diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/List/Chain.lean b/Mathlib/Data/List/Chain.lean index 65eb76b1208730..8b844a1f6243c4 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/List/Chain.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/List/Chain.lean @@ -319,6 +319,26 @@ lemma chain'_join : ∀ {L : List (List α)}, [] ∉ L → simp only [forall_mem_cons, and_assoc, join, head?_append_of_ne_nil _ hL.2.1.symm] exact Iff.rfl.and (Iff.rfl.and <| Iff.rfl.and and_comm) +theorem chain'_attachWith {l : List α} {p : α → Prop} (h : ∀ x ∈ l, p x) + {r : {a // p a} → {a // p a} → Prop} : + (l.attachWith p h).Chain' r ↔ l.Chain' fun a b ↦ ∃ ha hb, r ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩ := by + induction l with + | nil => rfl + | cons a l IH => + rw [attachWith_cons, chain'_cons', chain'_cons', IH, and_congr_left] + simp_rw [head?_attachWith] + intros + constructor <;> + intro hc b (hb : _ = _) + · simp_rw [hb, Option.pbind_some] at hc + have hb' := h b (mem_cons_of_mem a (mem_of_mem_head? hb)) + exact ⟨h a (mem_cons_self a l), hb', hc ⟨b, hb'⟩ rfl⟩ + · cases l <;> aesop + +theorem chain'_attach {l : List α} {r : {a // a ∈ l} → {a // a ∈ l} → Prop} : + l.attach.Chain' r ↔ l.Chain' fun a b ↦ ∃ ha hb, r ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩ := + chain'_attachWith fun _ ↦ id + /-- If `a` and `b` are related by the reflexive transitive closure of `r`, then there is an `r`-chain starting from `a` and ending on `b`. The converse of `relationReflTransGen_of_exists_chain`.