ (Doc.Block genre → Html.HtmlT genre m Output.Html) →
+ Json → Array (Doc.Block genre) → Html.HtmlT genre m Output.Html
+abbrev BlockToTeX (genre : Genre) (m) :=
+ (Doc.Block genre → TeX.TeXT genre m Output.TeX) →
+ Json → Array (Doc.Block genre) → TeX.TeXT genre m Output.TeX
+abbrev InlineTraversal genre :=
+ Json → Array (Doc.Inline genre) →
+ ReaderT TraverseContext (StateT TraverseState IO) (Option (Doc.Inline genre))
+abbrev InlineToHtml (genre : Genre) (m) :=
+ (Doc.Inline genre → Html.HtmlT genre m Output.Html) →
+ Json → Array (Doc.Inline genre) → Html.HtmlT genre m Output.Html
+abbrev InlineToTeX (genre : Genre) (m) :=
+ (Doc.Inline genre → TeX.TeXT genre m Output.TeX) →
+ Json → Array (Doc.Inline genre) → TeX.TeXT genre m Output.TeX
+structure ExtensionImpls where
+ private mk ::
+ -- This is to work around recursion restrictions, not for real dynamism
+ inlineDescrs : NameMap Dynamic
+ blockDescrs : NameMap Dynamic
+structure InlineDescr where
+ traverse : InlineTraversal Manual
+ toHtml : Option (InlineToHtml Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO))
+ toTeX : Option (InlineToTeX Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO))
+deriving TypeName, Inhabited
+structure BlockDescr where
+ traverse : BlockTraversal Manual
+ toHtml : Option (BlockToHtml Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO))
+ toTeX : Option (BlockToTeX Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO))
+deriving TypeName, Inhabited
+private def fromDynamic! (dyn : Dynamic) : BlockDescr :=
+ dyn.get? BlockDescr |>.get!
+def ExtensionImpls.empty : ExtensionImpls := ⟨{}, {}⟩
+instance : EmptyCollection ExtensionImpls where
+ emptyCollection := .empty
+def ExtensionImpls.getInline? (impls : ExtensionImpls) (name : Name) : Option InlineDescr :=
+ impls.blockDescrs.find? name |>.map (·.get? InlineDescr |>.get!)
+def ExtensionImpls.getBlock? (impls : ExtensionImpls) (name : Name) : Option BlockDescr :=
+ impls.blockDescrs.find? name |>.map (·.get? BlockDescr |>.get!)
+def ExtensionImpls.insertInline (impls : ExtensionImpls) (name : Name) (desc : InlineDescr) : ExtensionImpls :=
+ {impls with
+ inlineDescrs := impls.inlineDescrs.insert name (.mk desc)}
+def ExtensionImpls.insertBlock (impls : ExtensionImpls) (name : Name) (desc : BlockDescr) : ExtensionImpls :=
+ {impls with
+ blockDescrs := impls.blockDescrs.insert name (.mk desc)}
+def ExtensionImpls.fromLists (inlineImpls : List (Name × InlineDescr)) (blockImpls : List (Name × BlockDescr)) : ExtensionImpls :=
+ inlineImpls.foldl (fun out (n, impl) => out.insertInline n impl) <| blockImpls.foldl (fun out (n, impl) => out.insertBlock n impl) {}
+abbrev TraverseM := ReaderT ExtensionImpls (ReaderT Manual.TraverseContext (StateT Manual.TraverseState IO))
+def TraverseM.run
+ (impls : ExtensionImpls)
+ (ctxt : Manual.TraverseContext)
+ (state : Manual.TraverseState)
+ (act : TraverseM α) : IO (α × Manual.TraverseState) :=
+ act impls ctxt state
+instance : MonadReader Manual.TraverseContext TraverseM where
+ read := readThe _
+end Manual
+def Manual : Genre where
+ PartMetadata := Manual.PartMetadata
+ Block := Manual.Block
+ Inline := Manual.Inline
+ TraverseContext := Manual.TraverseContext
+ TraverseState := Manual.TraverseState
+instance : BEq (Genre.PartMetadata Manual) := inferInstanceAs (BEq Manual.PartMetadata)
+instance : BEq (Genre.Block Manual) := inferInstanceAs (BEq Manual.Block)
+instance : BEq (Genre.Inline Manual) := inferInstanceAs (BEq Manual.Inline)
+instance : Repr (Genre.PartMetadata Manual) := inferInstanceAs (Repr Manual.PartMetadata)
+namespace Manual
+def logError (err : String) : TraverseM Unit := do
+ (← readThe Manual.TraverseContext).logError err
+instance : Traverse Manual TraverseM where
+ part p :=
+ if p.metadata.isNone then pure (some {}) else pure none
+ block _ := pure ()
+ inline _ := pure ()
+ genrePart startMeta part := do
+ let mut meta := startMeta
+ -- First, assign a unique ID if there is none
+ let id ← if let some i := meta.id then pure i else
+ freshId
+ meta := {meta with id := some id}
+ match meta.tag with
+ | none =>
+ -- Assign an internal tag - the next round will make it external This is done in two rounds to
+ -- give priority to user-provided tags that might otherwise anticipate the name-mangling scheme
+ let tag ← freshTag part.titleString id
+ meta := {meta with tag := tag}
+ | some t =>
+ -- Ensure uniqueness
+ if let some id' := (← get).partTags.find? t then
+ if id != id' then logError s!"Duplicate tag '{t}'"
+ else
+ modify fun st => {st with partTags := st.partTags.insert t id}
+ match t with
+ | PartTag.external name =>
+ -- These are the actual IDs to use in generated HTML and links and such
+ modify fun st => {st with externalTags := st.externalTags.insert id name}
+ | PartTag.internal name =>
+ let mut attempt := name
+ repeat
+ if (← get).partTags.contains (PartTag.external attempt) then attempt := attempt ++ "-next"
+ else break
+ let t' := PartTag.external attempt
+ modify fun st => {st with partTags := st.partTags.insert t' id}
+ meta := {meta with tag := t'}
+ | PartTag.provided n =>
+ -- Convert to an external tag, and fail if we can't (users should control their link IDs)
+ let external := PartTag.external n
+ if let some id' := (← get).partTags.find? external then
+ if id != id' then logError s!"Duplicate tag '{t}'"
+ else
+ modify fun st => {st with partTags := st.partTags.insert external id}
+ meta := {meta with tag := external}
+ pure <|
+ if meta == startMeta then none
+ else pure (part.withMetadata meta)
+ genreBlock
+ | ⟨name, data⟩, content => do
+ if let some impl := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getBlock? name then
+ impl.traverse data content
+ else
+ logError s!"No block traversal implementation found for {name}"
+ pure none
+ genreInline
+ | ⟨name, data⟩, content => do
+ if let some impl := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getInline? name then
+ impl.traverse data content
+ else
+ logError s!"No inline traversal implementation found for {name}"
+ pure none
+open Verso.Output.TeX in
+instance : TeX.GenreTeX Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO) where
+ part go _meta txt := go txt
+ block go b content := do
+ let some descr := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getBlock? b.name
+ | panic! s!"Unknown block {b.name} while rendering"
+ let some impl := descr.toTeX
+ | panic! s!"Block {b.name} doesn't support TeX"
+ impl go b.data content
+ inline go i content := do
+ let some descr := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getInline? i.name
+ | panic! s!"Unknown inline {i.name} while rendering"
+ let some impl := descr.toTeX
+ | panic! s!"Inline {i.name} doesn't support TeX"
+ impl go i.data content
+open Verso.Output.Html in
+instance : Html.GenreHtml Manual (ReaderT ExtensionImpls IO) where
+ part go meta txt := do
+ let st ← Verso.Doc.Html.HtmlT.state
+ let attrs := match meta.id >>= st.externalTags.find? with
+ | none => #[]
+ | some t => #[("id", t)]
+ go txt attrs
+ block go b content := do
+ let some descr := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getBlock? b.name
+ | panic! "Unknown block {b.name} while rendering"
+ let some impl := descr.toHtml
+ | panic! "Block {b.name} doesn't support HTML"
+ impl go b.data content
+ inline go i content := do
+ let some descr := (← readThe ExtensionImpls).getInline? i.name
+ | panic! s!"Unknown inline {i.name} while rendering"
+ let some impl := descr.toHtml
+ | panic! s!"Inline {i.name} doesn't support HTML"
+ impl go i.data content
diff --git a/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual/Docstring.lean b/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual/Docstring.lean
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b11cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verso-manual/Verso/Genre/Manual/Docstring.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO LLC. All rights reserved.
+Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
+Author: David Thrane Christiansen
+import Lean
+import Verso.Genre.Manual.Basic
+import Verso.Doc.Elab.Monad
+import Verso.Doc.ArgParse
+open Lean
+open Verso.Doc.Elab.PartElabM
+namespace Verso.Genre.Manual
+namespace Block
+def docstring (name : Name) : Block where
+ name := `Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.docstring
+ data := ToJson.toJson name
+end Block
+def docstring.descr : BlockDescr where
+ traverse _ _ := pure none
+ toHtml := some <| fun go _info contents => contents.mapM go
+ toTeX := some <| fun go _info contents => contents.mapM go
+open Verso.Doc.Elab
+@[block_role_expander docstring]
+def docstring : BlockRoleExpander
+ | args, #[] => do
+ match args with
+ | #[.anon (.name x)] =>
+ let name ← resolveGlobalConstNoOverload x
+ match ← Lean.findDocString? (← getEnv) name with
+ | none => throwErrorAt x "No docs found for '{x}'"
+ | some docs =>
+ pure #[← ``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.docstring $(quote name)) #[Verso.Doc.Block.code none #[] 0 $(quote docs)])]
+ | _ => throwError "Expected exactly one positional argument that is a name"
+ | _, more => throwErrorAt more[0]! "Unexpected block argument"