diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 1f2b97bc..c9f7a251 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[submodule "Projects/lean4web-tools"]
path = Projects/lean4web-tools
url = https://github.com/hhu-adam/lean4web-tools.git
-[submodule "client/vscode-lean4"]
- path = client/vscode-lean4
- url = https://github.com/leanprover/vscode-lean4.git
+[submodule "client/monaco-lean4"]
+ path = client/monaco-lean4
+ url = git@github.com:hhu-adam/monaco-lean4.git
diff --git a/client/monaco-lean4 b/client/monaco-lean4
new file mode 160000
index 00000000..f0187e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/monaco-lean4
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit f0187e2641dd08eb668c9bfff1be996eb7bfd9a4
diff --git a/client/src/Editor.tsx b/client/src/Editor.tsx
index feef1ade..b805c01d 100644
--- a/client/src/Editor.tsx
+++ b/client/src/Editor.tsx
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
import { loadRenderInfoview } from '@leanprover/infoview/loader'
import { InfoviewApi } from '@leanprover/infoview-api'
-import { InfoProvider } from './editor/infoview'
-import { LeanClient } from './editor/leanclient'
-import { AbbreviationRewriter } from './editor/abbreviation/rewriter/AbbreviationRewriter'
-import { AbbreviationProvider } from './editor/abbreviation/AbbreviationProvider'
-import { LeanTaskGutter } from './editor/taskgutter'
+import { InfoProvider } from '../monaco-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/infoview'
+import { LeanClient } from '../monaco-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/leanclient'
+import { AbbreviationRewriter } from '../monaco-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/rewriter/AbbreviationRewriter'
+import { AbbreviationProvider } from '../monaco-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/AbbreviationProvider'
+import { LeanTaskGutter } from '../monaco-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/taskgutter'
import Split from 'react-split'
import Notification from './Notification'
import settings from './config/settings'
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ import { DisposingWebSocketMessageReader } from './reader'
import { monacoSetup } from './monacoSetup'
import './css/Editor.css'
-import './editor/infoview.css'
-import './editor/vscode.css'
+import './css/infoview.css'
+import './css/vscode.css'
import { render } from '@testing-library/react'
+import { AbbreviationConfig } from '../monaco-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/config'
@@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ const Editor: React.FC<{setRestart?, onDidChangeContent?, value: string, theme:
wrappingStrategy: "advanced",
- const abbrevRewriter = new AbbreviationRewriter(new AbbreviationProvider(), model, editor)
+ const abbrevRewriter = new AbbreviationRewriter(new AbbreviationProvider(AbbreviationConfig), model, editor)
return () => {
@@ -184,7 +186,6 @@ const Editor: React.FC<{setRestart?, onDidChangeContent?, value: string, theme:
setRestart((project?) => restart)
}, [editor, infoviewApi, infoProvider])
return (
+Date: Wed May 29 15:52:58 2024 +0200
+ add vscode-lean4 as submodule
+commit c06471c81129dbad2f8a7cbd2718b2f1b79127de (origin/dev)
+Author: Jon Eugster
+Date: Tue May 7 12:20:09 2024 +0200
+ many things
+commit 3cc8a85d28bf42ca3254f1458b725f77251d33d0
+Author: Jon Eugster
+Date: Thu May 2 17:18:45 2024 +0200
+ temp. add entire vscode-lean4 extension
+commit 013dbada1fd2557ce5d25b8fd88f32aba1ce8e41
+Author: Jon Eugster
+Date: Thu May 2 04:06:56 2024 +0200
+ cleanup App.tsx and config
+commit 5e2ea468ab9401eb0d5d16efbde21bbe9cc6521f
+Author: Jon Eugster
+Date: Thu May 2 02:32:02 2024 +0200
+ cleanup navigation. includes #12.
+commit 012f97aa23a1a516171c075b6f45ad7be789e2b0
+Author: Jon Eugster
+Date: Tue Apr 30 17:29:49 2024 +0200
+ cleanup App.tsx, part 2
+commit 30055c00891c2caff8a8446feee78766c1807063
+Author: Jon Eugster
+Date: Tue Apr 30 17:17:35 2024 +0200
+ cleanup App.tsx, part 1
+commit 182ba518ea89d046914b3242e97dc4cc9974944f
+Author: Jon Eugster
+Date: Tue Apr 30 17:17:04 2024 +0200
+ fix updated infoview
+commit 88d83ea6b1cd0885c9fcd19223d629ddf507af44
+Author: Jon Eugster
+Date: Mon Apr 29 20:30:14 2024 +0200
+ temporarily use my own npm packages instead
diff --git a/client/src/config/editor.json b/client/src/config/editor.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..963c835b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/config/editor.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "glyphMargin": true,
+ "lineDecorationsWidth": 5,
+ "folding": false,
+ "lineNumbers": "on",
+ "lineNumbersMinChars": 1,
+ "rulers": [100],
+ "lightbulb": {
+ "enabled": true
+ },
+ "unicodeHighlight": {
+ "ambiguousCharacters": false
+ },
+ "automaticLayout": true,
+ "minimap": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "tabSize": 2,
+ "semanticHighlighting.enabled": true,
+ "theme": "vs",
+ "fontFamily": "JuliaMono",
+ "wrappingStrategy": "advanced"
diff --git a/client/src/editor/infoview.css b/client/src/css/infoview.css
similarity index 100%
rename from client/src/editor/infoview.css
rename to client/src/css/infoview.css
diff --git a/client/src/editor/vscode.css b/client/src/css/vscode.css
similarity index 100%
rename from client/src/editor/vscode.css
rename to client/src/css/vscode.css
diff --git a/client/src/editor/abbreviation/AbbreviationHoverProvider.ts b/client/src/editor/abbreviation/AbbreviationHoverProvider.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 81422481..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/abbreviation/AbbreviationHoverProvider.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/AbbreviationHoverProvider.ts` */
-import { AbbreviationProvider } from './AbbreviationProvider';
-import settings from '../../config/settings';
-import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
- * Adds hover behaviour for getting translations of unicode characters.
- * Eg: "Type ⊓ using \glb or \sqcap"
- */
-export class AbbreviationHoverProvider implements monaco.languages.HoverProvider {
- constructor(
- private readonly abbreviations: AbbreviationProvider
- ) {}
- provideHover(model: monaco.editor.ITextModel, pos: monaco.Position): monaco.languages.Hover | undefined {
- const context = model.getLineContent(pos.lineNumber).substring(pos.column-1);
- const symbolsAtCursor = this.abbreviations.findSymbolsIn(context);
- const allAbbrevs = symbolsAtCursor.map((symbol) => ({
- symbol,
- abbrevs: this.abbreviations.getAllAbbreviations(symbol),
- }));
- if (
- allAbbrevs.length === 0 ||
- allAbbrevs.every((a) => a.abbrevs.length === 0)
- ) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const leader = settings.abbreviationCharacter;
- const hoverMarkdown = allAbbrevs
- .map(
- ({ symbol, abbrevs }) =>
- `Type ${symbol} using ${abbrevs
- .map((a) => '`' + leader + a + '`')
- .join(' or ')}`
- )
- .join('\n\n');
- const maxSymbolLength = Math.max(
- ...allAbbrevs.map((a) => a.symbol.length)
- );
- const hoverRange = new monaco.Range(pos.lineNumber, pos.column-1, pos.lineNumber, pos.column-1 + maxSymbolLength);
- return {contents: [{value: hoverMarkdown}], range: hoverRange};
- }
diff --git a/client/src/editor/abbreviation/AbbreviationProvider.ts b/client/src/editor/abbreviation/AbbreviationProvider.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b656d1c..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/abbreviation/AbbreviationProvider.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/AbbreviationProvider.ts` */
-import { computed } from 'mobx';
-// import { Disposable } from 'vscode';
-// import { autorunDisposable } from '../utils/autorunDisposable';
-import abbreviations from '../../../vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/abbreviations.json';
-import settings from '../../config/settings';
-export interface SymbolsByAbbreviation {
- [abbrev: string]: string;
- * Answers queries to a database of abbreviations.
- */
-export class AbbreviationProvider {
- // private readonly disposables = new Array();
- private cache: Record = {};
- constructor() {
- // this.disposables.push(
- // autorunDisposable(() => {
- // // For the livetime of this component, cache the computed's
- // const _ = this.symbolsByAbbreviation;
- // // clear cache on change
- // this.cache = {};
- // })
- // );
- }
- private get symbolsByAbbreviation(): SymbolsByAbbreviation {
- // There are only like 1000 symbols. Building an index is not required yet.
- return {
- ...abbreviations,
- ...settings.inputModeCustomTranslations
- };
- }
- getAllAbbreviations(symbol: string): string[] {
- return Object.entries(this.symbolsByAbbreviation)
- .filter(([abbr, sym]) => sym === symbol)
- .map(([abbr]) => abbr);
- }
- findSymbolsIn(symbolPlusUnknown: string): string[] {
- const result = new Set();
- for (const [abbr, sym] of Object.entries(this.symbolsByAbbreviation)) {
- if (symbolPlusUnknown.startsWith(sym)) {
- result.add(sym);
- }
- }
- return [...result.values()];
- }
- /**
- * Computes the replacement text for a typed abbreviation (excl. leader).
- * This converts the longest non-empty prefix with the best-matching abbreviation.
- *
- * For example:
- * getReplacementText("alp") returns "α"
- * getReplacementText("alp7") returns "α7"
- * getReplacementText("") returns undefined
- */
- getReplacementText(abbrev: string): string | undefined {
- if (abbrev in this.cache) {
- return this.cache[abbrev];
- }
- const result = this._getReplacementText(abbrev);
- this.cache[abbrev] = result;
- return result;
- }
- private _getReplacementText(abbrev: string): string | undefined {
- if (abbrev.length === 0) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const matchingSymbol = this.findSymbolsByAbbreviationPrefix(abbrev)[0];
- if (matchingSymbol) {
- return matchingSymbol;
- }
- // Convert the `alp` in `\alp7`
- const prefixReplacement = this.getReplacementText(
- abbrev.slice(0, abbrev.length - 1)
- );
- if (prefixReplacement) {
- return prefixReplacement + abbrev.slice(abbrev.length - 1);
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- getSymbolForAbbreviation(abbrev: string): string | undefined {
- return this.symbolsByAbbreviation[abbrev];
- }
- findSymbolsByAbbreviationPrefix(abbrevPrefix: string): string[] {
- const matchingAbbreviations = Object.keys(
- this.symbolsByAbbreviation
- ).filter((abbrev) => abbrev.startsWith(abbrevPrefix));
- matchingAbbreviations.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length);
- return matchingAbbreviations.map(
- (abbr) => this.symbolsByAbbreviation[abbr]
- );
- }
diff --git a/client/src/editor/abbreviation/rewriter/AbbreviationRewriter.ts b/client/src/editor/abbreviation/rewriter/AbbreviationRewriter.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 28a36065..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/abbreviation/rewriter/AbbreviationRewriter.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/rewriter/AbbreviationRewriter.ts` */
-// import { Range as LineColRange } from 'vscode';
-import { Disposable } from 'vscode';
-import { assert } from '../../../../vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/utils/assert';
-import { AbbreviationProvider } from '../AbbreviationProvider';
-import { Range } from '../../../../vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/rewriter/Range';
-import settings from '../../../config/settings';
-import { TrackedAbbreviation } from './TrackedAbbreviation';
-import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
-import {IRange, Range as MonacoRange} from 'monaco-editor'
-import { AbbreviationHoverProvider } from '../AbbreviationHoverProvider';
- * Tracks abbreviations in a given text editor and replaces them when dynamically.
- */
-export class AbbreviationRewriter {
- private readonly disposables = new Array();
- // /**
- // * All tracked abbreviations are disjoint.
- // */
- private readonly trackedAbbreviations = new Set();
- // private readonly decorationType = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
- // textDecoration: 'underline',
- // });
- private dontTrackNewAbbr = false;
- private decosIds: string[] = [];
- // private isActiveContextKey: monaco.editor.IContextKey;
- abbreviationHoverProvider: AbbreviationHoverProvider;
- // private stderrOutput: OutputChannel;
- // private firstOutput = true;
- constructor(
- private readonly abbreviationProvider: AbbreviationProvider,
- private readonly model: monaco.editor.ITextModel,
- private readonly editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor
- ) {
- this.disposables.push(model.onDidChangeContent((e: monaco.editor.IModelContentChangedEvent) => {
- const changes = e.changes.slice(0);
- // // We need to process the changes at the bottom first.
- // // Otherwise, changes at the top will move spans at the bottom down.
- changes.sort((c1, c2) => c2.rangeOffset - c1.rangeOffset);
- for (const c of changes) {
- const range = new Range(c.rangeOffset, c.rangeLength);
- this.processChange(range, c.text);
- }
- this.updateState();
- // // Replace any tracked abbreviation that is either finished or unique.
- void this.forceReplace(
- [...this.trackedAbbreviations].filter(
- (abbr) =>
- abbr.finished ||
- (settings.eagerReplacementEnabled &&
- abbr.isAbbreviationUniqueAndComplete)
- )
- );
- }))
- this.disposables.push(
- editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e: monaco.editor.ICursorSelectionChangedEvent) => {
- // Replace any tracked abbreviation that lost selection.
- void this.forceReplace(
- [...this.trackedAbbreviations].filter(
- (abbr) =>
- ![...e.secondarySelections, e.selection].some((s) =>
- abbr.range.containsRange(
- fromVsCodeRange(
- s,
- this.model
- ).withLength(0)
- )
- )
- )
- );
- })
- )
- // this.isActiveContextKey = this.editor.createContextKey('lean4.input.isActive', false);
- this.disposables.push(
- monaco.editor.addEditorAction({
- id: 'lean4.input.convert',
- label: 'Convert abbreviation',
- precondition: "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == lean4 && lean4.input.isActive",
- keybindings: [monaco.KeyCode.Tab],
- run: async () => this.forceReplace([...this.trackedAbbreviations])
- })
- )
- this.abbreviationHoverProvider = new AbbreviationHoverProvider(this.abbreviationProvider)
- this.disposables.push(
- monaco.languages.registerHoverProvider('lean4', this.abbreviationHoverProvider)
- )
- }
- private async forceReplace(
- abbreviations: TrackedAbbreviation[]
- ): Promise {
- if (abbreviations.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- for (const a of abbreviations) {
- this.trackedAbbreviations.delete(a);
- }
- // Wait for VS Code to trigger `onDidChangeTextEditorSelection`
- await waitForNextTick();
- const cursorVar = '$CURSOR';
- const replacements = new Array<{
- range: Range;
- newText: string;
- transformOffsetInRange: (offset: number) => number;
- }>();
- for (const abbr of abbreviations) {
- const symbol = abbr.matchingSymbol;
- if (symbol) {
- const newText = symbol.replace(cursorVar, '');
- let cursorOffset = symbol.indexOf(cursorVar);
- if (cursorOffset === -1) {
- // position the cursor after the inserted symbol
- cursorOffset = newText.length;
- }
- replacements.push({
- range: abbr.range,
- newText,
- transformOffsetInRange: (offset) => cursorOffset,
- });
- }
- }
- // Process replacements with highest offset first
- replacements.sort((a, b) => b.range.offset - a.range.offset);
- // We cannot rely on VS Code to update the selections -
- // it becomes janky if symbols are inserted that are longer
- // than their abbreviation. It also does not really work for \[[]].
- const newSelections = this.editor.getSelections()
- .map((s) => ({range: fromVsCodeRange(s, this.model), dir: s.getDirection()}))
- .map(({range: s, dir}) => {
- // Apply the replacement of abbreviations to the selections.
- let newSel = s;
- for (const r of replacements) {
- if (
- r.range.isBefore(newSel) &&
- !r.range.containsRange(newSel)
- ) {
- // don't do this on ` \abbr| `
- newSel = newSel.move(r.newText.length - r.range.length);
- } else if (
- !r.range.isAfter(newSel) ||
- r.range.containsRange(newSel)
- ) {
- // do this on ` \abbr| ` or ` \ab|br `
- // newSel and r.range intersect
- const offset = newSel.offset - r.range.offset;
- const newOffset = r.transformOffsetInRange(offset);
- newSel = newSel.move(newOffset - offset);
- }
- }
- return {range: newSel, dir};
- });
- // We don't want replaced symbols (e.g. "\") to trigger abbreviations.
- this.dontTrackNewAbbr = true;
- let ok = false;
- try {
- await this.editor.pushUndoStop()
- await this.editor.executeEdits("abbreviation-rewriter",
- replacements.map((r) => {
- return {
- range: toVsCodeRange(r.range, this.model),
- text: r.newText
- }
- }));
- ok = true
- } catch (e) {
- throw Error('Error: while replacing abbreviation: ' + e);
- }
- this.dontTrackNewAbbr = false;
- if (ok) {
- this.editor.setSelections(newSelections.map(({range: s, dir}) => {
- const vr = toVsCodeRange(s, this.model);
- return monaco.Selection.fromRange(vr, dir);
- }));
- // this.abbreviationProvider.onAbbreviationsCompleted(this.textEditor);
- }
- else {
- // Our edit did not succeed, do not update the selections.
- // This can happen if `waitForNextTick` waits too long.
- throw Error('Error: Unable to replace abbreviation');
- }
- this.updateState();
- }
- private updateState() {
- this.decosIds = this.model.deltaDecorations(this.decosIds,
- [...this.trackedAbbreviations].map((a: TrackedAbbreviation) => {
- return {
- range: toVsCodeRange(a.range, this.model),
- options: {
- inlineClassName: 'abbreviation'
- }
- }}))
- // void this.setInputActive(this.trackedAbbreviations.size > 0);
- }
- // private async setInputActive(isActive: boolean) {
- // this.isActiveContextKey.set(isActive);
- // }
- private processChange(
- range: Range,
- text: string
- ): { affectedAbbr: TrackedAbbreviation | undefined } {
- let affectedAbbr: TrackedAbbreviation | undefined;
- for (const abbr of [...this.trackedAbbreviations]) {
- const { isAffected, shouldStopTracking } = abbr.processChange(
- range,
- text
- );
- if (isAffected) {
- // At most one abbreviation should be affected
- assert(() => !affectedAbbr);
- affectedAbbr = abbr;
- }
- if (shouldStopTracking) {
- this.trackedAbbreviations.delete(abbr);
- }
- }
- if (
- text === settings.abbreviationCharacter &&
- !affectedAbbr &&
- !this.dontTrackNewAbbr
- ) {
- const abbr = new TrackedAbbreviation(
- new Range(range.offset + 1, 0),
- '',
- this.abbreviationProvider
- );
- this.trackedAbbreviations.add(abbr);
- }
- return { affectedAbbr };
- }
- dispose(): void {
- for (const d of this.disposables) {
- d.dispose();
- }
- }
-function fromVsCodeRange(range: IRange, model: monaco.editor.ITextModel): Range {
- const start = model.getOffsetAt(MonacoRange.getStartPosition(range));
- const end = model.getOffsetAt(MonacoRange.getEndPosition(range));
- return new Range(start, end - start);
-function toVsCodeRange(range: Range, model: monaco.editor.ITextModel): monaco.Range {
- const start = model.getPositionAt(range.offset);
- const end = model.getPositionAt(range.offsetEnd + 1);
- return MonacoRange.fromPositions(start, end);
-function waitForNextTick(): Promise {
- return new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 0));
diff --git a/client/src/editor/abbreviation/rewriter/TrackedAbbreviation.ts b/client/src/editor/abbreviation/rewriter/TrackedAbbreviation.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 540bd380..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/abbreviation/rewriter/TrackedAbbreviation.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// import { AbbreviationProvider } from '../AbbreviationProvider';
-import { AbbreviationProvider } from '../AbbreviationProvider';
-import { Range } from '../../../../vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/rewriter/Range';
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/abbreviation/rewriter/TrackedAbbreviation.ts` */
- * Represents an abbreviation that is tracked and currently typed by the user.
- * When the multi-cursor feature is used, multiple abbreviations can be tracked at once.
- */
-export class TrackedAbbreviation {
- private _abbreviationRange: Range;
- get abbreviationRange(): Range {
- return this._abbreviationRange;
- }
- get range(): Range {
- return this.abbreviationRange.moveKeepEnd(-1);
- }
- get abbreviation(): string {
- return this._text;
- }
- get matchingSymbol(): string | undefined {
- return this.abbreviationProvider.getReplacementText(this.abbreviation);
- }
- /**
- * Does this abbreviation uniquely identify a symbol and is it complete?
- */
- get isAbbreviationUniqueAndComplete(): boolean {
- return (
- this.abbreviation !== "" && // Check empty string for speed up
- this.abbreviationProvider.findSymbolsByAbbreviationPrefix(
- this.abbreviation
- ).length === 1 &&
- !!this.abbreviationProvider.getSymbolForAbbreviation(
- this.abbreviation
- )
- );
- }
- private _finished = false;
- /**
- * Indicates whether this abbreviation has been continued with non-abbreviation characters.
- * Such abbreviations should be replaced immediately.
- */
- get finished(): boolean {
- return this._finished;
- }
- constructor(
- abbreviationRange: Range,
- private _text: string,
- private readonly abbreviationProvider: AbbreviationProvider
- ) {
- this._abbreviationRange = abbreviationRange;
- }
- processChange(
- range: Range,
- newText: string
- ): { shouldStopTracking: boolean; isAffected: boolean } {
- if (this.abbreviationRange.containsRange(range)) {
- this._finished = false;
- if (this.abbreviationRange.isBefore(range)) {
- // `newText` is appended to `this.abbreviation`
- if (
- this.abbreviationProvider.findSymbolsByAbbreviationPrefix(
- this.abbreviation + newText
- ).length === 0
- ) {
- // newText is not helpful anymore. Finish this and don't accept the change.
- this._finished = true;
- return {
- shouldStopTracking: false,
- isAffected: false,
- };
- }
- }
- this._abbreviationRange = this.abbreviationRange.moveEnd(
- newText.length - range.length
- );
- const startStr = this.abbreviation.substr(
- 0,
- range.offset - this.abbreviationRange.offset
- );
- const endStr = this.abbreviation.substr(
- range.offsetEnd + 1 - this.abbreviationRange.offset
- );
- this._text = startStr + newText + endStr;
- return { shouldStopTracking: false, isAffected: true };
- } else if (range.isBefore(this.range)) {
- // The changed happened before us. We need to move.
- this._abbreviationRange = this._abbreviationRange.move(
- newText.length - range.length
- );
- return { shouldStopTracking: false, isAffected: false };
- } else if (range.isAfter(this.range)) {
- // The change does not affect us.
- return { shouldStopTracking: false, isAffected: false };
- } else {
- // We cannot process the change. Abort tracking.
- return { shouldStopTracking: true, isAffected: false };
- }
- }
diff --git a/client/src/editor/codicon.ttf b/client/src/editor/codicon.ttf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1095acb9..00000000
Binary files a/client/src/editor/codicon.ttf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/client/src/editor/config.ts b/client/src/editor/config.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 998e6d0d..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/config.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/src/config.ts` */
-export function getElaborationDelay(): number {
- return 200
diff --git a/client/src/editor/infoview.ts b/client/src/editor/infoview.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7790140b..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/infoview.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/src/infoview.ts ` */
-import {
- Disposable, Uri, window, workspace, Position
-} from 'vscode'
-import {
- EditorApi, InfoviewApi, LeanFileProgressParams, TextInsertKind,
- RpcConnectParams, RpcConnected, RpcKeepAliveParams, RpcErrorCode
-} from '@leanprover/infoview-api'
-import { LeanClient } from './leanclient'
-import * as ls from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
-import { c2pConverter, fromLanguageServerPosition, fromLanguageServerRange, p2cConverter, toLanguageServerRange } from './utils/converters'
-// import { logger } from './utils/logger'
-import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
-const keepAlivePeriodMs = 10000
-async function rpcConnect (client: LeanClient, uri: ls.DocumentUri): Promise {
- const connParams: RpcConnectParams = { uri }
- const result: RpcConnected = await client.sendRequest('$/lean/rpc/connect', connParams)
- return result.sessionId
-class RpcSessionAtPos implements Disposable {
- keepAliveInterval?: NodeJS.Timeout
- client: LeanClient
- constructor (client: LeanClient, public sessionId: string, public uri: ls.DocumentUri) {
- this.client = client
- this.keepAliveInterval = setInterval(async () => {
- const params: RpcKeepAliveParams = { uri, sessionId }
- try {
- await client.sendNotification('$/lean/rpc/keepAlive', params)
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(`[InfoProvider] failed to send keepalive for ${uri}: ${e}`)
- if (this.keepAliveInterval != null) clearInterval(this.keepAliveInterval)
- }
- }, keepAlivePeriodMs)
- }
- dispose () {
- if (this.keepAliveInterval != null) clearInterval(this.keepAliveInterval)
- // TODO: at this point we could close the session
- }
-export class InfoProvider implements Disposable {
- /** Instance of the panel, if it is open. Otherwise `undefined`. */
- private infoviewApi?: InfoviewApi
- private editor?: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor
- private readonly subscriptions: Disposable[] = []
- private readonly clientSubscriptions: Disposable[] = []
- public readonly client?: LeanClient
- // private readonly clientProvider: LeanClientProvider
- // Subscriptions are counted and only disposed of when count becomes 0.
- private readonly serverNotifSubscriptions: Map = new Map()
- private readonly clientNotifSubscriptions: Map = new Map()
- private rpcSessions: Map = new Map()
- // the key is the uri of the file who's worker has failed.
- private readonly workersFailed: Map = new Map()
- private subscribeDidChangeNotification (client: LeanClient, method: string) {
- const h = client.didChange((params) => {
- void this.infoviewApi?.sentClientNotification(method, params)
- })
- return h
- }
- private subscribeDidCloseNotification (client: LeanClient, method: string) {
- const h = client.didClose((params) => {
- void this.infoviewApi?.sentClientNotification(method, params)
- })
- return h
- }
- private subscribeDiagnosticsNotification (client: LeanClient, method: string) {
- const h = client.diagnostics((params) => {
- void this.infoviewApi?.gotServerNotification(method, params)
- })
- return h
- }
- private subscribeCustomNotification (client: LeanClient, method: string) {
- const h = client.customNotification(({ method: thisMethod, params }) => {
- if (thisMethod !== method) return
- void this.infoviewApi?.gotServerNotification(method, params)
- })
- return h
- }
- private readonly editorApi: EditorApi = {
- sendClientRequest: async (uri: string, method: string, params: any): Promise => {
- const client = this.client // clientProvider.findClient(uri)
- if (client != null) {
- try {
- const result = await client.sendRequest(method, params)
- return result
- } catch (ex: any) {
- if (ex.code === RpcErrorCode.WorkerCrashed) {
- // ex codes related with worker exited or crashed
- console.log(`[InfoProvider]The Lean Server has stopped processing this file: ${ex.message}`)
- await this.onWorkerStopped(uri, client, { message: 'The Lean Server has stopped processing this file: ', reason: ex.message as string })
- }
- throw ex
- }
- }
- return undefined
- },
- sendClientNotification: async (uri: string, method: string, params: any): Promise => {
- const client = this.client // this.clientProvider.findClient(uri)
- if (client != null) {
- await client.sendNotification(method, params)
- }
- },
- subscribeServerNotifications: async (method) => {
- const el = this.serverNotifSubscriptions.get(method)
- if (el != null) {
- const [count, h] = el
- this.serverNotifSubscriptions.set(method, [count + 1, h])
- return
- }
- // NOTE(WN): For non-custom notifications we cannot call LanguageClient.onNotification
- // here because that *overwrites* the notification handler rather than registers an extra one.
- // So we have to add a bunch of event emitters to `LeanClient.`
- if (method === 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics') {
- const subscriptions: Disposable[] = []
- for (const client of [this.client]/* this.clientProvider.getClients() */) {
- subscriptions.push(this.subscribeDiagnosticsNotification(client!, method))
- }
- this.serverNotifSubscriptions.set(method, [1, subscriptions])
- } else if (method.startsWith('$')) {
- const subscriptions: Disposable[] = []
- for (const client of [this.client]/* this.clientProvider.getClients() */) {
- subscriptions.push(this.subscribeCustomNotification(client!, method))
- }
- this.serverNotifSubscriptions.set(method, [1, subscriptions])
- } else {
- throw new Error(`subscription to ${method} server notifications not implemented`)
- }
- },
- unsubscribeServerNotifications: async (method) => {
- const el = this.serverNotifSubscriptions.get(method)
- if (el == null) return
- const [count, subscriptions] = el
- if (count === 1) {
- for (const h of subscriptions) {
- h.dispose()
- }
- this.serverNotifSubscriptions.delete(method)
- } else {
- this.serverNotifSubscriptions.set(method, [count - 1, subscriptions])
- }
- },
- subscribeClientNotifications: async (method) => {
- const el = this.clientNotifSubscriptions.get(method)
- if (el != null) {
- const [count, d] = el
- this.clientNotifSubscriptions.set(method, [count + 1, d])
- return
- }
- if (method === 'textDocument/didChange') {
- const subscriptions: Disposable[] = []
- for (const client of [this.client]/* this.clientProvider.getClients() */) {
- subscriptions.push(this.subscribeDidChangeNotification(client!, method))
- }
- this.clientNotifSubscriptions.set(method, [1, subscriptions])
- } else if (method === 'textDocument/didClose') {
- const subscriptions: Disposable[] = []
- for (const client of [this.client]/* this.clientProvider.getClients() */) {
- subscriptions.push(this.subscribeDidCloseNotification(client!, method))
- }
- this.clientNotifSubscriptions.set(method, [1, subscriptions])
- } else {
- throw new Error(`Subscription to '${method}' client notifications not implemented`)
- }
- },
- unsubscribeClientNotifications: async (method) => {
- const el = this.clientNotifSubscriptions.get(method)
- if (el == null) return
- const [count, subscriptions] = el
- if (count === 1) {
- for (const d of subscriptions) {
- d.dispose()
- }
- this.clientNotifSubscriptions.delete(method)
- } else {
- this.clientNotifSubscriptions.set(method, [count - 1, subscriptions])
- }
- },
- copyToClipboard: async (text) => {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(text)
- },
- insertText: async (text, kind, tdpp) => {
- let uri: Uri | undefined
- let pos: Position | undefined
- if (tdpp != null) {
- uri = p2cConverter.asUri(tdpp.textDocument.uri)
- pos = fromLanguageServerPosition(tdpp.position)
- }
- await this.handleInsertText(text, kind, uri, pos)
- },
- applyEdit: async (e: ls.WorkspaceEdit) => {
- const we = await p2cConverter.asWorkspaceEdit(e)
- await workspace.applyEdit(we)
- },
- showDocument: async (show) => {
- void this.revealEditorSelection(
- Uri.parse(show.uri),
- fromLanguageServerRange(show.selection)
- )
- },
- restartFile: async uri => {
- return // TODO!
- // const extUri = parseExtUri(uri)
- // if (extUri === undefined) {
- // return
- // }
- // const client = this.clientProvider.findClient(extUri)
- // if (!client) {
- // return
- // }
- // const document = workspace.textDocuments.find(doc => extUri.equalsUri(doc.uri))
- // if (!document || document.isClosed) {
- // return
- // }
- // await client.restartFile(document)
- },
- createRpcSession: async uri => {
- const client = this.client // this.clientProvider.findClient(uri)
- if (client == null) return ''
- const sessionId = await rpcConnect(client, uri)
- const session = new RpcSessionAtPos(client, sessionId, uri)
- // if (this.webviewPanel == null) {
- // session.dispose()
- // throw Error('infoview disconnect while connecting to RPC session')
- // } else {
- this.rpcSessions.set(sessionId, session)
- return sessionId
- // }
- },
- closeRpcSession: async sessionId => {
- const session = this.rpcSessions.get(sessionId)
- if (session != null) {
- this.rpcSessions.delete(sessionId)
- session.dispose()
- }
- }
- }
- constructor (private readonly myclient: LeanClient | undefined) {
- // this.clientProvider = provider
- this.client = myclient
- this.onClientAdded(this.client!)
- this.subscriptions.push(
- window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(async () => await this.sendPosition()),
- window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(async () => await this.sendPosition()),
- workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(async (_e) => {
- // regression; changing the style needs a reload. :/
- await this.sendConfig()
- }),
- workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(async () => {
- await this.sendPosition()
- })
- )
- }
- private async onClientRestarted (client: LeanClient) {
- // if we already have subscriptions for a previous client, we need to also
- // subscribe to the same things on this new client.
- for (const [method, [count, subscriptions]] of this.clientNotifSubscriptions) {
- if (method === 'textDocument/didChange') {
- subscriptions.push(this.subscribeDidChangeNotification(client, method))
- } else if (method === 'textDocument/didClose') {
- subscriptions.push(this.subscribeDidCloseNotification(client, method))
- }
- }
- for (const [method, [count, subscriptions]] of this.serverNotifSubscriptions) {
- if (method === 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics') {
- subscriptions.push(this.subscribeDiagnosticsNotification(client, method))
- } else if (method.startsWith('$')) {
- subscriptions.push(this.subscribeCustomNotification(client, method))
- }
- }
- await this.initInfoView(this.editor, client)
- }
- private async onClientAdded (client: LeanClient) {
- console.log(`[InfoProvider] Adding client`)
- this.clientSubscriptions.push(
- client.restarted(async () => {
- console.log('[InfoProvider] got client restarted event')
- // This event is triggered both the first time the server starts
- // as well as when the server restarts.
- this.clearRpcSessions(client)
- // Need to fully re-initialize this newly restarted client with all the
- // existing subscriptions and resend position info and so on so the
- // infoview updates properly.
- await this.onClientRestarted(client)
- }),
- client.restartedWorker(async (uri) => {
- console.log('[InfoProvider] got worker restarted event')
- await this.onWorkerRestarted(uri)
- }),
- client.didSetLanguage(() => this.onLanguageChanged())
- )
- // Note that when new client is first created it still fires client.restarted
- // event, so all onClientRestarted can happen there so we don't do it twice.
- }
- async onWorkerRestarted (uri: string): Promise {
- await this.infoviewApi?.serverStopped(undefined) // clear any server stopped state
- if (this.workersFailed.has(uri)) {
- this.workersFailed.delete(uri)
- console.log('[InfoProvider] Restarting worker for file: ' + uri)
- }
- await this.sendPosition()
- }
- async onWorkerStopped (uri: string, client: LeanClient, reason: any) {
- await this.infoviewApi?.serverStopped(reason)
- if (!this.workersFailed.has(uri)) {
- this.workersFailed.set(uri, reason)
- }
- console.log(`[InfoProvider]client crashed: ${uri}`)
- await client.showRestartMessage()
- }
- onClientRemoved (client: LeanClient) {
- // todo: remove subscriptions for this client...
- }
- async onActiveClientStopped (client: LeanClient, activeClient: boolean, reason: any) {
- // Will show a message in case the active client stops
- // add failed client into a list (will be removed in case the client is restarted)
- if (activeClient) {
- // means that client and active client are the same and just show the error message
- await this.infoviewApi?.serverStopped(reason)
- }
- console.log(`[InfoProvider] client stopped`)
- await client.showRestartMessage()
- }
- dispose (): void {
- // active client is changing.
- this.clearNotificationHandlers()
- this.clearRpcSessions(null)
- for (const s of this.clientSubscriptions) { s.dispose() }
- for (const s of this.subscriptions) { s.dispose() }
- }
- isOpen (): boolean {
- return /* this.webviewPanel?.visible === */ true
- }
- async runTestScript (javaScript: string): Promise {
- if (this.infoviewApi != null) {
- return await this.infoviewApi.runTestScript(javaScript)
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot run test script, infoview is closed.')
- }
- }
- async getHtmlContents (): Promise {
- if (this.infoviewApi != null) {
- return await this.infoviewApi.getInfoviewHtml()
- } else {
- throw new Error('Cannot retrieve infoview HTML, infoview is closed.')
- }
- }
- async sleep (ms: number) {
- return await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
- }
- async toggleAllMessages (): Promise {
- if (this.infoviewApi != null) {
- await this.infoviewApi.requestedAction({ kind: 'toggleAllMessages' })
- }
- }
- private clearNotificationHandlers () {
- for (const [, [, subscriptions]] of this.clientNotifSubscriptions) { for (const h of subscriptions) h.dispose() }
- this.clientNotifSubscriptions.clear()
- for (const [, [, subscriptions]] of this.serverNotifSubscriptions) { for (const h of subscriptions) h.dispose() }
- this.serverNotifSubscriptions.clear()
- }
- private clearRpcSessions (client: LeanClient | null) {
- const remaining = new Map()
- for (const [sessionId, sess] of this.rpcSessions) {
- if (client === null || sess.client === client) {
- sess.dispose()
- } else {
- remaining.set(sessionId, sess)
- }
- }
- this.rpcSessions = remaining
- }
- getApi () {
- return this.editorApi
- }
- async openPreview (editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor, infoviewApi: InfoviewApi) {
- this.infoviewApi = infoviewApi
- this.editor = editor
- await this.initInfoView(editor, this.client!)
- }
- private async initInfoView (editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor | undefined, client: LeanClient | null) {
- if (editor != null) {
- const loc = this.getLocation(editor)
- if (loc != null) {
- console.log('initialize infoview api')
- await this.infoviewApi?.initialize(loc)
- }
- }
- // The infoview gets information about file progress, diagnostics, etc.
- // by listening to notifications. Send these notifications when the infoview starts
- // so that it has up-to-date information.
- if ((client?.initializeResult) != null) {
- await this.infoviewApi?.serverStopped(undefined) // clear any server stopped state
- await this.infoviewApi?.serverRestarted(client.initializeResult)
- await this.sendDiagnostics(client)
- await this.sendProgress(client)
- await this.sendPosition()
- await this.sendConfig()
- }
- }
- private async sendConfig () {
- await this.infoviewApi?.changedInfoviewConfig({
- allErrorsOnLine: true, //getInfoViewAllErrorsOnLine(),
- autoOpenShowsGoal: true, // getInfoViewAllErrorsOnLine(),
- debounceTime: 50, // getInfoViewAutoOpenShowGoal()
- // TODO: I set all of these to false to get things working,
- // but what would be correct?
- showExpectedType: false,
- showGoalNames: false,
- emphasizeFirstGoal: false,
- reverseTacticState: false,
- showTooltipOnHover: false,
- })
- }
- private async sendDiagnostics (client: LeanClient) {
- if (this.infoviewApi !== undefined) {
- client.getDiagnostics()?.forEach(async (uri, diags) => {
- const params = client.getDiagnosticParams(uri, diags)
- await this.infoviewApi!.gotServerNotification('textDocument/publishDiagnostics', params)
- })
- }
- }
- private async sendProgress (client: LeanClient) {
- if (this.infoviewApi == null) return
- for (const [uri, processing] of client.progress) {
- const params: LeanFileProgressParams = {
- textDocument: {
- uri: c2pConverter.asUri(uri),
- version: 0 // HACK: The infoview ignores this
- },
- processing
- }
- await this.infoviewApi.gotServerNotification('$/lean/fileProgress', params)
- }
- }
- private onLanguageChanged () {
- this.sendPosition().then(() => this.sendConfig())
- }
- private getLocation (editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor): ls.Location | undefined {
- if (!editor) return undefined
- const uri = editor.getModel()?.uri
- const selection = editor.getSelection()!
- return {
- uri: uri!.toString(),
- range: toLanguageServerRange(selection)
- }
- }
- private async sendPosition () {
- const editor = this.editor
- if (editor == null) return
- const loc = this.getLocation(editor)
- if (!this.client.running){
- await this.infoviewApi?.serverStopped(undefined)
- } else if (this.workersFailed.size > 0) {
- const uri = window.activeTextEditor?.document.uri.toString() ?? ''
- let reason: any | undefined
- if (this.workersFailed.has(uri)) {
- reason = this.workersFailed.get(uri)
- }
- if (reason) {
- // send stopped event
- await this.infoviewApi?.serverStopped(reason)
- } else {
- await this.updateStatus(loc)
- }
- } else {
- await this.updateStatus(loc)
- }
- }
- private async updateStatus (loc: ls.Location | undefined): Promise {
- await this.infoviewApi?.changedCursorLocation(loc)
- }
- private async revealEditorSelection (uri: Uri, selection?: monaco.Range) {
- if (this.editor == null) {
- console.error("Editor not set")
- return
- }
- if (selection !== undefined) {
- this.editor.revealRange(selection)//TextEditorRevealType.InCenterIfOutsideViewport
- this.editor.setSelection(selection)
- // ensure the text document has the keyboard focus.
- this.editor.focus()
- }
- }
- private async handleInsertText (text: string, kind: TextInsertKind, uri?: Uri, pos?: monaco.Position) {
- if (this.editor == null) {
- return
- }
- pos = (pos != null) ? pos : this.editor.getSelection().getStartPosition()
- if (kind === 'above') {
- // in this case, assume that we actually want to insert at the same
- // indentation level as the neighboring text
- const spaces = this.editor.getModel().getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(pos.lineNumber) - 1
- const margin_str = [...Array(spaces).keys()].map(x => ' ').join('')
- let new_command = text.replace(/\n/g, '\n' + margin_str)
- new_command = `${margin_str}${new_command}\n`
- const insertPosition = monaco.Range.fromPositions({lineNumber: pos.lineNumber, column: 0})
- await this.editor.pushUndoStop()
- await this.editor.executeEdits(
- "infoview",
- [{ range: insertPosition, text: new_command, forceMoveMarkers: true }],
- )
- } else {
- if (pos != null) {
- await this.editor.pushUndoStop()
- await this.editor.executeEdits(
- "infoview",
- [{ range: monaco.Range.fromPositions(pos), text: text, forceMoveMarkers: true }],
- )
- }
- }
- this.editor.focus()
- }
diff --git a/client/src/editor/leanclient.ts b/client/src/editor/leanclient.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 40618101..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/leanclient.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/src/leanclient.ts` */
-import {
- TextDocument, EventEmitter, Diagnostic,
- DocumentHighlight, Range, DocumentHighlightKind,
- Disposable, Uri, DiagnosticCollection,
- WorkspaceFolder, workspace
-} from 'vscode'
-import {
- DidChangeTextDocumentParams,
- DidCloseTextDocumentParams,
- InitializeResult,
- MonacoLanguageClient as LanguageClient,
- LanguageClientOptions,
- PublishDiagnosticsParams,
- CloseAction, ErrorAction, IConnectionProvider,
-} from 'monaco-languageclient'
-import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
-import { State } from 'vscode-languageclient'
-import * as ls from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
-import { getElaborationDelay } from './config'
-import { LeanFileProgressParams, LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo } from '@leanprover/infoview-api'
-import { c2pConverter, p2cConverter, patchConverters } from './utils/converters'
-const escapeRegExp = (s: string) => s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
-export type ServerProgress = Map
-export function getFullRange (diag: Diagnostic): Range {
- return (diag as any)?.fullRange || diag.range
-export class LeanClient implements Disposable {
- running: boolean = false
- private client: LanguageClient | undefined
- private noPrompt: boolean = false
- private readonly didChangeEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- didChange = this.didChangeEmitter.event
- private readonly diagnosticsEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- diagnostics = this.diagnosticsEmitter.event
- private readonly didSetLanguageEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- didSetLanguage = this.didSetLanguageEmitter.event
- private readonly didCloseEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- didClose = this.didCloseEmitter.event
- private readonly customNotificationEmitter = new EventEmitter<{ method: string, params: any }>()
- /** Fires whenever a custom notification (i.e. one not defined in LSP) is received. */
- customNotification = this.customNotificationEmitter.event
- /** saved progress info in case infoview is opened, it needs to get all of it. */
- progress: ServerProgress = new Map()
- private readonly progressChangedEmitter = new EventEmitter<[string, LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo[]]>()
- progressChanged = this.progressChangedEmitter.event
- private readonly stoppedEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- stopped = this.stoppedEmitter.event
- private readonly restartedEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- restarted = this.restartedEmitter.event
- private readonly restartingEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- restarting = this.restartingEmitter.event
- private readonly restartedWorkerEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- restartedWorker = this.restartedWorkerEmitter.event
- private readonly serverFailedEmitter = new EventEmitter()
- serverFailed = this.serverFailedEmitter.event
- constructor (
- private readonly connectionProvider: IConnectionProvider,
- public readonly showRestartMessage: () => void,
- private readonly initializationOptions = {}) {
- }
- dispose (): void {
- if (this.client.isRunning()) {
- this.client.dispose()
- } else {
- this.client.onDidChangeState((ev) => {
- if (ev.newState == State.Running) {
- setTimeout(() => { // Wait for client to send `initialized` before `shutdown`
- this.client.dispose()
- }, 0)
- }
- })
- }
- }
- async restart (project): Promise {
- const startTime = Date.now()
- if (!project) {
- project = 'mathlib-demo'
- }
- console.log(`[LeanClient] Restarting Lean Server with project ${project}`)
- if (this.isStarted()) {
- // TODO: This times out in lean4game...
- await this.stop()
- }
- this.restartingEmitter.fire(undefined)
- const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
- // use a language id as a document selector
- documentSelector: ['lean4'],
- workspaceFolder: {uri: "hello"},
- initializationOptions: {
- editDelay: getElaborationDelay(),
- hasWidgets: true,
- ...this.initializationOptions
- },
- connectionOptions: {
- maxRestartCount: 0,
- cancellationStrategy: undefined as any
- },
- // disable the default error handler
- errorHandler: {
- error: () => { this.showRestartMessage(); return { action: ErrorAction.Continue }},
- closed: () => ({ action: CloseAction.DoNotRestart })
- },
- middleware: {
- handleDiagnostics: (uri, diagnostics, next) => {
- next(uri, diagnostics)
- if (this.client == null) return
- const uri_ = c2pConverter.asUri(uri)
- const diagnostics_ = []
- for (const d of diagnostics) {
- const d_: ls.Diagnostic = {
- ...c2pConverter.asDiagnostic(d)
- }
- diagnostics_.push(d_)
- }
- this.diagnosticsEmitter.fire({ uri: uri_, diagnostics: diagnostics_ })
- },
- // Closing does not work properly, so we deactivate it here:
- didClose: async (data, next) => {},
- didChange: async (data, next) => {
- await next(data)
- if (!this.running || (this.client == null)) return // there was a problem starting lean server.
- const params = c2pConverter.asChangeTextDocumentParams(data)
- this.didChangeEmitter.fire(params)
- },
- provideDocumentHighlights: async (doc, pos, ctok, next) => {
- const leanHighlights = await next(doc, pos, ctok)
- if (leanHighlights?.length) return leanHighlights
- // vscode doesn't fall back to textual highlights,
- // so we need to do that manually
- await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 250))
- if (ctok.isCancellationRequested) return
- const wordRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(pos)
- if (wordRange == null) return
- const word = doc.getText(wordRange)
- const highlights: DocumentHighlight[] = []
- const text = doc.getText()
- const nonWordPattern = '[`~@$%^&*()-=+\\[{\\]}⟨⟩⦃⦄⟦⟧⟮⟯‹›\\\\|;:\",./\\s]|^|$'
- const regexp = new RegExp(`(?<=${nonWordPattern})${escapeRegExp(word)}(?=${nonWordPattern})`, 'g')
- for (const match of text.matchAll(regexp)) {
- const start = doc.positionAt(match.index ?? 0)
- highlights.push({
- range: new Range(start, start.translate(0, match[0].length)),
- kind: DocumentHighlightKind.Text
- })
- }
- return highlights
- }
- }
- }
- if (!this.client) {
- this.client = new LanguageClient({
- id: 'lean4',
- name: 'Lean 4',
- clientOptions,
- connectionProvider: this.connectionProvider
- })
- }
- // HACK: Prevent monaco from panicking when the Lean server crashes
- this.client.handleFailedRequest = (type, token: any, error: any, defaultValue, showNotification?: boolean) => {
- return defaultValue
- }
- let insideRestart = true
- patchConverters(this.client.protocol2CodeConverter, this.client.code2ProtocolConverter)
- try {
- this.client.onDidChangeState(async (s) => {
- // see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node/issues/825
- if (s.newState === State.Starting) {
- console.log('[LeanClient] starting')
- } else if (s.newState === State.Running) {
- const end = Date.now()
- console.log(`[LeanClient] running, started in ${end - startTime} ms`)
- this.running = true // may have been auto restarted after it failed.
- if (!insideRestart) {
- this.restartedEmitter.fire()
- }
- } else if (s.newState === State.Stopped) {
- this.running = false
- console.log('[LeanClient] has stopped or it failed to start')
- if (!this.noPrompt) {
- // only raise this event and show the message if we are not the ones
- // who called the stop() method.
- this.stoppedEmitter.fire({ message: 'Lean server has stopped.', reason: '' })
- }
- }
- })
- await this.client.start()
- this.running = true
- } catch (error) {
- console.log(error)
- this.serverFailedEmitter.fire('' + error)
- insideRestart = false
- return
- }
- // HACK(WN): Register a default notification handler to fire on custom notifications.
- // A mechanism to do this is provided in vscode-jsonrpc. One can register a `StarNotificationHandler`
- // here: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node/blob/b2fc85d28a1a44c22896559ee5f4d3ba37a02ef5/jsonrpc/src/common/connection.ts#L497
- // which fires on any LSP notifications not in the standard, for example the `$/lean/..` ones.
- // However this mechanism is not exposed in vscode-languageclient, so we hack around its implementation.
- const starHandler = (method: string, params_: any) => {
- if (method === '$/lean/fileProgress' && (this.client != null)) {
- const params = params_ as LeanFileProgressParams
- const uri = p2cConverter.asUri(params.textDocument.uri)
- this.progressChangedEmitter.fire([uri.toString(), params.processing])
- // save the latest progress on this Uri in case infoview needs it later.
- this.progress.set(uri, params.processing)
- }
- this.customNotificationEmitter.fire({ method, params: params_ })
- }
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
- this.client.onNotification(starHandler as any, () => {})
- this.restartedEmitter.fire({project: project})
- insideRestart = false
- }
- // async start (project): Promise {
- // return await this.restart(project)
- // }
- isStarted (): boolean {
- return this.client !== undefined
- }
- isRunning (): boolean {
- if (this.client != null) {
- return this.running
- }
- return false
- }
- async stop (): Promise {
- // assert(() => this.isStarted())
- if ((this.client != null) && this.running) {
- this.noPrompt = true
- try {
- // some timing conditions can happen while running unit tests that cause
- // this to throw an exception which then causes those tests to fail.
- await this.client.stop()
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(`[LeanClient] Error stopping language client: ${e}`)
- }
- }
- this.noPrompt = false
- this.progress = new Map()
- this.client = undefined
- this.running = false
- }
- async restartFile (doc: TextDocument): Promise {
- if (!this.running) return // there was a problem starting lean server.
- const uri = doc.uri.toString()
- console.log(`[LeanClient] Restarting File: ${uri}`)
- // This causes a text document version number discontinuity. In
- // (didChange (oldVersion) => restartFile => didChange (newVersion))
- // the client emits newVersion = oldVersion + 1, despite the fact that the
- // didOpen packet emitted below initializes the version number to be 1.
- // This is not a problem though, since both client and server are fine
- // as long as the version numbers are monotonous.
- void this.client?.sendNotification('textDocument/didClose', {
- textDocument: {
- uri
- }
- })
- void this.client?.sendNotification('textDocument/didOpen', {
- textDocument: {
- uri,
- languageId: 'lean4',
- version: 1,
- text: doc.getText()
- }
- })
- this.restartedWorkerEmitter.fire(uri)
- }
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
- async sendRequest (method: string, params: any): Promise {
- return this.running && (this.client != null)
- ? await this.client.sendRequest(method, params)
- : await new Promise((_, reject) => { reject('Client is not running') })
- }
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
- sendNotification (method: string, params: any): Promise | undefined {
- return this.running && (this.client != null) ? this.client.sendNotification(method, params) : undefined
- }
- async getDiagnosticParams (uri: Uri, diagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[]): Promise {
- const params: PublishDiagnosticsParams = {
- uri: c2pConverter.asUri(uri),
- diagnostics: await c2pConverter.asDiagnostics(diagnostics as Diagnostic[])
- }
- return params
- }
- getDiagnostics (): DiagnosticCollection | undefined {
- return this.running ? this.client?.diagnostics : undefined
- }
- get initializeResult (): InitializeResult | undefined {
- return this.running ? this.client?.initializeResult : undefined
- }
diff --git a/client/src/editor/taskgutter.ts b/client/src/editor/taskgutter.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0490eb3d..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/taskgutter.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/src/taskgutter.ts` */
-import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
-import { LeanFileProgressKind, LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo } from '@leanprover/infoview-api';
-import { LeanClient } from './leanclient';
-import { fromLanguageServerRange } from './utils/converters';
-class LeanFileTaskGutter {
- private timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout
- private decoIds: string[] = []
- constructor(private editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor, private decorations: Map, private processed: LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo[]) {
- this.schedule(100)
- }
- setProcessed(processed: LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo[]) {
- if (processed === this.processed) return;
- const oldProcessed = this.processed;
- this.processed = processed;
- if (processed === undefined) {
- this.processed = []
- this.clearTimeout();
- this.updateDecos();
- } else if (this.timeout === undefined) {
- this.schedule(oldProcessed === undefined ? 500 : 20)
- }
- }
- private schedule(ms: number) {
- this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
- this.timeout = undefined
- this.updateDecos()
- }, ms)
- }
- private clearTimeout() {
- if (this.timeout !== undefined) {
- clearTimeout(this.timeout)
- this.timeout = undefined;
- }
- }
- private updateDecos() {
- this.decoIds = this.editor.getModel().deltaDecorations(this.decoIds,
- this.processed
- .map(info => ({
- options: this.decorations.get(info.kind === undefined ? LeanFileProgressKind.Processing : info.kind),
- range : fromLanguageServerRange(info.range)
- }))
- )
- }
- dispose() {
- this.clearTimeout();
- }
-export class LeanTaskGutter {
- private decorations: Map =
- new Map();
- private status: { [uri: string]: LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo[] } = {};
- private gutters: { [uri: string]: LeanFileTaskGutter | undefined } = {};
- private subscriptions: any[] = [];
- constructor(private client: LeanClient, private editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor) {
- this.decorations.set(LeanFileProgressKind.Processing,
- {
- overviewRuler: {
- position: monaco.editor.OverviewRulerLane.Left,
- color: 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.5)',
- },
- glyphMarginClassName: 'processing',
- hoverMessage: {value: 'busily processing...'}
- })
- this.decorations.set(LeanFileProgressKind.FatalError,
- {
- overviewRuler: {
- position: monaco.editor.OverviewRulerLane.Left,
- color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)',
- },
- glyphMarginClassName: 'glyph-margin-error',
- hoverMessage: {value: 'processing stopped'}
- },
- )
- this.subscriptions.push(
- client.progressChanged(([uri, processing]) => {
- this.status[uri.toString()] = processing
- this.updateDecos()
- }));
- }
- private updateDecos() {
- const uris: { [uri: string]: boolean } = {}
- // for (const editor of window.visibleTextEditors) {
- const uri = this.editor.getModel().uri.toString();
- uris[uri] = true
- const processed = uri in this.status ? this.status[uri] : []
- if (this.gutters[uri]) {
- const gutter = this.gutters[uri];
- if (gutter) gutter.setProcessed(processed)
- } else {
- this.gutters[uri] = new LeanFileTaskGutter(this.editor, this.decorations, processed)
- }
- // }
- for (const uri of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.gutters)) {
- if (!uris[uri]) {
- this.gutters[uri]?.dispose();
- this.gutters[uri] = undefined;
- // TODO: also clear this.status for this uri ?
- }
- }
- }
- dispose(): void {
- // for (const decoration of this.decorations.values()) { decoration.dispose() }
- for (const s of this.subscriptions) { s.dispose(); }
- }
diff --git a/client/src/editor/utils/converters.ts b/client/src/editor/utils/converters.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ab4cce07..00000000
--- a/client/src/editor/utils/converters.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/src/utils/converters.ts` */
- * For LSP communication, we need a way to translate between LSP types and corresponding VSCode types.
- * By default this translation is provided as a bunch of methods on a `LanguageClient`, but this is
- * awkward to use in multi-client workspaces wherein we need to look up specific clients. In fact the
- * conversions are *not* stateful, so having them depend on the client is unnecessary. Instead, we
- * provide global converters here.
- *
- * Some of the conversions are patched to support extended Lean-specific structures.
- *
- * @module
- */
-import { createConverter as createP2CConverter } from 'vscode-languageclient/lib/common/protocolConverter'
-import { createConverter as createC2PConverter } from 'vscode-languageclient/lib/common/codeConverter'
-import * as ls from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
-import * as code from 'vscode'
-import { Code2ProtocolConverter, Protocol2CodeConverter } from 'vscode-languageclient'
-import { MonacoLanguageClient} from 'monaco-languageclient/.'
-import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
-interface Lean4Diagnostic extends ls.Diagnostic {
- fullRange: ls.Range
-export const p2cConverter = createP2CConverter(undefined, true, true)
-export const c2pConverter = createC2PConverter(undefined)
-export function patchConverters (p2cConverter: Protocol2CodeConverter, c2pConverter: Code2ProtocolConverter) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
- const oldAsDiagnostic = p2cConverter.asDiagnostic
- p2cConverter.asDiagnostic = function (protDiag: Lean4Diagnostic): code.Diagnostic {
- if (!protDiag.message) {
- // Fixes: Notification handler 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics' failed with message: message must be set
- protDiag.message = ' '
- }
- const diag = oldAsDiagnostic.apply(this, [protDiag])
- // diag.fullRange = p2cConverter.asRange(protDiag.fullRange)
- return diag
- }
- p2cConverter.asDiagnostics = async (diags) => diags.map(d => p2cConverter.asDiagnostic(d))
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
- const c2pAsDiagnostic = c2pConverter.asDiagnostic
- c2pConverter.asDiagnostic = function (diag: code.Diagnostic & { fullRange: code.Range }): Lean4Diagnostic {
- const protDiag = c2pAsDiagnostic.apply(this, [diag])
- return { ...protDiag, fullRange: c2pConverter.asRange(diag.fullRange) }
- }
- c2pConverter.asDiagnostics = async (diags) => diags.map(d => c2pConverter.asDiagnostic(d))
-patchConverters(p2cConverter, c2pConverter)
-export function toLanguageServerRange (range: monaco.Range): ls.Range {
- return {
- start: { line: range.startLineNumber - 1, character: range.startColumn - 1},
- end: { line: range.endLineNumber - 1, character: range.endColumn - 1}
- }
-export function fromLanguageServerPosition (pos: ls.Position): monaco.Position {
- return new monaco.Position(
- pos.line + 1,
- pos.character + 1
- )
-export function fromLanguageServerRange (range: ls.Range): monaco.Range {
- return new monaco.Range(
- range.start.line + 1,
- range.start.character + 1,
- range.end.line + 1,
- range.end.character + 1
- )
diff --git a/client/src/monacoSetup.ts b/client/src/monacoSetup.ts
index 493b9d4d..4dc13434 100644
--- a/client/src/monacoSetup.ts
+++ b/client/src/monacoSetup.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { wireTmGrammars } from 'monaco-editor-textmate'
import * as leanSyntax from './syntaxes/lean.json'
import * as leanMarkdownSyntax from './syntaxes/lean-markdown.json'
import * as codeblockSyntax from './syntaxes/codeblock.json'
-import languageConfig from '../vscode-lean4/vscode-lean4/language-configuration.json';
+import languageConfig from '../monaco-lean4/vscode-lean4/language-configuration.json';
import { loadWASM } from 'onigasm'
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
import { MonacoServices } from 'monaco-languageclient';
diff --git a/client/vscode-lean4 b/client/vscode-lean4
deleted file mode 160000
index a4d92e5c..00000000
--- a/client/vscode-lean4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit a4d92e5c9354bfe4a92d915208137a5e98d43689