The service directory contains several yaml files that are used to configure example kubernetes services. Many of these yaml files are used by the deployment scripts to configure tools such as Grafana, Prometheus, DCGM-Exporter, etc.
This directory contains several yaml files that can be used to deploy various verification workloads into the cluster. These are meant for quick verification of a platform (Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Docker, etc.). They are not meant to be used as benchmarking tools. For more information on appropriate benchmarking for a GPU cluster visit the NVIDIA Developer Zone Deep Learning Product Performance page.
NGC contains Docker images for various Deep Learning and Machine Learning frameworks. Many of these images contain example code and can easily be executed locally through Docker or deployed into Kuberenetes through yaml
files or kubectl run
To launch an interactive TensorFlow notebook run the below command and then access Jupyter from the IP of the machine you ran the command on at http://${local_ip}:30008
docker run --rm -it --gpus all -p 30008:8888 jupyter lab --notebook-dir=/workspace --ip= --no-browser --allow-root --port=8888 --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.base_url=${NB_PREFIX}
Note: Most NGC containers contain Jupyter, to run another container such as PyTorch swap out
for another Docker image (
). Most NGC containers provide example notebooks in/workspace/nvidia-examples
Verify Docker is running with GPU support by running the below command. This will execute a ResNet training job on synthetic data.
docker run --rm -it --gpus all python /workspace/nvidia-examples/cnn/ --layers=50 --batch_size=64
Expected output, performance will vary:
1 1.0 10.2 7.647 8.618 2.00000
10 10.0 143.2 4.866 5.839 1.62000
20 20.0 1381.4 0.288 1.266 1.24469
30 30.0 1384.5 0.276 1.256 0.91877
40 40.0 1382.8 0.097 1.077 0.64222
50 50.0 1384.3 0.119 1.097 0.41506
60 60.0 1380.9 0.025 1.004 0.23728
70 70.0 1382.6 0.024 1.002 0.10889
80 80.0 1386.2 0.001 0.978 0.02988
90 90.0 1073.2 0.000 0.978 0.00025
Note: This was run on a DGX Station. Some the output was omitted.
Run the same Jupyter notebook through Kubernetes by running the below commands. After Jupyter is launched it can be accessed through a NodePort on the management machine's IP (http://${mgmt01_ip}:30008):
kubectl create -f tensorflow-notebook.yml
kubectl wait --timeout=600s --for=condition=Ready -l app=tensorflow-notebook pod
Delete the notebook by running:
kubectl delete -f tensorflow-notebook.yml
Run a ResNet training Job in Kubernetes with the below command:
kubectl create -f tensorflow-job.yml
View the results by viewing the Pod logs:
kubectl logs -f -l controller-uid=$(kubectl get job tensorflow-job -o jsonpath={.metadata.labels.controller-uid})
Note: The results are expected to be the same or similar to the Docker results.
Delete the Job by running:
kubectl delete -f tensorflow-job.yml
The same ResNet workload can be run with a single kubectl
kubectl run --rm -it --limits="" tensorflow-pod -- python /workspace/nvidia-examples/cnn/ --layers=50 --batch_size=64
Alternatively, a bash prompt can be reached by not specifying a command.
kubectl run --rm -it --limits="" tensorflow-pod
This requires the MPI Operator to be installed as described in the Kubeflow install here and the official MPI Operator docs here.
Run the below kubectl command to create a multinode MPI job.
An MPIJob will launch M
workers. Each worker will run its own Pod
, each with N
GPUs. For most workloads it is appropriate to set N
to the number of GPUs on a node (i.e. 8 for a DGX-1). Update the values of M
and N
in the tensorflow-mpi-job.yml
YAML file and set the number of processes to be M
* N
- mpirun
- -np
- "4" # The total number of processes (M * N)
# The number of workers (M)
replicas: 4
# The number of GPUs per-worker (N) 1
After properly modifying the YAML file, deploy it with:
kubectl create -f tensorflow-mpi-job.yml
To view the results, wait a few moments for the Pods to start and run:
kubectl logs -f -l job-name=tensorflow-mpi-job-launcher
Delete the MPIJob by running:
kubectl delete -f tensorflow-mpi-job.yml
RAPIDS is a GPU accelerated machine learning library that can scale to multi-gpu and multi-node in Kubernetes using dask and dask kubernetes.
To run through a basic K8s scaling use case in Kubernetes run the below command and visit the management node IP at http://${mgmt_ip}:30008, then open the Scaling Dask in Kubernetes.ipynb
notebook (based on a kubernetes dask usage tutorial).
kubectl create -f rapids-dask-notebook.yml
kubectl wait --timeout=600s --for=condition=Ready -l app=rapids-dask-notebook pod
Delete the Notebook by running:
kubectl delete -f rapids-dask-notebook.yml
kubectl create -f nbody.yml
kubectl wait --timeout=600s --for=condition=Ready -l app=cuda-nbody pod
kubectl logs -f -l app=cuda-nbody
kubectl delete -f nbody.yml
Expected output:
GPU Device 0: "Tesla V100-DGXS-32GB" with compute capability 7.0
> Compute 7.0 CUDA device: [Tesla V100-DGXS-32GB]
number of bodies = 1000192
1000192 bodies, total time for 10 iterations: 18702.180 ms
= 534.902 billion interactions per second
= 10698.048 single-precision GFLOP/s at 20 flops per interaction
kubectl create -f pytorch-job.yml
kubectl wait --timeout=600s --for=condition=Ready -l job-name=pytorch-job pod
kubectl logs -f -l job-name=pytorch-job
kubectl delete -f pytorch-job.yml
Expected output:
Train Epoch: 4 [55680/60000 (93%)] Loss: 0.010437
Train Epoch: 4 [56320/60000 (94%)] Loss: 0.041916
Train Epoch: 4 [56960/60000 (95%)] Loss: 0.035813
Train Epoch: 4 [57600/60000 (96%)] Loss: 0.062634
Train Epoch: 4 [58240/60000 (97%)] Loss: 0.075980
Train Epoch: 4 [58880/60000 (98%)] Loss: 0.025073
Train Epoch: 4 [59520/60000 (99%)] Loss: 0.033341
Test set: Average loss: 0.0407, Accuracy: 9866/10000 (99%)
For example workloads to deploy into Kubeflow see the Kubeflow NGC integration README.
Also see the several kubeflow-* folders that contain example Kubeflow pipelines and workloads.